Muslim cleric: If Muslims “rise to power through democracy, they will not allow an infidel...

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Jihad Watch ^ | 7/20/19

Moderate Muslim spokesmen in the West should kindly explain how Sheikh Ahmad Badran is getting Islam all wrong. But they wont.

“Friday Sermon in Jatt, Israel by Sheikh Ahmad Badran: Once Muslims Come to Power, They Will Never Allow Infidels to Rule over Muslims,” MEMRI, June 28, 2019:

Sheikh Ahmad Badran said in a June 28, 2019 Friday sermon in Jatt, Israel that was uploaded to the Internet that the infidels should know that when the Muslims rule over them according to Islam, there will not be a single law that is not Islamic. He said that Muslims will never allow non-Muslims to rule over Muslims because Allah said infidels will never have sway over Muslims. Referring to Muslims who say that they are exploiting democracy in order to come to power, Badran advised infidels to not be fooled and explained that once these Muslims come to power, they, too, will never allow infidels to rule over Muslims. He also explained that when the Muslim Brotherhood “flirts” with infidels by saying they support alternation of power, they are just putting on an act in order to rise to power. He added that Muslims do not accept under any circumstances a pluralistic system that combines Islam and heresy.

Sheikh Ahmad Badran: “We should say to the infidels that when we rule according to Islam, there will not be a single law that will not be Islamic. That’s not all. We will never allow a non-Muslim to rule over Muslims. We should be clear about it. Some of our brothers say: ‘We exploit democracy in order to come to power.’ I am saying to the infidels: Don’t let yourselves be fooled. Our Muslim brothers – although we think they have chosen a wrong path… If they rise to power through democracy, and manage to consolidate their power, they will not allow an infidel to rule over them ever again. You can be sure about it. I am referring to Erdogan or Mohamed Morsi, may Allah have mercy on his soul. It’s all the same. Anywhere that Muslims come to power, by any method, they will not allow an infidel to rule over Muslims ever again. We do not accept a pluralistic system that combines Islam and heresy. There is only Islam.


“Infidels cannot rule over Muslims, because Allah says: ‘Allah will never grant the infidels sway over Muslims.’ If our Islamist brothers [from the Muslim Brotherhood] flirt with you, and tell you that they support alternation of power – they are just pretending to be miserable in order to rise to power. If they rise to power, they will not allow an infidel to rule over Muslims. There are no two ways about it.”



Islam and democracy don't mix. Send Omar and her ilk back!


*slam is a political system whose goal is the establishment of a religion.
*slam is a religion whose goal is the establishment of a political system.

Yes, they want to take over the world, and they’re telling us very clearly. Their own words
What he says is all very true. However, I fail to see the tie in to our representatives other than they are Muslim.
What he says is all very true. However, I fail to see the tie in to our representatives other than they are Muslim.

feel free to ask questions. I know people who did live under Islamic law from countries that teach their kids-----that muslims NEVER ENGAGE IN COERCION
and even have constitutions claiming RIGHTS FOR ALL Somalia is a shariah
shit hole. The entire Jewish population that was once there PRE-islam---is gone --
there are a few Christian missionary types that HANG IN for the sake of heaven
“Infidels cannot rule over Muslims, because Allah says: ‘Allah will never grant the infidels sway over Muslims.’

To better translate that, one might say that the unfaithful (or law-breakers) cannot rule over the obedient (or law-abiding). In reality no worse Romans 13 for Christians.

Romans 13 KJV - Let every soul be subject unto the - Bible Gateway

yes------the basis for the INQUISITION of the "holy" roman empire ------and the
basis for SHARIAH LAW which formed the basis for the genocide of hundreds of
millions-------all true------the civilized world has rejected this part of the bible----and islam continues to embrace its inclusion in the Koran. -----and DAT's how it is. ---
today, now---in the 21st century.
To better translate that, one might say that the unfaithful (or law-breakers) cannot rule over the obedient (or law-abiding). In reality no worse Romans 13 for Christians.
Fuck off, dimmi. No one is talking about going door to door to check for non Christians and then giving them the choice to convert or die. Quislings like you should go first, should it come to that.
To better translate that, one might say that the unfaithful (or law-breakers) cannot rule over the obedient (or law-abiding). In reality no worse Romans 13 for Christians.
Fuck off, dimmi. No one is talking about going door to door to check for non Christians and then giving them the choice to convert or die. Quislings like you should go first, should it come to that.

calm down------the whole idea died in the civilized world ----HOWEVER anyone who
denies that it STILL EXISTS in islam-------is a big time DENIER OF REALITY.
It is SHARIAH LAW and is enforced in several Islamic shit holes around the world
including SOMALIA.
Fuck off, dimmi. No one is talking about going door to door to check for non Christians and then giving them the choice to convert or die. Quislings like you

We aren't even judged bona fide in a court of law in the United States unless we sit on a Roman Catholic church pew every Sunday, pay our tithes and take communion.

Or is that religio licita?

I didn't realize I was a blood relative to a Norwegian turncoat, either.
calm down------the whole idea died in the civilized world ----HOWEVER anyone who
denies that it STILL EXISTS in islam-------is a big time DENIER OF REALITY.
It is SHARIAH LAW and is enforced in several Islamic shit holes around the world
including SOMALIA.
Nothing to calm down from. Some dimwit invariably tries to deflect and compare Christianity to Islam when a regressive fundamentalist Muslim talks about finally subjugating the rest of the world.

It's bullshit no matter how many times an idiot tries this trick.
calm down------the whole idea died in the civilized world ----HOWEVER anyone who
denies that it STILL EXISTS in islam-------is a big time DENIER OF REALITY.
It is SHARIAH LAW and is enforced in several Islamic shit holes around the world
including SOMALIA.
Nothing to calm down from. Some dimwit invariably tries to deflect and compare Christianity to Islam when a regressive fundamentalist Muslim talks about finally subjugating the rest of the world.

It's bullshit no matter how many times an idiot tries this trick.

yes-----idiots do it-----it is history-----not present day reality, but it is ALL THEY GOT
We aren't even judged bona fide in a court of law in the United States unless we sit on a Roman Catholic church pew every Sunday, pay our tithes and take communion.

Or is that religio licita?
I've never heard of a judge in a court of law judging someone bona fide. You have many problems to sort out.

I didn't realize I was a blood relative to a Norwegian turncoat, either.
It's not necessary to be related to
Vidkun Quisling to exhibit all of his cowardly turncoat ways.
What he says is all very true. However, I fail to see the tie in to our representatives other than they are Muslim.

feel free to ask questions. I know people who did live under Islamic law from countries that teach their kids-----that muslims NEVER ENGAGE IN COERCION
and even have constitutions claiming RIGHTS FOR ALL Somalia is a shariah
shit hole. The entire Jewish population that was once there PRE-islam---is gone --
there are a few Christian missionary types that HANG IN for the sake of heaven
I have lived in Muslim countries as well. However, Muslims nations, Muslim theocracies and a few representatives in the US Congress are far comparisons.
It seems very funny to me that we can suddenly become alarmist about a few Muslims is legislative office while literally the entire legislature kow tows to Israel like their shit cures cancer and..."Meh...they're our GREATEST ally...ya hear that?" ""
What he says is all very true. However, I fail to see the tie in to our representatives other than they are Muslim.

feel free to ask questions. I know people who did live under Islamic law from countries that teach their kids-----that muslims NEVER ENGAGE IN COERCION
and even have constitutions claiming RIGHTS FOR ALL Somalia is a shariah
shit hole. The entire Jewish population that was once there PRE-islam---is gone --
there are a few Christian missionary types that HANG IN for the sake of heaven
I have lived in Muslim countries as well. However, Muslims nations, Muslim theocracies and a few representatives in the US Congress are far comparisons.
It seems very funny to me that we can suddenly become alarmist about a few Muslims is legislative office while literally the entire legislature kow tows to Israel like their shit cures cancer and..."Meh...they're our GREATEST ally...ya hear that?" ""

Actually now that you mention it, Jews DO tend to cure cancer.

Muslims, not so much...
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What he says is all very true. However, I fail to see the tie in to our representatives other than they are Muslim.

feel free to ask questions. I know people who did live under Islamic law from countries that teach their kids-----that muslims NEVER ENGAGE IN COERCION
and even have constitutions claiming RIGHTS FOR ALL Somalia is a shariah
shit hole. The entire Jewish population that was once there PRE-islam---is gone --
there are a few Christian missionary types that HANG IN for the sake of heaven
I have lived in Muslim countries as well. However, Muslims nations, Muslim theocracies and a few representatives in the US Congress are far comparisons.
It seems very funny to me that we can suddenly become alarmist about a few Muslims is legislative office while literally the entire legislature kow tows to Israel like their shit cures cancer and..."Meh...they're our GREATEST ally...ya hear that?" ""

Actually now that you mention it, Jews DO tend to cure cancer.

Muslims, not so much...
Well...I would certainly hope so being our greatest bet there isn't much our greatest ally and chosen people of the lord can't
“Infidels cannot rule over Muslims, because Allah says: ‘Allah will never grant the infidels sway over Muslims.’

To better translate that, one might say that the unfaithful (or law-breakers) cannot rule over the obedient (or law-abiding). In reality no worse Romans 13 for Christians.

Romans 13 KJV - Let every soul be subject unto the - Bible Gateway

In reality much worse. Christians are commanded to be obedient to those in authority.
They won’t be rising to power here. They will be put down like sick animals if they try.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What he says is all very true. However, I fail to see the tie in to our representatives other than they are Muslim.

feel free to ask questions. I know people who did live under Islamic law from countries that teach their kids-----that muslims NEVER ENGAGE IN COERCION
and even have constitutions claiming RIGHTS FOR ALL Somalia is a shariah
shit hole. The entire Jewish population that was once there PRE-islam---is gone --
there are a few Christian missionary types that HANG IN for the sake of heaven
I have lived in Muslim countries as well. However, Muslims nations, Muslim theocracies and a few representatives in the US Congress are far comparisons.
It seems very funny to me that we can suddenly become alarmist about a few Muslims is legislative office while literally the entire legislature kow tows to Israel like their shit cures cancer and..."Meh...they're our GREATEST ally...ya hear that?" ""

where do you see "alarmists"?
“Infidels cannot rule over Muslims, because Allah says: ‘Allah will never grant the infidels sway over Muslims.’

To better translate that, one might say that the unfaithful (or law-breakers) cannot rule over the obedient (or law-abiding). In reality no worse Romans 13 for Christians.

Romans 13 KJV - Let every soul be subject unto the - Bible Gateway

In reality much worse. Christians are commanded to be obedient to those in authority.

Paul and those who liked him----also liked the ROMAN approach to life which
was very authoritarian ------and the big shot----being the PATER FAMILIA had the
power of life and death of all within his "household"----which mean his kids, wife, servants----and the people who tended the gardens and the latrines. Even FREED slaves stayed in the system
What he says is all very true. However, I fail to see the tie in to our representatives other than they are Muslim.

Big brother
Muslim brother hood
you can't see the connection...........

Arab spring

Clntons ................

They are ALL CONNECTED.......

ppl njust don't
want to believe any of it.
What he says is all very true. However, I fail to see the tie in to our representatives other than they are Muslim.

feel free to ask questions. I know people who did live under Islamic law from countries that teach their kids-----that muslims NEVER ENGAGE IN COERCION
and even have constitutions claiming RIGHTS FOR ALL Somalia is a shariah
shit hole. The entire Jewish population that was once there PRE-islam---is gone --
there are a few Christian missionary types that HANG IN for the sake of heaven
I have lived in Muslim countries as well. However, Muslims nations, Muslim theocracies and a few representatives in the US Congress are far comparisons.
It seems very funny to me that we can suddenly become alarmist about a few Muslims is legislative office while literally the entire legislature kow tows to Israel like their shit cures cancer and..."Meh...they're our GREATEST ally...ya hear that?" ""

where do you see "alarmists"?
Seriously? The right has been losing their shit over these crazy assed broads since they got into office.
The MEDIA has bumped the attention that they have received mainly due to their reticence to kiss the ring of the Jews. In particular the Somalian bulb headed one. She has stepped on the third rail and actually criticized the exultant perfection that is the State of Israel.

ilhan omar alarming behavior at DuckDuckGo

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