Muslim Clearic Says Islam Will Always Align With Dems Because They're Stupid

I'm sure you believe everything Islamic Clerics say.

Is he wrong? The left has routinely stood up for Muslims despite their poor treatment of women and gays, but they won't miss a beat chastising Christians for beliefs they deem intolerant. Muslims are far worse in practice and yet, not a word.
Spoken like a true holocaust denier.

Since Iran is the backer and planner of Hamas, Hezbollah, and other Islamic Jihad groups; AND has been conducting covert war and attacks against the USA for a few decades now, your support of an enemy of the USA would make you a traitor.

For brevity sake I print the title, expecting others to read the content, to get the context. It's clear you didn't read such nor get the context.


Straight lie of me being a holocaust Denier .
You not knowing that Israel founded and funded Hamas.

Then hysteria and paranoia . Grow up .

Straight lie of me being a holocaust Denier .
You not knowing that Israel founded and funded Hamas.

Then hysteria and paranoia . Grow up .
Need to see accurate and convincing documentation of that claim!
Regards your ignorance, delusions, and disinformation;
Hamas was founded by Palestinian imam and activist Ahmed Yassin in 1987, after the outbreak of the First Intifada against the Israeli occupation. It emerged from his 1973 Mujama al-Islamiya Islamic charity affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood.[55] In 2006, Hamas won the Palestinian legislative election by campaigning on clean government without corruption, combined with affirmation of Palestinians' right to armed struggle against the Israeli occupation, thus winning a majority in the Palestinian Legislative Council.[56] In 2007, Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip from rival Palestinian faction Fatah,[57][58] which it has governed since separately from the Palestinian National Authority. This was followed by an Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip with Egyptian support, and multiple wars with Israel, including in 2008–09, 2012, 2014, and 2021. The ongoing 2023 war began after Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel, killing mostly civilians, and taking hostages back to Gaza.[59][60][61] The attack has been described as the biggest military setback for Israel since the 1973 Arab–Israeli War, which Israel has responded to in an ongoing ground invasion of Gaza.[62]
When Israel occupied the Palestinian territories in 1967, the Muslim Brotherhood members there did not take active part in the resistance, preferring to focus on social-religious reform and on restoring Islamic values.[93] This outlook changed in the early 1980s, and Islamic organizations became more involved in Palestinian politics.[94] The driving force behind this transformation was Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, a Palestinian refugee from Al-Jura.[94] Of humble origins and quadriplegic,[94] he became one of the Muslim Brotherhood's leaders in Gaza. His charisma and conviction brought him a loyal group of followers, upon whom he depended for everything from feeding him and transporting him to and from events to communicating his strategy to the public.[95] In 1973, Yassin founded the social-religious charity Mujama al-Islamiya ("Islamic center") in Gaza as an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.[96][97]

Israeli authorities in the 1970s and 1980s showed indifference to al-Mujama al-Islamiya. They viewed it as a religious cause that was significantly less militant against Israel than Fatah and the Palestine Liberation Organization; many also believed that the infighting between Islamist organizations and the PLO would lead to the latter's weakening.[55][98][99][100][101] Thus, the Israeli government did not intervene in fights between PLO and Islamist forces.[55] Israeli officials disagree on how much governmental indifference (or even support) of these disputes led to the rise of Islamism in Palestine. Some, such as Arieh Spitzen, have argued that "even if Israel had tried to stop the Islamists sooner, he doubts it could have done much to curb political Islam, a movement that was spreading across the Muslim world." Others, including Israel's religious affairs official in Gaza, Avner Cohen, believed that the indifference to the situation fueled Islamism's rise, stating it was "Israel's creation" and failure.[55] Others attribute the rise of the group to state sponsors, including Iran.[55] In 2018, The Intercept published an article claiming that "Israeli officials admit they helped start the group".[102]

Straight lie of me being a holocaust Denier .
You not knowing that Israel founded and funded Hamas.

Then hysteria and paranoia . Grow up .
An even more informative and accurate intel on Hamas;
Democrats aren't necessarily stupid but they are mostly comprised of anti-Christian and anti-Semite bigots who would align themselves with any faction that might tend to preserve their political power
Democrats aren't necessarily stupid but they are mostly comprised of anti-Christian and anti-Semite bigots who would align themselves with any faction that might tend to preserve their political power

They don't want a theocracy and they don't believe in the rapture or follow the Scofield heresy.

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