NASA Released 56 Major Patents to the Public Domain


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2012
The patent release included some forefront and intriguing technologies. Some of the most incredible included:

-“Dusty Plasma Thruster”, a new propulsion system that uses electrostatically charged space dust as a propellant. The engine eliminates the massive amounts of fuels normally needed for long distance space travel- instead, the ship can scoop up some charged dust and feed it into the thruster to zip around the Solar System

-An intriguing method to convert Nitrogen Oxide waste into fertilizer. This technology could become essential for long-term space travel, and sustaining martian habitats

-A method to reduce the intense forces from the shock wave at the leading edge of supersonic traveling vehicles which allows the vehicles to travel even faster without sustaining damage

-A low-cost method to manufacture high-quality carbon nanotubes- reducing the current cost of USD$1,000/gram to USD$50

-The designs for the Hall thruster: a “magnetically-conformed, variable area discharge chamber,” which essentially changes the direction of flow on an afterburner or rocket nozzle to optimize power and fuel efficiency

-A strong aerogel: a substance that is 99% air and is the most heat resistant substance on the planet, while also being the lightest

-A “monopropellant” rocket that reduces the amount of moving parts which uses liquid hydrogen as a propellant to achieve “high velocity and high specific impulse.

NASA has released some incredible perplexing patents for the public to use freely and improve upon designs. So long as you have the money and tools to develop it, any of these inventions are available to anyone. Hopefully, and almost certainly, some clever folks will use the information to create and further innovate many areas of engineering.

NASA Recently Released 56 Incredible Patents to the Public

There is a famous saying: "The reason you see NASA as a leftist idea burden on your tax money, is because you are just dumb not to know how to gain anything out of it..."

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