Muslim world: Science, Environment, Standardization.


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
Will be a collection-thread around developments of the OIC (Organization of Islamic Conference).
First some statistics:

UK's national Royal Institute:
Number of papers published in scientific journals from 57 member OIC and selected countries share of total in time range 2004 - 2008.

33,1 % - Turkey
15,7 % - Iran
7,4 % - Egypt
4,4 % - Pakistan
3,6 % - S.Arabia
1,4 % - Indonesia

Science Metric analyzes scientific output in 2 time frames, each 15 years.
It calculates the output growth for the 2nd time frame, where 1st time fram is the index.
From that is derived the GI (Growth Index).
The scientific output of the Middle East grows nearly 4 times faster then the average world.


In case of Iran, the GI (Growth Index) is attributed to science in nuclear field.

In case of Turkey:
Turkey, which is exceedingly keen to join the EU, has managed to increase its scientific output nearly eight
times faster than the world average
—the third fastest rate of growth observed among large countries in the last 30 years. Despite this momentous development, other European nations are still relatively reluctant to welcome Turkey into the European fold.

Turkey is the only Muslim country in Top-10 donors, that give Development Assistance into Higher Education of other countries.

Graphic 2
Funding for higher education: Facts and figures - SciDev.Net

or table version

Top-10 ---- Million $
France --- 1361.17
Germany --- 1054.66
Japan --- 338.48
Netherlands --- 279.92
European Commission --- 241.71
Turkey ---- 150.07
Austria ---- 129.46
Belgium --- 115.43
United States --- 87.38
Korea --- 81.67
In 34 schools, Turkey teaches every day 50,000 Afghani children in Afghanistan.
Turkey will build and operate another 35 schools and hospitals in Afghanistan.
I do not know how many of them will be schools and how many hospitals.
But capacities will be significantly increased to get them Afghani kids an education.

German State Radio, Deutsche Welle
Every day some 900 Afghans are coming to Turkish built hospitals. Each treatment is free. In the last eight years some 800,000 Afghans could be helped medically. And in 34 Turkish schools more than 50,000 Afghan children learn reading and writing. Many of them learn Turkish.
But that should not be all.
Turkey wants to build another 35 more clinics and schools.
However the country also pursues economic interests in Afghanistan. Latest infrastructure project is a railway line from Pakistan via Afghanistan and Iran to Turkey.

Türkische "Soft-Power" für Afghanistan | Europa | Deutsche Welle | 20.07.2010

The article is titled: Turkish soft-power for Afghanistan.
Will be a collection-thread around developments of the OIC (Organization of Islamic Conference).
First some statistics:

UK's national Royal Institute:
Number of papers published in scientific journals from 57 member OIC and selected countries share of total in time range 2004 - 2008.

33,1 % - Turkey
15,7 % - Iran
7,4 % - Egypt
4,4 % - Pakistan
3,6 % - S.Arabia
1,4 % - Indonesia


I quote this post, because the statistics were from UK's Royal Society.
The Royal Society will publish in mid-2011 an extensive report on Science in Muslim world.
The whole report is prepared in 3 years.

Atlas of the Islamic World Science & Innovation

The Royal Society is jointly managing this project with the Turkish OIC agency, SESRIC.
Turkey is also chair of 57 member OIC.
So, in mid-2011 we will have an Atlas on contemporary Science in Muslim world prepared by UK and Turkey.

Royal Society Publishing Science in Turkey
Within 8 years, Turkey has managed to multiply Development assistance by 10.

Stats come from


This is only Development Assistance by Turkish State.
If Development Assistance by civil society and economy is included, Turkey gives 3 Billion $ in Development Assistance. So says the head of Turkish Development Agency.
According to him, Turkey is 3rd biggest donor in Development Assistance within 5 immediate neighbours.
In Iran and Syria, Turkey is ranked 7th biggest donor.
HABER: 136 Ülkeye 'El' Uzattýk, 3 Milyar Dolar Kalkýnma Yardýmý Verdik haberi

That Turkish economy is engaged in philantropic activities abroad is also acknowledged by German Marshall Fund, which was founded as a thank you by Germany to USA for post-WW2 aid. The fund is engaged in bettering transatlantic issues.

In its treport titled: "How Turkey discovers her South Caucasus Neighbourhood", the fund says:

Turkish firms are involved in every aspect of their economies and, distinct from other foreign companies, are not restricted to a particular sector protected by state guarantees. In addition to their core activities, some - especially in Azerbaijan – have invested in philanthropic activities and are helping to foster dialogue on policy issues and the institution-building process.
Scanned article from respected economical magazine PLATIN.

In June, the Defence Ministry presented in name of Defence Procurement Agency its investment plan to the Government Cabinett.
Between 2011-2021, 600 Billion $ will be invested into hi-technology production capabilities mainly in defence sector.

Pictures hosted on the servers of Turkish Research Council
Important one is 5th link, you will immediately see in big font 600 Billion $ and word technology

In this thread, you will see, that Turkey is 8th country to produce carbon-fibre domestically.
It is used in domestical F-35 engine factory and general F-35 production facilities in Turkey.
Turkey as Consortium partner of F-35 programme will produce 100% of F-35 domestically.
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Yea, but what are they teaching? It's ILLEGAL to teach evolution in Turkey. Their science can't be much.

Your information is incorrect. We can discuss this issue via PM if you like.

If you wonder, where all money comes from you can read economical thread about Turkey on
Turkey witnesses in new millenium an economical miracle like post-WW2 Germany.
All projections say it will continue to stay so, with Turkey being 2nd fastest growing economy in world by 2017 of the major economies. Leaving India behind in growth.

That projections have already been invalidated due to the world-crises.
Turkey is today already 2nd fastest grwoing economy after China in G-20 group:

Financial Times:
Turkey: the record-breaker
The Istanbul stock market today hit a new record high
12 per cent increase in gross domestic product in the first quarter, the world’s highest among larger economies except for China.
Turkish bank profits rose 14 per cent in the first five months of 2010
Turkey (...) has not been lionised like China, Brazil and India, but it is not far behind .
By European standards its prospects look stellar.

Financial Times
Turkey: the record-breaker | beyondbrics |
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European Commission's Directorate of General Enterprise and Industry published report on Turkey's science progress (EU started membership talks with Turkey in 2005):
The main objectives of the science and technology strategies of Turkey are to increase the share of GERD/GDP to 2% (half of this amount is to be funded by the private sector), and to increase the number of full-time equivalent R&D personnel to 150 000 by 2013. In order to achieve these targets, the government has been allocating increased level of funds for R&D.

Report is for 2009, and more detailed about what quantitatve aims were set and how they will be achieved.
Innovation and Innovation Policy in Turkey | PRO INNO Europe®

I think it is working:

Turkey tops Europe in rate of new scientists
The country increased its number of researchers 107 percent over the last eight years
Turkey tops Europe in rate of new scientists - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review

Your information is incorrect. We can discuss this issue via PM if you like.

If you wonder, where all money comes from you can read economical thread about Turkey on
Turkey witnesses in new millenium an economical miracle like post-WW2 Germany.
All projections say it will continue to stay so, with Turkey being 2nd fastest growing economy in world by 2017 of the major economies. Leaving India behind in growth.

That projections have already been invalidated due to the world-crises.
Turkey is today already 2nd fastest grwoing economy after China in G-20 group:

Financial Times:
Turkey: the record-breaker
The Istanbul stock market today hit a new record high
12 per cent increase in gross domestic product in the first quarter, the world’s highest among larger economies except for China.
Turkish bank profits rose 14 per cent in the first five months of 2010
Turkey (...) has not been lionised like China, Brazil and India, but it is not far behind .
By European standards its prospects look stellar.

Financial Times
Turkey: the record-breaker | beyondbrics |

What is there to discuss?

Turkey censors evolution

Turkey censors evolution : Article : Nature

"Darwin is the worst Fascist there has ever been, and the worst racist history has ever witnessed," writes Harun Yahya, the most assertive and best-known critic of evolution in Turkey, and long a favorite of more conservative American creationists.

In Turkey, fertile ground for creationism -

— Last year a Muslim creationist succeeded in getting the website of the leading atheist Richard Dawkins banned in Turkey. Adnan Oktar, from Ankara, offered £4.4 trillion to anyone who can point to a single fossil that proves evolution

Muslim academics and students are turning against Darwin's theory -Times Online
Turkish trade growth with selected countries:
(last statistic abou economy, then switching again to science subject)

what is the point of this thread? that turkey is a leader in the scientific community?
What is there to discuss?

Turkey censors evolution

Turkey censors evolution : Article : Nature

"Darwin is the worst Fascist there has ever been, and the worst racist history has ever witnessed," writes Harun Yahya, the most assertive and best-known critic of evolution in Turkey, and long a favorite of more conservative American creationists.

In Turkey, fertile ground for creationism -

— Last year a Muslim creationist succeeded in getting the website of the leading atheist Richard Dawkins banned in Turkey. Adnan Oktar, from Ankara, offered £4.4 trillion to anyone who can point to a single fossil that proves evolution

Muslim academics and students are turning against Darwin's theory -Times Online

Official Statement from Research Council on absurd allegations:
TÜB?TAK - English - About TÜB?TAK - - News - "March" Issue of Bilim ve Teknik

You also name Harun Yahya (Real name: Adnan Oktar). He is private person, not affilaited with Turkish State.
He is private-person crusader against Evolution.
Just a freak-guy with too much money and too much free time.
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June cover of magazine:

Evrim teorisi = Evolution Theory
It also says, that magazine issue is about Chrles Darwin's 200th birth anniversary

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