My Windows are Open!

It's a beautiful day here, all of my windows in the condo are open, the cats are looking at the birds on the patio, I've got my coffee buzz going, and it's Saturday!

Cheers! :beer:

Is everyone else having nice weather?

It's so nice out we just gave the smelly dog a bath and a long walkie! Lovely, lovely weather. :D

I wonder if I could give my cats a bath outside today.................
It's a beautiful day here, all of my windows in the condo are open, the cats are looking at the birds on the patio, I've got my coffee buzz going, and it's Saturday!

Cheers! :beer:

Is everyone else having nice weather?

It's so nice out we just gave the smelly dog a bath and a long walkie! Lovely, lovely weather. :D

I wonder if I could give my cats a bath outside today.................

Only very carefully, but that's true inside as well. ;)
It's a beautiful day here, all of my windows in the condo are open, the cats are looking at the birds on the patio, I've got my coffee buzz going, and it's Saturday!

Cheers! :beer:

Is everyone else having nice weather?

It's so nice out we just gave the smelly dog a bath and a long walkie! Lovely, lovely weather. :D

I wonder if I could give my cats a bath outside today.................

don't you have a dishwasher?
It's sunny and cool here, and I'm just cracking open my first beer of the morning! :clap2:

tak tsk!

Waiting until almost noon? Don't you remember your (slightly editecian modified) Poor Richard saying that:

Lost (drinking time) is never found

Now get out there and carpe freakin' dium!


I'm totally kidding. I drink maybe 12 beers....per year....not per day!

You must be one of those homosexuals?
Well half of my yard is done (1 of 2 acres), the other half tomorrow. Talk about having muscle spasms! I cannot type..LOL
Well half of my yard is done (1 of 2 acres), the other half tomorrow. Talk about having muscle spasms! I cannot type..LOL

That's what I miss about having a yard and then again, not! I love spring and planting. Don't mind raking or fertilizing. It's the trimming, pruning, moving rocks-like, 'where the hell did that rock come from? Snow is dropping rocks?'

Most I ever had was 1.25 acres. That was a bit of work to mow. But enough for monster playset, garden, compost that didn't bother us or the neighbors. Could even hang the laundry outside-that I really miss.

The town house is great in that they do snow removal, replace the roof, garage doors, shutters and do the needed trim painting. But they won't let us plant anything but flowers. :(
Well half of my yard is done (1 of 2 acres), the other half tomorrow. Talk about having muscle spasms! I cannot type..LOL

That's what I miss about having a yard and then again, not! I love spring and planting. Don't mind raking or fertilizing. It's the trimming, pruning, moving rocks-like, 'where the hell did that rock come from? Snow is dropping rocks?'

Most I ever had was 1.25 acres. That was a bit of work to mow. But enough for monster playset, garden, compost that didn't bother us or the neighbors. Could even hang the laundry outside-that I really miss.

The town house is great in that they do snow removal, replace the roof, garage doors, shutters and do the needed trim painting. But they won't let us plant anything but flowers. :(
My driveway is long and it's the big jagged rocks, lined on the one side of the drive way is PINE as you can imagine the pine needles are everywhere! It took me 3 hours just to use my blower to clean the driveway, then all the sticks from the many trees I have. Thank goodness I own a Lawn tractor so the mowing doesn't take's all the other stuff. A lot of work for sure!
harm·less Pronunciation: \&#712;härm-l&#601;s\ Function: adjective Date: 14th century 1 : free from harm, liability, or loss 2 : lacking capacity or intent to injure : innocuous <a harmless joke>
— harm·less·ly adverb
— harm·less·ness noun

OP was on weather, just to bring everyone up to date. :rolleyes:

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