My bag of crack


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2012
Indianapolis, Indiana
It's not really a joke, because I actually did have a bag of crack. It's more of an interesting story.

I like to run on trails. So I'm out in the forest running at an easy pace, about a mile from the parking lot. I tend to pick up litter as I run, so I stopped to pick up a plastic baggie sitting on the trail. I looked at it, and it was a very interesting baggie. It was full of whitish/yellowish chunks, mixed in with powder. Here's the photo I took of it.


Yeah, it's a bag of crack.

First question. Why was a bag of crack on the trail deep in the forest? I don't know. Did some crackhead on a nature walk drop his stash? Did he see the glory of nature and swear off the crack, throwing it away? I don't know.

Second question. What do I do with a bag of crack?

Leave it there, for the next family on a nature hike to find? Nah.

Go into the business and sell it? After all, it's a good size baggie. About 10 grams, so maybe $200 worth. But, no.

Take it with me to turn into the police? No. That would involve me taking possession of a bag of crack, and showing the police I was carrying a bag of crack. Not something I'd want to get involved in.

My choice? Destroy it. So I ripped the baggie open, and scattered the contents.

Now, a helpful hint to everyone. Before you scatter a bag of crack, you should check wind direction. I realized that after the cloud of crack powder blew back at me. Standing there, covered in crack dust, having inhaled a bit, I thought. "My. Isn't this interesting."

Having nothing better to do, I decided to take advantage of the extra energy. I finished my run at an impressive pace.

Yes, yes, feel free to fling all the obvious jokes at me now. I'd be disappointed if you didn't.
What do you do with cracK?

Ask for Guno's address and mail it to him.

Either that or you smoke it. . . .

It's not really a joke, because I actually did have a bag of crack. It's more of an interesting story.

I like to run on trails. So I'm out in the forest running at an easy pace, about a mile from the parking lot. I tend to pick up litter as I run, so I stopped to pick up a plastic baggie sitting on the trail. I looked at it, and it was a very interesting baggie. It was full of whitish/yellowish chunks, mixed in with powder. Here's the photo I took of it.


Yeah, it's a bag of crack.

First question. Why was a bag of crack on the trail deep in the forest? I don't know. Did some crackhead on a nature walk drop his stash? Did he see the glory of nature and swear off the crack, throwing it away? I don't know.

Second question. What do I do with a bag of crack?

Leave it there, for the next family on a nature hike to find? Nah.

Go into the business and sell it? After all, it's a good size baggie. About 10 grams, so maybe $200 worth. But, no.

Take it with me to turn into the police? No. That would involve me taking possession of a bag of crack, and showing the police I was carrying a bag of crack. Not something I'd want to get involved in.

My choice? Destroy it. So I ripped the baggie open, and scattered the contents.

Now, a helpful hint to everyone. Before you scatter a bag of crack, you should check wind direction. I realized that after the cloud of crack powder blew back at me. Standing there, covered in crack dust, having inhaled a bit, I thought. "My. Isn't this interesting."

Having nothing better to do, I decided to take advantage of the extra energy. I finished my run at an impressive pace.

Yes, yes, feel free to fling all the obvious jokes at me now. I'd be disappointed if you didn't.

Eww. That is why you shouldn't pick up trash! You don't know if someone even peed on it or something.

Anyways, it was probably some homeless druggie who was messed up and dropped it.

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