My God people. Fauci conspired with the CIA to lie to you. Wake up

Hang on Sloopy

Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2015

For those who saw this right away, it was pretty obvious, you let covid affect your lives minimally as possible................... BUT your kids were forced locked in the homes

for those that bought this hoax, i really feel sorry for you could follow every goobermint word to run your lives like you adored the altar of fauci

just because of your hatred for trump, you put this country through hell.....because of your selfish and childish ways



For those who saw this right away, it was pretty obvious, you let covid affect your lives minimally as possible................... BUT your kids were forced locked in the homes

for those that bought this hoax, i really feel sorry for you could follow every goobermint word to run your lives like you adored the altar of fauci

just because of your hatred for trump, you put this country through hell.....because of your selfish and childish ways

And we’re still paying the price. They used fear of COVID as an excuse to hold a massive mail-in ballot election, enabling them to harvest ballots and cheat to a win.
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  • #4
And we’re still paying the price. They used fear of COVID as an excuse to hold a massive mail-in ballot election, enabling them to harvest ballots and cheat to a win.
what they did to this country is nothing short of epic crimes against humanity............and they did it lovingly without question

thanks for posting on this very lonely thread
what they did to this country is nothing short of epic crimes against humanity............and they did it lovingly without question

thanks for posting on this very lonely thread
The sad thing is that so many of these fools who supported this STILL think the election was fine and that they voted for the right man. Even worse, some of them said they would vote for Biden AGAIN if the alternative is Trump - you know, the man who had gas prices down to $1.80, inflation at 2%, the border (relatively) secure, and real wages on the rise.
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  • #6
I think you need to spend a lot of time a padded room. not only was Trump paying this guy; his CIA was in on it too? want to vote for the blob again why exactly?
no i retired early and did whatever i wanted my whole life while you slaved

you were duped stoopid

off topic and reported
thanks for posting on this very lonely thread
(Dum-dum-dum-dummy's doo-wah)
(Ooh yay, yay, yay, yeah)
(Oh, oh oh oh oh ooh-ah-ah)

Only the lonely, only the lonely

Only the lonely
(Dum-dum-dum-dummy's doo-wah)
Know my immunities are right
(Ooh yay, yay, yay, yeah)
Only the lonely
(Dum-dum-dum-dummy's doo-wah)
Know my passports denied my flights
(Dum-dum-dum-dummy's doo-wah)

And there goes my clot shot
Doomed from the start
Forever a pureblood, so far apart

But only the lonely
Know why I cry, only the lonely
(Dum-dum-dum-dummy's doo-wah)
(Ooh yay, yay, yay, yeah)
(Oh, oh oh oh oh ooh-ah-ah)

Only the lonely, only the lonely

Only the lonely
(Dum-dum-dum-dummy's doo-wah)
See the vaxxed as being screwed
(Ooh yay, yay, yay, yeah)
Only the lonely
(Dum-dum-dum-dummy's doo-wah)
Know It’s self inflicted too
(Dum-dum-dum-dummy's doo-wah)

And maybe tomorrow another stance
shitcan that Fauci and his CDC dance

Youuuuuuuuu've got to take

If your vaxxed heart breaks
Only the lonely
(Dum-dum-dum-dummy's doo-wah)

~S~ (w/apologies to Mr Orbison)
For the upcoming election:

1) there will be no halts at midnight while the enemy gathers up questionable mail ballots, as we will have relief teams in place in case counters get tired, a plumber on call in case a toilet leaks, and an electrician in the ready to change a light bulb.

2) Republican observers will get to observe the process. They won’t be barricaded behind ropes where they can’t see, or sent home altogether.

3) Signatures must match.

4) States will not be able to change election rules at the last minute (to favor the Democrat) without approval of the legislature.

5) Drop-off mail boxes should be outlawed. Failing that, cameras at every one of them.

One thing we need to change is the idea that ballots can continue to arrive and be counted a week after the Election, when the enemy knows just exactly how many ballots they need. Ballots need to arrive by midnight of Election Day, or they don’t count.
Unfortunately there are too many Americans who still believe the government/establishment. Even after so many lies have been exposed, they still believe. We have a few true believers on this board. They will do whatever the government media complex tell them to do. Many still think the unvaxxed should be imprisoned.
Penelope Grumblenuts francoHFW Donald H candycorn @
Unfortunately there are too many Americans who still believe the government/establishment. Even after so many lies have been exposed, they still believe. We have a few true believers on this board. They will do whatever the government media complex tell them to do. Many still think the unvaxxed should be imprisoned.
Penelope Grumblenuts francoHFW Donald H candycorn @
View attachment 834814
It’s easy to tell who the Democrats are: they’re the ones wearing the useless masks in the grocery store, riding their bike, driving alone in their car.
I think you need to spend a lot of time a padded room. not only was Trump paying this guy; his CIA was in on it too? want to vote for the blob again why exactly?
And the land was really the white man's and not the Indians, and those blacks at Tuskegee really were treated appropriately, and all those Vietnam Vets coming back home were not really suffering from the governments Agent Orange, etc.,. etc.

Yes, a true believer in the US federal government.
It’s easy to tell who the Democrats are: they’re the ones wearing the useless masks in the grocery store, riding their bike, driving alone in their car.
At the gym the other day were two young women on the treadmill wearing face diapers. I nicknamed them Penny and Candy, after our board’s two most infamous female vaxxers.
And we’re still paying the price. They used fear of COVID as an excuse to hold a massive mail-in ballot election, enabling them to harvest ballots and cheat to a win.
Yeah sure...Your guy loses and it's bad and everyone cheats, when he wins it's all good with no cheating...Sounds like you have a mental problem.
no i retired early and did whatever i wanted my whole life while you slaved

you were duped stoopid

off topic and reported
It is easier to fool a man than it is to explain to him how he has been fooled. Many humans cannot confront the truth.

The CIA was in on the Plandemic just as it was in on 911
Trump fucks up and as usual, his cult blames " others", just like their dear leader.

Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to ...​

Reuters › article › exclusive-u-s-slash...

Mar 25, 2020 — The Trump administration cut staff by more than two-thirds at a key U.S. public health agency operating inside China, as part of a larger ...

The CDC’s China headcount has shrunk to around 14 staffers, down from approximately 47 people since President Donald Trump took office in January 2017, the documents show. The four people, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the losses included epidemiologists and other health professionals.

The material reviewed by Reuters shows a breakdown of how many American and local Chinese employees were assigned there. The documents are the CDC’s own descriptions of its headcount, which it posts online. Reuters was able to search past copies of the material to confirm the decline described by the four people.

“The CDC office in Beijing is a shell of its former self,” said one of the people, a U.S. official who worked in China at the time of the drawdown.
And the land was really the white man's and not the Indians, and those blacks at Tuskegee really were treated appropriately, and all those Vietnam Vets coming back home were not really suffering from the governments Agent Orange, etc.,. etc.

Yes, a true believer in the US federal government.
So why again are you trusting the guy who (according to the OP) paid Fauci and let his CIA partner with him? Oh thats right...because you’re a fucking idiot who trust the guy indicted for 91 felonies.

For those who saw this right away, it was pretty obvious, you let covid affect your lives minimally as possible................... BUT your kids were forced locked in the homes

for those that bought this hoax, i really feel sorry for you could follow every goobermint word to run your lives like you adored the altar of fauci

just because of your hatred for trump, you put this country through hell.....because of your selfish and childish ways

RFK Jr. has already alerted us to the CIA and MI6 connections to The Elf (The Real Anthony Fauci).
Trump fucks up and as usual, his cult blames " others", just like their dear leader.

Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to ...

View attachment 834822
Reuters › article › exclusive-u-s-slash...
Mar 25, 2020 — The Trump administration cut staff by more than two-thirds at a key U.S. public health agency operating inside China, as part of a larger ...

The CDC’s China headcount has shrunk to around 14 staffers, down from approximately 47 people since President Donald Trump took office in January 2017, the documents show. The four people, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the losses included epidemiologists and other health professionals.

The material reviewed by Reuters shows a breakdown of how many American and local Chinese employees were assigned there. The documents are the CDC’s own descriptions of its headcount, which it posts online. Reuters was able to search past copies of the material to confirm the decline described by the four people.

“The CDC office in Beijing is a shell of its former self,” said one of the people, a U.S. official who worked in China at the time of the drawdown.
Reuters isn't very thorough. Here Einstein: the first Homo sapiens to sequence SARS2 worked for the Beijing CDC.
So why again are you trusting the guy who (according to the OP) paid Fauci and let his CIA partner with him? Oh thats right...because you’re a fucking idiot who trust the guy indicted for 91 felonies.
Who says I trust Trump?

You would have to be insane to trust any politician

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