My last post.....on this subject.

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Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
As long as everyone keeps this in the best interests of USMB it can remain open for questions/clarifications. No PERSONAL crap. No meltdowns.

AyeCantSeeYou theDoctorisIn Coyote Kat WillHaftawaite Dont Taz Me Bro westwall AVG-JOE
The problem is that you people are unable, or unwilling, to rein in certain people on this site. The mega trolls, and other unpleasant personalities we all know about. We created a conservative forum on here because we could not post in the regular forums without being inundated by liberal trolls who were as vile as can be. And you did nothing about it. You really need to do something about that. You need to force people to treat others with respect. Until you manage that, this forum is not someplace where honest debate can occur. I know this for a fact, because I belong to another forum where none of the BS that forced us to create our own forum goes on. Until you can do your jobs and effectively police the forums, nothing will change. I suggest you get busy.

I agree with everything that Flacaltenn has posted.

Additionally, I would like to point out that if you are looking for an echo chamber where only conservative voices are allowed, this is not the message board for you.
I basically agree also. No echo chamber is desired, at least not by me. Life is boring when all people think alike. I enjoy spirited but focused conversation wherein topical discussion can have the potential of enlightening all who read it, not just the participants. Often, that is not possible here because of the brazenness and utter stupidity of some posters that habitually hijack threads and make impossible any sense of continuity. I think their stupidity is a result of their childishness and their brazenness is a result of the anonymity that must be offered here. On occasion, threads may start off well and be subsequently moved to the Rubber Room because of incessant bickering between trolls and respondents.

The CDZ comes closest to providing this, but even it fails miserably as threads are invaded by devious posters. Since this is an open Message Board and does not support a formal debate forum wherein two designated posters alternately present a limited number of length-restricted posts to support their side of a structured argument and then get graded by judges, either several selected prior to debate or general member voting, I doubt such enlightening conversations will become common here.

The CCG was formed in an attempt to provide a venue for discussion among conservatives unfettered by liberal trolls and other deliberate thread spoilers...just as the numerous 'liberal only' venues were formed for similar reasons. It is the timing and the success of the CCG that draws attention to the sudden closing of all social groups.
As long as everyone keeps this in the best interests of USMB it can remain open for questions/clarifications. No PERSONAL crap. No meltdowns.

AyeCantSeeYou theDoctorisIn Coyote Kat WillHaftawaite Dont Taz Me Bro westwall AVG-JOE
The problem is that you people are unable, or unwilling, to rein in certain people on this site. The mega trolls, and other unpleasant personalities we all know about. We created a conservative forum on here because we could not post in the regular forums without being inundated by liberal trolls who were as vile as can be. And you did nothing about it. You really need to do something about that. You need to force people to treat others with respect. Until you manage that, this forum is not someplace where honest debate can occur. I know this for a fact, because I belong to another forum where none of the BS that forced us to create our own forum goes on. Until you can do your jobs and effectively police the forums, nothing will change. I suggest you get busy.

I agree with everything that Flacaltenn has posted.

Additionally, I would like to point out that if you are looking for an echo chamber where only conservative voices are allowed, this is not the message board for you.
I basically agree also. No echo chamber is desired, at least not by me. Life is boring when all people think alike. I enjoy spirited but focused conversation wherein topical discussion can have the potential of enlightening all who read it, not just the participants. Often, that is not possible here because of the brazenness and utter stupidity of some posters that habitually hijack threads and make impossible any sense of continuity. I think their stupidity is a result of their childishness and their brazenness is a result of the anonymity that must be offered here. On occasion, threads may start off well and be subsequently moved to the Rubber Room because of incessant bickering between trolls and respondents.

The CDZ comes closest to providing this, but even it fails miserably as threads are invaded by devious posters. Since this is an open Message Board and does not support a formal debate forum wherein two designated posters alternately present a limited number of length-restricted posts to support their side of a structured argument and then get graded by judges, either several selected prior to debate or general member voting, I doubt such enlightening conversations will become common here.

The CCG was formed in an attempt to provide a venue for discussion among conservatives unfettered by liberal trolls and other deliberate thread spoilers...just as the numerous 'liberal only' venues were formed for similar reasons. It is the timing and the success of the CCG that draws attention to the sudden closing of all social groups.

As Flacaltenn has already mentioned, this has been coming for more than a year now.

We didn't just all of a sudden decide to close Social Groups out of nowhere. We've been discussing it, and trying to work it out, for a long time now. It's been an issue on our end since the day the plug in was installed.
Since this is an open Message Board and does not support a formal debate forum wherein two designated posters alternately present a limited number of length-restricted posts to support their side of a structured argument and then get graded by judges, either several selected prior to debate or general member voting, I doubt such enlightening conversations will become common here.

Actually they are rarely used, but there are 2 forums "Structured Debate" where the OP can add up to 3 additional rules, And the Bull Ring --- designed to be a ONE on ONE confrontation where the peanut gallery can vote after the match.

The rules are somewhat complicated for the Bull Ring --- but Structured Debate DOES exist on USMB.
As long as everyone keeps this in the best interests of USMB it can remain open for questions/clarifications. No PERSONAL crap. No meltdowns.

AyeCantSeeYou theDoctorisIn Coyote Kat WillHaftawaite Dont Taz Me Bro westwall AVG-JOE
The problem is that you people are unable, or unwilling, to rein in certain people on this site. The mega trolls, and other unpleasant personalities we all know about. We created a conservative forum on here because we could not post in the regular forums without being inundated by liberal trolls who were as vile as can be. And you did nothing about it. You really need to do something about that. You need to force people to treat others with respect. Until you manage that, this forum is not someplace where honest debate can occur. I know this for a fact, because I belong to another forum where none of the BS that forced us to create our own forum goes on. Until you can do your jobs and effectively police the forums, nothing will change. I suggest you get busy.

I agree with everything that Flacaltenn has posted.

Additionally, I would like to point out that if you are looking for an echo chamber where only conservative voices are allowed, this is not the message board for you.
I basically agree also. No echo chamber is desired, at least not by me. Life is boring when all people think alike. I enjoy spirited but focused conversation wherein topical discussion can have the potential of enlightening all who read it, not just the participants. Often, that is not possible here because of the brazenness and utter stupidity of some posters that habitually hijack threads and make impossible any sense of continuity. I think their stupidity is a result of their childishness and their brazenness is a result of the anonymity that must be offered here. On occasion, threads may start off well and be subsequently moved to the Rubber Room because of incessant bickering between trolls and respondents.

The CDZ comes closest to providing this, but even it fails miserably as threads are invaded by devious posters. Since this is an open Message Board and does not support a formal debate forum wherein two designated posters alternately present a limited number of length-restricted posts to support their side of a structured argument and then get graded by judges, either several selected prior to debate or general member voting, I doubt such enlightening conversations will become common here.

The CCG was formed in an attempt to provide a venue for discussion among conservatives unfettered by liberal trolls and other deliberate thread spoilers...just as the numerous 'liberal only' venues were formed for similar reasons. It is the timing and the success of the CCG that draws attention to the sudden closing of all social groups.

As Flacaltenn has already mentioned, this has been coming for more than a year now.

We didn't just all of a sudden decide to close Social Groups out of nowhere. We've been discussing it, and trying to work it out, for a long time now. It's been an issue on our end since the day the plug in was installed.
I agreed with that in the above post. Had I known this esoteric information earlier, my suspicion would not have overridden my common sense.

Thank you for the explanation, flacaltenn.
Since this is an open Message Board and does not support a formal debate forum wherein two designated posters alternately present a limited number of length-restricted posts to support their side of a structured argument and then get graded by judges, either several selected prior to debate or general member voting, I doubt such enlightening conversations will become common here.

Actually they are rarely used, but there are 2 forums "Structured Debate" where the OP can add up to 3 additional rules, And the Bull Ring --- designed to be a ONE on ONE confrontation where the peanut gallery can vote after the match.

The rules are somewhat complicated for the Bull Ring --- but Structured Debate DOES exist on USMB.
Ironically, I recall suggesting this years ago before they were installed. Thanks for the reminder.
Coming into the middle of this probably not really understanding all the issues, I will only add:

1). What you are talking about will inevitable lead to a lot more work by moderators.

2). It will lead to a lot more moderation and censorship because much of it will hinge on judgement calls.

3). EVERYONE strays from topics here and there, its only natural, and people get upset and use words and names. I'm guilty as well. It comes down to self-judgement to know when to stop or not go too far. Having censorship imposed will simply crush the spirit and flavor of the group and many threads.

4). Yes, some people are a one-note band that hammers incessantly about the same stuff, and some people are apparently bothered by it. I just deal with it and I thought this group was supposed to have thick skins. THE POINT HERE is that we already have a mechanism in place to deal with this! THE REPORT. I've used it a few times, been generally satisfied with the results and I'm wondering why others do not. Then there is The IGNORE. Clamping down so hard as to force conversations into a straitjacket, like banning AR-15s because they LOOK menacing and have been used a few times, might sound like a good thing on the surface at first but I think it will also do more harm than good in a forum already overrun with a zoo of rules and regulations. Maybe if some of the people bitching about trolling and hijacking would simply REPORT IT and let mods deal with it when it gets so far out of hand and let them handle it on a case by case basis (maybe with a warning to repeat offenders?), we might not have to take draconian measures which I fear will ultimately harm the spontaneity and openness of the threads.

My 2¢
One problem I heard we had is with the softwares AI engine that tries to identify trolls. It appears to be highly aggressive in its marking of certain patterns used to ID trolls. The author of this code, a Dr. William H. Waite, has not been to keen on softening this feature. So, what I have heard is that a new and more tunable AI troll detection software that can be modified to track certain groups of trolls will be implemented. This software, manufactured by the Acme group and sold under the "Coyote" label, should help ease the tension over this complex and divisive issue. :)
Coming into the middle of this probably not really understanding all the issues, I will only add:

1). What you are talking about will inevitable lead to a lot more work by moderators.

2). It will lead to a lot more moderation and censorship because much of it will hinge on judgement calls.

3). EVERYONE strays from topics here and there, its only natural, and people get upset and use words and names. I'm guilty as well. It comes down to self-judgement to know when to stop or not go too far. Having censorship imposed will simply crush the spirit and flavor of the group and many threads.

4). Yes, some people are a one-note band that hammers incessantly about the same stuff, and some people are apparently bothered by it. I just deal with it and I thought this group was supposed to have thick skins. THE POINT HERE is that we already have a mechanism in place to deal with this! THE REPORT. I've used it a few times, been generally satisfied with the results and I'm wondering why others do not. Then there is The IGNORE. Clamping down so hard as to force conversations into a straitjacket, like banning AR-15s because they LOOK menacing and have been used a few times, might sound like a good thing on the surface at first but I think it will also do more harm than good in a forum already overrun with a zoo of rules and regulations. Maybe if some of the people bitching about trolling and hijacking would simply REPORT IT and let mods deal with it when it gets so far out of hand and let them handle it on a case by case basis (maybe with a warning to repeat offenders?), we might not have to take draconian measures which I fear will ultimately harm the spontaneity and openness of the threads.

My 2¢

What you suggest does not work.

1) When I put one guy on ignore, he began posting all of my personal information on this site

2) When I use the REPORT feature, you have these people who know something the rest of us don't understand. There are people who can come here daily and their entire posts are about calling people names, but they are never reprimanded. If you respond to them in the same spirit, it is somehow against the rules. PM me and I'll direct you to a thread wherein one poster calls people names in most of their posts. The first time someone responds back in the same spirit that response is deleted and the real troll that cannot respect their fellow posters is allowed to continue being a bully and calling people names.

Moderation only works if all are treated equally. But what I really see happening is that those who control the board want an echo chamber, not a discussion board. It's not that hard to figure out who wants to pick a fight and who is defending themselves.

So, while I gave your view due consideration, I would implore you to look at those who are leaving this board for greener pastures.
We didn't just all of a sudden decide to close Social Groups out of nowhere. We've been discussing it, and trying to work it out, for a long time now. .

When you and Coyote both trolled the hell out of the private Terrorism group, was that simply your way of trying to work it out?
We didn't just all of a sudden decide to close Social Groups out of nowhere. We've been discussing it, and trying to work it out, for a long time now. .

When you and Coyote both trolled the hell out of the private Terrorism group, was that simply your way of trying to work it out?
He and her are blatant leftist trolls and no amount of reasonable discussion will do much good with them when they don't agree with the topic.
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We didn't just all of a sudden decide to close Social Groups out of nowhere. We've been discussing it, and trying to work it out, for a long time now. .

When you and Coyote both trolled the hell out of the private Terrorism group, was that simply your way of trying to work it out?
He and her are blatant leftist trolls and no amount of reasonable discussion with do much good with them when they don't agree with the topic.

Here you had a group that was by invitation only, and the two people most determined to undermined the entire concept were both mods.
We didn't just all of a sudden decide to close Social Groups out of nowhere. We've been discussing it, and trying to work it out, for a long time now. .

When you and Coyote both trolled the hell out of the private Terrorism group, was that simply your way of trying to work it out?
He and her are blatant leftist trolls and no amount of reasonable discussion with do much good with them when they don't agree with the topic.

Here you had a group that was by invitation only, and the two people most determined to undermined the entire concept were both mods.
I can't say happened behind the scenes. What I was told is that they didn't want to not be able to see what was going on in the groups and I understood that. What I don't understand is why a few of the mods troll and flame people. Why not just disagree with them and then, whatever? Edited to add, it was Lucy Hamiltons group and now I just don't want to be in any more of them.
We didn't just all of a sudden decide to close Social Groups out of nowhere. We've been discussing it, and trying to work it out, for a long time now. .

When you and Coyote both trolled the hell out of the private Terrorism group, was that simply your way of trying to work it out?
He and her are blatant leftist trolls and no amount of reasonable discussion with do much good with them when they don't agree with the topic.

Here you had a group that was by invitation only, and the two people most determined to undermined the entire concept were both mods.
I can't say happened behind the scenes. What I was told is that they didn't want to not be able to see what was going on in the groups and I understood that. What I don't understand is why a few of the mods troll and flame people. Why not just disagree with them and then, whatever? Edited to add, it was Lucy Hamiltons group and now I just don't want to be in any more of them.
It was Tilly's group, actually.

I kept trying to put a lid on all the trolling but coyote kept overriding my every attempt - at least twenty to thirty times or more.
We didn't just all of a sudden decide to close Social Groups out of nowhere. We've been discussing it, and trying to work it out, for a long time now. .

When you and Coyote both trolled the hell out of the private Terrorism group, was that simply your way of trying to work it out?
He and her are blatant leftist trolls and no amount of reasonable discussion with do much good with them when they don't agree with the topic.

Here you had a group that was by invitation only, and the two people most determined to undermined the entire concept were both mods.
Interesting ...since in the past they would allow their FZ buddies to troll the social groups ( both there and on the open board ) to the point of no one being able to enjoy them...all under the guise of...we don't moderate the SG's
We didn't just all of a sudden decide to close Social Groups out of nowhere. We've been discussing it, and trying to work it out, for a long time now. .

When you and Coyote both trolled the hell out of the private Terrorism group, was that simply your way of trying to work it out?
He and her are blatant leftist trolls and no amount of reasonable discussion with do much good with them when they don't agree with the topic.

Here you had a group that was by invitation only, and the two people most determined to undermined the entire concept were both mods.
I can't say happened behind the scenes. What I was told is that they didn't want to not be able to see what was going on in the groups and I understood that. What I don't understand is why a few of the mods troll and flame people. Why not just disagree with them and then, whatever? Edited to add, it was Lucy Hamiltons group and now I just don't want to be in any more of them.
Has Lucy left?
We didn't just all of a sudden decide to close Social Groups out of nowhere. We've been discussing it, and trying to work it out, for a long time now. .

When you and Coyote both trolled the hell out of the private Terrorism group, was that simply your way of trying to work it out?
He and her are blatant leftist trolls and no amount of reasonable discussion with do much good with them when they don't agree with the topic.

Here you had a group that was by invitation only, and the two people most determined to undermined the entire concept were both mods.
I can't say happened behind the scenes. What I was told is that they didn't want to not be able to see what was going on in the groups and I understood that. What I don't understand is why a few of the mods troll and flame people. Why not just disagree with them and then, whatever? Edited to add, it was Lucy Hamiltons group and now I just don't want to be in any more of them.
It was Tilly's group, actually.

I kept trying to put a lid on all the trolling but coyote kept overriding my every attempt - at least twenty to thirty times or more.
Lucy was the mod in chief in it. Perhaps there was another forum you are thinking of?
When you and Coyote both trolled the hell out of the private Terrorism group, was that simply your way of trying to work it out?
He and her are blatant leftist trolls and no amount of reasonable discussion with do much good with them when they don't agree with the topic.

Here you had a group that was by invitation only, and the two people most determined to undermined the entire concept were both mods.
I can't say happened behind the scenes. What I was told is that they didn't want to not be able to see what was going on in the groups and I understood that. What I don't understand is why a few of the mods troll and flame people. Why not just disagree with them and then, whatever? Edited to add, it was Lucy Hamiltons group and now I just don't want to be in any more of them.
It was Tilly's group, actually.

I kept trying to put a lid on all the trolling but coyote kept overriding my every attempt - at least twenty to thirty times or more.
Lucy was the mod in chief in it. Perhaps there was another forum you are thinking of?
I'm referring to the global terrorism group.

1) When I put one guy on ignore, he began posting all of my personal information on this site 2) When I use the REPORT feature, you have these people who know something the rest of us don't understand.


1). Grow a thicker skin. Don't let people push you around, bother or get to you. Most trolls are just out sniffing for any sign they are bugging you.

2). Keep using the REPORT and IGNORE features if you think it really comes to this. Give it a chance.

3). Reexamine how you post and behave yourself.

My guess is you do all three and sooner or later you will find yourself getting a handle on your issues and you will find the tools provided working for you. Leave the forum and you've just handed the trolls another success. You've just given them exactly what they wanted.
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