Nailed to crosses..crucified..really ?!!

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
What do u think happening ?

Of all the Christian mysteries, none rank as highly as the concept of Christ’s crucifixion and atoning sacrifice. In fact, Christians base their salvation on this one tenet of faith. And if it really happened, shouldn’t we all?

People nailed to crosses in Good Friday ritual - PhotoBlog


head of the crucifixions, throngs of penitents walked several miles (kilometers) through village streets and beat their bare backs with sharp bamboo sticks and pieces of wood, sometimes splashing spectators with blood. Some participants opened cuts in the penitents' backs using broken glass to ensure the ritual was sufficiently bloody.


Praise be to God for the grace of Islam :eusa_angel:

But Did Jesus really crucified ?
Jesus Was Neither Killed, nor Crucified
Religious Mysteries 101 – The Crucifixion
The True Teachings of Jesus Christ.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Let us turn to Qur'an, 3:55: [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] “When Allah said: O Jesus! I will complete you(r term) [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] and cause you to ascend unto Me [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] and cleanse you of those who disbelieve...” [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Allah assures that Jesus will be saved from the Jews and that his term and what is destined for him is guaranteed for him and that Allah will cause Jesus to ascend unto Him. The Bible agrees that Jesus ascended unto heaven (Luke 24:51), but the main dispute is about what happened in between: the alleged crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus (pbuh). [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Allah says in Qur'an that they neither killed him nor crucified him, but it was made to appear so unto them. In many places in Qur'an, it has been mentioned that Jews used to kill the prophets unjustly. But in the case of Jesus (pbuh) it vehemently denies that they killed him or that they crucified him. This is because Qur'an will not contain anything except truth.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Surah 4, Verses 157 & 158: [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] “and their saying : we killed Christ Jesus, son of Mary, The messenger of Allah - but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but it was made to appear to them so; and those who disagree concerning it are full of doubts; they have no knowledge thereof save pursuit of a conjecture; For surely they killed him not; but Allah took him up unto Himself; [FONT=&quot] and Allah is ever mighty, wise.” [/FONT][/FONT]
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i agree - nailing people to crosses is kind of gross. however to be fair, shouldn't you also include pix of all the muslims chaining themselves over the head & back ? there is some ashura holy day where they do this yes ?

good luck trying to evangelize people away from xnity. it's unfortunate that deception, force & violence are such fundamental tenets of islam. if islam is such a great religion, or if islam is the 1 true religion, or if allah really is "god" then why must the followers of islam use such negative tactics to conquer & suppress it's adherents ?

humans clearly have free will, and even tho koran has verse about "no compulsion in religion" that was in mo's early peaceful life and clearly abrogated later after mo's astounding "success" as a murdering warlord

can islam successfully compete in a free market of religions & ideas without resorting to threats of intimidation & violence ?

again clearly the koran, hadiths & life of mohamhead are drenched in the blood of apostates, unbelievers, mockers & generally anybody & everybody that disagrees with islam so to achieve this positive approach would require what, deleting 80% of all the "holy texts" for islam ??
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Quote " This is because Qur'an will not contain anything except truth."

The quran is full of falsehoods and myths, like the sun orbits the earth, and Jonah was swallowed by a whale. So why would it be right about Jesus not being crucified. All four books of the apostles give Lengthy accounts of the Crucifixion. So either the bible is all made up, or the quran is wrong.
Instead of condemning those Christians...of course people turn this into a debate on Islam.
What do u think happening ?

Of all the Christian mysteries, none rank as highly as the concept of Christ’s crucifixion and atoning sacrifice. In fact, Christians base their salvation on this one tenet of faith. And if it really happened, shouldn’t we all?

People nailed to crosses in Good Friday ritual - PhotoBlog


head of the crucifixions, throngs of penitents walked several miles (kilometers) through village streets and beat their bare backs with sharp bamboo sticks and pieces of wood, sometimes splashing spectators with blood. Some participants opened cuts in the penitents' backs using broken glass to ensure the ritual was sufficiently bloody.


Praise be to God for the grace of Islam :eusa_angel:

But Did Jesus really crucified ?
Jesus Was Neither Killed, nor Crucified
Religious Mysteries 101 – The Crucifixion
The True Teachings of Jesus Christ.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Let us turn to Qur'an, 3:55: [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] “When Allah said: O Jesus! I will complete you(r term) [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] and cause you to ascend unto Me [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] and cleanse you of those who disbelieve...” [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Allah assures that Jesus will be saved from the Jews and that his term and what is destined for him is guaranteed for him and that Allah will cause Jesus to ascend unto Him. The Bible agrees that Jesus ascended unto heaven (Luke 24:51), but the main dispute is about what happened in between: the alleged crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus (pbuh). [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Allah says in Qur'an that they neither killed him nor crucified him, but it was made to appear so unto them. In many places in Qur'an, it has been mentioned that Jews used to kill the prophets unjustly. But in the case of Jesus (pbuh) it vehemently denies that they killed him or that they crucified him. This is because Qur'an will not contain anything except truth.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Surah 4, Verses 157 & 158: [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] “and their saying : we killed Christ Jesus, son of Mary, The messenger of Allah - but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but it was made to appear to them so; and those who disagree concerning it are full of doubts; they have no knowledge thereof save pursuit of a conjecture; For surely they killed him not; but Allah took him up unto Himself; [FONT=&quot] and Allah is ever mighty, wise.” [/FONT][/FONT]
Christ=truth, allah=satan, quran=BIG LIE!!!!
Jesus was crucified because he was gay, he made a pass at Judas, who freaked out and turned him in. And I'll use a frequent argument at this board to prove my point: No one can dis-prove what I said, so it must be true.
could we get some graphic warnings on this thread??????

i find it so odd that one would do painful it must be....but it is their faith
What do u think happening ?

Of all the Christian mysteries, none rank as highly as the concept of Christ’s crucifixion and atoning sacrifice. In fact, Christians base their salvation on this one tenet of faith. And if it really happened, shouldn’t we all?

People nailed to crosses in Good Friday ritual - PhotoBlog


head of the crucifixions, throngs of penitents walked several miles (kilometers) through village streets and beat their bare backs with sharp bamboo sticks and pieces of wood, sometimes splashing spectators with blood. Some participants opened cuts in the penitents' backs using broken glass to ensure the ritual was sufficiently bloody.


Praise be to God for the grace of Islam :eusa_angel:

But Did Jesus really crucified ?
Jesus Was Neither Killed, nor Crucified
Religious Mysteries 101 – The Crucifixion
The True Teachings of Jesus Christ.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Let us turn to Qur'an, 3:55: [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] “When Allah said: O Jesus! I will complete you(r term) [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] and cause you to ascend unto Me [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] and cleanse you of those who disbelieve...” [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Allah assures that Jesus will be saved from the Jews and that his term and what is destined for him is guaranteed for him and that Allah will cause Jesus to ascend unto Him. The Bible agrees that Jesus ascended unto heaven (Luke 24:51), but the main dispute is about what happened in between: the alleged crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus (pbuh). [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Allah says in Qur'an that they neither killed him nor crucified him, but it was made to appear so unto them. In many places in Qur'an, it has been mentioned that Jews used to kill the prophets unjustly. But in the case of Jesus (pbuh) it vehemently denies that they killed him or that they crucified him. This is because Qur'an will not contain anything except truth.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Surah 4, Verses 157 & 158: [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] “and their saying : we killed Christ Jesus, son of Mary, The messenger of Allah - but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but it was made to appear to them so; and those who disagree concerning it are full of doubts; they have no knowledge thereof save pursuit of a conjecture; For surely they killed him not; but Allah took him up unto Himself; [FONT=&quot] and Allah is ever mighty, wise.” [/FONT][/FONT]
Christ=truth, allah=satan, quran=BIG LIE!!!!

How about Yahweh?
Jesus was crucified because he was gay, he made a pass at Judas, who freaked out and turned him in. And I'll use a frequent argument at this board to prove my point: No one can dis-prove what I said, so it must be true.

Just more trolling atheist bullshit with no point other than posturing to get attention.
Christ died for us. Allah wants you to die for him.
Our reward is life, yours is sex.
We don't have to kill everyone on the planet for peace to occur. You do.

Did you really just say that...?

Nothing you said means anything

He was making a set of contrasts, and though I disagree with him, it is not his responsibility for you to engage your brain and grasp what he is saying.
Ancient Lion, these Christians in the Phillipines do what they do out of religious fervor, but they miss the core Truth of what Christ did on the Cross.

The central and most profound thing about it is that He did it to redeem us under the power of an oppressive authority.

Though these people do a good thing, I think, in wanting to truly share in what Christ felt, the life of Deitrich Bonhoffer and Maximillian Kolbe did share in what Christ did far more effectively and more genuinely, IMO.

Perhaps you might read of what they did to emulate Christ, and not these poor Phillipinos?
Christ died for us. Allah wants you to die for him.
Our reward is life, yours is sex.
We don't have to kill everyone on the planet for peace to occur. You do.

Did you really just say that...?

Nothing you said means anything

He was making a set of contrasts, and though I disagree with him, it is not his responsibility for you to engage your brain and grasp what he is saying.

He can say whatever, buts that's very foolish, and what was that supposed to mean serisously? Does that really mean anything is that how people demonize Islam just by saying that not having a real long discussion? Why are people of afraid of discussing Islam and Christianity, did Ahmed Deedat prove Christians wrong?
The Quran is a holy book, IMO. I have read it and studied it without a preconception of its moral value and I was edified by it. It has a ring to it very similar to the books of the Kings and Chronicles and the Macabees.

I do not believe that there is an intrinsic conflict between the Quran and Christianity, though I know many will disagree. I say this because the Quran merely asserts that Jesus was not defeated on the cross, and this is most certainly True. One has to go to the Hadith to find incontrovertable disagreement between Christianity and Islam, and while I respect the Hadith, I do not think it is flawless.

This is simply my opinion, and I do not expect agreement, but I simply state it for the record.

If you really want to understand a religion, sit with the people who believe in it and hear it from them. Dont define it in your mind by reading the quivalent of Chick tracts.
Did you really just say that...?

Nothing you said means anything

He was making a set of contrasts, and though I disagree with him, it is not his responsibility for you to engage your brain and grasp what he is saying.

He can say whatever, buts that's very foolish, and what was that supposed to mean serisously? Does that really mean anything is that how people demonize Islam just by saying that not having a real long discussion? Why are people of afraid of discussing Islam and Christianity, did Ahmed Deedat prove Christians wrong?

Yes, he was doing the agit-prop thing of heightening contrasts and then trying to make a point of the very different nature of one from the other with one being superior.

For example, though it is said that a faithful Muslim will have virgins in heaven, I think it mostly an allegory, or else what do the faithful Muslim women get? male virgins? I dont hink it is intended literally, but to say that heaven is pure, enjoyable and will be a suitable reward to the righteous.

I suspect BIK realizes this, but he is trying to acheive a good ends with an unfair evaluation that is not intellectually honest.

But then, to say you have no idea what he meant with his post, is that intellectually honest either?
The Quran is a holy book, IMO. I have read it and studied it without a preconception of its moral value and I was edified by it. It has a ring to it very similar to the books of the Kings and Chronicles and the Macabees.

I do not believe that there is an intrinsic conflict between the Quran and Christianity, though I know many will disagree. I say this because the Quran merely asserts that Jesus was not defeated on the cross, and this is most certainly True. One has to go to the Hadith to find incontrovertable disagreement between Christianity and Islam, and while I respect the Hadith, I do not think it is flawless.

This is simply my opinion, and I do not expect agreement, but I simply state it for the record.

If you really want to understand a religion, sit with the people who believe in it and hear it from them. Dont define it in your mind by reading the quivalent of Chick tracts.

I like you for actually willing to talk and be respectful, not like the other people who hurl insults against something many people hold sacred. And Muslims believe Jesus didn't die on a I cannot confirm because Hadith and Koran says nay that they know we raised him up into the does that mean he died and his soul was raised into another body? Or it means he was literally himself raised up and is in the second heaven...I think it means he was literally but some disagree...

And there is many Hadith, I just look at the similiarities and ones confirmed by Hanafi schools
He was making a set of contrasts, and though I disagree with him, it is not his responsibility for you to engage your brain and grasp what he is saying.

He can say whatever, buts that's very foolish, and what was that supposed to mean serisously? Does that really mean anything is that how people demonize Islam just by saying that not having a real long discussion? Why are people of afraid of discussing Islam and Christianity, did Ahmed Deedat prove Christians wrong?

Yes, he was doing the agit-prop thing of heightening contrasts and then trying to make a point of the very different nature of one from the other with one being superior.

For example, though it is said that a faithful Muslim will have virgins in heaven, I think it mostly an allegory, or else what do the faithful Muslim women get? male virgins? I dont hink it is intended literally, but to say that heaven is pure, enjoyable and will be a suitable reward to the righteous.

I suspect BIK realizes this, but he is trying to acheive a good ends with an unfair evaluation that is not intellectually honest.

But then, to say you have no idea what he meant with his post, is that intellectually honest either?

I don't know how God will reward people, there are some people who took all of Gods words by heart and gave their lives for him...only God knows who deserves the best. And I don't mind what's in heaven, the virgins are for people who die before marriage, and they are made out of light, I also don't know what that means. But people who stay virgins their whole life and die before marriage. Particularly martyrs of war, they will get married in Paradaise I dont see how's that a bad thing.

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