My views have changed...


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
Nine years ago, I was a neo-conservative die hard Republican. Then my views changed, I became a bit more moderate. When I became disgusted with the Republican party altogether, I became a minarchist libertarian... but now, my views based on the observations of the world have led me to become a classical liberal. I feel like my stances have evolved to more closely reflect that than anything else. It might be the closest thing I can get to keep myself out of two party politics.

Am I renouncing my conservatism? Not necessarily. I am conservative in some areas and liberal in others, and I feel like the time for experimentation is over. This is the culmination of all the ideas and stances I have assimilated from the those past 9 years. Free thought is a wonderful thing. Objectivity is liberating. I'm glad I can change my views when a better argument is made. But enough gloating. See you later.

-Etherion, A Newly Minted Classical Liberal
Nine years ago, I was a neo-conservative die hard Republican. Then my views changed, I became a bit more moderate. When I became disgusted with the Republican party altogether, I became a minarchist libertarian... but now, my views based on the observations of the world have led me to become a classical liberal. I feel like my stances have evolved to more closely reflect that than anything else. It might be the closest thing I can get to keep myself out of two party politics.

Am I renouncing my conservatism? Not necessarily. I am conservative in some areas and liberal in others, and I feel like the time for experimentation is over. This is the culmination of all the ideas and stances I have assimilated from the those past 9 years. Free thought is a wonderful thing. Objectivity is liberating. I'm glad I can change my views when a better argument is made. But enough gloating. See you later.

-Etherion, A Newly Minted Classical Liberal

Most people are conservative on some things and liberal on others. I am a lifelong independent that votes for the person, not the party. Unfortunately the choices we've had recently have been between unpalatable and horrific. As bad as unpalatable is, it is always better than horrific.
Nine years ago, I was a neo-conservative die hard Republican. Then my views changed, I became a bit more moderate. When I became disgusted with the Republican party altogether, I became a minarchist libertarian... but now, my views based on the observations of the world have led me to become a classical liberal. I feel like my stances have evolved to more closely reflect that than anything else. It might be the closest thing I can get to keep myself out of two party politics.

Am I renouncing my conservatism? Not necessarily. I am conservative in some areas and liberal in others, and I feel like the time for experimentation is over. This is the culmination of all the ideas and stances I have assimilated from the those past 9 years. Free thought is a wonderful thing. Objectivity is liberating. I'm glad I can change my views when a better argument is made. But enough gloating. See you later.

-Etherion, A Newly Minted Classical Liberal

Fuck off, Jake
So does this mean you'll even be working for a living?

I mean, that IS what liberals do while RWs tend to live off others.
Nine years ago, I was a neo-conservative die hard Republican. Then my views changed, I became a bit more moderate. When I became disgusted with the Republican party altogether, I became a minarchist libertarian... but now, my views based on the observations of the world have led me to become a classical liberal. I feel like my stances have evolved to more closely reflect that than anything else. It might be the closest thing I can get to keep myself out of two party politics.

Am I renouncing my conservatism? Not necessarily. I am conservative in some areas and liberal in others, and I feel like the time for experimentation is over. This is the culmination of all the ideas and stances I have assimilated from the those past 9 years. Free thought is a wonderful thing. Objectivity is liberating. I'm glad I can change my views when a better argument is made. But enough gloating. See you later.

-Etherion, A Newly Minted Classical Liberal

Fuck off, Jake

You mean you don't recognize TK?

Someone else will have to remember his whole name ... but he's the one who demanded liberals get him a job but when libs sprang to actually help him, he refused to do anything. He lives with granny.
So does this mean you'll even be working for a living?

I mean, that IS what liberals do while RWs tend to live off others.

I know many Liberals and Conservative that enjoy the social and corporate welfare side of life, so let me ask you do you believe every white person that draws a welfare check in Kentucky is a Conservative and should I believe every black in Michigan or Hispanic in California that draws a welfare check is a Conservative?

That is what you are hinting at so let get it straight many from both sides of the fences draw social welfare or benefit from corporate welfare and not just Conservatives, but please educate the board how you see differently like most partisan nutters do!
Nine years ago, I was a neo-conservative die hard Republican. Then my views changed, I became a bit more moderate. When I became disgusted with the Republican party altogether, I became a minarchist libertarian... but now, my views based on the observations of the world have led me to become a classical liberal. I feel like my stances have evolved to more closely reflect that than anything else. It might be the closest thing I can get to keep myself out of two party politics.

Am I renouncing my conservatism? Not necessarily. I am conservative in some areas and liberal in others, and I feel like the time for experimentation is over. This is the culmination of all the ideas and stances I have assimilated from the those past 9 years. Free thought is a wonderful thing. Objectivity is liberating. I'm glad I can change my views when a better argument is made. But enough gloating. See you later.

-Etherion, A Newly Minted Classical Liberal

Welcome aboard. This one's on me. :beer:

Whether "Liberal", "Conservative", "Libertarian" or whatever the most important thing by far is to keep the mind open to challenge and be ready to bend if the known facts dictate it. The saddest thing in the world is the quicksand-footed ideologue who, when faced with a stark reality that their course has been wrong, proceeds to double down on the wrong simply because admitting a course change would be --- actually I don't know what they think it would be, but something they can't handle.

It takes a backbone to shift one's views so that they fit reality.
Nine years ago, I was a neo-conservative die hard Republican. Then my views changed, I became a bit more moderate. When I became disgusted with the Republican party altogether, I became a minarchist libertarian... but now, my views based on the observations of the world have led me to become a classical liberal. I feel like my stances have evolved to more closely reflect that than anything else. It might be the closest thing I can get to keep myself out of two party politics.

Am I renouncing my conservatism? Not necessarily. I am conservative in some areas and liberal in others, and I feel like the time for experimentation is over. This is the culmination of all the ideas and stances I have assimilated from the those past 9 years. Free thought is a wonderful thing. Objectivity is liberating. I'm glad I can change my views when a better argument is made. But enough gloating. See you later.

-Etherion, A Newly Minted Classical Liberal

Fuck off, Jake

I resent that insinuation, Frank.
Interesting to me that people always frown on changing views. It only reflects the overt rigidity of their own views. I don't think it's wise to always toe the line.
Nine years ago, I was a neo-conservative die hard Republican. Then my views changed, I became a bit more moderate. When I became disgusted with the Republican party altogether, I became a minarchist libertarian... but now, my views based on the observations of the world have led me to become a classical liberal. I feel like my stances have evolved to more closely reflect that than anything else. It might be the closest thing I can get to keep myself out of two party politics.

Am I renouncing my conservatism? Not necessarily. I am conservative in some areas and liberal in others, and I feel like the time for experimentation is over. This is the culmination of all the ideas and stances I have assimilated from the those past 9 years. Free thought is a wonderful thing. Objectivity is liberating. I'm glad I can change my views when a better argument is made. But enough gloating. See you later.

-Etherion, A Newly Minted Classical Liberal

Fuck off, Jake

You mean you don't recognize TK?

Someone else will have to remember his whole name ... but he's the one who demanded liberals get him a job but when libs sprang to actually help him, he refused to do anything. He lives with granny.

Ha, hashing up four year old issues because you can't handle someone practicing the art of objectivity. Shows how utterly closed minded you are.
Nine years ago, I was a neo-conservative die hard Republican. Then my views changed, I became a bit more moderate. When I became disgusted with the Republican party altogether, I became a minarchist libertarian... but now, my views based on the observations of the world have led me to become a classical liberal. I feel like my stances have evolved to more closely reflect that than anything else. It might be the closest thing I can get to keep myself out of two party politics.

Am I renouncing my conservatism? Not necessarily. I am conservative in some areas and liberal in others, and I feel like the time for experimentation is over. This is the culmination of all the ideas and stances I have assimilated from the those past 9 years. Free thought is a wonderful thing. Objectivity is liberating. I'm glad I can change my views when a better argument is made. But enough gloating. See you later.

-Etherion, A Newly Minted Classical Liberal

An American Conservative is a Classical Liberal.......
Nine years ago, I was a neo-conservative die hard Republican. Then my views changed, I became a bit more moderate. When I became disgusted with the Republican party altogether, I became a minarchist libertarian... but now, my views based on the observations of the world have led me to become a classical liberal. I feel like my stances have evolved to more closely reflect that than anything else. It might be the closest thing I can get to keep myself out of two party politics.

Am I renouncing my conservatism? Not necessarily. I am conservative in some areas and liberal in others, and I feel like the time for experimentation is over. This is the culmination of all the ideas and stances I have assimilated from the those past 9 years. Free thought is a wonderful thing. Objectivity is liberating. I'm glad I can change my views when a better argument is made. But enough gloating. See you later.

-Etherion, A Newly Minted Classical Liberal

An American Conservative is a Classical Liberal.......

Trust me, I know.
Nine years ago, I was a neo-conservative die hard Republican. Then my views changed, I became a bit more moderate. When I became disgusted with the Republican party altogether, I became a minarchist libertarian... but now, my views based on the observations of the world have led me to become a classical liberal. I feel like my stances have evolved to more closely reflect that than anything else. It might be the closest thing I can get to keep myself out of two party politics.

Am I renouncing my conservatism? Not necessarily. I am conservative in some areas and liberal in others, and I feel like the time for experimentation is over. This is the culmination of all the ideas and stances I have assimilated from the those past 9 years. Free thought is a wonderful thing. Objectivity is liberating. I'm glad I can change my views when a better argument is made. But enough gloating. See you later.

-Etherion, A Newly Minted Classical Liberal

An American Conservative is a Classical Liberal.......

"Classical Liberal" is a bullshit term made up as a pretext to redefine Liberal into its own opposite. Or to whatever perverse association fallacies invoked in the Red Scare/McCarthy daze. Liberal is Liberal is Liberal. It does not mean "left", it does not mean "Democrat", it does not mean "conservative" and it does not mean "big gummint". It does mean the philosophy that birthed this country and wrote its Constitution. And they were anything but conservatives. Those would be the loyalists who sided with the ideas of monarchy and ruling class over serfs.

The bullshitious who want to hijack the term "Liberal", sometimes to demonize it, other times as here to climb on the bandwagon and steal credit for it, are invariably those who have issues with the ideas IN that Liberal Constitution. The poster above being a ready example.
Nine years ago, I was a neo-conservative die hard Republican. Then my views changed, I became a bit more moderate. When I became disgusted with the Republican party altogether, I became a minarchist libertarian... but now, my views based on the observations of the world have led me to become a classical liberal. I feel like my stances have evolved to more closely reflect that than anything else. It might be the closest thing I can get to keep myself out of two party politics.

Am I renouncing my conservatism? Not necessarily. I am conservative in some areas and liberal in others, and I feel like the time for experimentation is over. This is the culmination of all the ideas and stances I have assimilated from the those past 9 years. Free thought is a wonderful thing. Objectivity is liberating. I'm glad I can change my views when a better argument is made. But enough gloating. See you later.

-Etherion, A Newly Minted Classical Liberal

Fuck off, Jake

I resent that insinuation, Frank.


Pogo is right and I apologize for jumping you. I remember when you posted that you felt you had been wrong about marriage equality and yes, I do agree with Pogo that that takes some courage.

What I also remember is times when you seemed to agree with me that we're all in this together. We need to hold a hand out to the less fortunate. Or, as the saying that's being passed around now says, a high tide lifts all boats, or something like that.

Good for you. I mean that and I really do apologize.
Nine years ago, I was a neo-conservative die hard Republican. Then my views changed, I became a bit more moderate. When I became disgusted with the Republican party altogether, I became a minarchist libertarian... but now, my views based on the observations of the world have led me to become a classical liberal. I feel like my stances have evolved to more closely reflect that than anything else. It might be the closest thing I can get to keep myself out of two party politics.

Am I renouncing my conservatism? Not necessarily. I am conservative in some areas and liberal in others, and I feel like the time for experimentation is over. This is the culmination of all the ideas and stances I have assimilated from the those past 9 years. Free thought is a wonderful thing. Objectivity is liberating. I'm glad I can change my views when a better argument is made. But enough gloating. See you later.

-Etherion, A Newly Minted Classical Liberal

Fuck off, Jake

You mean you don't recognize TK?

Someone else will have to remember his whole name ... but he's the one who demanded liberals get him a job but when libs sprang to actually help him, he refused to do anything. He lives with granny.

Ha, hashing up four year old issues because you can't handle someone practicing the art of objectivity. Shows how utterly closed minded you are.

Its true. I have become what I dislike and don't respect. a whole lot of anger at those who voted for trump and, before that, trashed a man who did his best.

I left the board for a while because of that but damn - I'm right back to this anger.

In case you miss it above, I honestly and sincerely apologize. I also apologize for not giving you the same space, the same benefit of the doubt that I take pride in giving others.

Like you, I'm working on making changes.
Nine years ago, I was a neo-conservative die hard Republican. Then my views changed, I became a bit more moderate. When I became disgusted with the Republican party altogether, I became a minarchist libertarian... but now, my views based on the observations of the world have led me to become a classical liberal. I feel like my stances have evolved to more closely reflect that than anything else. It might be the closest thing I can get to keep myself out of two party politics.

Am I renouncing my conservatism? Not necessarily. I am conservative in some areas and liberal in others, and I feel like the time for experimentation is over. This is the culmination of all the ideas and stances I have assimilated from the those past 9 years. Free thought is a wonderful thing. Objectivity is liberating. I'm glad I can change my views when a better argument is made. But enough gloating. See you later.

-Etherion, A Newly Minted Classical Liberal

An American Conservative is a Classical Liberal.......

"Classical Liberal" is a bullshit term made up as a pretext to redefine Liberal into its own opposite. Or to whatever perverse association fallacies invoked in the Red Scare/McCarthy daze. Liberal is Liberal is Liberal. It does not mean "left", it does not mean "Democrat", it does not mean "conservative" and it does not mean "big gummint". It does mean the philosophy that birthed this country and wrote its Constitution. And they were anything but conservatives. Those would be the loyalists who sided with the ideas of monarchy and ruling class over serfs.

The bullshitious who want to hijack the term "Liberal", sometimes to demonize it, other times as here to climb on the bandwagon and steal credit for it, are invariably those who have issues with the ideas IN that Liberal Constitution. The poster above being a ready example.

Sorry.....the definitions changed....mainly because the left wing keeps trying to hide their agenda behind new, "Liberal" refers to left wing members who believe in big government....the exact opposite of the founders....that is why "Classical Liberal" has to be let people know we are talking about the philosophy of the founders...not modern left wingers.....

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