National security experts support immediate and total withdrawal of Trump from US!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—A broad spectrum of national-security experts support the immediate and total withdrawal of Donald J. Trump from the United States.​
In an open letter signed by over three hundred members of the military and intelligence communities, the experts wrote that Trump’s withdrawal is “long past due.”​
“After nearly four years, this conflict is over,” they wrote. “It is time to reduce the troop level from one to zero.”​
“It is no longer in the interest of the United States for Trump to be stationed here,” they added.​
The experts recommended that further steps be taken to reduce Trump’s footprint on U.S. soil, and called for the immediate withdrawal of Ivanka, Jared, Eric, and Don, Jr.​

Wow, so you're saying a bunch of Deep State never-Trumpers want him to go? Never saw that coming.
What's next, are the Dems going issue a joint statement with China that the election was totally legit for REALS this time?
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—A broad spectrum of national-security experts support the immediate and total withdrawal of Donald J. Trump from the United States.​
In an open letter signed by over three hundred members of the military and intelligence communities, the experts wrote that Trump’s withdrawal is “long past due.”​
“After nearly four years, this conflict is over,” they wrote. “It is time to reduce the troop level from one to zero.”​
“It is no longer in the interest of the United States for Trump to be stationed here,” they added.​
The experts recommended that further steps be taken to reduce Trump’s footprint on U.S. soil, and called for the immediate withdrawal of Ivanka, Jared, Eric, and Don, Jr.​

The only conflict I have observed is the one these traitorous democrats in politics have invented to cripple the Trump administration & discredit his leadership. This matter is far from being over. All garbage articles like this accomplish is fan the flames on hate and dissent. That s the sole purpose of these stories. It is absolutely imperative that the madia be held accountable for their abuse of the press & the subsequent division of the American people.
The only conflict I have observed is the one these traitorous democrats in politics have invented to cripple the Trump administration & discredit his leadership. This matter is far from being over. All garbage articles like this accomplish is fan the flames on hate and dissent. That s the sole purpose of these stories. It is absolutely imperative that the madia be held accountable for their abuse of the press & the subsequent division of the American people.

Another humorless Trumptard ^ Stay out of Political Satire please.

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—A broad spectrum of national-security experts support the immediate and total withdrawal of Donald J. Trump from the United States.​
In an open letter signed by over three hundred members of the military and intelligence communities, the experts wrote that Trump’s withdrawal is “long past due.”​
“After nearly four years, this conflict is over,” they wrote. “It is time to reduce the troop level from one to zero.”​
“It is no longer in the interest of the United States for Trump to be stationed here,” they added.​
The experts recommended that further steps be taken to reduce Trump’s footprint on U.S. soil, and called for the immediate withdrawal of Ivanka, Jared, Eric, and Don, Jr.​

sounds like we have 300 people that need to be deported to some communist land where they might be happier.

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—A broad spectrum of national-security experts support the immediate and total withdrawal of Donald J. Trump from the United States.​
In an open letter signed by over three hundred members of the military and intelligence communities, the experts wrote that Trump’s withdrawal is “long past due.”​
“After nearly four years, this conflict is over,” they wrote. “It is time to reduce the troop level from one to zero.”​
“It is no longer in the interest of the United States for Trump to be stationed here,” they added.​
The experts recommended that further steps be taken to reduce Trump’s footprint on U.S. soil, and called for the immediate withdrawal of Ivanka, Jared, Eric, and Don, Jr.​

The only conflict I have observed is the one these traitorous democrats in politics have invented to cripple the Trump administration & discredit his leadership. This matter is far from being over. All garbage articles like this accomplish is fan the flames on hate and dissent. That s the sole purpose of these stories. It is absolutely imperative that the media be held accountable for their abuse of the press & the subsequent division of the American people. If we do suffer social unrest in our country it will be beyond a doubt @ the behest of our own media.

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