NAACP considers resolution decrying racist elements in tea-party movement

So now we see the racist policies of this President. Sueing Arizona as soon as they get a case they can say is racial profiling, dropping the intimidation case of voters because the guilty man was black, Politcizing race, etc, etc.

I thought Obama was the "Post racial President". I thought Obama was going to bring us all together? This fake President is nothing more than an educated race baiter.

All of you who voted for this fraud......nice work. You should be ashamed.
Tell me why the people of color in this nation vote for the right in so very few numbers?

Its because the Republicans arent keen on spending billions on providing meal tickets for people with no motivation to go out and actually work for themselves. Also, the republicans dont have a black man running as a candidate, and we know the black community mostly votes based on color, and when there isnt a black man to vote for they vote for the guy thats handing out free money.... aka dipshit liberals and democrats.
We owe a debt in our society to the NAACP.

not anymore....they are like some unions....they did their they are out for themselves....

They are historic heroes. I respect their accomplishment.

ok thats fine.....what are they doing today thats on par with what they did yesterday?....are you ok when they back blacks who always seen to be the "victims?"....there are MANY times now,when this organization will reinforce the mindset that... you are the victim here....i cant remember an instance where these people told a Black man or woman that YOU created this problem and by YOUR actions you are making things worse for yourself and family....the NAACP is just an Organization composed of a bunch of Al Sharptons and Jesse Jacksons.......lets keep the "you are the victims" mindset going....oh and lets play the race card as often as we can....cant forget that....sometimes they might actually have a legitimate argument.....but thats far and few in-between.....
The NAACP has every right to discuss the Tea Party and their views towards race

- Racist signage openly accepted at rallies
- Tea Party candidate Rand Paul openly opposing the civil rights act
- Tea party rhetoric and chants

If they think this organization is a threat to the treatment of blacks...they have every right to address it
When comparing the NAACP to todays Tea Party the NAACP are the real Patriots

Their people were ACTUALLY being denied their Constitutional rights, their people were being beaten and killed, their people were denied the right to vote and the right to go where they want. They were denied fair trials. All this makes the Tea Partys "I don't like paying taxes" and "He is making me buy health insurance" seem petty

When the NAACP held their protest rallies they were met with fire hoses, attack dogs and billy clubs. But it is the Tea Baggers who claim they are being mistreated by the evil government

The NAACP saved this country from a revolution. In the 50s and 60s black churches were being bombed with people inside, blacks were taken from their beds and lynched, all white juries acquitted anyone acused of a crime against blacks. There was open warfare being directed against blacks by white racists and white politicians.

Most of us would have responded to such vile treatment with violence. It was the NAACP that insisted on a non-violent response. It was the NAACP that insisted on calmness and use of the media and courts to address their grievances

The NAACP saved this country from a race war
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The NAACP has every right to discuss the Tea Party and their views towards race

- Racist signage openly accepted at rallies
- Tea Party candidate Rand Paul openly opposing the civil rights act
- Tea party rhetoric and chants

If they think this organization is a threat to the treatment of blacks...they have every right to address it

David Duke white supremacist invidted to speak at tea party rallies.
Can you read?

How many times have you thrown the N-word around today? At least twice that I can recall.

And this one is particularly aggrevating:


You throw that word around like it is second nature to you.

You are a racist and prove it by the way you throw that word around. One can only guess how many times you used it and mis-spelled it.

Note: not all of those are today.


Immie I pposted it becausse its what conhog said repeatedly.

You call mne a racist for telling people what he said, you were not so condeming of the guy who was calling black people ******* though....why?

Liar! Three times I have spoken out against him and asked him nicely not to do so. I would like to shove a sock down his throat so to speak, but obviously that will not work. Of course, you have proven that it won't work with you either. I am not a mod and have no right to request it, but I have done so three times.

Not only that, but a couple of those posts of yours that I linked were even before CONhog became a member here. So, it had nothing at all to do with him.

I will not use it again in this thread, since you asked.

You were asked that in another thread and I believe you said the same thing and followed through with it... thank you.

Am I pushing my luck to ask that you refrain from using it in any thread? :lol:


Now... go ahead and keep spouting your lies.

I do wish you would quit using that word like it is second nature to you. I realize you have every right to prove that you are a racist, but that word is despicable even when used as you seem to like to use it.


Here is where Immie totally loses it and calls me a racist for telling people conhog is using it to insult black people, he is REAL nice to conhog though.
Hey, colored people group. How about a resolution denouncing the rampant racism of the new black panther party? That colored guy recently had some nasty things to say about us white folks.

I'm sure you'll get right on it, thanks.
How quickly we forget history and why there needed to be a colored people group. They're still relevant. Why are white folks threatened that blacks have a civil rights group?
Hey, colored people group. How about a resolution denouncing the rampant racism of the new black panther party? That colored guy recently had some nasty things to say about us white folks.

I'm sure you'll get right on it, thanks.

it would be ignored like the interview with Bobby Seale or like the open letter from the Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation
Hey, colored people group. How about a resolution denouncing the rampant racism of the new black panther party? That colored guy recently had some nasty things to say about us white folks.

I'm sure you'll get right on it, thanks.

it would be ignored like the interview with Bobby Seale or like the open letter from the Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation

Do you guys know the difference between the NAACP and the Black Panthers? Apparently not.
Hey, colored people group. How about a resolution denouncing the rampant racism of the new black panther party? That colored guy recently had some nasty things to say about us white folks.

I'm sure you'll get right on it, thanks.

it would be ignored like the interview with Bobby Seale or like the open letter from the Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation

Do you guys know the difference between the NAACP and the Black Panthers? Apparently not.

apparently you have bad aim and are full of yourself. not a nice combo. go meditate.
Can we do a resolution against the REAL racism within the NAACP? The tea party stands for lower taxation, less government spending, less government and strengthen the economy. Not racism in the least.

The NAACP, the National Association for the Advancement of Color People is racist. Whites who support their cause can't join. Anyone can join the Tea Party, in which many Blacks and Latinos do. NAACP doesn't look to advance all Americans only Black Amercans, while the Tea Party seeks to advance all Americans. NAACP is a discriminatory organization. Its written into their bylaws; therefore, they a lot of nerve calling anyone racist!
Can we do a resolution against the REAL racism within the NAACP? The tea party stands for lower taxation, less government spending, less government and strengthen the economy. Not racism in the least.

The NAACP, the National Association for the Advancement of Color People is racist. Whites who support their cause can't join. Anyone can join the Tea Party, in which many Blacks and Latinos do. NAACP doesn't look to advance all Americans only Black Amercans, while the Tea Party seeks to advance all Americans. NAACP is a discriminatory organization. Its written into their bylaws; therefore, they a lot of nerve calling anyone racist!

The NAACP is made up of real American Patriots. They fought for REAL freedom and liberty

The Tea Baggers are pretenders
Can we do a resolution against the REAL racism within the NAACP? The tea party stands for lower taxation, less government spending, less government and strengthen the economy. Not racism in the least.

The NAACP, the National Association for the Advancement of Color People is racist. Whites who support their cause can't join. Anyone can join the Tea Party, in which many Blacks and Latinos do. NAACP doesn't look to advance all Americans only Black Amercans, while the Tea Party seeks to advance all Americans. NAACP is a discriminatory organization. Its written into their bylaws; therefore, they a lot of nerve calling anyone racist!

prove that whites can't join the naacp.
Despite their accomplishments, they have now become a joke. Pissing off thousands of decent Americans who simply want smaller govt is not the way to influence people, They may actually set the civil rights movement backwards. Shame.
Can we do a resolution against the REAL racism within the NAACP? The tea party stands for lower taxation, less government spending, less government and strengthen the economy. Not racism in the least.

The NAACP, the National Association for the Advancement of Color People is racist. Whites who support their cause can't join. Anyone can join the Tea Party, in which many Blacks and Latinos do. NAACP doesn't look to advance all Americans only Black Amercans, while the Tea Party seeks to advance all Americans. NAACP is a discriminatory organization. Its written into their bylaws; therefore, they a lot of nerve calling anyone racist!

The NAACP is made up of real American Patriots. They fought for REAL freedom and liberty

The Tea Baggers are pretenders

Real American Patriots? LOL, name one thing they have done? They have done more to hurt the Black community then the KKK! They set the Black community up as a needy community that can't stand on its own. T

American Patriots, since when is it patriotic to racial discriminate? Not patriotic at all!

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