Biden Linked To Indicted Ukrainian Who Betrayed Trump


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Impeachment: Giuliani associate Parnas pushed Ukraine investigation

Biden's fate was all but sealed yesterday, not because of his poor debate performance, but because his associate, Lev Parness has flipped on him and turned over very incriminating evidence against him...

"An attorney for Lev Parnas, the indicted associate of Rudy Giuliani, has turned over photos, dozens of text messages and thousands of pages of documents to House impeachment investigators in an effort to win his client an audience with lawmakers. The attorney for Parnas said 'After our trip to DC, we worked through the night providing a trove of Lev Parnas' WhatsApp messages, text messages & images—not under protective order—to #HPSCI, detailing interactions with a number of individuals relevant to the impeachment inquiry"

Joe Biden is literally panicking right now because he is the one who hired Lev Parnas to get close to the Trump campaign, via Giuliani and he then tricked Giuliani into believing he would work for Trump in pursuit of digging up dirt on Biden....all an elaborate scheme to try to make it seem as tho Trump and Giuliani were the ones trying to pressure Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden...your diabolical plan failed Sleepy Joe and now the gig is up...

To add to the insanity, it seems that Biden's plan was actually foiled by a brave Republican congressional candidate out of Connecticut named Robert Hyde...He totally owned Biden's henchman Parnas, when he pretended to be tracking former ambassador Yanokovitch, saying things like "we have someone inside who can take her out"…they had the State Dept so triggered that she was called back from her post in Ukraine…..when asked about his texts conversations with Parnas, Hyde said "I was never in Kiev. For them to take some texts my buddy’s and I wrote back to some dweeb (Parnas) we were playing with that we met a few times while we had a few drinks is definitely laughable" -- these dumb libs have no sense of humor and don't understand that this whole thing was just a joke to expose Biden and the Deep State....and the other shoe that just dropped is the Russian prime minister turning in his resignation; because he also knows that Biden is exposed, and so will his connections to Biden....Trump has totally outsmarted the Deep State...
I missed the part where Joe Biden 'is the one who hired Lev Parnas to get close to the Trump campaign, via Giuliani and he then tricked Giuliani into believing he would work for Trump in pursuit of digging up dirt on Biden....all an elaborate scheme to try to make it seem as tho Trump and Giuliani were the ones trying to pressure Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden...your diabolical plan failed Sleepy Joe and now the gig is up...'

Did you find that in another link? Question: did you make this shit up? I cannot find any corroboration for your assertion.

If what you say is true, Biden is done.
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Impeachment: Giuliani associate Parnas pushed Ukraine investigation

Biden's fate was all but sealed yesterday, not because of his poor debate performance, but because his associate, Lev Parness has flipped on him and turned over very incriminating evidence against him...

"An attorney for Lev Parnas, the indicted associate of Rudy Giuliani, has turned over photos, dozens of text messages and thousands of pages of documents to House impeachment investigators in an effort to win his client an audience with lawmakers. The attorney for Parnas said 'After our trip to DC, we worked through the night providing a trove of Lev Parnas' WhatsApp messages, text messages & images—not under protective order—to #HPSCI, detailing interactions with a number of individuals relevant to the impeachment inquiry"

Joe Biden is literally panicking right now because he is the one who hired Lev Parnas to get close to the Trump campaign, via Giuliani and he then tricked Giuliani into believing he would work for Trump in pursuit of digging up dirt on Biden....all an elaborate scheme to try to make it seem as tho Trump and Giuliani were the ones trying to pressure Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden...your diabolical plan failed Sleepy Joe and now the gig is up...

To add to the insanity, it seems that Biden's plan was actually foiled by a brave Republican congressional candidate out of Connecticut named Robert Hyde...He totally owned Biden's henchman Parnas, when he pretended to be tracking former ambassador Yanokovitch, saying things like "we have someone inside who can take her out"…they had the State Dept so triggered that she was called back from her post in Ukraine…..when asked about his texts conversations with Parnas, Hyde said "I was never in Kiev. For them to take some texts my buddy’s and I wrote back to some dweeb (Parnas) we were playing with that we met a few times while we had a few drinks is definitely laughable" -- these dumb libs have no sense of humor and don't understand that this whole thing was just a joke to expose Biden and the Deep State....and the other shoe that just dropped is the Russian prime minister turning in his resignation; because he also knows that Biden is exposed, and so will his connections to Biden....Trump has totally outsmarted the Deep State...

OK, I had to read this twice before I realized I was being Onion'd. :)
This is just another log on the fire when it comes to Trump and his associates trying to dig up non-existent dirt on the Bidens.
Impeachment: Giuliani associate Parnas pushed Ukraine investigation

Biden's fate was all but sealed yesterday, not because of his poor debate performance, but because his associate, Lev Parness has flipped on him and turned over very incriminating evidence against him...

"An attorney for Lev Parnas, the indicted associate of Rudy Giuliani, has turned over photos, dozens of text messages and thousands of pages of documents to House impeachment investigators in an effort to win his client an audience with lawmakers. The attorney for Parnas said 'After our trip to DC, we worked through the night providing a trove of Lev Parnas' WhatsApp messages, text messages & images—not under protective order—to #HPSCI, detailing interactions with a number of individuals relevant to the impeachment inquiry"

Joe Biden is literally panicking right now because he is the one who hired Lev Parnas to get close to the Trump campaign, via Giuliani and he then tricked Giuliani into believing he would work for Trump in pursuit of digging up dirt on Biden....all an elaborate scheme to try to make it seem as tho Trump and Giuliani were the ones trying to pressure Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden...your diabolical plan failed Sleepy Joe and now the gig is up...

To add to the insanity, it seems that Biden's plan was actually foiled by a brave Republican congressional candidate out of Connecticut named Robert Hyde...He totally owned Biden's henchman Parnas, when he pretended to be tracking former ambassador Yanokovitch, saying things like "we have someone inside who can take her out"…they had the State Dept so triggered that she was called back from her post in Ukraine…..when asked about his texts conversations with Parnas, Hyde said "I was never in Kiev. For them to take some texts my buddy’s and I wrote back to some dweeb (Parnas) we were playing with that we met a few times while we had a few drinks is definitely laughable" -- these dumb libs have no sense of humor and don't understand that this whole thing was just a joke to expose Biden and the Deep State....and the other shoe that just dropped is the Russian prime minister turning in his resignation; because he also knows that Biden is exposed, and so will his connections to Biden....Trump has totally outsmarted the Deep State...

OK, I had to read this twice before I realized I was being Onion'd. :)
This is just another log on the fire when it comes to Trump and his associates trying to dig up non-existent dirt on the Bidens.
Impeaching Trump Destroyed Biden’s Presidential Campaign.

It was Impeachment that Blew Up Biden. Dems didn't lay a glove on Trump but they blew up their front runner. The reason the whole nation knows that Biden extorted Ukraine and that his son was in on the Bribery scheme is because of impeachment. Without the faked up hit job on Trump over the perfect Ukraine phone call, no one would know about Burisma and Biden's successful $Billion extortion.


When you look at the Real Clear Politics tracking in the early states of Iowa and New Hampshire, you will notice a pattern: Biden starts losing support, or some other candidate starts to rise, around mid-September 2019.

Mid-September happens to be the same time the whistleblower complaint that launched Trump's impeachment became public.

Looking at the graphs of Iowa and New Hampshire you see quite clearly how Biden's candidacy was riding high, the unequivocal frontrunner, for months. Months! Then suddenly the race became competitive between Biden, Sanders, Warren, and eventually Buttigieg.

Biden has never regained that runaway frontrunner status since the Democrats started their bogus impeachment of Trump. And it's quite easy to understand why.

Prior to the whistleblower complaint, Biden's Ukraine conflict of interest was not on the public radar, but thanks to those revelations, videos of Biden admitting to a quid pro quo, and his son Hunter's position at Burisma Holdings were being discussed and debated openly by media. For sure, the liberal media attempted to downplay the significance of Biden's Ukraine problem, but Biden, who was seen as the sane and safe candidate, wasn't so safe anymore. Even Biden's cheerleaders on The View couldn't deny it.

Democrats impeached Trump for suggesting there be an investigation into Biden and his son over Burisma, and yet their efforts to protect Biden may very well have doomed his campaign. The impeachment hearings became a very public platform for Republicans to air Biden's dirty laundry for hours a day, and the public watched as even the Democrats' own witnesses couldn't deny the obvious about Hunter Biden and his father.

Now impeachment is over, President Trump not only emerged unscathed but stronger than ever. Joe Biden, on the other hand, got shellacked in Iowa, and will likely get shellacked in New Hampshire as well. He still has the lead in Nevada and South Carolina, but it will be very difficult for him to overcome two major losses in a row.

Joe Biden's frontrunner status was largely due to his perceived electability. By impeaching Trump, they revealed how risky nominating him would really be.

One of the dumber moves in Presidential Politics.

Barack and Hillary deliberately insulting and threatening Pennsylvania voters, though, was huge as well.
Impeachment: Giuliani associate Parnas pushed Ukraine investigation

Biden's fate was all but sealed yesterday, not because of his poor debate performance, but because his associate, Lev Parness has flipped on him and turned over very incriminating evidence against him...

"An attorney for Lev Parnas, the indicted associate of Rudy Giuliani, has turned over photos, dozens of text messages and thousands of pages of documents to House impeachment investigators in an effort to win his client an audience with lawmakers. The attorney for Parnas said 'After our trip to DC, we worked through the night providing a trove of Lev Parnas' WhatsApp messages, text messages & images—not under protective order—to #HPSCI, detailing interactions with a number of individuals relevant to the impeachment inquiry"

Joe Biden is literally panicking right now because he is the one who hired Lev Parnas to get close to the Trump campaign, via Giuliani and he then tricked Giuliani into believing he would work for Trump in pursuit of digging up dirt on Biden....all an elaborate scheme to try to make it seem as tho Trump and Giuliani were the ones trying to pressure Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden...your diabolical plan failed Sleepy Joe and now the gig is up...

To add to the insanity, it seems that Biden's plan was actually foiled by a brave Republican congressional candidate out of Connecticut named Robert Hyde...He totally owned Biden's henchman Parnas, when he pretended to be tracking former ambassador Yanokovitch, saying things like "we have someone inside who can take her out"…they had the State Dept so triggered that she was called back from her post in Ukraine…..when asked about his texts conversations with Parnas, Hyde said "I was never in Kiev. For them to take some texts my buddy’s and I wrote back to some dweeb (Parnas) we were playing with that we met a few times while we had a few drinks is definitely laughable" -- these dumb libs have no sense of humor and don't understand that this whole thing was just a joke to expose Biden and the Deep State....and the other shoe that just dropped is the Russian prime minister turning in his resignation; because he also knows that Biden is exposed, and so will his connections to Biden....Trump has totally outsmarted the Deep State...


You're gonna have tRumplings believing this one.

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