National Sovereignty Sweeps the Planet

Nuclear winter would make the earth inhospitable for all lifeforms. Bacteria and shit might survive, so there's that....
Enough would survive. There's not as much risk for nuclear winter anymore as nuclear arsenals have vastly dropped. Though Trump was pretty enthusiastic about nuclear proliferation during his campaign so it could become a risk again.

In a nuclear war between the US and Russia, it would definitely mean nuclear winter. Even if nuclear winter didn't happen, radiation would turn the most economically productive areas of the earth into no mans land for decades.
Enough would survive. There's not as much risk for nuclear winter anymore as nuclear arsenals have vastly dropped. Though Trump was pretty enthusiastic about nuclear proliferation during his campaign so it could become a risk again.

In a nuclear war between the US and Russia, it would definitely mean nuclear winter. Even if nuclear winter didn't happen, radiation would turn the most economically productive areas of the earth into no mans land for decades.
Possibly not. Nuclear bombs do more damage when detonated in the air and in that case the worst fallout disperses quickly. That's why Hiroshima and Nagasaki are habitable and thriving today. It's poor military strategy to waste the strength of your bomb by letting it hit the ground.

Industry in the northern hemisphere will probably be either wiped out or desperately crippled, but the human race can survive that.
I'm not sure sure I like that type of efficiency.

Neither do I. The world gave us everything we needed, yet we continue to destroy everything in pursuit of some bullshit "progress."

This thread reminds me of this song.

Globalism sucks.

The only people that benefit from it are the welfare queens and the Billionaires like George Soros and Tom Steyer. You know, the ones that backed Crooked Hillary.
Expensive way to live...

The reason the ESA and NASA had a partnership (probably no longer) was because it became obvious during the Gemini and Apollo programs that costs was going to be prohibitive.

We're just making the same mistakes over again with senseless nationalism.
Flash said:
Globalism sucks.

The only people that benefit from it are the welfare queens and the Billionaires like George Soros and Tom Steyer.

I bet you benefit from it. Almost all American jobs are supported by global trade and cooperation.
Diversity must be destroyed so that there may be peace eh.............I stand by my prediction of world wide civil war wrapped up in a can there be world peace without local peace first eh
First the Elites tried to make a grotesque configuration called the "European Union" and then tried to "Fundamentally transform" American into a Third World nation of political elites and slaves. Then they made their sock Puppet Obama destabilize the Middle East and create a fake "refugee crisis"; they hit hardest at the relatively prosperous nations with no IMF debt and a stable currency: Libya and Syria. The refugees were to be resettled in the EU and America and bring chaos and instabily along with them

Then it was time for the People to stand up and say, "ENOUGH!"

Brexit, then Trump, then Satan recalled his son Fidel and now even the Italians finally found their backbone and starting sitting upright and they took send a loud and clear, unequivocal message to the Statists: Fanculo!

Bot now is the time when we must be most on alert -- the Statist will strike back. They will seeks to cripple economies until people BEG for their chains to be restored.

Let's see how they react, will they take their defeat gracefully or is it time for helicopter rides for the Elites


You are trusting that a man with a global business empire (who surrounds himself with other globalists billionaires) is going to reconstruct the global economic system so that corporations are forced to pay higher labor costs and the higher taxes that come from a nation with the largest military and most expensive industrial infrastructure. The most Trump will do is make cosmetic deals with corporations like Carrier, where he pays them off so they keep 800 jobs here but quietly send 1,300 to Mexico.

Trump gets his ties for CHEAP in Mexico, and his steel in China.

Walmart - one of the RNCs biggest donors - wouldn't exist without China. Granted, you will see a media shell game with lots of smoke and mirrors - but Trump isn't going to change a massive for profit system that depends deeply on ultra cheap foreign labor and natural resources.

(Nationalism was a campaign promise designed to get the votes of a working class that Trump and his buddies spent decades disenfranchising)

(Don't be so trusting of politicians. You might be right. I could be wrong, obviously, but you might be the victim of the biggest con job in American Political History. Only time will tell. I am hoping for the best.)
Flash said:
Globalism sucks.

The only people that benefit from it are the welfare queens and the Billionaires like George Soros and Tom Steyer.

I bet you benefit from it. Almost all American jobs are supported by global trade and cooperation.

The concept of modern globalism embraces substantially more than just fair trade.

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