Nancy gambled and lost


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
Conservative politicians and journalists have been questioning Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s actions and motives throughout the impeachment ordeal. After over three weeks of political jockeying over what the House can tell the Senate to do, some progressive politicians have started question Pelosi’s strategy as well. Now, she is finally ready to send the Articles of Impeachment over to the Senate. This comes after a clear answer to her own question. The House can’t tell the Senate to do anything.

CNN’s Chris Cillizza acknowledged the severity of the Speaker’s mistake.

CNN’s Chris Cillizza: Nancy Pelosi gambled and lost
She wanted to run the senate as if she was n charge. She wanted to run the trial in the same third Riech trial as the house had. You can't do this, you can't ask theses questions, you can't dismiss hearsay, you must consider thoughts as actual verified statements.
Look, this is like writing a script for a movie where every viewer knows from the beginning how it's going to end. Trump will not be removed from office. Period.

Pelosi and all of the Democrats in Congress and all of the pundits on non-Fox outlets are throwing every bit of shit they can at Trump, hoping to damage him in spite of the known final outcome. The delay was not a mistake. It was intended to give the Democrats more time to throw shit at the President, and it succeeded. Every day there is a new shocking revelation about one or another communication or alliance or's all meaningless bullshit but that doesn't stop the Dems and the Media from proclaiming it "damning" and "damaging" and "catastrophic" for the President.

It might even be a strategy to sabotage the Presidential campaigns of Senators Sanders and Warren, by keeping them in Washington during the final days of the Iowa campaign. Adult Democrats (who are rare but do exist) know that neither Sanders nor Warren can beat Donald Trump, so will do everything they can to help the Biden campaign.
Conservative politicians and journalists have been questioning Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s actions and motives throughout the impeachment ordeal. After over three weeks of political jockeying over what the House can tell the Senate to do, some progressive politicians have started question Pelosi’s strategy as well. Now, she is finally ready to send the Articles of Impeachment over to the Senate. This comes after a clear answer to her own question. The House can’t tell the Senate to do anything.

CNN’s Chris Cillizza acknowledged the severity of the Speaker’s mistake.

CNN’s Chris Cillizza: Nancy Pelosi gambled and lost

The delay accomplished what it needed to. To put a bright, hot spotlight on the Senate and make sure this wasn't just dusted under the rug. Wanna know how I know it worked? Three weeks ago, Mitch McConnell was going to spike this with an immediate acquittal. Minimal trial. No witnesses. Fast forward to this week, now you have moderate members of his own party like Lamar Alexander and Susan Collins negotiating for witnesses. Now, there's a real possibility that you might have witnesses like Bolton and Mulvaney coming to testify. Whether they come before or during arguments is irrelevant. Add to that the juicy emails and text messages from Gulliani's "associates" about the whole Ukraine debacle and now it's not as cut and dry as it was three weeks ago because moderate senators (some who are up for re-election) understand that to just dismiss this would be the kiss of death come election time. :)

Republicans face reckoning on impeachment witnesses

I look on this as a push. I have no illusions that Trump will be removed by conviction...but least now, Mitch can't just sweep it under the rug.
Look, this is like writing a script for a movie where every viewer knows from the beginning how it's going to end. Trump will not be removed from office. Period.

Pelosi and all of the Democrats in Congress and all of the pundits on non-Fox outlets are throwing every bit of shit they can at Trump, hoping to damage him in spite of the known final outcome. The delay was not a mistake. It was intended to give the Democrats more time to throw shit at the President, and it succeeded. Every day there is a new shocking revelation about one or another communication or alliance or's all meaningless bullshit but that doesn't stop the Dems and the Media from proclaiming it "damning" and "damaging" and "catastrophic" for the President.

It might even be a strategy to sabotage the Presidential campaigns of Senators Sanders and Warren, by keeping them in Washington during the final days of the Iowa campaign. Adult Democrats (who are rare but do exist) know that neither Sanders nor Warren can beat Donald Trump, so will do everything they can to help the Biden campaign.
It is what our political system has become. Very sad. The GOP did it to the Clintons for decades and now the Dems are taking their turn. An eye for an eye but still very sad for our democracy.
She's winning

Big time.

Allowed the time to show the world McConnell breaking his oath to be impartial, show him saying he wold not be impartial, showed him saying he was working hand in hand with the defendant's lawyers, and showed him promising the FIX IS IN, and promised an acquittal

She gave the time needed for Schumer to get 4 republicans to agree to having witnesses.

She got the time for court rulings on this phony Absolute immunity, preventing witnesses to testify, in congress's favor.

She got the time for more, unknown before evidence to show up.

She won all the way around, while still allowing McConnell to claim a win, she really won, so to not hurt his male ego.

The lady, is BRILLIANT!

In with the top 5 speakers, of all time.

She's winning

Big time.

Allowed the time to show the world McConnell breaking his oath to be impartial, show him saying he wold not be impartial, showed him saying he was working hand in hand with the defendant's lawyers, and showed him promising the FIX IS IN, and promised an acquittal

She gave the time needed for Schumer to get 4 republicans to agree to having witnesses.

She got the time for court rulings on this phony Absolute immunity, preventing witnesses to testify, in congress's favor.

She got the time for more, unknown before evidence to show up.

She won all the way around, while still allowing McConnell to claim a win, she really won, so to not hurt his male ego.

The lady, is BRILLIANT!

In with the top 5 speakers, of all time.


Well, she convinced you, but you also argued that the dossier was real and that Trump would be impeached for Russia/Stormy/Cohn and so on. Pelosi is a mess. The old cow couldent even talk. Even Jabba Naddler winced as she spoke she was so choppy and incoherent. Top speaker? Maybe at one time. Now? Just a crusty old hag who was usurped by someone younger. She is a mess.
Conservative politicians and journalists have been questioning Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s actions and motives throughout the impeachment ordeal. After over three weeks of political jockeying over what the House can tell the Senate to do, some progressive politicians have started question Pelosi’s strategy as well. Now, she is finally ready to send the Articles of Impeachment over to the Senate. This comes after a clear answer to her own question. The House can’t tell the Senate to do anything.

CNN’s Chris Cillizza acknowledged the severity of the Speaker’s mistake.

CNN’s Chris Cillizza: Nancy Pelosi gambled and lost

The delay accomplished what it needed to. To put a bright, hot spotlight on the Senate and make sure this wasn't just dusted under the rug. Wanna know how I know it worked? Three weeks ago, Mitch McConnell was going to spike this with an immediate acquittal. Minimal trial. No witnesses. Fast forward to this week, now you have moderate members of his own party like Lamar Alexander and Susan Collins negotiating for witnesses. Now, there's a real possibility that you might have witnesses like Bolton and Mulvaney coming to testify. Whether they come before or during arguments is irrelevant. Add to that the juicy emails and text messages from Gulliani's "associates" about the whole Ukraine debacle and now it's not as cut and dry as it was three weeks ago because moderate senators (some who are up for re-election) understand that to just dismiss this would be the kiss of death come election time. :)

Republicans face reckoning on impeachment witnesses

I look on this as a push. I have no illusions that Trump will be removed by conviction...but least now, Mitch can't just sweep it under the rug.

And Mazie Hirono already had her mind made up. She said it.

Hirono: Trump, McConnell Trying to 'Rig the Senate Trial' | Breitbart

“And I think we really need to bring the conversation of the debate back to the president’s action which was he shook down the president of another country for his own political purposes using $400 million of needed aid to Ukraine to get his way.”

She doesn’t need any witnesses and documents. Her mind is made up.

Why not just have a vote?
Yup, Nancy totally blew it...…..she was trying to prevent Moscow Mitch from simply skipping the trial and dismissing the impeachment charges out right...….

Now that she is a total loser and failure, Moscow Mitch will now skip the trial and, oh wait!

Now even Ted Cruz is hinting around calling witnesses, or as he calls it "witness reciprocity"

"Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, pitched the idea of “witness reciprocity” on Tuesday during a meeting with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other GOP leaders"

Sen. Ted Cruz floats idea of 'witness reciprocity' for Senate impeachment trial

Trumpers think the majority of the American people gives a fuck about them calling Adam Schiff to testify and calling him a poopie head -- or calling Pelosi to testify and calling her an ugly old hag, or calling Hunter Biden to testify and calling him a crack head --- please do that, we don't really give a damn....just remember, when Bolton, Mulvaney or Pompeo testifies -- them lies hit different under oath....
Conservative politicians and journalists have been questioning Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s actions and motives throughout the impeachment ordeal. After over three weeks of political jockeying over what the House can tell the Senate to do, some progressive politicians have started question Pelosi’s strategy as well. Now, she is finally ready to send the Articles of Impeachment over to the Senate. This comes after a clear answer to her own question. The House can’t tell the Senate to do anything.

CNN’s Chris Cillizza acknowledged the severity of the Speaker’s mistake.

CNN’s Chris Cillizza: Nancy Pelosi gambled and lost

The delay accomplished what it needed to. To put a bright, hot spotlight on the Senate and make sure this wasn't just dusted under the rug. Wanna know how I know it worked? Three weeks ago, Mitch McConnell was going to spike this with an immediate acquittal. Minimal trial. No witnesses. Fast forward to this week, now you have moderate members of his own party like Lamar Alexander and Susan Collins negotiating for witnesses. Now, there's a real possibility that you might have witnesses like Bolton and Mulvaney coming to testify. Whether they come before or during arguments is irrelevant. Add to that the juicy emails and text messages from Gulliani's "associates" about the whole Ukraine debacle and now it's not as cut and dry as it was three weeks ago because moderate senators (some who are up for re-election) understand that to just dismiss this would be the kiss of death come election time. :)

Republicans face reckoning on impeachment witnesses

I look on this as a push. I have no illusions that Trump will be removed by conviction...but least now, Mitch can't just sweep it under the rug.

And Mazie Hirono already had her mind made up. She said it.

Hirono: Trump, McConnell Trying to 'Rig the Senate Trial' | Breitbart

“And I think we really need to bring the conversation of the debate back to the president’s action which was he shook down the president of another country for his own political purposes using $400 million of needed aid to Ukraine to get his way.”

She doesn’t need any witnesses and documents. Her mind is made up.

Why not just have a vote?
Because you don't have the votes to just skip a trial and have a vote.....

Because of how much of a failure Pelosi is...
Conservative politicians and journalists have been questioning Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s actions and motives throughout the impeachment ordeal. After over three weeks of political jockeying over what the House can tell the Senate to do, some progressive politicians have started question Pelosi’s strategy as well. Now, she is finally ready to send the Articles of Impeachment over to the Senate. This comes after a clear answer to her own question. The House can’t tell the Senate to do anything.

CNN’s Chris Cillizza acknowledged the severity of the Speaker’s mistake.

CNN’s Chris Cillizza: Nancy Pelosi gambled and lost

The delay accomplished what it needed to. To put a bright, hot spotlight on the Senate and make sure this wasn't just dusted under the rug. Wanna know how I know it worked? Three weeks ago, Mitch McConnell was going to spike this with an immediate acquittal. Minimal trial. No witnesses. Fast forward to this week, now you have moderate members of his own party like Lamar Alexander and Susan Collins negotiating for witnesses. Now, there's a real possibility that you might have witnesses like Bolton and Mulvaney coming to testify. Whether they come before or during arguments is irrelevant. Add to that the juicy emails and text messages from Gulliani's "associates" about the whole Ukraine debacle and now it's not as cut and dry as it was three weeks ago because moderate senators (some who are up for re-election) understand that to just dismiss this would be the kiss of death come election time. :)

Republicans face reckoning on impeachment witnesses

I look on this as a push. I have no illusions that Trump will be removed by conviction...but least now, Mitch can't just sweep it under the rug.

And Mazie Hirono already had her mind made up. She said it.

Hirono: Trump, McConnell Trying to 'Rig the Senate Trial' | Breitbart

“And I think we really need to bring the conversation of the debate back to the president’s action which was he shook down the president of another country for his own political purposes using $400 million of needed aid to Ukraine to get his way.”

She doesn’t need any witnesses and documents. Her mind is made up.

Why not just have a vote?

So? Didn't Mitch just say three weeks ago that he wasn't going to be an impartial juror? And I don't see anywhere in this article that states that Sen Hirono had already decided to vote to convict. Now, she may very well have made up her mind but in this article, she was just pointing out that Mitch was just trying to sweep it under the rug and rig it in favor of the president. There's supposed to be a trial in the Senate now that the House has voted to impeach. Trial involves arguments and witnesses, then a vote.
Look, this is like writing a script for a movie where every viewer knows from the beginning how it's going to end. Trump will not be removed from office. Period.

Pelosi and all of the Democrats in Congress and all of the pundits on non-Fox outlets are throwing every bit of shit they can at Trump, hoping to damage him in spite of the known final outcome. The delay was not a mistake. It was intended to give the Democrats more time to throw shit at the President, and it succeeded. Every day there is a new shocking revelation about one or another communication or alliance or's all meaningless bullshit but that doesn't stop the Dems and the Media from proclaiming it "damning" and "damaging" and "catastrophic" for the President.

It might even be a strategy to sabotage the Presidential campaigns of Senators Sanders and Warren, by keeping them in Washington during the final days of the Iowa campaign. Adult Democrats (who are rare but do exist) know that neither Sanders nor Warren can beat Donald Trump, so will do everything they can to help the Biden campaign.
So the President of the United States withholds aid until the President of the Ukraine announces an investigation into a political rival is OK with you.

Learning that Trump's personal lawyer was sent to add more pressure does not matter.
Pelosi brought Moscow Mitch into the light so everyone can see if he tries to shirk his duty for a trial in the Senate.

That is not a failure.
She's winning

Big time.

Allowed the time to show the world McConnell breaking his oath to be impartial, show him saying he wold not be impartial, showed him saying he was working hand in hand with the defendant's lawyers, and showed him promising the FIX IS IN, and promised an acquittal

She gave the time needed for Schumer to get 4 republicans to agree to having witnesses.

She got the time for court rulings on this phony Absolute immunity, preventing witnesses to testify, in congress's favor.

She got the time for more, unknown before evidence to show up.

She won all the way around, while still allowing McConnell to claim a win, she really won, so to not hurt his male ego.

The lady, is BRILLIANT!

In with the top 5 speakers, of all time.

BombShell: Breaking News:

Nancy Pelosi will die soon. She's 80 years old.
But no worries, she will be booted out of The Speakership November 2020 first and can choose to retire or go down in history as the least effective and least respected speaker in modern history not once, but twice.
Conservative politicians and journalists have been questioning Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s actions and motives throughout the impeachment ordeal. After over three weeks of political jockeying over what the House can tell the Senate to do, some progressive politicians have started question Pelosi’s strategy as well. Now, she is finally ready to send the Articles of Impeachment over to the Senate. This comes after a clear answer to her own question. The House can’t tell the Senate to do anything.

CNN’s Chris Cillizza acknowledged the severity of the Speaker’s mistake.

CNN’s Chris Cillizza: Nancy Pelosi gambled and lost

The delay accomplished what it needed to. To put a bright, hot spotlight on the Senate and make sure this wasn't just dusted under the rug. Wanna know how I know it worked? Three weeks ago, Mitch McConnell was going to spike this with an immediate acquittal. Minimal trial. No witnesses. Fast forward to this week, now you have moderate members of his own party like Lamar Alexander and Susan Collins negotiating for witnesses. Now, there's a real possibility that you might have witnesses like Bolton and Mulvaney coming to testify. Whether they come before or during arguments is irrelevant. Add to that the juicy emails and text messages from Gulliani's "associates" about the whole Ukraine debacle and now it's not as cut and dry as it was three weeks ago because moderate senators (some who are up for re-election) understand that to just dismiss this would be the kiss of death come election time. :)

Republicans face reckoning on impeachment witnesses

I look on this as a push. I have no illusions that Trump will be removed by conviction...but least now, Mitch can't just sweep it under the rug.

It doesn't seem as if you are familiar with the process, at all.
Conservative politicians and journalists have been questioning Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s actions and motives throughout the impeachment ordeal. After over three weeks of political jockeying over what the House can tell the Senate to do, some progressive politicians have started question Pelosi’s strategy as well. Now, she is finally ready to send the Articles of Impeachment over to the Senate. This comes after a clear answer to her own question. The House can’t tell the Senate to do anything.

CNN’s Chris Cillizza acknowledged the severity of the Speaker’s mistake.

CNN’s Chris Cillizza: Nancy Pelosi gambled and lost

The delay accomplished what it needed to. To put a bright, hot spotlight on the Senate and make sure this wasn't just dusted under the rug. Wanna know how I know it worked? Three weeks ago, Mitch McConnell was going to spike this with an immediate acquittal. Minimal trial. No witnesses. Fast forward to this week, now you have moderate members of his own party like Lamar Alexander and Susan Collins negotiating for witnesses. Now, there's a real possibility that you might have witnesses like Bolton and Mulvaney coming to testify. Whether they come before or during arguments is irrelevant. Add to that the juicy emails and text messages from Gulliani's "associates" about the whole Ukraine debacle and now it's not as cut and dry as it was three weeks ago because moderate senators (some who are up for re-election) understand that to just dismiss this would be the kiss of death come election time. :)

Republicans face reckoning on impeachment witnesses

I look on this as a push. I have no illusions that Trump will be removed by conviction...but least now, Mitch can't just sweep it under the rug.

And Mazie Hirono already had her mind made up. She said it.

Hirono: Trump, McConnell Trying to 'Rig the Senate Trial' | Breitbart

“And I think we really need to bring the conversation of the debate back to the president’s action which was he shook down the president of another country for his own political purposes using $400 million of needed aid to Ukraine to get his way.”

She doesn’t need any witnesses and documents. Her mind is made up.

Why not just have a vote?

So? Didn't Mitch just say three weeks ago that he wasn't going to be an impartial juror? And I don't see anywhere in this article that states that Sen Hirono had already decided to vote to convict. Now, she may very well have made up her mind but in this article, she was just pointing out that Mitch was just trying to sweep it under the rug and rig it in favor of the president. There's supposed to be a trial in the Senate now that the House has voted to impeach. Trial involves arguments and witnesses, then a vote.
Jerry Nadler said today that they had made their case.
If that is so, they don't need witnesses! However, If the Democrats get to call John Bolton, then Republicans should get to call Hunter Biden.
Conservative politicians and journalists have been questioning Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s actions and motives throughout the impeachment ordeal. After over three weeks of political jockeying over what the House can tell the Senate to do, some progressive politicians have started question Pelosi’s strategy as well. Now, she is finally ready to send the Articles of Impeachment over to the Senate. This comes after a clear answer to her own question. The House can’t tell the Senate to do anything.

CNN’s Chris Cillizza acknowledged the severity of the Speaker’s mistake.

CNN’s Chris Cillizza: Nancy Pelosi gambled and lost

I wonder if and when CNN will realize how badly they've fucked themselves over and start doing a turn about. If they don't soon they'll go down with the democratic party who just suffered another big shot today with the China trade deal.
And that brings up another point, does anyone think for one second that China would be doing this deal if they had any doubts at all that Trump would be reelected? They just aren't that stupid.
She's winning

Big time.

Allowed the time to show the world McConnell breaking his oath to be impartial, show him saying he wold not be impartial, showed him saying he was working hand in hand with the defendant's lawyers, and showed him promising the FIX IS IN, and promised an acquittal

She gave the time needed for Schumer to get 4 republicans to agree to having witnesses.

She got the time for court rulings on this phony Absolute immunity, preventing witnesses to testify, in congress's favor.

She got the time for more, unknown before evidence to show up.

She won all the way around, while still allowing McConnell to claim a win, she really won, so to not hurt his male ego.

The lady, is BRILLIANT!

In with the top 5 speakers, of all time.


She's winning

Big time.

Allowed the time to show the world McConnell breaking his oath to be impartial, show him saying he wold not be impartial, showed him saying he was working hand in hand with the defendant's lawyers, and showed him promising the FIX IS IN, and promised an acquittal

She gave the time needed for Schumer to get 4 republicans to agree to having witnesses.

She got the time for court rulings on this phony Absolute immunity, preventing witnesses to testify, in congress's favor.

She got the time for more, unknown before evidence to show up.

She won all the way around, while still allowing McConnell to claim a win, she really won, so to not hurt his male ego.

The lady, is BRILLIANT!

In with the top 5 speakers, of all time.


Well, she convinced you, but you also argued that the dossier was real and that Trump would be impeached for Russia/Stormy/Cohn and so on. Pelosi is a mess. The old cow couldent even talk. Even Jabba Naddler winced as she spoke she was so choppy and incoherent. Top speaker? Maybe at one time. Now? Just a crusty old hag who was usurped by someone younger. She is a mess.
I never argued Trump would be impeached for those things.... his obstruction of justice is what was more likely..... but the President' s obstruction continued, with the help of Barr, and its been a fight of stalling thru the courts for every move to get witness and unredacted evidence...... any other president would have been impeached and removed by now, for the lawless crud he has done.

Teflon Don' s Teflon is still slippery, but God willing, justice will prevail, some day.

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