NAACP considers resolution decrying racist elements in tea-party movement

I am white and have been refused service in a black resturant.

It pissed me off and I told them I would never give them any business and walked out.

Did this make me pretend blacks are all

Now why do you on the right refuse every incident of racism by whites by screaming "but a couple of black people were mean to soem white people so it dosent matter"?

I never thought you could get any dumber than you have been, but I guess I was wrong.

I hope it passes. And I hope it gets a shit load of press. I'd be shocked if the republiklans here didn't disagree. These dimwits think reverse racism is a real issue.
I hope it passes. And I hope it gets a shit load of press. I'd be shocked if the republiklans here didn't disagree. These dimwits think reverse racism is a real issue.

There is no such thing as reverse racism. Racism is racism period regardless of who is on the receiving end.
You are not much of a christian to do so much lying

You stupid liar! You and I were the only two on that said that the machines could have been rigged! Well, you were stupid... you said they had been rigged. I said they could have been and were not secure. Stop your damned lying! It is why we have been having so many problems the last several months. You have dug you way so deep into President Obama's ass, that you can't tell the truth.

Yes, it is compelling and like I said (and have said since you brought it up on (now defunct))they can be rigged. But, I watched that video. He didn't say he did it. He didn't say he knew of anyone who had done it. Thus it is hearsay and not proof of any wrong doing. I think it is despicable that his employer asked him to do it and believe that she should be investigated, but none of it is proof.

And your point? I already said the machines were not able to be secured. I have said it since way back when, but I can tell you will lie and claim that I did not. Because you are a proven liar.

Good, and go find a post where I gave you shit about it or once again you are a damned liar.

Are you really going to claim they found WMDs in Iraq? You are not the person I used to know. You and me would go at it about Bush and you supported him for years.

Oh my Lord, can you read? No, I guess you can't. Where did I say they found WMDs? You made the fallacious (by the way, that means false) claim that I gave you shit about it. I don't remember having given you shit about it. Now, go find the post where I gave you shit about it, or STFU about it!


Your a fraction of the man you used to be.

you know very well those posts are years old and no longer exsist.

You are why I have so little respect for people who call themselves christians and then thurn out to be liars who dont have the integrity to admitt their failings.

Im pretty much filing you with willow and all in babble now buddy. Enjoy pissing in your own eyes.

I don't care where you file me. You are a proven liar and you are a despicable, hateful person.

Yes, I know how old those posts are, but I also know that you are a damned liar that will continue to spread your lies even though you know they are lies. I gave you the opportunity to recant and you continued to spread your lies.


On a daily basis, how much black on white racism do any of you actually experience personally?

I do not experience very much at all.

Most of the black people that I know are reasonable human beings and very friendly. That does not mean that black racism does not exist. I would say the guy talking about killing white babies is a racist. I also saw a video where a former black professor (don't remember his name) was talking about killing white people.

That saddens me. We will never be able to get passed the tragedy (might be a better word for it but hopefully that will relay my feelings about it) of racism when we fear and hate each other.


Black racists exist. Their numbers are small. Same as the KKK. They exist too. Most people won't give them the time of day.

Yes. Racists (from all races, not just black and white) exists. But, calling everyone who are white conservatives racist is not only stupid, but wrong and it cheapens the word. It let's people like David Duke and that former professor that I mentioned hide behind the fallacy that everyone is just like them.

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David Duke has his sights on the Tea Party. Beware.

I am not a member or a fan of the new Republican Coalition aka the Tea Party. Not that I don't agree with some of their positions, but as far as I can tell, they are an arm of the Republican Party and I do not expect any changes should they win a seat or two.

David Duke has his sights on the Tea Party. Beware.

I am not a member or a fan of the new Republican Coalition aka the Tea Party. Not that I don't agree with some of their positions, but as far as I can tell, they are an arm of the Republican Party and I do not expect any changes should they win a seat or two.


The Tea Partiers are the armpit of the Republican Party.
I am white and have been refused service in a black resturant.

It pissed me off and I told them I would never give them any business and walked out.

Did this make me pretend blacks are all

Now why do you on the right refuse every incident of racism by whites by screaming "but a couple of black people were mean to soem white people so it dosent matter"?

So, is it okay for Blacks to refuse service to Whites? Have they earned that right because their race was previously the victims of similar treatment?
I am white and have been refused service in a black resturant.

It pissed me off and I told them I would never give them any business and walked out.

Did this make me pretend blacks are all

Now why do you on the right refuse every incident of racism by whites by screaming "but a couple of black people were mean to soem white people so it dosent matter"?

So, is it okay for Blacks to refuse service to Whites? Have they earned that right because their race was previously the victims of similar treatment?

I have been denied service in a black owned restaurant as well. Long story so I don't really want to go into detail. I must say that although I was saddened by the fact that it happened, I felt more like I was being warned that I was not in a safe neighborhood than anything else.

The waitress was by no means mean. She simply told me that my wife and I and two daughters might be better off at another place of business. I don't know if it was meant that way or not, but I took the hint as a warning and we left. What I would really have preferred doing was staying and chatting, but I was young and I had a young wife and two kids that were about 3 and 1 and there were probably half a dozen others there in a darkened room. I was not willing to chat even though I would have liked to have done so.

I am white and have been refused service in a black resturant.

It pissed me off and I told them I would never give them any business and walked out.

Did this make me pretend blacks are all

Now why do you on the right refuse every incident of racism by whites by screaming "but a couple of black people were mean to soem white people so it dosent matter"?

So, is it okay for Blacks to refuse service to Whites? Have they earned that right because their race was previously the victims of similar treatment?

I have been denied service in a black owned restaurant as well. Long story so I don't really want to go into detail. I must say that although I was saddened by the fact that it happened, I felt more like I was being warned that I was not in a safe neighborhood than anything else.

The waitress was by no means mean. She simply told me that my wife and I and two daughters might be better off at another place of business. I don't know if it was meant that way or not, but I took the hint as a warning and we left. What I would really have preferred doing was staying and chatting, but I was young and I had a young wife and two kids that were about 3 and 1 and there were probably half a dozen others there in a darkened room. I was not willing to chat even though I would have liked to have done so.


That is pathetic, sad, and reeks of double standard.
David Duke has his sights on the Tea Party. Beware.

I am not a member or a fan of the new Republican Coalition aka the Tea Party. Not that I don't agree with some of their positions, but as far as I can tell, they are an arm of the Republican Party and I do not expect any changes should they win a seat or two.


They are not really even a party. It is simply a movement meant to push the republicans back to conservatism.

Driving truck more than one time I found myself in Mostly black neighbor hoods, and not only got looks. But heard things like You better get home white boy, and what are you doing here cracker. So people can pretend there are no Black Racists, or not a lot of them. I contend that if you find yourself alone in a mostly black neighborhood. You are going run into some of them. You will also run into plenty of perfectly nice, Not racist Black people as well, but the racism is there.
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So, is it okay for Blacks to refuse service to Whites? Have they earned that right because their race was previously the victims of similar treatment?

I have been denied service in a black owned restaurant as well. Long story so I don't really want to go into detail. I must say that although I was saddened by the fact that it happened, I felt more like I was being warned that I was not in a safe neighborhood than anything else.

The waitress was by no means mean. She simply told me that my wife and I and two daughters might be better off at another place of business. I don't know if it was meant that way or not, but I took the hint as a warning and we left. What I would really have preferred doing was staying and chatting, but I was young and I had a young wife and two kids that were about 3 and 1 and there were probably half a dozen others there in a darkened room. I was not willing to chat even though I would have liked to have done so.


That is pathetic, sad, and reeks of double standard.

Maybe so, but I am alive today to tell the story.

Who knows, it may not have had anything to do with race. Maybe there were drugs in the place and being a stranger, they were uncomfortable with us being there.

David Duke has his sights on the Tea Party. Beware.

I am not a member or a fan of the new Republican Coalition aka the Tea Party. Not that I don't agree with some of their positions, but as far as I can tell, they are an arm of the Republican Party and I do not expect any changes should they win a seat or two.


They are not really even a party. It is simply a movement meant to push the republicans back to conservatism.

Driving truck more than one time I found myself in Mostly black neighbor hoods, and not only got looks. But heard things like You better get home white boy, and what are you doing here cracker. So people can pretend there are no Black Racists, or not a lot of them. I contend that if you find yourself alone in a mostly black neighborhood. You are going run into some of them. You will also run into plenty of perfectly nice, Not racist people as well, but the racism is there.

I don't disagree with that, but then there are still plenty of racists with white skin. I have worked for some.


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