My Little Buddy

Right now, today...I cannot take a step in this house without expecting Link to be right there looking at me with his big brown eyes.

I am not sure how to do this. I have lost a lot of pets, but none has hurt me this bad.

I am grateful for all of you sharing your pets and your advice with me

He was one happy dog. My son told me, that is why he lived for so long,. The worst thing that ever happened to him is when he got lost and was at the kennel for 2 days

What a beautiful boy Pixie :)
Right now, today...I cannot take a step in this house without expecting Link to be right there looking at me with his big brown eyes.

I am not sure how to do this. I have lost a lot of pets, but none has hurt me this bad.

I am grateful for all of you sharing your pets and your advice with me

He was one happy dog. My son told me, that is why he lived for so long,. The worst thing that ever happened to him is when he got lost and was at the kennel for 2 days

What a beautiful boy Pixie :)

He was a good boy. Thank you Coyote
If you were a born again believer,you could see your loved pet again and have it for eternity!!!!IMHO.
If you were a born again believer,you could see your loved pet again and have it for eternity!!!!IMHO.[/QUOTE]

IMHO!!! Believers will have much loved pets with them for eternity. God loves animals,pets after all they are God's creation!
He is beautiful, Pixie.
I wish I could wave a magic wand. I truly do.

Do you have other pets?

I have cats.

I think it was Ravi that said get a shelter dog. Maybe after a short time, you should consider that? The dog in a cage needs you as much as you may need that dog. It will never take Links place. Ever. But having Karma helps me. And if I were not so afraid...I would go to the shelter myself. But I am still thinking about it. An older dog. One that needs love, is alone, doesn't know why it was dumped.
Yes. I might do that. I just have to get up the nerve. All Gracies balls and toys are still in the basket. Karma won't play with them. Maybe another dog will.
Grieve, hon. Then think about it.
“Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring--it was peace.”
― Milan Kundera

I did that with my dog, when it was near time to let her go. I drove to one of our favorite parks. She could only walk a little ways, and as she was a 70 pound lab, I couldn't carry her. We walked a few yards from the parking lot and sat on a small hill, in the grass, that over looked the Puget Sound. We'd been to that park, a huge park, and walked miles there many times. She loved the water too and had been swimming there many, many times. So we sat on the hill in the mild sun (it was March), and were just together. When we walked back to the car, she turned and took a last look, probably wondering why we didn't go for a walk, but I knew she wasn't capable of it. A few days later, I had to take her to the vet and let her go. She had splenic cancer and it had gotten into her liver. I waited as long as I possibly could because the vet said she was not in pain, just weakening and weakening daily.

She was the only dog in my life that was mine alone. I had her for 12 years and loved her beyond measure, so I know, Pixie, what you are going through.
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Right now, today...I cannot take a step in this house without expecting Link to be right there looking at me with his big brown eyes.

I am not sure how to do this. I have lost a lot of pets, but none has hurt me this bad.

I am grateful for all of you sharing your pets and your advice with me

He was one happy dog. My son told me, that is why he lived for so long,. The worst thing that ever happened to him is when he got lost and was at the kennel for 2 days

He was one happy dog because you gave him a wonderful life and loved him so much.

I am not sure how to do this, either, Pixie, and one of the hardest times for me is when I come home from work or from the store, etc. Because my Greta would always be right there and come bursting out into the garage and circle around the car a couple of times. I'd come in the house and make sure the door to the garage wasn't closed all the way so she could come bursting into the house from the garage like a big shot! The other dogs are just so low-key compared to her. So it was really, really hard coming home. Still is. I'll start crying as I'm driving and approach our neighborhood. "Entering Greta's world," I'll say to myself.

Also had trouble waking up in the morning and then remembering that she was gone. And remembering that life had become a nightmare. That has eased up somewhat in that it's really starting to sink in that she's gone. At first I would kind of forget and then it would hit me like a sledgehammer all over again.

All you can do is put one foot in front of the other. Keep moving forward, go through the paces and take one day at a time. And I know exactly what you mean...I've lost pets, too, but none like this. This has been like losing a part of myself. God, I miss her.

Just hang in there, let yourself mourn. And know that you are not alone in this.
Right now, today...I cannot take a step in this house without expecting Link to be right there looking at me with his big brown eyes.

I am not sure how to do this. I have lost a lot of pets, but none has hurt me this bad.

I am grateful for all of you sharing your pets and your advice with me

He was one happy dog. My son told me, that is why he lived for so long,. The worst thing that ever happened to him is when he got lost and was at the kennel for 2 days

The hardest part is that the pattern is broken. That's the emptiness that leaves you standing there with a bowl of food in your hand with no one to give it to. When you have the extra chicken juice in the roaster and no one to give it to.

It's that emptiness I think that hurts the most. I brought up in another thread about the day that my Billy Ray this plain old brown roller (canary) died after years and years with us.

We're not crazy as humans when we mourn. My beasties were completely traumatized at not hearing his song anymore at sunset. My catahoulas started to sing knowing he was gone.

We all feel the loss. But there are more to love. But the hurt of the loss of such a good friend is never undone. And so it is. And so we have been blessed.

If it should be that I grow weak
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then you must do what must be done,
For this last battle cannot be won.

You will be sad, I understand.
Don't let your grief then stay your hand.
For this day, more than all the rest,
Your love for me must stand the test.

We've had so many happy years.
What is to come can hold no fears.
You'd not want me to suffer so;
The time has come -- please let me go.

Take me where my need they'll tend,
And please stay with me till the end.
Hold me firm and speak to me,
Until my eyes no longer see.

I know in time that you will see
The kindness that you did for me.
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I've been saved.

Please do not grieve -- it must be you
Who had this painful thing to do.
We've been so close, we two, these years;
Don't let your heart hold back its tears.

--- Anonymous ---

It never gets any easier.
The impact Link had/has on my life is absolutely astounding. My best friend, who held no grudges, made no judgments and never demanded anything of me.

My emotions are raw...the void is deep....he held my heart steady for years. Now I have to deal with life without him.

I see him out of the corner of my eyes at every turn, My kitties are looking for him, I expect to hear him clicking around the house. I realize now that I had learned to walk a certain way because Link was always at my feet, following me.Sometimes tripping me :lol: He was my shadow.

I have to learn to walk a different way with my beloved Link gone.............................:(

From a song....He stole my world, and now I am just a phony....he was indeed one of the best things that ever entered my life. He was perfect! For him, I would do it all over again.
My friend always refers to those few special pets as our "heart dogs" - they are few and far between and when they go, they take a peice of our hearts with them :(
My friend always refers to those few special pets as our "heart dogs" - they are few and far between and when they go, they take a peice of our hearts with them :(

Link was MY heart dog. I have lost a few....but this one took a big chunk of my heart
hehehehehe I can dream. mommy's the best! Yeah yeah thats the ticket. I loved you when I gave you the tuna juice. yea yea thats the ticket.

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