My Ah Ha moment to why Dems really hate & demonize the Maga slogan and hat


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
My Ah Ha moment to why Dems really hate & demonize the Maga slogan and hat.

It's because they can't ever compete with, nor explain, how the goal to make America better was achieved with their known resistance, sabotage, and obstruction.=That it was done without them, and in spite of them tying the govt's hands and feet.
It also equates that the last administration failed therefore needing the improvements to get better aka great again.
In political arguments it's in likeness to religious ones, whereby you'll notice that shaking up the status quo and fake mythologies while making the world a better place is fought against tooth and nail by those in claimed religious authority who failed humanity.
So we see this same fight in politics against those who find challenging & changing of the guards and making the country better a knock on their inadequacies. Therefore, personal pride is at stake and they can never admit they failed in the same way established religious authority failed and displaced blame and demonized opponents. Only in a Bizarro world do you see people opposing making
The Country and The World a better place, thus opposing statements of such. Never mind the fact that making the U.S. better makes the World better, as our success is their success they feed from. That's to obvious for the left to grasp.
America First is still World's (best interest) First because of this over looked fact.- signed Captain Obvious
People put on a MAGA hat and become bitter vindictive assholes. Point a camera at them and it only gets worse. What power does this simple made in china head-wear have to make wearers forget their sense of decency and compassion?
We despise it because we never saw America as not being great to start with, and that we would be better off if we went back to the bad old days when women and minorities knew 'Their place".

If you did not see America being great to begin with, why then get behind “Hope and Change” and “The Fundamental Transformation of America”? Those slogans and campaigns don’t suggest America being great to begin with.
Because Trump kicked the Dem's ass with MAGA that's why. He humiliated them, the American people rejected them. Dem's are still in the middle of a category 9 meltdown.

Trump lost by 3 million votes. The people said no.

He lost the Popular Vote but won the Election. The Nation said Yes. You sure you want to have everything be purely based on simple majority? Liberals could lose on some of their key issues if we went that route.
He lost the Popular Vote but won the Election. The Nation said Yes. You sure you want to have everything be purely based on simple majority? Liberals could lose on some of their key issues if we went that route.

Yes, I want it done by simple majority... that's the only fair way to do it when you have serious disagreement and can't otherwise reach compromise.

Using some awful system devised by slave rapists in the 18th century and can be easily manipulated by a foreign power... that's kind of fucked up.
We despise it because we never saw America as not being great to start with, and that we would be better off if we went back to the bad old days when women and minorities knew 'Their place".
MAGA is about foundation. And strength. Most if not all wrongs have been corrected. The problem is the best of the best of the best are not coming forward as others are emasculated and turned into eunuchs. All of the advertising over the decades was supposed to replace white males with others of pure diversity and get better. But it is not there. We have to compete in a world that shows no mercy. Forgive me. Where are all of the technology advancements from the minorities that was supposed to happen as an example from the money we were taxed? Where are the inventers and industrialists and visionaries that create tens of millions of jobs? We were sold on this. Remember.."A mind is a terrible thing to waste"? It seems it hit a certain point and plateaued. And plateaued higher then me. There was a time women could not get loans even though they ran businesses. That was corrected. We hit a point of plateau also. So tell me different. Please relieve my reservations of trepidition that everything is going to be all right. We peaked around 1970 or so. Now we live off the past. With all its warts.
People put on a MAGA hat and become bitter vindictive assholes. Point a camera at them and it only gets worse. What power does this simple made in china head-wear have to make wearers forget their sense of decency and compassion?

Such bullshit
"Why do Democrats hate clothing with swastikas?".

Answer that, and you'll have answered "Why do Democrats hate MAGA hats?".

Speak for yourself, not all democrats. People like you simply hate people whose opinions differ from yours
We despise it because we never saw America as not being great to start with, and that we would be better off if we went back to the bad old days when women and minorities knew 'Their place".

If you did not see America being great to begin with, why then get behind “Hope and Change” and “The Fundamental Transformation of America”? Those slogans and campaigns don’t suggest America being great to begin with.

Yeah good slogans when the economy is shedding 500,000 jobs a months, stocks are cratering, house values are cut in half and the economy is collapsing because of Republican policies.
He lost the Popular Vote but won the Election. The Nation said Yes. You sure you want to have everything be purely based on simple majority? Liberals could lose on some of their key issues if we went that route.

Yes, I want it done by simple majority... that's the only fair way to do it when you have serious disagreement and can't otherwise reach compromise.

Using some awful system devised by slave rapists in the 18th century and can be easily manipulated by a foreign power... that's kind of fucked up.

A simple majority can be easily manipulated. We see this all the time on Capitol Hill. Intraparty votes or support for votes are bought/bribed all the time.

A foreign power would have an easier time manipulating via simple majority.
Because Trump kicked the Dem's ass with MAGA that's why. He humiliated them, the American people rejected them. Dem's are still in the middle of a category 9 meltdown.

Trump lost by 3 million votes. The people said no.

No Trump lost by 4 million votes in illegal infested California. Trump won by 1 million votes in the other 49 states so the vast majority of people outside California chose Trump suck it!
We despise it because we never saw America as not being great to start with, and that we would be better off if we went back to the bad old days when women and minorities knew 'Their place".

If you did not see America being great to begin with, why then get behind “Hope and Change” and “The Fundamental Transformation of America”? Those slogans and campaigns don’t suggest America being great to begin with.

Yeah good slogans when the economy is shedding 500,000 jobs a months, stocks are cratering, house values are cut in half and the economy is collapsing because of Republican policies.

Point to specific Democrat policies that create jobs, increase stock values and home values? Is it more deficit spending? More taxes? More regulation?
MAGA is about foundation. And strength. Most if not all wrongs have been corrected. The problem is the best of the best of the best are not coming forward as others are emasculated and turned into eunuchs.

I'm going to cut your rant off right here... no, we haven't corrected racism and sexism in this country. they are alive and well. What we do have is a bunch of aggreived white males who live in mortal fear of losing their privileges. And being too stupid to realized whose been screwing them for years.
A simple majority can be easily manipulated. We see this all the time on Capitol Hill. Intraparty votes or support for votes are bought/bribed all the time.

A foreign power would have an easier time manipulating via simple majority.

Well, no, actually, changing 80K votes is a lot easier than changing 3MM votes..

Math is one of those things you struggle with, isn't it?
We despise it because we never saw America as not being great to start with, and that we would be better off if we went back to the bad old days when women and minorities knew 'Their place".

That's such a lie, you never saw nor want America to be great. You guys do nothing but bitch about the past sins.....I never see you guys ever act proud of what this country does and has done, IRS always racist, wsmmaexiat, homophobic, inequality.....

so you are a fucking liar and goodluck yourself
We despise it because we never saw America as not being great to start with, and that we would be better off if we went back to the bad old days when women and minorities knew 'Their place".
When your transgender president tried to transform america into something it was never meant to be. Trump is making his legacy, just a bad memory. Therefore making it great again.

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