My Take On Whether Lives Matter Along With Other Observations


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2008
Ft Worth,TX
I posted this in another thread and airplanemechanic suggested I should make it a separate thread. I was sent these thoughts after a friend and I had a long telephone conversation yesterday.

My take on whether lives matter along with other observations.

1. Joe Biden isnā€™t winning just like Hillary wasn't winning.
2. Bubba Wallace is NOT a victim.
3. Black lives do matter, along with Everyone elseā€™s.
4. All cops definitely are NOT bad, nor are they ALL racist.
5. Trump is the President and doing a great job!! (Blame your Governor for state problems)
6. Rioters and looters have nothing to do with George Floyd and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
7. Police lives matter.
8. Kids lives matter.
9. Colin Kaepernick is NOT a hero, and never will be.
10. CNN is NOT news, nor is MSNBC
11. Elizabeth Warren is NOT American Indian. (Nor is she black)
12. Facebook ONLY censors conservatives; NOT liberals, progressives, radicals, anarchists, terrorists or pedophiles.
13. ALL lives do matter (red, yellow, black and white)
14. COVID 19 is real (I get it, be safe) BUT it is being used to gauge just how much of our freedom they can take away. Hence the term "Hoax"
15. Fear is FUELED by the Media, this is a fact.
16. Epstein did not kill himself. NASCAR did kill themselves.
17. Most people are Not racist.
18. There is NO White Privilege, we all have the exact same American Privilege.
Work for what you want to Achieve!
19. There are no slave owners or slaves still living in America.
20. LIFE is what YOU make of it, not your government or your ancestors.
21. No one OWES you ANYTHING!
You are Not entitled nor am I.
GET A JOB! Work hard! Live the American dream. Many others have proved it can be done. My paycheck should not pay yours through welfare if you are able to work.
22. I donā€™t have to like your opinion and you can disagree with mine.
No biggie!
We can disagree.
Just donā€™t think you will force your opinion or lifestyle on me.
We can still be friends and not agree on things!
23. I stand for the American Flag
and our National Anthem.
24. I kneel only for my fallen Brothers!!
And there yaā€™ have it!
I posted this in another thread and airplanemechanic suggested I should make it a separate thread. I was sent these thoughts after a friend and I had a long telephone conversation yesterday.

My take on whether lives matter along with other observations.

1. Joe Biden isnā€™t winning just like Hillary wasn't winning.
2. Bubba Wallace is NOT a victim.
3. Black lives do matter, along with Everyone elseā€™s.
4. All cops definitely are NOT bad, nor are they ALL racist.
5. Trump is the President and doing a great job!! (Blame your Governor for state problems)
6. Rioters and looters have nothing to do with George Floyd and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
7. Police lives matter.
8. Kids lives matter.
9. Colin Kaepernick is NOT a hero, and never will be.
10. CNN is NOT news, nor is MSNBC
11. Elizabeth Warren is NOT American Indian. (Nor is she black)
12. Facebook ONLY censors conservatives; NOT liberals, progressives, radicals, anarchists, terrorists or pedophiles.
13. ALL lives do matter (red, yellow, black and white)
14. COVID 19 is real (I get it, be safe) BUT it is being used to gauge just how much of our freedom they can take away. Hence the term "Hoax"
15. Fear is FUELED by the Media, this is a fact.
16. Epstein did not kill himself. NASCAR did kill themselves.
17. Most people are Not racist.
18. There is NO White Privilege, we all have the exact same American Privilege.
Work for what you want to Achieve!
19. There are no slave owners or slaves still living in America.
20. LIFE is what YOU make of it, not your government or your ancestors.
21. No one OWES you ANYTHING!
You are Not entitled nor am I.
GET A JOB! Work hard! Live the American dream. Many others have proved it can be done. My paycheck should not pay yours through welfare if you are able to work.
22. I donā€™t have to like your opinion and you can disagree with mine.
No biggie!
We can disagree.
Just donā€™t think you will force your opinion or lifestyle on me.
We can still be friends and not agree on things!
23. I stand for the American Flag
and our National Anthem.
24. I kneel only for my fallen Brothers!!
And there yaā€™ have it!
Wow, fantastic post, Hoss. Thank you. I agree with everything you posted. You are a good, patriotic man.
I posted this in another thread and airplanemechanic suggested I should make it a separate thread. I was sent these thoughts after a friend and I had a long telephone conversation yesterday.

My take on whether lives matter along with other observations.

1. Joe Biden isnā€™t winning just like Hillary wasn't winning.
2. Bubba Wallace is NOT a victim.
3. Black lives do matter, along with Everyone elseā€™s.
4. All cops definitely are NOT bad, nor are they ALL racist.
5. Trump is the President and doing a great job!! (Blame your Governor for state problems)
6. Rioters and looters have nothing to do with George Floyd and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
7. Police lives matter.
8. Kids lives matter.
9. Colin Kaepernick is NOT a hero, and never will be.
10. CNN is NOT news, nor is MSNBC
11. Elizabeth Warren is NOT American Indian. (Nor is she black)
12. Facebook ONLY censors conservatives; NOT liberals, progressives, radicals, anarchists, terrorists or pedophiles.
13. ALL lives do matter (red, yellow, black and white)
14. COVID 19 is real (I get it, be safe) BUT it is being used to gauge just how much of our freedom they can take away. Hence the term "Hoax"
15. Fear is FUELED by the Media, this is a fact.
16. Epstein did not kill himself. NASCAR did kill themselves.
17. Most people are Not racist.
18. There is NO White Privilege, we all have the exact same American Privilege.
Work for what you want to Achieve!
19. There are no slave owners or slaves still living in America.
20. LIFE is what YOU make of it, not your government or your ancestors.
21. No one OWES you ANYTHING!
You are Not entitled nor am I.
GET A JOB! Work hard! Live the American dream. Many others have proved it can be done. My paycheck should not pay yours through welfare if you are able to work.
22. I donā€™t have to like your opinion and you can disagree with mine.
No biggie!
We can disagree.
Just donā€™t think you will force your opinion or lifestyle on me.
We can still be friends and not agree on things!
23. I stand for the American Flag
and our National Anthem.
24. I kneel only for my fallen Brothers!!
And there yaā€™ have it!

1. Not sure enough of the situation to agree, but I hope you are right.
2. agreed.
3. agreed
4. agreed
5. agreed
6. For the first 2 weeks this wasn't the case, but it sure as hell is now
7. agreed
8. agreed
9. agreed
10. There is news in those sites, it's just so warped with TDS that you have to filter out the crap. Plus it gives you an idea of what Dems think.
11. 763/764th agreed
12. Facebook will throw in a few token bans to really off the wall progressives, but they tilt heavily towards censoring non progressive posts
13. Agreed
14. I would add in that the response is being hardened also by some to created a lasting crisis situation into the election, as blame rises, and Trump is at the top of the pyramid.
15. agreed.
16. My view on Epstien's death is I dont know, NASCAR will see what's what when more fans come back (if they do)
17. Most people have an ingrained fear of other, of which mild racism is a part. most people however are not actual hard racists. (and this fear of other is found in everyone)
18. There may be situations where a white skin is still an advantage (going back to fear of other) but it isn't systemic, and its fading more and more, at least it was before our current situation has everyone digging trenches.
19. agreed.
20. agreed
21. agreed, well except for the Bee Gee's owing me an apology for their god awful music.
22. agreed
23. agreed
24. i kneel on those damn hard kneeler things in Catholic churches, but I agree with your sentiment.

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