My father has been in the ER for two days and nights waiting for a hospital bed


Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2011
He’s in Hackensack hospital in New Jersey. Was suffering from nausea and wasn’t able to eat for a few days so we took him to the hospital. Now my question is that if we implement a single payer system doesn’t conventional wisdom tell us our hospitals will be even more overcrowded and of even less quality than they are now?
He’s in Hackensack hospital in New Jersey. Was suffering from nausea and wasn’t able to eat for a few days so we took him to the hospital. Now my question is that if we implement a single payer system doesn’t conventional wisdom tell us our hospitals will be even more overcrowded and of even less quality than they are now?

First, wishing you dad a speedy recovery.

Second, it's a good question. To my thinking hospitals would be paid set rates and I would suspect this would not be an incentive to providing improved care in order to free up beds for others. Also, private insurance would still be available and I would think those people would see a priority to gain access to a hospital, or the hospital would determine that becoming a private hospital would be a more prosperous endeavor.
I’m just wondering what these proponents of single payer plan to do about the overcrowding of hospitals their system would bring.
He’s in Hackensack hospital in New Jersey. Was suffering from nausea and wasn’t able to eat for a few days so we took him to the hospital. Now my question is that if we implement a single payer system doesn’t conventional wisdom tell us our hospitals will be even more overcrowded and of even less quality than they are now?
why cant they find him a bed???
I have at least 300,000 anecdotal stories of people dying due to lack of health coverage....since we feel anecdotes are substitutes for empirical data and all.

According to your logic, the less people have health coverage, the better for hospitals....sure, those people may die, but hey -- at least you will be long as your insurance provider doesn't find a way to not pay out in order to increase profits
When my mother-in-Law was suffering from infections she would occasionally wait for 2 or 3 days for a room.
Nassau County hospitals were swamped with illegals.
He’s in Hackensack hospital in New Jersey. Was suffering from nausea and wasn’t able to eat for a few days so we took him to the hospital. Now my question is that if we implement a single payer system doesn’t conventional wisdom tell us our hospitals will be even more overcrowded and of even less quality than they are now?
You clearly have not lived in England.
I have
Keep the gov out of my Medicare as the trumpie said.
Medicare 4% overhead, insurance companies 20%
All you need to know
He’s in Hackensack hospital in New Jersey. Was suffering from nausea and wasn’t able to eat for a few days so we took him to the hospital. Now my question is that if we implement a single payer system doesn’t conventional wisdom tell us our hospitals will be even more overcrowded and of even less quality than they are now?

Because people are more prone to get sick if they don’t have to pay for it?
He’s in Hackensack hospital in New Jersey. Was suffering from nausea and wasn’t able to eat for a few days so we took him to the hospital. Now my question is that if we implement a single payer system doesn’t conventional wisdom tell us our hospitals will be even more overcrowded and of even less quality than they are now?

Because people are more prone to get sick if they don’t have to pay for it?
Who would study organic chemistry if they’re not going to get paid for it?
This is kind of like saying if more people had more money to travel and take trips -- wouldn't this be a bad thing for airports, hotels, etc -- because, it will be too many people using their services -- and we all know that nobody expands their business due to demand
Should someone tell them that Medicare for all only calls for the means of providing the most basic of healthcare coverage be done by the government??

This doesn't mean the doctors are all government doctors and the hospitals are government owned -- if you want to get some supplemental health insurance so you can have more than the rest of the peasants, you are welcome to.
He’s in Hackensack hospital in New Jersey. Was suffering from nausea and wasn’t able to eat for a few days so we took him to the hospital. Now my question is that if we implement a single payer system doesn’t conventional wisdom tell us our hospitals will be even more overcrowded and of even less quality than they are now?

The V.A. is what Single Payer will look like. The left will lie and deny but the reality your wait time at government ran clinics hours because doctors will close shop and become more scarce.

If the Single Payer is implemented then expect Mexico Medical Community to boom because of Americans crossing the border for Medical Treatment...
He’s in Hackensack hospital in New Jersey. Was suffering from nausea and wasn’t able to eat for a few days so we took him to the hospital. Now my question is that if we implement a single payer system doesn’t conventional wisdom tell us our hospitals will be even more overcrowded and of even less quality than they are now?
why cant they find him a bed???
They probably have 3,000 Puerto Ricans getting C-sections.
Taking the profit motive out of providing health insurance to people doesn't mean students will stop studying life sciences -- can you show me anywhere among the other developed countries in the world where people have just stopped learning about organic chemistry??

Why do you feel it is necessary for private insurance companies to make billions for their shareholders at the expense of the consumers is the only way we can insure kids will grow up to want to study biology or chemistry?
He’s in Hackensack hospital in New Jersey. Was suffering from nausea and wasn’t able to eat for a few days so we took him to the hospital. Now my question is that if we implement a single payer system doesn’t conventional wisdom tell us our hospitals will be even more overcrowded and of even less quality than they are now?

The V.A. is what Single Payer will look like. The left will lie and deny but the reality your wait time at government ran clinics hours because doctors will close shop and become more scarce.

If the Single Payer is implemented then expect Mexico Medical Community to boom because of Americans crossing the border for Medical Treatment...
Then why is that the largest opposition to privatizing the VA are always the veterans themselves....and they consistently oppose it....

How is this possible? Are vets just a bunch of socialist commie libs?

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