NBC: Full 1st Press Conference for President Biden (3/25/21)

Biden Press Conference Was a Disaster

The Lapdog Media Didn’t Care Biden Was Reading Notes from the Podium

It Was a Catastrophe
Biden Press Conference Was a Disaster - The Lapdog Media Didn't Care Biden Was Reading Notes from the Podium - It Was a Catastrophe (thegatewaypundit.com)
25 Mar 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft
The verdict is in and Joe Biden’s first press conference was a colossal catastrophe.
To be honest, after stealing the 2020 election, there wasn’t much that Biden could have done or said to appease the 80 million Americans who he stole the election from. But then again he didn’t want to.
As we noted already, Biden lied throughout the presser and laughed and mocked President Trump. This didn’t work for Obama who won the 2008 election, it sure wasn’t going to work for Biden who stole the 2020 election from the man he mocked:
The Daily Caller noted:
President Joe Biden appeared to read off a pre-written list as he called on various reporters during his first formal press conference in office.
FOX News’s reporter Peter Doocy was silenced by Biden:
Fox News reporter Peter Doocy called out President Joe Biden for not taking questions from him in his first White House news conference.
After Biden’s wrapped up his question-and-answer time on Thursday, Doocy beamed into Fox News midday show America Reports, as a panel critiqued the president over several elements of his performance. Much of the discussion centered around whether Biden received sufficient scrutiny, and when Doocy appeared, John Roberts noted the fact that Biden didn’t call on him to ask a question.

Everyone knows a few things:
1. Joe Biden stole the election from President Trump. President Trump set a record and Biden’s gang had to steal a record to claim the White House. Biden knows it and the world knows it.​
2. Joe Biden is unable to function on his own. He has the physical and mental abilities of a person late in life lacking the strength and wits to live on their own.​
3. The media, social media, the Democrats, and the DOJ know Joe Biden stole the election are fine with it. It’s all about power.​
4. The media is a joke. They asked no unapproved questions. They had no follow-up questions and they were happy to lap praise upon Biden.​
5. The media was happy to put lipstick on horribly unfair and corrupt pieces of legislation like HR1.​
6. Watching the event was like watching the Iraqi media fawn over Saddam Hussein.​

What a mess our media and government have turned into. This wasn’t a production. It was a disaster.

It's quite obvious why the citizens of America and the Houses of Congress were not treated to a newly elected President's State Of The Union Message.
this is the best his handlers could train him to do. Let that sink in.
Chyna Joey Xi is not capabale of doing so no matter how well his writers could pen a message.
His handlers thought they could mainatin him in a semi lucid for most of this year.
They know now he has weeks, not months, and they will do as much damage as they can as quickly as they can.
It's not going to end well.
I see a very, very dark ending for the Biden-Harris Regime and the Democrat Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Party. That was probably his first and last press conference because they’ll never let him out in public like that again.
I doubt if Joey will leave the presidency willingly. His handlers may have to do him in. Stalin did it to Lenin, why not Joey Xi? They'll call it a cereberal hemorrhage and make a martyr of him....

You sound like you're in a panic. Nobody stole anything from Trump...even his attorney admitted the election fraud stuff was just a bunch of nonsense.

Biden is doing a great job.

Keep lying to yourself. Your doing a great job.
Biden Press Conference Was a Disaster

The Lapdog Media Didn’t Care Biden Was Reading Notes from the Podium

It Was a Catastrophe
Biden Press Conference Was a Disaster - The Lapdog Media Didn't Care Biden Was Reading Notes from the Podium - It Was a Catastrophe (thegatewaypundit.com)
25 Mar 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft
The verdict is in and Joe Biden’s first press conference was a colossal catastrophe.
To be honest, after stealing the 2020 election, there wasn’t much that Biden could have done or said to appease the 80 million Americans who he stole the election from. But then again he didn’t want to.
As we noted already, Biden lied throughout the presser and laughed and mocked President Trump. This didn’t work for Obama who won the 2008 election, it sure wasn’t going to work for Biden who stole the 2020 election from the man he mocked:
The Daily Caller noted:
President Joe Biden appeared to read off a pre-written list as he called on various reporters during his first formal press conference in office.
FOX News’s reporter Peter Doocy was silenced by Biden:
Fox News reporter Peter Doocy called out President Joe Biden for not taking questions from him in his first White House news conference.
After Biden’s wrapped up his question-and-answer time on Thursday, Doocy beamed into Fox News midday show America Reports, as a panel critiqued the president over several elements of his performance. Much of the discussion centered around whether Biden received sufficient scrutiny, and when Doocy appeared, John Roberts noted the fact that Biden didn’t call on him to ask a question.

Everyone knows a few things:
1. Joe Biden stole the election from President Trump. President Trump set a record and Biden’s gang had to steal a record to claim the White House. Biden knows it and the world knows it.​
2. Joe Biden is unable to function on his own. He has the physical and mental abilities of a person late in life lacking the strength and wits to live on their own.​
3. The media, social media, the Democrats, and the DOJ know Joe Biden stole the election are fine with it. It’s all about power.​
4. The media is a joke. They asked no unapproved questions. They had no follow-up questions and they were happy to lap praise upon Biden.​
5. The media was happy to put lipstick on horribly unfair and corrupt pieces of legislation like HR1.​
6. Watching the event was like watching the Iraqi media fawn over Saddam Hussein.​

What a mess our media and government have turned into. This wasn’t a production. It was a disaster.

It's quite obvious why the citizens of America and the Houses of Congress were not treated to a newly elected President's State Of The Union Message.
this is the best his handlers could train him to do. Let that sink in.
Chyna Joey Xi is not capabale of doing so no matter how well his writers could pen a message.
His handlers thought they could mainatin him in a semi lucid for most of this year.
They know now he has weeks, not months, and they will do as much damage as they can as quickly as they can.
It's not going to end well.
I see a very, very dark ending for the Biden-Harris Regime and the Democrat Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Party. That was probably his first and last press conference because they’ll never let him out in public like that again.
I doubt if Joey will leave the presidency willingly. His handlers may have to do him in. Stalin did it to Lenin, why not Joey Xi? They'll call it a cereberal hemorrhage and make a martyr of him....

You sound like you're in a panic. Nobody stole anything from Trump...even his attorney admitted the election fraud stuff was just a bunch of nonsense.

Biden is doing a great job.

I think he did fine. What is the problem with using notes at the podium?
Biden Press Conference Was a Disaster

The Lapdog Media Didn’t Care Biden Was Reading Notes from the Podium

It Was a Catastrophe
Biden Press Conference Was a Disaster - The Lapdog Media Didn't Care Biden Was Reading Notes from the Podium - It Was a Catastrophe (thegatewaypundit.com)
25 Mar 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft
The verdict is in and Joe Biden’s first press conference was a colossal catastrophe.
To be honest, after stealing the 2020 election, there wasn’t much that Biden could have done or said to appease the 80 million Americans who he stole the election from. But then again he didn’t want to.
As we noted already, Biden lied throughout the presser and laughed and mocked President Trump. This didn’t work for Obama who won the 2008 election, it sure wasn’t going to work for Biden who stole the 2020 election from the man he mocked:
The Daily Caller noted:
President Joe Biden appeared to read off a pre-written list as he called on various reporters during his first formal press conference in office.
FOX News’s reporter Peter Doocy was silenced by Biden:
Fox News reporter Peter Doocy called out President Joe Biden for not taking questions from him in his first White House news conference.
After Biden’s wrapped up his question-and-answer time on Thursday, Doocy beamed into Fox News midday show America Reports, as a panel critiqued the president over several elements of his performance. Much of the discussion centered around whether Biden received sufficient scrutiny, and when Doocy appeared, John Roberts noted the fact that Biden didn’t call on him to ask a question.

Everyone knows a few things:
1. Joe Biden stole the election from President Trump. President Trump set a record and Biden’s gang had to steal a record to claim the White House. Biden knows it and the world knows it.​
2. Joe Biden is unable to function on his own. He has the physical and mental abilities of a person late in life lacking the strength and wits to live on their own.​
3. The media, social media, the Democrats, and the DOJ know Joe Biden stole the election are fine with it. It’s all about power.​
4. The media is a joke. They asked no unapproved questions. They had no follow-up questions and they were happy to lap praise upon Biden.​
5. The media was happy to put lipstick on horribly unfair and corrupt pieces of legislation like HR1.​
6. Watching the event was like watching the Iraqi media fawn over Saddam Hussein.​

What a mess our media and government have turned into. This wasn’t a production. It was a disaster.

It's quite obvious why the citizens of America and the Houses of Congress were not treated to a newly elected President's State Of The Union Message.
this is the best his handlers could train him to do. Let that sink in.
Chyna Joey Xi is not capabale of doing so no matter how well his writers could pen a message.
His handlers thought they could mainatin him in a semi lucid for most of this year.
They know now he has weeks, not months, and they will do as much damage as they can as quickly as they can.
It's not going to end well.
I see a very, very dark ending for the Biden-Harris Regime and the Democrat Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Party. That was probably his first and last press conference because they’ll never let him out in public like that again.
I doubt if Joey will leave the presidency willingly. His handlers may have to do him in. Stalin did it to Lenin, why not Joey Xi? They'll call it a cereberal hemorrhage and make a martyr of him....

You sound like you're in a panic. Nobody stole anything from Trump...even his attorney admitted the election fraud stuff was just a bunch of nonsense.

Biden is doing a great job.

Keep lying to yourself. Your doing a great job.
It's "you're", not "your", Stupid.
I thought it was pretty good...not perfect, but not bad. The questions touched on immigration and the border and the filibuster, and all sorts of stuff people wanted him to talk about.
Nuclear detonations on just a few Prog cities will end this madness.
Biden Press Conference Was a Disaster

The Lapdog Media Didn’t Care Biden Was Reading Notes from the Podium

It Was a Catastrophe
Biden Press Conference Was a Disaster - The Lapdog Media Didn't Care Biden Was Reading Notes from the Podium - It Was a Catastrophe (thegatewaypundit.com)
25 Mar 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft
The verdict is in and Joe Biden’s first press conference was a colossal catastrophe.
To be honest, after stealing the 2020 election, there wasn’t much that Biden could have done or said to appease the 80 million Americans who he stole the election from. But then again he didn’t want to.
As we noted already, Biden lied throughout the presser and laughed and mocked President Trump. This didn’t work for Obama who won the 2008 election, it sure wasn’t going to work for Biden who stole the 2020 election from the man he mocked:
The Daily Caller noted:
President Joe Biden appeared to read off a pre-written list as he called on various reporters during his first formal press conference in office.
FOX News’s reporter Peter Doocy was silenced by Biden:
Fox News reporter Peter Doocy called out President Joe Biden for not taking questions from him in his first White House news conference.
After Biden’s wrapped up his question-and-answer time on Thursday, Doocy beamed into Fox News midday show America Reports, as a panel critiqued the president over several elements of his performance. Much of the discussion centered around whether Biden received sufficient scrutiny, and when Doocy appeared, John Roberts noted the fact that Biden didn’t call on him to ask a question.

Everyone knows a few things:
1. Joe Biden stole the election from President Trump. President Trump set a record and Biden’s gang had to steal a record to claim the White House. Biden knows it and the world knows it.​
2. Joe Biden is unable to function on his own. He has the physical and mental abilities of a person late in life lacking the strength and wits to live on their own.​
3. The media, social media, the Democrats, and the DOJ know Joe Biden stole the election are fine with it. It’s all about power.​
4. The media is a joke. They asked no unapproved questions. They had no follow-up questions and they were happy to lap praise upon Biden.​
5. The media was happy to put lipstick on horribly unfair and corrupt pieces of legislation like HR1.​
6. Watching the event was like watching the Iraqi media fawn over Saddam Hussein.​

What a mess our media and government have turned into. This wasn’t a production. It was a disaster.

It's quite obvious why the citizens of America and the Houses of Congress were not treated to a newly elected President's State Of The Union Message.
this is the best his handlers could train him to do. Let that sink in.
Chyna Joey Xi is not capabale of doing so no matter how well his writers could pen a message.
His handlers thought they could mainatin him in a semi lucid for most of this year.
They know now he has weeks, not months, and they will do as much damage as they can as quickly as they can.
It's not going to end well.
I see a very, very dark ending for the Biden-Harris Regime and the Democrat Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Party. That was probably his first and last press conference because they’ll never let him out in public like that again.
I doubt if Joey will leave the presidency willingly. His handlers may have to do him in. Stalin did it to Lenin, why not Joey Xi? They'll call it a cereberal hemorrhage and make a martyr of him....

You sound like you're in a panic. Nobody stole anything from Trump...even his attorney admitted the election fraud stuff was just a bunch of nonsense.

Biden is doing a great job.

Keep lying to yourself. Your doing a great job.
It's "you're", not "your", Stupid.

Oh a grammar Nazi. How nice. Just keep lying to yourself. Stupid
Biden was rambling at times. Said things like we were 85th in the world in a ranking of infrastructure only to later correct himself after reading his notes. The conference was obviously scripted and even with known questions and scripted answers it was very difficult to watch. The man is barely hanging on.

Yet your savior got his ass handed to him by Joe Biden, so what does that say about Trump?
Biden was rambling at times. Said things like we were 85th in the world in a ranking of infrastructure only to later correct himself after reading his notes. The conference was obviously scripted and even with known questions and scripted answers it was very difficult to watch. The man is barely hanging on.

Yet your savior got his ass handed to him by Joe Biden, so what does that say about Trump?

No. Biden got handed a stolen election. What does that say about Biden??
Biden was rambling at times. Said things like we were 85th in the world in a ranking of infrastructure only to later correct himself after reading his notes. The conference was obviously scripted and even with known questions and scripted answers it was very difficult to watch. The man is barely hanging on.

Yet your savior got his ass handed to him by Joe Biden, so what does that say about Trump?

No. Biden got handed a stolen election. What does that say about Biden??

Well if that is the best excuse you can come up with. it says he is the POTUS.
Biden Press Conference Was a Disaster

The Lapdog Media Didn’t Care Biden Was Reading Notes from the Podium

It Was a Catastrophe
Biden Press Conference Was a Disaster - The Lapdog Media Didn't Care Biden Was Reading Notes from the Podium - It Was a Catastrophe (thegatewaypundit.com)
25 Mar 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft
The verdict is in and Joe Biden’s first press conference was a colossal catastrophe.
To be honest, after stealing the 2020 election, there wasn’t much that Biden could have done or said to appease the 80 million Americans who he stole the election from. But then again he didn’t want to.
As we noted already, Biden lied throughout the presser and laughed and mocked President Trump. This didn’t work for Obama who won the 2008 election, it sure wasn’t going to work for Biden who stole the 2020 election from the man he mocked:
The Daily Caller noted:
President Joe Biden appeared to read off a pre-written list as he called on various reporters during his first formal press conference in office.
FOX News’s reporter Peter Doocy was silenced by Biden:
Fox News reporter Peter Doocy called out President Joe Biden for not taking questions from him in his first White House news conference.
After Biden’s wrapped up his question-and-answer time on Thursday, Doocy beamed into Fox News midday show America Reports, as a panel critiqued the president over several elements of his performance. Much of the discussion centered around whether Biden received sufficient scrutiny, and when Doocy appeared, John Roberts noted the fact that Biden didn’t call on him to ask a question.

Everyone knows a few things:
1. Joe Biden stole the election from President Trump. President Trump set a record and Biden’s gang had to steal a record to claim the White House. Biden knows it and the world knows it.​
2. Joe Biden is unable to function on his own. He has the physical and mental abilities of a person late in life lacking the strength and wits to live on their own.​
3. The media, social media, the Democrats, and the DOJ know Joe Biden stole the election are fine with it. It’s all about power.​
4. The media is a joke. They asked no unapproved questions. They had no follow-up questions and they were happy to lap praise upon Biden.​
5. The media was happy to put lipstick on horribly unfair and corrupt pieces of legislation like HR1.​
6. Watching the event was like watching the Iraqi media fawn over Saddam Hussein.​

What a mess our media and government have turned into. This wasn’t a production. It was a disaster.

It's quite obvious why the citizens of America and the Houses of Congress were not treated to a newly elected President's State Of The Union Message.
this is the best his handlers could train him to do. Let that sink in.
Chyna Joey Xi is not capabale of doing so no matter how well his writers could pen a message.
His handlers thought they could mainatin him in a semi lucid for most of this year.
They know now he has weeks, not months, and they will do as much damage as they can as quickly as they can.
It's not going to end well.
I see a very, very dark ending for the Biden-Harris Regime and the Democrat Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Party. That was probably his first and last press conference because they’ll never let him out in public like that again.
I doubt if Joey will leave the presidency willingly. His handlers may have to do him in. Stalin did it to Lenin, why not Joey Xi? They'll call it a cereberal hemorrhage and make a martyr of him....

You sound like you're in a panic. Nobody stole anything from Trump...even his attorney admitted the election fraud stuff was just a bunch of nonsense.

Biden is doing a great job.
I agree, Biden is doing a great job at getting Trump back in the Whitehouse.
Biden Press Conference Was a Disaster

The Lapdog Media Didn’t Care Biden Was Reading Notes from the Podium

It Was a Catastrophe
Biden Press Conference Was a Disaster - The Lapdog Media Didn't Care Biden Was Reading Notes from the Podium - It Was a Catastrophe (thegatewaypundit.com)
25 Mar 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft
The verdict is in and Joe Biden’s first press conference was a colossal catastrophe.
To be honest, after stealing the 2020 election, there wasn’t much that Biden could have done or said to appease the 80 million Americans who he stole the election from. But then again he didn’t want to.
As we noted already, Biden lied throughout the presser and laughed and mocked President Trump. This didn’t work for Obama who won the 2008 election, it sure wasn’t going to work for Biden who stole the 2020 election from the man he mocked:
The Daily Caller noted:
President Joe Biden appeared to read off a pre-written list as he called on various reporters during his first formal press conference in office.
FOX News’s reporter Peter Doocy was silenced by Biden:
Fox News reporter Peter Doocy called out President Joe Biden for not taking questions from him in his first White House news conference.
After Biden’s wrapped up his question-and-answer time on Thursday, Doocy beamed into Fox News midday show America Reports, as a panel critiqued the president over several elements of his performance. Much of the discussion centered around whether Biden received sufficient scrutiny, and when Doocy appeared, John Roberts noted the fact that Biden didn’t call on him to ask a question.

Everyone knows a few things:
1. Joe Biden stole the election from President Trump. President Trump set a record and Biden’s gang had to steal a record to claim the White House. Biden knows it and the world knows it.​
2. Joe Biden is unable to function on his own. He has the physical and mental abilities of a person late in life lacking the strength and wits to live on their own.​
3. The media, social media, the Democrats, and the DOJ know Joe Biden stole the election are fine with it. It’s all about power.​
4. The media is a joke. They asked no unapproved questions. They had no follow-up questions and they were happy to lap praise upon Biden.​
5. The media was happy to put lipstick on horribly unfair and corrupt pieces of legislation like HR1.​
6. Watching the event was like watching the Iraqi media fawn over Saddam Hussein.​

What a mess our media and government have turned into. This wasn’t a production. It was a disaster.

It's quite obvious why the citizens of America and the Houses of Congress were not treated to a newly elected President's State Of The Union Message.
this is the best his handlers could train him to do. Let that sink in.
Chyna Joey Xi is not capabale of doing so no matter how well his writers could pen a message.
His handlers thought they could mainatin him in a semi lucid for most of this year.
They know now he has weeks, not months, and they will do as much damage as they can as quickly as they can.
It's not going to end well.
I see a very, very dark ending for the Biden-Harris Regime and the Democrat Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Party. That was probably his first and last press conference because they’ll never let him out in public like that again.
I doubt if Joey will leave the presidency willingly. His handlers may have to do him in. Stalin did it to Lenin, why not Joey Xi? They'll call it a cereberal hemorrhage and make a martyr of him....

You sound like you're in a panic. Nobody stole anything from Trump...even his attorney admitted the election fraud stuff was just a bunch of nonsense.

Biden is doing a great job.
I agree, Biden is doing a great job at getting Trump back in the Whitehouse.

America doesn't reelect losers.
Biden Press Conference Was a Disaster

The Lapdog Media Didn’t Care Biden Was Reading Notes from the Podium

It Was a Catastrophe
Biden Press Conference Was a Disaster - The Lapdog Media Didn't Care Biden Was Reading Notes from the Podium - It Was a Catastrophe (thegatewaypundit.com)
25 Mar 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft
The verdict is in and Joe Biden’s first press conference was a colossal catastrophe.
To be honest, after stealing the 2020 election, there wasn’t much that Biden could have done or said to appease the 80 million Americans who he stole the election from. But then again he didn’t want to.
As we noted already, Biden lied throughout the presser and laughed and mocked President Trump. This didn’t work for Obama who won the 2008 election, it sure wasn’t going to work for Biden who stole the 2020 election from the man he mocked:
The Daily Caller noted:
President Joe Biden appeared to read off a pre-written list as he called on various reporters during his first formal press conference in office.
FOX News’s reporter Peter Doocy was silenced by Biden:
Fox News reporter Peter Doocy called out President Joe Biden for not taking questions from him in his first White House news conference.
After Biden’s wrapped up his question-and-answer time on Thursday, Doocy beamed into Fox News midday show America Reports, as a panel critiqued the president over several elements of his performance. Much of the discussion centered around whether Biden received sufficient scrutiny, and when Doocy appeared, John Roberts noted the fact that Biden didn’t call on him to ask a question.

Everyone knows a few things:
1. Joe Biden stole the election from President Trump. President Trump set a record and Biden’s gang had to steal a record to claim the White House. Biden knows it and the world knows it.​
2. Joe Biden is unable to function on his own. He has the physical and mental abilities of a person late in life lacking the strength and wits to live on their own.​
3. The media, social media, the Democrats, and the DOJ know Joe Biden stole the election are fine with it. It’s all about power.​
4. The media is a joke. They asked no unapproved questions. They had no follow-up questions and they were happy to lap praise upon Biden.​
5. The media was happy to put lipstick on horribly unfair and corrupt pieces of legislation like HR1.​
6. Watching the event was like watching the Iraqi media fawn over Saddam Hussein.​

What a mess our media and government have turned into. This wasn’t a production. It was a disaster.

It's quite obvious why the citizens of America and the Houses of Congress were not treated to a newly elected President's State Of The Union Message.
this is the best his handlers could train him to do. Let that sink in.
Chyna Joey Xi is not capabale of doing so no matter how well his writers could pen a message.
His handlers thought they could mainatin him in a semi lucid for most of this year.
They know now he has weeks, not months, and they will do as much damage as they can as quickly as they can.
It's not going to end well.
I see a very, very dark ending for the Biden-Harris Regime and the Democrat Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Party. That was probably his first and last press conference because they’ll never let him out in public like that again.
I doubt if Joey will leave the presidency willingly. His handlers may have to do him in. Stalin did it to Lenin, why not Joey Xi? They'll call it a cereberal hemorrhage and make a martyr of him....

You sound like you're in a panic. Nobody stole anything from Trump...even his attorney admitted the election fraud stuff was just a bunch of nonsense.

Biden is doing a great job.
I agree, Biden is doing a great job at getting Trump back in the Whitehouse.

America doesn't reelect losers.
He didn't lose and Biden is a blithering idiot. Represents you well.
And here I thought the election fraud bullshit was the most full-on retard these rightwingers could go. But no. They know more tricks.
Wow you pretend at times to be somewhat lucid in your comments, but in reality you are just another mindless sheeple.
Biden was rambling at times. Said things like we were 85th in the world in a ranking of infrastructure only to later correct himself after reading his notes. The conference was obviously scripted and even with known questions and scripted answers it was very difficult to watch. The man is barely hanging on.

Yet your savior got his ass handed to him by Joe Biden, so what does that say about Trump?

No. Biden got handed a stolen election. What does that say about Biden??

Well if that is the best excuse you can come up with. it says he is the POTUS.

That he is and the country will be regretting it and its not taking long.

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