My new theory on comey, clinton...and obama...


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Comey was appointed by obama in 2013. Comey worked FOR obama and served at the pleasure of the president.

It is not exactly a big secret that obama and the clintons really did not like each other. Hatred is more like it. They both hold grudges and it is rather clear to me obama knew the crooked nature of the clintons. Oh, obama is an idealist, a marxist, and all of that. NO doubt about it.

I am starting to believe the reason comey reopened the "investigation" into hillarys emails was at the direction of obama. Not TRUMP. I mean how the hell could Trump direct Comey. Not Putin. I mean...seriously? Putin got in touch with comey...

I mean have libs gotten off of that stupid notion?

Now, why would obama want to sabotage hillary. Well, other than him hating her, which he does. Think about what he knows hillary is guilty of. Think of the risk with her and her mental state with ALL of the things she pulled with those emails. How, countries all over the world had CLEARLY HACKED them as a result of the witch putting them on unsecured servers. All to fill her foundation's coffers, and so she would not be subject to the Freedom of Information Act. Which private servers do not fall under that purview. Remember, they are both lawyers, and they both know the law.

I think obama desperately did not want hillary in there. Of course he did not want Trump either. However, Trump really was not as dangerous to the whole democrat socialist agenda as hillary was. Remember, obama knew fully what was in those emails and what damage could be done.

I really believe it was obama that directed comey. Comey, remember served at the pleasure of the president. President obama.
Is this really any different than your "theory" about what the MSM won't report? That turned out to be a lie. Why should we put any stock in this? :dunno:
Comey was appointed by obama in 2013. Comey worked FOR obama and served at the pleasure of the president.

It is not exactly a big secret that obama and the clintons really did not like each other. Hatred is more like it. They both hold grudges and it is rather clear to me obama knew the crooked nature of the clintons. Oh, obama is an idealist, a marxist, and all of that. NO doubt about it.

I am starting to believe the reason comey reopened the "investigation" into hillarys emails was at the direction of obama. Not TRUMP. I mean how the hell could Trump direct Comey. Not Putin. I mean...seriously? Putin got in touch with comey...

I mean have libs gotten off of that stupid notion?

Now, why would obama want to sabotage hillary. Well, other than him hating her, which he does. Think about what he knows hillary is guilty of. Think of the risk with her and her mental state with ALL of the things she pulled with those emails. How, countries all over the world had CLEARLY HACKED them as a result of the witch putting them on unsecured servers. All to fill her foundation's coffers, and so she would not be subject to the Freedom of Information Act. Which private servers do not fall under that purview. Remember, they are both lawyers, and they both know the law.

I think obama desperately did not want hillary in there. Of course he did not want Trump either. However, Trump really was not as dangerous to the whole democrat socialist agenda as hillary was. Remember, obama knew fully what was in those emails and what damage could be done.

I really believe it was obama that directed comey. Comey, remember served at the pleasure of the president. President obama.

Wait, the libs still think the russians colluded with comey and trump even though comey served at the pleasure of obama?


It is funny too how the morons on the left think their kuunt in a pants suit is guilty of nothing. I mean all 30K emails......yeah.

Isnt it rather clear the barrage of leaks coming out of Assange convinced the skinny lying marxist that hillary's emails were a far bigger threat than Trump?

BTW, isn't it funny how pathetic the libs allow themselves to get? No really. They still think there was nothing to the emails, even though comey said she was guilty of breaking the law (without "intent.) Love that one. "Without intent."

Yet, there is hillary specially deleting the emails, we had all sorts of leaks run by wikileaks, and it was beyond clear that hillary was the one NOT FIT to be president. To say nothing of her obvious mental derangement.

I love it how it has not occurred to one left wing loser that it was obama that direct comey. The funny thing is how they think it was "Trump" and Putin that directed comey and not the person comey actually worked for. Funny.

Meanwhile, it is not a secret at all. Obama could not stand the clintons.

Yeah, I think my theory makes a lot more sense. Think about what the left believes and you tell me which is more absurd. The other funny thing is they yell that there is no evidence hillary did anything wrong with the emails. Yet, comey confirmed that she did. Just that because they could not find "intent" that they would not go further with the investigation.

Which theory makes more sense?
Hard to assess your "theories" when they're peppered with lies and invective. If I didn't think 'Ignore' was for wusses, you'd be a prime candidate.
Russian-Trump Scandal Summed Up:

Hillary was the worst candidate to run in US history, so bad the DNC had to help her cheat in the primaries and debates to accept the nomination they were trying to give her.

Obama, his 2nd criminal US AG, and the US AG-pressured Director of the FBI protected Hillary from prosecution. Obama also knew Hillary was going to lose but did his part to try to undermine Trump, to include commit / facilitate Felony Espionage.

At the same time Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's espionage scandal was breaking.

Trump made the joking comment during a debate about how he wished Russia would hack Hillary's e-mails and reveal her 'dirty little secrets'...and the Democrats jumped on it.


There was no Crime.
There was no Collusion.
There was no Obstruction.

This whole thing - the entire Trump 'Witch Hunt' - was:

1. A sorry-ass excuse for their corrupt, criminal worst candidate ever losing the election..

2. A distraction from both the Hillary and DWS crimes.

3. A seditious sour-grapes, sore-loser, butt-hurt hate-motivated attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected President of the United States.
Russian-Trump Scandal Summed Up:

Hillary was the worst candidate to run in US history, so bad the DNC had to help her cheat in the primaries and debates to accept the nomination they were trying to give her.

Obama, his 2nd criminal US AG, and the US AG-pressured Director of the FBI protected Hillary from prosecution. Obama also knew Hillary was going to lose but did his part to try to undermine Trump, to include commit / facilitate Felony Espionage.

At the same time Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's espionage scandal was breaking.

Trump made the joking comment during a debate about how he wished Russia would hack Hillary's e-mails and reveal her 'dirty little secrets'...and the Democrats jumped on it.


There was no Crime.
There was no Collusion.
There was no Obstruction.

This whole thing - the entire Trump 'Witch Hunt' - was:

1. A sorry-ass excuse for their corrupt, criminal worst candidate ever losing the election..

2. A distraction from both the Hillary and DWS crimes.

3. A seditious sour-grapes, sore-loser, butt-hurt hate-motivated attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected President of the United States.

Now, all you have to do is convince all those investigative committees that your post is all there is to it. Good luck with that.
Now, all you have to do is convince all those investigative committees that your post is all there is to it. Good luck with that.

That is not a fact, it has already been done.

The NSA and FBI have already testified that there NEVER WAS any evidence of a crime and there is no evidence.

The CIA has testified there is no evidence.

The House Intel Committee has declared there is no evidence.

House Intel Committee member D-Feinstein has not only declared there is no evidence against Trump but has now called for an investigation into Obama's 2nd criminal US AG Loretta Lynch for criminal obstruction.

D-Maxine Waters has declared there is no evidence.

Former Director of the FBI James 'Self-Identified Leaker' Comey just testified that not only is there no evidence but stated for the record Trump called for / encouraged the investigation into potential Russian meddling, confirmed Trump was NEVER under investigation, there is no evidence of collusion, and - as an added bonus - threw himself and Loretta Lynch under the proverbial bus by self-identifying as a leaker and testifying that Loretta Lynch obstructed justice / the FBI investigation case of Hillary Clinton.

It's all a done-deal. It's OVER. It has all been exposed. It has all been neatly and succinctly wrapped up.

Now, the only people who need to be investigated, indicted, arrested, perp-walked, charged, and prosecuted are:

Obama DIA Chief Clapper for illegal spying on the American people and perjury before Congress.

Obama CIA Director Brennan for illegally spying on Congress and potentially the USSC

Former Obama FBI Director Comey for perjury about his own leaking and for illegally sharing FBI information with a 3rd party.

Obama Cabinet Member Susan Rice for politically sharing protected classified personal information with Obama loyalists in 26 Intel agencies for political reasons, facilitating Felony Espionage, and for illegally unmasking American citizens for political reasons (according to the NSA and FBI).

Obama loyalists who illegally leaked the information, perpetrating what the NSA and FBI testified constitutes Felony Espionage against the United States.

Hillary aide Huma Abedin for 'stealing' thousands of classified e-mails / info from Hillary's server / e-mails, downloading them onto an UN-authorized, UN-encrypted, UN-secured personal home laptop that was simultaneously being used by a felony child porn crime perpetrating sexual deviant who was using the laptop to sext with a minor.

Former US AG Loretta Lynch, who Former FBI Director Comey recently testified obstructed justice / a criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton, who Ex-FBI Director Comey made it clear in previous testimony violated laws and endangered national security by using her own Un-Authorized, Un-encrypted, Un-secured server / laptop and sharing classified with persons who had no security clearances.
Now, all you have to do is convince all those investigative committees that your post is all there is to it. Good luck with that.

That is not a fact, it has already been done.

The NSA and FBI have already testified that there NEVER WAS any evidence of a crime and there is no evidence.

The CIA has testified there is no evidence.

The House Intel Committee has declared there is no evidence.

House Intel Committee member D-Feinstein has not only declared there is no evidence against Trump but has now called for an investigation into Obama's 2nd criminal US AG Loretta Lynch for criminal obstruction.

D-Maxine Waters has declared there is no evidence.

Former Director of the FBI James 'Self-Identified Leaker' Comey just testified that not only is there no evidence but stated for the record Trump called for / encouraged the investigation into potential Russian meddling, confirmed Trump was NEVER under investigation, there is no evidence of collusion, and - as an added bonus - threw himself and Loretta Lynch under the proverbial bus by self-identifying as a leaker and testifying that Loretta Lynch obstructed justice / the FBI investigation case of Hillary Clinton.

It's all a done-deal. It's OVER. It has all been exposed. It has all been neatly and succinctly wrapped up.

Now, the only people who need to be investigated, indicted, arrested, perp-walked, charged, and prosecuted are:

Obama DIA Chief Clapper for illegal spying on the American people and perjury before Congress.

Obama CIA Director Brennan for illegally spying on Congress and potentially the USSC

Former Obama FBI Director Comey for perjury about his own leaking and for illegally sharing FBI information with a 3rd party.

Obama Cabinet Member Susan Rice for politically sharing protected classified personal information with Obama loyalists in 26 Intel agencies for political reasons, facilitating Felony Espionage, and for illegally unmasking American citizens for political reasons (according to the NSA and FBI).

Obama loyalists who illegally leaked the information, perpetrating what the NSA and FBI testified constitutes Felony Espionage against the United States.

Hillary aide Huma Abedin for 'stealing' thousands of classified e-mails / info from Hillary's server / e-mails, downloading them onto an UN-authorized, UN-encrypted, UN-secured personal home laptop that was simultaneously being used by a felony child porn crime perpetrating sexual deviant who was using the laptop to sext with a minor.

Former US AG Loretta Lynch, who Former FBI Director Comey recently testified obstructed justice / a criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton, who Ex-FBI Director Comey made it clear in previous testimony violated laws and endangered national security by using her own Un-Authorized, Un-encrypted, Un-secured server / laptop and sharing classified with persons who had no security clearances.

Let me know how that works out for you.
Comey was appointed by obama in 2013. Comey worked FOR obama and served at the pleasure of the president.

It is not exactly a big secret that obama and the clintons really did not like each other. Hatred is more like it. They both hold grudges and it is rather clear to me obama knew the crooked nature of the clintons. Oh, obama is an idealist, a marxist, and all of that. NO doubt about it.

I am starting to believe the reason comey reopened the "investigation" into hillarys emails was at the direction of obama. Not TRUMP. I mean how the hell could Trump direct Comey. Not Putin. I mean...seriously? Putin got in touch with comey...

I mean have libs gotten off of that stupid notion?

Now, why would obama want to sabotage hillary. Well, other than him hating her, which he does. Think about what he knows hillary is guilty of. Think of the risk with her and her mental state with ALL of the things she pulled with those emails. How, countries all over the world had CLEARLY HACKED them as a result of the witch putting them on unsecured servers. All to fill her foundation's coffers, and so she would not be subject to the Freedom of Information Act. Which private servers do not fall under that purview. Remember, they are both lawyers, and they both know the law.

I think obama desperately did not want hillary in there. Of course he did not want Trump either. However, Trump really was not as dangerous to the whole democrat socialist agenda as hillary was. Remember, obama knew fully what was in those emails and what damage could be done.

I really believe it was obama that directed comey. Comey, remember served at the pleasure of the president. President obama.

Obama's only legacy is being half black. He doesn't have anything other then that. So looking at all the chang d half Black Jesus made before he left I think he did so his legacy doesn't get shit on to bad. After the libs are done hanging them selves with all these investigations a whole lot more of obamas legacy will get shit on. The halfblack Jesus best enjoy while he can.
Here is what I think. I think like most liberals Obama and Hillary thought it was in the bag. Never did they even consider that their ideology was not the predominate ideology. I remember listening to the MSM comments two weeks before the election talking about why Hillary wasn't campaigning more. They speculated because she and everyone else knew the outcome and she was busy picking her cabinet.

That's the way with liberals, always so sure, but always so wrong.
Let me know how that works out for you.
Will do. If D-Feinstein has her way, Former US AG Lynch will have her ass dragged before Congress to testify very soon as she is being investigated.

Great. Again, let me know when all that happens.
he said he would. no need for redundancy.

Yep, and Mexico is supposed to pay for that wall too.
how would you ever know? you can't even find out what the russians did after thirteen fking months. I'd say you have no reliability to post any actual fact.
Let me know how that works out for you.
Will do. If D-Feinstein has her way, Former US AG Lynch will have her ass dragged before Congress to testify very soon as she is being investigated.

Great. Again, let me know when all that happens.
he said he would. no need for redundancy.

Yep, and Mexico is supposed to pay for that wall too.
how would you ever know? you can't even find out what the russians did after thirteen fking months. I'd say you have no reliability to post any actual fact.
Don't really care what you might say.
The investigation of Clinton started long before Trump was even considered to be a serious candidate. By the time he secured the nomination, too much dirt on Hillary had already been dug up, so the best Obama could do at that point was have Lynch "accidentally" meet with Bill at the airport and then have Comey quash the investigation (in return for staying on as FBI Director after Hillary's expected victory).
Will do. If D-Feinstein has her way, Former US AG Lynch will have her ass dragged before Congress to testify very soon as she is being investigated.

Great. Again, let me know when all that happens.
he said he would. no need for redundancy.

Yep, and Mexico is supposed to pay for that wall too.
how would you ever know? you can't even find out what the russians did after thirteen fking months. I'd say you have no reliability to post any actual fact.
Don't really care what you might say.
I'm sure you don't, because you have no fking answers to any question regarding any of this shit. And it is just that, shit.

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