Navy Cuts Red Tape in New York City


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by NavyOne @ Navy Cuts Red Tape in New York City |

You wanna know why I love the Navy? Read this article about New York City and watch how the Navy cut through the bureaucratic nonsense and got down to work:


Beach Master Unit 2 members aboard an amphib LARC at Belle Harbor.

In Belle Harbor, residents got help from the Navy.

Several vehicles were unloaded onto the beach from a large landing craft, including two amphibious vehicles known as LARCs.

Chief Gary Evans-Murphy of Beach master Unit 2 said his crew of 29 would be in the neighborhood all day helping to pump water from homes.

Their initial orders were to pump out four specific housing units, but Evans-Murphy said he would skip bureaucratic red tape and help out however they could.

“I asked permission to go ahead and just help where we can, without two much coordination, too much paperwork,” he said.

Relieved residents hailed the Navy’s arrival.

“This is the first sign (of help) and it’s a week later,” said Beach 126th St. resident Jeanne Duffy, a nurse recruiter. “Oh, my God, I’m so happy the Navy’s here. It’s been total devastation.”

Some members of the Navy unit grabbed shovels and started digging out the wall of sand that landed in front of homes, like retired Con Ed worker Marty Lattanzi’s house on Beach 127th St.

“If I talk any longer, you’re going to see tears,” Lattanzi said. “I’m just so relieved.”

Too much water? Who you gonna call?

Why are you cheering for them? The Navy works for the UN, Obama AND Panetta said so.

NY is handling the flooding just fine by themselves:
[ame=]MTA Video Release: South Ferry & Whitehall St Station Condition and Pumping Operations - YouTube[/ame]
Why are you cheering for them? The Navy works for the UN, Obama AND Panetta said so.

NY is handling the flooding just fine by themselves:
MTA Video Release: South Ferry & Whitehall St Station Condition and Pumping Operations - YouTube

Sure it is. Just fine. :cool:

If you'd bother to halt your vitriolic, anti-military rant and read the link, you would learn the sailors were ordered to help on four house, but did everything else on their own - with their captain's approval of course.

And, to get a REAL picture, the link also provides a whole lot of links as to what is really going on - not just what the Lame Street Media is feeding their viewers.

1 NY region's gas crisis continues as drivers kept waiting
2 Nor’easter set to hit New York Wednesday
3 Staten Island man busted for impersonating Red Cross worker in Sandy’s wake
4 Queens residents arm themselves from looters
5 Simon Cowell, Mets pitch in to Daily News' Sandy relief fund
6 U.S. Navy hits shores of Belle Harbor to help Sandy victims
7 N.J. Odd/Even gas rationing plan in effect
8 Hundreds mourn Lucia and Leo Krim, tots allegedly slain by nanny
9 TriBeCa family escapes Sandy’s fury
10 MTA subway service up and running on most lines after Sandy

Read more: U.S. Navy hits shores of Belle Harbor to help victims of Hurricane Sandy - NY Daily News

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