My, how the so-called "libertarians" are silent.

He was asking where are the so-called Libertarians and the other person asked about what and I stated the possible overreach by the FBI.

Oh, sun will rise in the East…

I'm not commenting on all 76 threads on this exact same thing but I noted in one of them that it's possibly over reach but we do not know that yet.

I suspect it went like this.

Mr President: You can't take those records with you, they are classified.

Trump: No one is going to tell me what to do.

White House to FBI: Trump took classified info that he legally was not permitted to take.

FBI to Trump: You have records that do not belong to you.

Trump to FBI: If you want them, come get them.

FBI to Justice Dept: Go get the records.
Thank you for showing us the inside of your head.
Politically-motivated prosecutions, from both parties, aren't about innocence or guilt. They aren't about seeing justice done or proving that no one is above the law.

It is about casting as much innuendo and accusation as you can prior to an election in hopes of increasing your side's chances.

To believe otherwise is naive.
And shoving a 25 ft concrete dildo up the ass of liberty in the peocess.
I dont think they did find anything. The confident and triumphant way Trump Junior is running around saying that they got nothing, is pretty telling.

He did the same thing after the election saying daddy won. Did not work out so well
If they found anything, it would have been leaked already.

Nothing about the raid leaked, why would the results?

The plain clothed FBI agents were searching the house for a couple hours before the story even hit the news it was kept under such a tight lid.

No reason to think that would change now

My, how the so-called "libertarians" are silent.​

It is awfully bizarre….I’m thinking dblack and Golfing Gator may secretly love them some authoritarian statism

I have about 100 post about this action by the DOJ, not sure how that is silent.

Now, granted 90 of them are me laughing at the reactions from the Trumpers. This has been the most entertaining 24 hours on this forum ever.

The other 10 are me saying it is too soon to pass judgement since we do not have enough information. If they did all of this just for some generic classified documents then I will gladly join you with the torches and pitchforks as you march down the Mall towards the White House.

But since I do not live by pure emotions I will wait for more information to make that call
I have about 100 post about this action by the DOJ, not sure how that is silent.

Now, granted 90 of them are me laughing at the reactions from the Trumpers. This has been the most entertaining 24 hours on this forum ever.

The other 10 are me saying it is too soon to pass judgement since we do not have enough information. If they did all of this just for some generic classified documents then I will gladly join you with the torches and pitchforks as you march down the Mall towards the White House.

But since I do not live by pure emotions I will wait for more information to make that call
It's just that there was year after year of nonsense, fake Russia collusion bullshit, and now, for the first time ever, a former president was raided by the following regime.

There better be a motherfucking damn good reason for that shit. Damn good reason.

The fact that we haven't heard cocksucking shit about the reason has me leaning toward banana republic reasons.

every cycle the parties take it a step further.

What do you think the dog shit GOP response is going to be the next time they have power?

It's like you said: (and I paraphrase) Democrats do shit they should never do, and Republicans come in and remind us all why we shouldn't let Democrats do shit like that.
There better be a motherfucking damn good reason for that shit. Damn good reason.

The fact that we haven't heard cocksucking shit about the reason has me leaning toward banana republic reasons.

I agree 100% with the first part. As I said, if there was not I will gladly join you with the torches and pitchforks.

I take the lack of leaks as a good sign though. It is remarkable that the move by the DOJ was not leaked at all. The FBI guys were in the house for couple of hours before it even made the news. That in this day and age is remarkable to say the least.

I have said it a few times, if there were not some sort of documents with serious national security concerns that they went after and not just some generic classified documents this will be the biggest blunder ever by the DOJ

As a Classical Liberal, the Libertarians crack me up.

I don't know what is more fun ...
Watching them argue with each other about possible policy and a possible united platform,
Or watching them argue with each other about who is actually a Libertarian ... :auiqs.jpg:


Libertarians are the Unitarian Universalist of politics.

As a Classical Liberal, the Libertarians crack me up.

I don't know what is more fun ...
Watching them argue with each other about possible policy and a possible united platform,
Or watching them argue with each other about who is actually a Libertarian ... :auiqs.jpg:

That's why I refuse to attach the label "libertarian" to me. I am a classic liberal. Libertarian with "L" is nothing more than a GOP vote siphon set up or controlled by the Democrats.

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