Muslims suffer rising Discrimination

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
According to an article by Steven Greenhouse in The New York Times, that’s around 25% of the 3,386 religious discrimination claims filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in the year end*ing Sep*tem*ber 30, 2009 – an awful lot considering that Muslims make up less than 2% of the population in the United States. It’s also 20% more complaints than were filed by Muslims in 2008 and 60% more than in 2005.

Here are the last three paragraph’s of the article:

Imane Boud*lal, a 26-year-old from Casablanca, Morocco, had worked for two years as a host*ess at the Sto*ry*tellers Café at Dis*ney*land in Ana*heim, Calif., when she decided she would begin wear*ing her hijab at work dur*ing Ramadan last month. Ms. Boud*lal said her super*vi*sors told her that if she insisted on wear*ing the scarf, she could work either in back or at a tele*phone job. She refused and has not worked while the dispute continues.

Dis*ney offi*cials said her head scarf clashed with the restaurant’s early-1900s theme, and they pro*posed a period hat with some scarf that would fall over her ears. Ms. Boud*lal rejected that as un-Muslim. “They wanted to hide the fact that I looked Mus*lim,” she said.

Michael Griffin, a Disney spokesman, said the company’s “cast members” agree to comply with its appearance guidelines. “When cast members request exceptions to our policies for religious reasons, we strive to make accommodations,” he said, adding that Disney has accommodated more than 200 such requests since 2007.
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It's against the rules of the board to copy and paste whole articles - also, you are required to provide a link to the article.
IMO all Muslim groups, associations, mosques, etc. should loudly condemn any Muslim violence whenever it happens anywhere in the world. Remaining silent causes suspicion and can lead to various types of discrimination.
   /v. dɪˈskrɪməˌneɪt; adj. dɪˈskrɪmənɪt/ Show Spelled [v. dih-skrim-uh-neyt; adj. dih-skrim-uh-nit] Show IPA verb, -nat·ed, -nat·ing, adjective
–verb (used without object)
to make a distinction in favor of or against a person or thing on the basis of the group, class, or category to which the person or thing belongs rather than according to actual merit; show partiality: The new law discriminates against foreigners. He discriminates in favor of his relatives.
to note or observe a difference; distinguish accurately: to discriminate between things.
Perhaps if Muslims made an effort to assimilate, there would be less discrimination. Anyone who calls attention to their distinctions should not complain when they are seen as distinct.
I am a biker and as such am every bit as distinct as this Muslim woman. It's not difficult at all to recognize me as a biker when I'm not at work, but my employer asks me to adhere to certain rules when I head off to see a customer. He has that right, and I have the right to find another job if I can't agree with his rules.
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They are also the largest per capita group BY FAR to apply and receive disability in the UK.

They are the most discriminatory, commit the most acts of religious discrimination, least accepting and most demanding group of people, yet they cry like two year olds when someone passes them over for a job that they might not be qualified for or might require them to removed their burquas or hijabs, not pray every two secs and only on their breaks, doesn't have footbaths, requires the handling of pork or alcohol, allows seeing eye dogs to enter the establishment and doesn't give a crap if your fatigued because you fast all day for a fucking month!

Cry to your home country about it! Fuck the PC bull shit NOW!

According to an article by Steven Greenhouse in The New York Times, that’s around 25% of the 3,386 religious discrimination claims filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in the year end*ing Sep*tem*ber 30, 2009 – an awful lot considering that Muslims make up less than 2% of the population in the United States. It’s also 20% more complaints than were filed by Muslims in 2008 and 60% more than in 2005.

Here are the last three paragraph’s of the article:

Imane Boud*lal, a 26-year-old from Casablanca, Morocco, had worked for two years as a host*ess at the Sto*ry*tellers Café at Dis*ney*land in Ana*heim, Calif., when she decided she would begin wear*ing her hijab at work dur*ing Ramadan last month. Ms. Boud*lal said her super*vi*sors told her that if she insisted on wear*ing the scarf, she could work either in back or at a tele*phone job. She refused and has not worked while the dispute continues.

Dis*ney offi*cials said her head scarf clashed with the restaurant’s early-1900s theme, and they pro*posed a period hat with some scarf that would fall over her ears. Ms. Boud*lal rejected that as un-Muslim. “They wanted to hide the fact that I looked Mus*lim,” she said.

Michael Griffin, a Disney spokesman, said the company’s “cast members” agree to comply with its appearance guidelines. “When cast members request exceptions to our policies for religious reasons, we strive to make accommodations,” he said, adding that Disney has accommodated more than 200 such requests since 2007.
IMO all Muslim groups, associations, mosques, etc. should loudly condemn any Muslim violence whenever it happens anywhere in the world. Remaining silent causes suspicion and can lead to various types of discrimination.

Lots of them do condemn it.... regularly and as loudly as they can. Pity, no one listens.
It's against the rules of the board to copy and paste whole articles - also, you are required to provide a link to the article.

What are you the post police? :eusa_whistle:

What is with your new found protect the Mooslims are every corner? Has the CA PCness finally got ya?
If purple frogs started blowing themselves up and flying planes into buildings.........I'm sure we'd discriminate against purple frawgs. But right now, purple frawgs aint the ones doing that, are they?
Perhaps if Muslims made an effort to assimilate, there would be less discrimination. Anyone who calls attention to their distinctions should not complain when they are seen as distinct.I am a biker and as such am every bit as distinct as this Muslim woman. It's not difficult at all to recognize me as a biker when I'm not at work, but my employer asks me to adhere to certain rules when I head off to see a customer. He has that right, and I have the right to find another job if I can't agree with his rules.

I agree... IMO they like to cause trouble and then whine about it so they can sue.

I should add, that by "they" I dont mean "all" muslims, but a very large number of them do in fact like the sympathy.

CAIR is always ready to take their case. Hell, so will the ACLU for that matter.

We need to look at what is going on in Great Britain.
Sad state of society when it's BETTER to be a victim than to not be.
Sad state of society when it's BETTER to be a victim than to not be.

Being "the oppressor" is no fun either :eusa_eh:

Yeah. Us evil white Christian heterosexual American males are quite an oppressive bunch. I mean, I'm basically poor, got passed over for a job b/c they had a "quota" to meet (aka, hired a black female), had to actually PAY my way through college, and etc, but being the oppressor is not very fun.
Sad state of society when it's BETTER to be a victim than to not be.

Being "the oppressor" is no fun either :eusa_eh:

Yeah. Us evil white Christian heterosexual American males are quite an oppressive bunch. I mean, I'm basically poor, got passed over for a job b/c they had a "quota" to meet (aka, hired a black female), had to actually PAY my way through college, and etc, but being the oppressor is not very fun.

I hear ya...
Those poor people!

   /v. dɪˈskrɪməˌneɪt; adj. dɪˈskrɪmənɪt/ Show Spelled [v. dih-skrim-uh-neyt; adj. dih-skrim-uh-nit] Show IPA verb, -nat·ed, -nat·ing, adjective
–verb (used without object)
to make a distinction in favor of or against a person or thing on the basis of the group, class, or category to which the person or thing belongs rather than according to actual merit; show partiality: The new law discriminates against foreigners. He discriminates in favor of his relatives.
to note or observe a difference; distinguish accurately: to discriminate between things.
Perhaps if Muslims made an effort to assimilate, there would be less discrimination. Anyone who calls attention to their distinctions should not complain when they are seen as distinct.
I am a biker and as such am every bit as distinct as this Muslim woman. It's not difficult at all to recognize me as a biker when I'm not at work, but my employer asks me to adhere to certain rules when I head off to see a customer. He has that right, and I have the right to find another job if I can't agree with his rules.

How can Muzzies assimmilate when the Quran clearly states that Muslims cannot as much as even befriend a kafir [non-Muzzie]?

Islam categorizes the world in stark terms in the ummah: The Believer and the Non-Believer. It is the duty of Muzzies, according to the Islamic doctrine dar al-Islam dar al-Harb to go to war with non-Muzzies until they convert, submit to Islamic rule or are killed.
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