National Park Begins Subtle Removal of “Gone by 2020” Signs After Glaciers Just Keep Not Being Gone

If the Left have a prediction, you know the opposite will occur. And with the last winters snow the glaciers are growing.
We even have 5 new glacial regions in Wyoming that were Ice Free just 5 years ago and they now have three years of compiled snow that did not melt fully. I guess I should say they are not new becasue glaciers existed there just 40 years ago and now they are returning.
All scenes at Glacier National Park





Muir Glacier, Alaska

Stuff melts stuff freezes. Then it melts again. Vat's so bad about that? (said in a Jewish accent).
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Der der derrrrrr ice is retreating! At this rate NY and Chicago will be completely ice free by 13,000 ybp!
Every prediction of the Left fails to come true. Every single one

But the left didn't make that prediction. Climate scientists didn't make that prediction. One bureaucrat made the signs.

Every sentence deniers type is a lie. Every single one.
Yes the left wit fools did make those predictions and the left wit fools at the parks made the signage with public monies.. Your are a huge liar...
All scenes at Glacier National Park
View attachment 266198





Muir Glacier, Alaska


Welcome back Crick!

Nice photo's you posted, too bad they failed to support your silly doomsday beliefs.

Muir glacier is not a factor here since massive glacial melt started way back in the late 1700's to the late 1800's when Muir glacier was all that was left by about 1910, long before CO2 increases could have been a factor.


Glacier National Park didn't even have glaciers on it by the end of the MWP, it grew greatly during the LIA, but now melted back a lot since it has been warming for over 200 years now, not surprising that it will melt back a lot.

John Muir visited the area in 1879:


When conservationist John Muir traveled here in search of active glaciers in 1879, the glacier he sought had retreated 40 more miles up the bay since Vancouver's visit. A renowned author, Muir captured the popular imagination about Alaska, attracting tourists (and researchers) to Glacier Bay. Like most people today, they arrived by ship."

If the National Park Service is in charge of the signs they are pulling them extremely reluctantly. They are one of the most radically liberal/progressive agency in the U.S. The believe THEY and the animals own the parks, not the U.S. citizens. We are an annoyance and a problem. They are full on board with every far left issue, especially man made climate change.
Yes the left wit fools did make those predictions

Then I'm sure you can post them, if you're not lying again.

The only prediction from scientists that I've seen said most of the glaciers there would be gone by 2030. The 2020 claim was from one very loud bureaucrat.

Is it near 2030 now?
Yes the left wit fools did make those predictions

Then I'm sure you can post them, if you're not lying again.

The only prediction from scientists that I've seen said most of the glaciers there would be gone by 2030. The 2020 claim was from one very loud bureaucrat.

Is it near 2030 now?
Given the near perfect track record of failed AGW predictions, we'll file that one accordingly

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