My views have changed...

Nine years ago, I was a neo-conservative die hard Republican. Then my views changed, I became a bit more moderate. When I became disgusted with the Republican party altogether, I became a minarchist libertarian... but now, my views based on the observations of the world have led me to become a classical liberal. I feel like my stances have evolved to more closely reflect that than anything else. It might be the closest thing I can get to keep myself out of two party politics.

Am I renouncing my conservatism? Not necessarily. I am conservative in some areas and liberal in others, and I feel like the time for experimentation is over. This is the culmination of all the ideas and stances I have assimilated from the those past 9 years. Free thought is a wonderful thing. Objectivity is liberating. I'm glad I can change my views when a better argument is made. But enough gloating. See you later.

-Etherion, A Newly Minted Classical Liberal

It is common as people mature to become, as you say, "conservative in some areas, and liberal in others".
Hardline views on either side are equally wrong.
I am quite conservative on economic principles, but more liberal on social concerns.
This is normal. Just sayin, you shouldn't "declare" to subscribe to any particular idealism...none work without including other factors.
Can you even define what a neo-conservative is without a net search?
The KKK?
White Supremacy in general?
Oh here's one!

Let's destroy an entire religion! Let's excise it from American society and forcibly repress it's followers!

Something like that?
That's what I thought. You can't think, you hate.
What do I hate exactly?
LOL, fuck you, play your childish games with someone else, TROLL.
No really, I'm serious.

You tell me I "can't think, but hate", but you're obtuse enough to expect me to know what you're talking about.

So, I'll ask again, what is it that I hate exactly?
That's what I thought, you don't think, you presume. You assume. You can't possibly know what I hate.

See you later.
Just sayin, you shouldn't "declare" to subscribe to any particular idealism...none work without including other factors.



Look, I spent the past decade reevaluating my stances. So I didn't just make this "declaration" on the spur of the moment. This was something that had been brewing for a very long time.
Just sayin, you shouldn't "declare" to subscribe to any particular idealism...none work without including other factors.



Look, I spent the past decade reevaluating my stances. So I didn't just make this "declaration" on the spur of the moment. This was something that had been brewing for a very long time.

I didn't say otherwise.
IMO - it is a sign of maturity and independent thinking when people start allowing and therefore incorporating other ideas into their beliefs. I was giving you a compliment, but also just sayin not to fall from one belief system into another.
I do not believe anyone is a "classical" anything. Our beliefs may more identify with one particular idealogy than others, but SHOULD fall away from them at the same time.
That is all I was saying.

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