Mystery of Falling Birds?

(CNN) -- Arkansas game officials hope testing scheduled to begin Monday will solve the mystery of why up to 5,000 birds fell from the sky just before midnight New Year's Eve.

The birds -- most of which were dead -- were red-winged blackbirds and starlings, and they were found within a one-mile area of Beebe, about 40 miles northeast of Little Rock, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission said. Birds fell over about a one-mile area, the commission said in a statement.

As of Saturday, between 4,000 and 5,000 birds had been found dead, said Keith Stephens with the commission.

"Shortly after I arrived, there were still birds falling from the sky," said commission wildlife officer Robby King in the statement. He said he collected about 65 dead birds.

Arkansas game officials probe mystery of falling birds -

Global warming? Is the end near? You decide.

Manna from Heaven?

Good point. :)
Funny, I had a bet with myself that you'd blame the GOP. You never fail to march lockstep with the droolers, do ya, WhineCrapper?

I wonder. It looks like a study done on the effect of natural gas in the water was done on ocean fish, and there was an indication that different species have different levels of tolerance:

Gas impact on fish and other marine organisms

I don't know how true that would be for this particular fish, or how the different species in the Arkansas would stack up if there were differences between them. But it's interesting to note local sources are stating the fish killed are "primarily" drum fish, not "entirely".

Officials Investigate Dead Fish in Logan Co. - KFSM

I find it odd that all of these things happened within a few days of each other and all in areas where new gas drilling is happening.

Here's the gas play map again:

Fayetteville Shale Gas Play

The fish kill occurred near Ozark in central Franklin County, where there are a sprinkling of black dots near the location of the Arkansas River, and apparently extending east into neighboring Logan County.

The earthquake swarm was concentrated in Guy, which is to the east in Faulkner County in the area almost filled in with black.

Map Centered at 37N, 90W

Beebe, the site of the bird kill, is east of that in White County, colored half blue and half pink on the map and also full of black dots.

The area is littered with small and often shallow faults, gas pockets and other geological hazards for drilling companies to deal with. I wonder if there's any way to match up these sites with numbers of fractured wells?

I'm not sure about any of this, it's just speculation. It's just very odd to me that it's all happening in a narrow band across the active drilling area and all within a few days. Some sort of geological activity could easily be to blame, even if it's not the drilling itself.

Wow, it does seem a rather suspicious location and timing...Hopefully the scientists can get to the bottom of it before it happens again!

Maybe there was some sort of massive impact from an underground shift or explosion that only affected the schools of fish that were more vulnerable just by virtue of being in the wrong place at the wrong time...???

Same with the birds...Maybe they were slammed by a tornado or some other massive impact.

Maybe they ate contaminated fish?
(CNN) -- Arkansas game officials hope testing scheduled to begin Monday will solve the mystery of why up to 5,000 birds fell from the sky just before midnight New Year's Eve.

The birds -- most of which were dead -- were red-winged blackbirds and starlings, and they were found within a one-mile area of Beebe, about 40 miles northeast of Little Rock, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission said. Birds fell over about a one-mile area, the commission said in a statement.

As of Saturday, between 4,000 and 5,000 birds had been found dead, said Keith Stephens with the commission.

"Shortly after I arrived, there were still birds falling from the sky," said commission wildlife officer Robby King in the statement. He said he collected about 65 dead birds.

Arkansas game officials probe mystery of falling birds -

Global warming? Is the end near? You decide.

Same area as the tornadoes
Id say it was a harp test.
I think they dropped dead from witnessing the mess Obama has made of the economy. Just looking at the debt alone would make one drop dead.

Yet you remain alive. Are you lying, or really do believe Obama made a mess of the economy? You can't be that stupid.

Obama Compounded a very already serious problem. ;) Quit while you are ahead.

Nope, he didn't, but you are entitled to your opinion, no matter how biased, partisan or stupid that opinion maybe.
This is a very interesting occurence. The physical proximity of the drilling, the small earthquakes, dead birds, dead fish. Connection or no connection? Really interested in what the scientists are going to tell us.
(CNN) -- Arkansas game officials hope testing scheduled to begin Monday will solve the mystery of why up to 5,000 birds fell from the sky just before midnight New Year's Eve.

The birds -- most of which were dead -- were red-winged blackbirds and starlings, and they were found within a one-mile area of Beebe, about 40 miles northeast of Little Rock, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission said. Birds fell over about a one-mile area, the commission said in a statement.

As of Saturday, between 4,000 and 5,000 birds had been found dead, said Keith Stephens with the commission.

"Shortly after I arrived, there were still birds falling from the sky," said commission wildlife officer Robby King in the statement. He said he collected about 65 dead birds.

Arkansas game officials probe mystery of falling birds -

Global warming? Is the end near? You decide.

Same area as the tornadoes
Id say it was a harp test.

The tornadoes were in the extreme north and northwest parts of the state. And in southern Missouri.

Storm Prediction Center 20101231's Storm Reports

The fish kill was at the west end of the band of dots that goes across the state north of Little Rock, out where there's a handful all by themselves in Franklin County, and the bird kill was at the eastern end.

Fayetteville Shale Gas Play

The earthquakes, BTW, are right about in the middle of all that black stuff.

Now if Little Rock had gotten a tsunami and a volcano had erupted at Hot Springs on top of it, THEN I'd say it was definitely a harp test. ;)
This is a very interesting occurence. The physical proximity of the drilling, the small earthquakes, dead birds, dead fish. Connection or no connection? Really interested in what the scientists are going to tell us.

The earthquakes are interesting. They're in the approximate area of the Enola Swarm Area, which is more or less constantly active with these miniquake swarms. They had one in October and one in November too. But they're always pinpointed within a couple miles of Enola, and these are near Guy - which is several miles outside the normal swarm area. And there have never been occurrences like this before with an Enola swarm - that anyone knows of anyway. Related? Not related? Just odd coincidence? :dunno:
(CNN) -- Arkansas game officials hope testing scheduled to begin Monday will solve the mystery of why up to 5,000 birds fell from the sky just before midnight New Year's Eve.

The birds -- most of which were dead -- were red-winged blackbirds and starlings, and they were found within a one-mile area of Beebe, about 40 miles northeast of Little Rock, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission said. Birds fell over about a one-mile area, the commission said in a statement.

As of Saturday, between 4,000 and 5,000 birds had been found dead, said Keith Stephens with the commission.

"Shortly after I arrived, there were still birds falling from the sky," said commission wildlife officer Robby King in the statement. He said he collected about 65 dead birds.

Arkansas game officials probe mystery of falling birds -

Global warming? Is the end near? You decide.

Same area as the tornadoes
Id say it was a harp test.

Strange thing happened. But whats even stranger is the clean up crew in the hazmat suits, and not evacuating anyone. Something isreally wrong here. Any suggestions?

My guess is methane.

I don't know maybe but this was also reported at the same time

In this video fireworks are the blame but has does fireworls account for the mass fish death?
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My guess is methane.

I don't know maybe but this was also reported at the same time

Both within 24 hours of each other, in geologically active areas where active natural gas drilling is taking place and with a swarm of microquakes taking place smack dab in between them?

Yep, methane seems reasonable to me.

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