My Theory On Violence At Trump Rallies

That theory is rock solid and perfectly sensible. And one indication you're on the right track is the immediate trolling by a poster coming to defend milady's (Rump's) honor -- he's emotionally invested, which is the hallmark of a personality cult. We're seeing a lot of that.

It occurred to me when the Chicago event was cancelled, when it was noted that contrary to Rump's stooge stage announcement, the police/security people had no conversations warning about security issues, had no anticipated problems with crowd control, and when the sudden cancellation announcement was made, had equally sudden challenges managing the egress of ten thousand unsatiated people out into the streets all at once, that that decision to cut them loose as such was probably made to set up conditions for a riot --- after which he could sit back and blame .... MoveOn, CNN, the police, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, whoever is not Numero Uno.

Just thought I'd go ahead and write the longest sentence ever there...

In the event, the riot didn't happen and the local security handled the sudden egress without major incident, so it became a meme tool for instigating yet another division point with the idea that "leftists (or Sanders, or whoever) are taking away our First Amendment rights". A theme he's been bellowing from the pulpit ever since.

Which is ironic considering his own numerous attack on First Amendment principles, such as "opening up" libel laws to crush dissent. So either way, he still gets to play "victim".

Rump runs on pure emotion, and no intellect. He does know how to manipulate those, to the point where he can continually contradict himself, yet his unquestioning drones are so drunk on the emotion that they can't see it. Or more correctly --- refuse to.

That he keeps threatening 'riots in the streets' if he is not the convention nominee works to get his gooney people worked up and they will indeed riot ... he puts the idea in their heads.
That's a lie.

Oh, he didn't say it?
Show me where Trump threatened riots.

“I think you would have riots,” Trump said during an interview with CNN. “If you disenfranchise those people, and you say, ‘Well, I’m sorry, but you’re 100 votes short, even though the next one is 500 votes short,’ I think you would have problems like you’ve never seen before. I think bad things would happen,” Trump continued.

You can play all the semantic games you like and try to label it something else, but it still amounts to a threat. Or, in this case, marching orders.
More desperation. No matter how much you would like it to be something more, it's an opinion, not a threat. Back to the drawing board.
My theory is not just that Trump incited and encouraged violence. It is that he deliberately engineered it, and that all these outbreaks are exactly what he intended to happen.

Follow me through this.

We know that Donald Trump planned his Presidential campaign well ahead of time to be a media circus, designed to capitalize on his celebrity, cartoonish public persona, and outrageous behavior in order to essentially get the media to fund his advertising for free to get the ratings. And, in fact, that's exactly what he has done, taking advantage of the already toxic levels of division and discontent in the nation and capitalizing on it to gin up attention and enthusiasm among those who feel disenfranchised by setting people at each other's throats.

We've all heard the list of remarks he's made that his detractors say constitute inciting people to violence, although even they seem to treat them as simply egregious gaffes by an intemperate man. But what if they're not? What if Donald Trump deliberately, with malice aforethought, guided the narrative that direction?

I think he was reaching the point of diminishing returns in regards to dominating the conversation with, "Did you hear the crazy thing Trump said THIS time?" Sure, the media continues to report it, but it's just not particularly shocking to anyone any more. Plus, with the field narrowed down to only three candidates (only two of whom are even credible, as far as getting votes), he knew he was going to have to stop participating in debates, because they would no longer be the format of "tons of candidates, no time for depth, everyone fights to get in catchy one-liners" that suits his style so well, and they would go much more into policy and substance, which would put him at a disadvantage.

And coincidentally, conveniently, what happens? The situation escalates, and the media coverage goes from being dominated by Trump's insane remarks to "Look what happened at the Trump rally, OMG!" Does anyone think it was an accident that he just HAPPENED to start moderating the tone of his behavior a bit at the same time that his supporters started slugging protesters in job lots?

(continued in the next post)

You should put this in the op/Ed forum.

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And still, he doesn't talk issues. All we hear from Trumpery is trumpery.

He calls for more violence, tells us how amazingly tremendous he is and gossip.

Lots and lots of gossip.

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That he keeps threatening 'riots in the streets' if he is not the convention nominee works to get his gooney people worked up and they will indeed riot ... he puts the idea in their heads.
That's a lie.

Oh, he didn't say it?
Show me where Trump threatened riots.

“I think you would have riots,” Trump said during an interview with CNN. “If you disenfranchise those people, and you say, ‘Well, I’m sorry, but you’re 100 votes short, even though the next one is 500 votes short,’ I think you would have problems like you’ve never seen before. I think bad things would happen,” Trump continued.

You can play all the semantic games you like and try to label it something else, but it still amounts to a threat. Or, in this case, marching orders.
More desperation. No matter how much you would like it to be something more, it's an opinion, not a threat. Back to the drawing board.

Like I said, "semantic games". Sounds like the REAL desperation is from the Trumpettes. And kissing Donny's ass the way you do, you SHOULD be desperate.
That's a lie.

Oh, he didn't say it?
Show me where Trump threatened riots.

“I think you would have riots,” Trump said during an interview with CNN. “If you disenfranchise those people, and you say, ‘Well, I’m sorry, but you’re 100 votes short, even though the next one is 500 votes short,’ I think you would have problems like you’ve never seen before. I think bad things would happen,” Trump continued.

You can play all the semantic games you like and try to label it something else, but it still amounts to a threat. Or, in this case, marching orders.
More desperation. No matter how much you would like it to be something more, it's an opinion, not a threat. Back to the drawing board.

Like I said, "semantic games". Sounds like the REAL desperation is from the Trumpettes. And kissing Donny's ass the way you do, you SHOULD be desperate.

It is indeed marching orders. Anyone who can't see Rump's ongoing power-of-suggestion manipulation just ain't paying attention (or is deliberately tuning it out).

It's also the same childish "hold by breath 'til I turn blue" petulance that has also been his M.O. throughout. That arrested development that seems to have stunted around age 12.
That's a lie.

Oh, he didn't say it?
Show me where Trump threatened riots.

“I think you would have riots,” Trump said during an interview with CNN. “If you disenfranchise those people, and you say, ‘Well, I’m sorry, but you’re 100 votes short, even though the next one is 500 votes short,’ I think you would have problems like you’ve never seen before. I think bad things would happen,” Trump continued.

You can play all the semantic games you like and try to label it something else, but it still amounts to a threat. Or, in this case, marching orders.
More desperation. No matter how much you would like it to be something more, it's an opinion, not a threat. Back to the drawing board.

Like I said, "semantic games". Sounds like the REAL desperation is from the Trumpettes. And kissing Donny's ass the way you do, you SHOULD be desperate.
No, stupid, THIS is what a threat looks like.
“Dear White People if Trump wins young niggas such as myself are fully hell bent on inciting riots everywhere we go. Just so you know.”
IT'S ON! Black Lives Matter Leader Issues a Violent Threat to White People if Trump Wins ⋆ Dc Gazette
Oh, he didn't say it?
Show me where Trump threatened riots.

“I think you would have riots,” Trump said during an interview with CNN. “If you disenfranchise those people, and you say, ‘Well, I’m sorry, but you’re 100 votes short, even though the next one is 500 votes short,’ I think you would have problems like you’ve never seen before. I think bad things would happen,” Trump continued.

You can play all the semantic games you like and try to label it something else, but it still amounts to a threat. Or, in this case, marching orders.
More desperation. No matter how much you would like it to be something more, it's an opinion, not a threat. Back to the drawing board.

Like I said, "semantic games". Sounds like the REAL desperation is from the Trumpettes. And kissing Donny's ass the way you do, you SHOULD be desperate.
No, stupid, THIS is what a threat looks like.
“Dear White People if Trump wins young niggas such as myself are fully hell bent on inciting riots everywhere we go. Just so you know.”
IT'S ON! Black Lives Matter Leader Issues a Violent Threat to White People if Trump Wins ⋆ Dc Gazette

-- that guy's running for POTUS is he?
Show me where Trump threatened riots.

“I think you would have riots,” Trump said during an interview with CNN. “If you disenfranchise those people, and you say, ‘Well, I’m sorry, but you’re 100 votes short, even though the next one is 500 votes short,’ I think you would have problems like you’ve never seen before. I think bad things would happen,” Trump continued.

You can play all the semantic games you like and try to label it something else, but it still amounts to a threat. Or, in this case, marching orders.
More desperation. No matter how much you would like it to be something more, it's an opinion, not a threat. Back to the drawing board.

Like I said, "semantic games". Sounds like the REAL desperation is from the Trumpettes. And kissing Donny's ass the way you do, you SHOULD be desperate.
No, stupid, THIS is what a threat looks like.
“Dear White People if Trump wins young niggas such as myself are fully hell bent on inciting riots everywhere we go. Just so you know.”
IT'S ON! Black Lives Matter Leader Issues a Violent Threat to White People if Trump Wins ⋆ Dc Gazette

-- that guy's running for POTUS is he?
Does it matter?
I follow the theory but it seems implausible that George Soros would spend a dime to help Trump get the nomination. He and other deep pocket Liberals are funding the most violent and obnoxious of the protesters. There are certainly others that are not paid protesters who genuinely despise Trump and feel it is their duty to impose their will on the rest of us. The end result is the beautiful irony of Leftist Strong arm tactics working to boost Trump's numbers.
“I think you would have riots,” Trump said during an interview with CNN. “If you disenfranchise those people, and you say, ‘Well, I’m sorry, but you’re 100 votes short, even though the next one is 500 votes short,’ I think you would have problems like you’ve never seen before. I think bad things would happen,” Trump continued.

You can play all the semantic games you like and try to label it something else, but it still amounts to a threat. Or, in this case, marching orders.
More desperation. No matter how much you would like it to be something more, it's an opinion, not a threat. Back to the drawing board.

Like I said, "semantic games". Sounds like the REAL desperation is from the Trumpettes. And kissing Donny's ass the way you do, you SHOULD be desperate.
No, stupid, THIS is what a threat looks like.
“Dear White People if Trump wins young niggas such as myself are fully hell bent on inciting riots everywhere we go. Just so you know.”
IT'S ON! Black Lives Matter Leader Issues a Violent Threat to White People if Trump Wins ⋆ Dc Gazette

-- that guy's running for POTUS is he?
Does it matter?
Yes, it most certainly does.
I follow the theory but it seems implausible that George Soros would spend a dime to help Trump get the nomination. He and other deep pocket Liberals are funding the most violent and obnoxious of the protesters. There are certainly others that are not paid protesters who genuinely despise Trump and feel it is their duty to impose their will on the rest of us. The end result is the beautiful irony of Leftist Strong arm tactics working to boost Trump's numbers.
Cite a valid source to support such an allegation.
More desperation. No matter how much you would like it to be something more, it's an opinion, not a threat. Back to the drawing board.

Like I said, "semantic games". Sounds like the REAL desperation is from the Trumpettes. And kissing Donny's ass the way you do, you SHOULD be desperate.
No, stupid, THIS is what a threat looks like.
“Dear White People if Trump wins young niggas such as myself are fully hell bent on inciting riots everywhere we go. Just so you know.”
IT'S ON! Black Lives Matter Leader Issues a Violent Threat to White People if Trump Wins ⋆ Dc Gazette

-- that guy's running for POTUS is he?
Does it matter?
Yes, it most certainly does.

Not to an idiot Drumpf supporter, and that one is dumber than a box of rocks.
More desperation. No matter how much you would like it to be something more, it's an opinion, not a threat. Back to the drawing board.

Like I said, "semantic games". Sounds like the REAL desperation is from the Trumpettes. And kissing Donny's ass the way you do, you SHOULD be desperate.
No, stupid, THIS is what a threat looks like.
“Dear White People if Trump wins young niggas such as myself are fully hell bent on inciting riots everywhere we go. Just so you know.”
IT'S ON! Black Lives Matter Leader Issues a Violent Threat to White People if Trump Wins ⋆ Dc Gazette

-- that guy's running for POTUS is he?
Does it matter?
Yes, it most certainly does.
No, it doesn't mean shit. I pointed out the difference between an opinion and a threat. Trump gave an opinion. You idiots are calling it a threat out of desperation. You are idiots.
Like I said, "semantic games". Sounds like the REAL desperation is from the Trumpettes. And kissing Donny's ass the way you do, you SHOULD be desperate.
No, stupid, THIS is what a threat looks like.
“Dear White People if Trump wins young niggas such as myself are fully hell bent on inciting riots everywhere we go. Just so you know.”
IT'S ON! Black Lives Matter Leader Issues a Violent Threat to White People if Trump Wins ⋆ Dc Gazette

-- that guy's running for POTUS is he?
Does it matter?
Yes, it most certainly does.
No, it doesn't mean shit. I pointed out the difference between an opinion and a threat. Trump gave an opinion. You idiots are calling it a threat out of desperation. You are idiots.

You are the one lacking in understanding and comprehension. You don't see the forest for the trees. It is suggestion and manipulation on his part. He is playing you folks like a fiddle.
No, stupid, THIS is what a threat looks like.
“Dear White People if Trump wins young niggas such as myself are fully hell bent on inciting riots everywhere we go. Just so you know.”
IT'S ON! Black Lives Matter Leader Issues a Violent Threat to White People if Trump Wins ⋆ Dc Gazette

-- that guy's running for POTUS is he?
Does it matter?
Yes, it most certainly does.
No, it doesn't mean shit. I pointed out the difference between an opinion and a threat. Trump gave an opinion. You idiots are calling it a threat out of desperation. You are idiots.

You are the one lacking in understanding and comprehension. You don't see the forest for the trees. It is suggestion and manipulation on his part. He is playing you folks like a fiddle.

You might want to take a look at both parties because they are both playing the American Citizens like a fiddle and the Democrats are masters at it.
-- that guy's running for POTUS is he?
Does it matter?
Yes, it most certainly does.
No, it doesn't mean shit. I pointed out the difference between an opinion and a threat. Trump gave an opinion. You idiots are calling it a threat out of desperation. You are idiots.

You are the one lacking in understanding and comprehension. You don't see the forest for the trees. It is suggestion and manipulation on his part. He is playing you folks like a fiddle.

You might want to take a look at both parties because they are both playing the American Citizens like a fiddle and the Democrats are masters at it.
Here's the problem with your thinking. There are no gray areas for you. Everything is black and white and in big, bold, simplistic text.

I never said the Republicans are playing you like a fiddle or that they are masters at it. I said Trump was. It is a very, very different thing. To say that the Democrats in general are doing the same, have always done so and are thus masters at it shows you think at about a 5th grade level. Life, reality isn't like that.
Does it matter?
Yes, it most certainly does.
No, it doesn't mean shit. I pointed out the difference between an opinion and a threat. Trump gave an opinion. You idiots are calling it a threat out of desperation. You are idiots.

You are the one lacking in understanding and comprehension. You don't see the forest for the trees. It is suggestion and manipulation on his part. He is playing you folks like a fiddle.

You might want to take a look at both parties because they are both playing the American Citizens like a fiddle and the Democrats are masters at it.
Here's the problem with your thinking. There are no gray areas for you. Everything is black and white and in big, bold, simplistic text.

I never said the Republicans are playing you like a fiddle or that they are masters at it. I said Trump was. It is a very, very different thing. To say that the Democrats in general are doing the same, have always done so and are thus masters at it shows you think at about a 5th grade level. Life, reality isn't like that.
You have no credibility. You support a lying, corrupt, criminal. You're in no position to lecture anyone on anything.
Like I said, "semantic games". Sounds like the REAL desperation is from the Trumpettes. And kissing Donny's ass the way you do, you SHOULD be desperate.
No, stupid, THIS is what a threat looks like.
“Dear White People if Trump wins young niggas such as myself are fully hell bent on inciting riots everywhere we go. Just so you know.”
IT'S ON! Black Lives Matter Leader Issues a Violent Threat to White People if Trump Wins ⋆ Dc Gazette

-- that guy's running for POTUS is he?
Does it matter?
Yes, it most certainly does.
No, it doesn't mean shit. I pointed out the difference between an opinion and a threat. Trump gave an opinion. You idiots are calling it a threat out of desperation. You are idiots.

"If I don't get what I want... I think there will be riots"
"If you don't do what I say, there will be hell to pay"
"Nice house you have there .... it would be a shame if something were to.. you know, happen to it"

These are not "opinions"; those are threats disguised as technical opinions. At the least, wishful thinking when they're uttered by the entity who's in control of whether those things happen or not.

Same as --
"they better be careful -- they have a lot to hide!"
--- is demonstrably NOT an opinion of concern on the welfare of the Ricketts family.

Who's the "idiot" now?

And by the way, true to his thinskinned petty petulance, Rump is now threatening to run attack ads against the Chicago Cubs.

Get that? The whining child wants to run ads against a baseball team. That's how meltdown-fragile that growth-stunted ego is.

What the hell does it take to pull away from the Kool Aid and smell what's going on?
Does it matter?
Yes, it most certainly does.
No, it doesn't mean shit. I pointed out the difference between an opinion and a threat. Trump gave an opinion. You idiots are calling it a threat out of desperation. You are idiots.

You are the one lacking in understanding and comprehension. You don't see the forest for the trees. It is suggestion and manipulation on his part. He is playing you folks like a fiddle.

You might want to take a look at both parties because they are both playing the American Citizens like a fiddle and the Democrats are masters at it.
Here's the problem with your thinking. There are no gray areas for you. Everything is black and white and in big, bold, simplistic text.

I never said the Republicans are playing you like a fiddle or that they are masters at it. I said Trump was. It is a very, very different thing. To say that the Democrats in general are doing the same, have always done so and are thus masters at it shows you think at about a 5th grade level. Life, reality isn't like that.

I never said that you did either, so we can agree on this thing at least.
I have said many times that Republicans and Democrats are playing the citizens of this nation like a fiddle, but the left are far better at it.

It seems you are the one who is looking at Trump in black and white.
I have seen too many on the left that seem to be able to only tackle one subject at time and can't put all of the dots together.
Here is the problem with some of the left.
They label everything and the vast majority of that labeling is absolutely and completely so very wrong.
You are believing a myth made up by the left.
The minute anyone labels any groups like that, is looking only at it in black and white and it renders anyone unable to look at the grey.
The vast majority of Conservatives have a much more complex way of looking at things and it is just opposite of black and white.
The problem with some on the left is that there are some absolute certain things that must be and are black and white and many on the left just don't seem to be able to see that fact.
The vast majority of looking at things, falls into and can be seen as grey and conservatives are very capable of being able to do that as well as being able to connect all of the dots.

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