Muslim leader calling for D.C. anti-ISIS rally: Kudos for Imam Talal Eid

This is a very brave step for such a prominent Imam to take this stand in such a public way. And he's moving on talking with other leaders to plan this March. I hope many others will stand with him.

"The founder of the Islamic Institute of Boston says now is the time for Muslims to plan a massive march on the nation’s capital to denounce the escalating terror attacks — a springtime demonstration to deliver a simple message to extremists: “Go to Hell.”

Imam Talal Eid, founder of the Boston center, told the Herald he has reached out to Muslim leaders throughout the United States to start planning for a march on Washington, D.C.

“I would carry the largest banner ever saying: Not in my name. Go to Hell,” he said. “Muslim scholars need to say anyone who participates in such killings, the Islamic centers will not provide any burial services. We Muslims need to be clear as Muslims.”

Eid, a graduate of Harvard Divinity School who was born in Lebanon, said the message from a united Muslim community needs to be clear: “This shooting of innocent people cannot be accepted.”

Eid said the slaughter of 14 in San Bernardino, Calif., this past week and 130 in Paris last month is calling out for a response.

“Things are escalating. Paris, Tunisia, Lebanon, the United States. What are we waiting for?” added Eid, who recently left the Bay State to lead a Muslim center in Toledo."


MAKING A STAND: Imam Talal Eid, founder of the Islamic Center of Boston, has strong words for Islamic extremists, telling the Herald that the recent terror attacks in Paris and California are ‘not in my name.’ Eid is calling on Muslim leaders from around the country to march on Washington, D.C., in protest of the killings.

More at link:

Muslim leader calling for D.C. anti-ISIS rally

This i gotta see. I wonder how many muslims will actually show up?

I hope many do. I know that there are many that a quietly a buzz about the rabid zeal of our leaders to prove to the world that they care more than any one else and want to rush refugees hell bent for leather into our countries without properly vetting them.

So many have left their homes in the ME to escape radicals and they sure as heck don't want any radicals showing up on our shores. A few years back we had a real battle going on to demand that Premier Dalton McGuinty not allow the implementation of Sharia in Ontario.

White libs were all for it. Aye carumba! Canadian Muslim women led the charge against it. It was close. Another issue we're aware of are honor killings (we've had a horrendous number) and abortions based on gender and of course FGM that will all surely impact our communities.

And I'm sorry as I can be but I don't trust Justin Trudeau nor Obama to do the "right thing" instead of upping their legacies.

This women is at the forefront muslim reformation in Canada ..You know her?

Canadian Council of Muslim Women:

I've not had a chance to personally meet her but she is awesome. I'm a fan. Another kick ass Muslim woman is Farzana Hassan. She as well as Tarek Fatah spoke out eloquently and frequently against the Mosque in NYC. AND against Imam

They soldier on despite all the death threats. All the harassment especially over the Mosque because they laid it on the line over the "why" of the Mosque in that location.

They knew what was up. They take a lot of heat but refuse to bow to political correctness and they hit out at extremism really well.

Check this out. I'm amazed no one put a fatwa on her.

"Hassan questions the motives of Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf for choosing Ground Zero for the Islamic Centre that will cater to Muslims of all persuasions.

Imam Rauf is on record saying America was partly to blame for 9/11.

Hassan also notes that orthodox Islamic organizations and mosques receive funding from Saudi Arabia -- where the radical Wahabi sect exports extremism and promotes Sharia law, amputations and the stoning of women.

She calls the proposed Islamic Centre "a Trojan Horse" in the heart of America that would constitute a cover for "formidable and hostile forces to gain credibility, respectability and influence."

She argues: "Goodwill, compassion and empathy demand that (Imam Rauf) withdraw his plans to construct an Islamic centre near Ground Zero."

It would too easily -- perhaps inevitably -- become a public platform for radical Islamists.

"These goons will use the venue to propagate their hate-filled agenda," she says"

Moderate Muslims have courage to speak against ...
Hassan questions the motives of Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf for choosing Ground Zero for the Islamic Centre that will cater to Muslims of all persuasions.
Tinydancer, the Imam in your OP..... Imam Talal Eid and his mosque.....hosted a seminar-fundraiser-dinner for the NYC Ground Zero Mosque and featured Imam Rauf as the guest speaker. It was a public event and many non-muslims attended.

I know this as a fact, because I was there at the dinner, and meet Imam Rauf personally and spoke to him.

This muslim woman Farzana Hassan that you are soo fond of needs to mind her own business and stick to Canadian issues. Because US muslims overwhelmingly support the building of the so called Ground Zero Mosque in NYC. ...... :cool:
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Hassan questions the motives of Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf for choosing Ground Zero for the Islamic Centre that will cater to Muslims of all persuasions.
Tinydancer, the Imam in your OP..... Imam Talal Eid and his mosque.....hosted a seminar-fundraiser-dinner for the NYC Ground Zero Mosque and featured Imam Rauf as the guest speaker. It was a public event and many non-muslims attended.

I know this as a fact, because I was there at the dinner, and meet Imam Rauf personally and spoke to him.

This muslim woman Farzana Hassan that you are soo fond of needs to mind her own business and stick to Canadian issues. Because US muslims overwhelmingly support the building of the so called Ground Zero Mosque in NYC. ...... :cool:

Too late Sunni boy:slap:


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