Muslims are peaceful people

I didn't say all Muslims. But odd how those who are "peaceful" don't voice their outrage over the radicals. Why do you suppose that is?

There could be several reasons. They could be frightened of reprisals. Or they could be speaking out but no-one's reporting it in the media, the old "man bites dog" rule of journalism at work.

I also suspect it's a bit more complex than many of us realise.
Have you read it?
I have and its plain as day.

Gunny, to answer many Christians have flown planes into buildings or blown up crowds at market squares?

I have a paperback copy. I have read much of it, not all of it. I use it as a reference. I'm not a scholar so I know only what's written, I've got no ability to interpret it.

Anyway if the Qu'ran advocated what you say it does then many pious but moderate Muslims would be running up and down the streets of western cities slaughtering us Infidels. Now last time I looked that wasn't happening, at least around here. So from that it seems to me that the Qu'ran doesn't in fact advocate what you're arguing.
and they do that to intimidate what religious section?

I think his point was violence in the name of religion by some does not represent support of violence in the name of religion by the rest of the religious group.

By the by, it's done to terrorize the people who don't believe in the concept accepted by some Christians that an embryo is a life. Capice?

Kind of like if muslims blew up pork stores because they think it's a sin to eat pork. (and no, I'm not comparing the two... just pointing out).
Anyway if the Qu'ran advocated what you say it does then many pious but moderate Muslims would be running up and down the streets of western cities slaughtering us Infidels. Now last time I looked that wasn't happening, at least around here. So from that it seems to me that the Qu'ran doesn't in fact advocate what you're arguing.

well, here is a fact- the Muslims here have been in the news chanting death to America and they leave copies of their book at various businesses.
I will not trust a Muslim and that is my prerogative.
By the by, it's done to terrorize the people who don't believe in the concept accepted by some Christians that an embryo is a life. Capice?
well, what the Christians did was a long time ago.

your words are coming back to haunt you.
well, here is a fact- the Muslims here have been in the news chanting death to America and they leave copies of their book at various businesses.
I will not trust a Muslim and that is my prerogative.

No-one said that prizing freedom of speech was easy.

I won't argue with your prerogative, it's yours to do with as you wish.
and they do that to intimidate what religious section?

The do it to intimidate a demograph ...people who are pro choice.

My point is, they do this in Christ's name but that sure as Hell isn't anything I ever took away from Christ's teachings.

And to answer the question for you that you did not answer, the number of violent, radical Muslims is around 10%. That means roughly 90% aren't misinterpretting the Koran to justify committing murder.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for shooting down like the dogs they are extremist militant muslims where found. They mean me harm. Why condemn those who don't?

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