My brother's keeper...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
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I am so much better then ALL of you Obama supporters and especially Obama!
I'm taking care of my brother and I'm not a millionaire, much less the President!
And yet you Obama sycophants continue to defend this gross, disgusting hypocrite!
Am I that much more compassionate then you and Obama?
You asses that accuse people like me, terrible Tea party, conservatives are hate people, are so lacking in compassion.. well my actions speak
louder then you and Obama's bleatings!

You people and Obama have absolutely NO HIGH MORAL ground if Obama pompously touts "brother's keeper and his brother lives in a hut!
Don't people get it???
AT least shut the f..k up about how evil and mean people like me and tea party etc... when we have proof you guys are just hypocrites!
So come on Obama boot lickers! Explain how you can continue to excuse this poor excuse for a brother!
I am 100% confident that a few of you that voted for this hypocrite are doing more to help your own brothers or sisters then this pompous scam artist!

Thus, in 2005, Obama gave about the same dollar amount to charity as President George Bush did, on an income of $1.7 million -- more than twice as much as President Bush's $735,180. Again in 2006, Bush gave more to charity than Obama on an income one-third smaller than Obama's.

In the decade before Joe Biden became vice president, the Bidens gave a total -- all 10 years combined -- of $3,690 to charity, or 0.2 percent of their income. They gave in a decade what most Americans in their tax bracket give in an average year, or about one row of hair plugs.
Hey all you people that voted for Obama... why are you not commenting and doing some effort to white wash the gross hypocrisy that Obama has done to YOU guys! Do you understand this totally pompous person insults YOUR intelligence by going so far
to really wipe his hypocrisy by starting a program called "Brothers Keepers"!!
President Obama Launches My Brother's Keeper, His New Initiative to Help Young Men of Color!

President Obama Launches My Brother's Keeper, His New Initiative to Help Young Men of Color | The White House

Do you people NOTICE that this is ONLY for Young Men of color ... a further insult!
So not only does this racist president insult people who voted for him by constantly tarnishing the concept of "my brother's keeper" by
letting the image of his brother standing in front of his $12 a year hut.... but Obama further insults all people of color, WHITE included by
excluding white people! WHY???
Hey all you people that voted for Obama... why are you not commenting and doing some effort to white wash the gross hypocrisy that Obama has done to YOU guys! Do you understand this totally pompous person insults YOUR intelligence by going so far
to really wipe his hypocrisy by starting a program called "Brothers Keepers"!!
President Obama Launches My Brother's Keeper, His New Initiative to Help Young Men of Color!

President Obama Launches My Brother's Keeper, His New Initiative to Help Young Men of Color | The White House

Do you people NOTICE that this is ONLY for Young Men of color ... a further insult!
So not only does this racist president insult people who voted for him by constantly tarnishing the concept of "my brother's keeper" by
letting the image of his brother standing in front of his $12 a year hut.... but Obama further insults all people of color, WHITE included by
excluding white people! WHY???
As fine an example of a TROLL as I have ever seen.

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