Muslim petition: Stop pro-terrorist/ISIS pages on Facebook


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Facebook: Remove pro-terrorism users and pages!

Hey check this out

"I am a Muslim, and I want to shut down pro-terrorism Facebook users."*

I found this statement very well written, and even signed the petition.

Does anyone else have links to other statements or petitions by Muslims denouncing
Terrorist and ISIS recruiting and propaganda?

Please post them here! I will try to find the video by French Muslims and repost that link below.
That's another good one. Any other videos, petitions, websites or statements
that are this well stated, unifying and to the point? Thank you!

* rest of petition statement follows below:
Cassie Madison said:
I am a Muslim, and I want to shut down pro-terrorism Facebook users.
Cassie Madison said:
ISIS supporters are numerous on Facebook, masquerading behind "Islamic education" pages. They spread messsages of violence, hatred against Muslims who do not support them, and propaganda designed to attract more supporters. These pages have thousands of supporters who "like," share, and comment on their posts.

And yet, Facebook does not think they violate Facebook's Community Standards.

The current system for reporting posts and pages is poorly-designed and allows too much to slip between the cracks. There is no option to report users for pro-terrorism sentiment. Reports of comments do not take context into account.

This is dangerous. It is for the safety of everyone that terrorists and their supporters should not be allowed an easily-accessible public forum to corrupt people and spread messages of violence.

As a Muslim, I believe it is my duty to live by the Islamic principles of peace, justice, truth, and love. That is why I stand against terrorists and their harmful propaganda.

Tell Facebook: Help us fight terrorism by making it easier to report. Remove pro-ISIS accounts and pages. Say #no2ISIS.

I guess another good point this makes, besides how effectively this is written to the author's credit,
is the difference it makes when someone from the Muslim community speaks out. It's not criticism
blaming Muslims and Terrorists without making a distinction, which incites division and rejection. It's clearly addressing the root issue, and not distracting by colletively blaming and punishing the wrong ppl.
I thought Facebook already had a policy committed to removing hate speech posts? I know they took down Malik's, made just before she attacked in San Bernardino. I'm not trying to distract from your post, which has a good point. I'm just wondering how this petition would change the policy already existing?
It's just not possible for Facebook to screen every page faster than people can make new ones - no matter how many petitions about it are made.

Do you have a point?

BTW, I would be mighty circumspect about putting my name on anything that has muslim roots, Emily. Hopeful but guarded. Jihadists are enjoying a renewed vigor now they're in the US and have access to all our cool stuff, and our techno savvy young people.
It's just not possible for Facebook to screen every page faster than people can make new ones - no matter how many petitions about it are made.

With word recognition software I dont see how it would be that difficult.
You'd only need to look at the flagged info.
And if there's so much info being flagged that they couldnt keep up? I'd say we have a real problem.
It's just not possible for Facebook to screen every page faster than people can make new ones - no matter how many petitions about it are made.

With word recognition software I dont see how it would be that difficult.
You'd only need to look at the flagged info.
And if there's so much info being flagged that they couldnt keep up? I'd say we have a real problem.
The doc is out spends a lot of time justifying his refusal, or inability, to effectively moderate. That includes pretending that everybody else is equally incompetent.
It's just not possible for Facebook to screen every page faster than people can make new ones - no matter how many petitions about it are made.

With word recognition software I dont see how it would be that difficult.
You'd only need to look at the flagged info.
And if there's so much info being flagged that they couldnt keep up? I'd say we have a real problem.

What words would you "flag"?
It's just not possible for Facebook to screen every page faster than people can make new ones - no matter how many petitions about it are made.

With word recognition software I dont see how it would be that difficult.
You'd only need to look at the flagged info.
And if there's so much info being flagged that they couldnt keep up? I'd say we have a real problem.
The doc is out spends a lot of time justifying his refusal to moderate this board. That includes pretending that nobody else can do it, either.

Whine whine whine.
It's just not possible for Facebook to screen every page faster than people can make new ones - no matter how many petitions about it are made.

With word recognition software I dont see how it would be that difficult.
You'd only need to look at the flagged info.
And if there's so much info being flagged that they couldnt keep up? I'd say we have a real problem.

What words would you "flag"?

I would think that would be obvious.
It's just not possible for Facebook to screen every page faster than people can make new ones - no matter how many petitions about it are made.

With word recognition software I dont see how it would be that difficult.
You'd only need to look at the flagged info.
And if there's so much info being flagged that they couldnt keep up? I'd say we have a real problem.

What words would you "flag"?

I would think that would be obvious.
Obvious isn't his forte.
It's just not possible for Facebook to screen every page faster than people can make new ones - no matter how many petitions about it are made.

With word recognition software I dont see how it would be that difficult.
You'd only need to look at the flagged info.
And if there's so much info being flagged that they couldnt keep up? I'd say we have a real problem.

What words would you "flag"?

I would think that would be obvious.

It's not.

Tell me specifically which words you think would indicate an ISIS facebook page.
You've gone and done it now, Doc. That question was too hard for everyone. But I really didn't mean to derail this OP. What if Facebook hires more people to monitor/respond to complaints? Or sets up a volunteer program, like a neighborhood watch? Someone ought to figure out a way to surveil the net before the government gets involved--they'll need assistance.

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