Muslim brutally kill the dog

Don't want to get pissed off so I won't watch it. Muslims are disgusting people (and I use the term "people" lightly).
Don't want to get pissed off so I won't watch it. Muslims are disgusting people (and I use the term "people" lightly).

Yeah, there's no way I would watch it either.
Just knowing they did it, and knowing how Muslims feel about dogs is enough for me.
If I ever witness something like this in the U.S., I will be going to jail after I pull out my gun and kill the person(s) who did the despicable deed.
And by the way folks, notice no board libs commenting.
No matter what the issue, they will always protect Muslims.
I watched............
Islam makes people insane. It's the only explanation for all this.
I've seen boys go after cats that way. Does it have to be a dog to be offensive?
no, it does not. Even if one believes an animal to be 'unclean' in some religious sense, the behavior shown in this video shows a bunch of cowards who have no respect for life what so ever.

We cannot let these degenerates over here any more than we have to, being forced by our own government in vile attempts to supply corporations with more cheap labor.

What does this say about the corporations that want to bring them over by the millions? They know what kind of degenerate shitstains they are bringing in and they dont give a fuck.
I wish I could be in charge of punishing animal abusers. I would make it last a long long time, days in fact. And love every second. It takes talent and dedication to inflict damage and keep them alive.
No libs to condemn it here. Fucking asswipes.
It is typical for Marxists to argue and obstruct what they think that they can, and then not show up where they know they cannot win.

They are the most contemptuous people on the planet, right next to Nazis and communists. They are ideologues of a kind.

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