Murderer of Soleimani killed in US plane downing in Afghanistan

I worship NO MAN.

FRAUD JESUS was a MAN, nothing more. He aged like a man. He bled like a man. He died on the cross in the average time for a man to die on the cross. The blood on the Shroud of Turin is HUMAN BLOOD, no DNA present other than HUMAN.

I worship Truth

Your "Truth" is laughable.... are stars really the same size as fig leaves?? LOL!!!

You are a PARROT. You have NO IDEA what is true and what isn't.

The only people who declare other humans as subhumans and are unworthy of LIFE are Godless Socialists.

You are a SELF DESCRIBED SUB HUMAN, assuming one defines JEWS as HUMANS. If JEWS are HUMANS, you are SUB to Jews, since Jews are "Chosen" and you aren't. You admit you are a sub human.

I am a libertarian, and everyone on this board with an IQ over 5 knows it....

You are no better than a follower of Allah. You are just as dumb, clueless, treasonous, and completely unreliable, since you have no working brain, and can't think yourself out of a PAPER BAG, which is what all religion is, it is a PAPER BAG over the heads of


You are a VERY angry person, what causes this extreme anger in you? It's not healthy to be this angry.
A Military General of a foreign country isn't a terrorist. Neither here nor there..the zionist clown who masterminded is DEAD! Time to celebrate!
allah is an assclown. That is why I call him Ollie Assburn. His profit Moohomo is a liar, and a homosexual, and pedophile and was a heroin dealer, rapist, murderer and thief.

Mooslims worship Satan, and well, also a dirty meteorite.

General Salami is burning in Hell with your dead daddy Al Baghdadi, and your butt buddy Osama Bin Laden. And Hitler is roasting them in a Pig Blood's Marinade to serve him to Stalin.

Friends don't let friends worship Satan.

Don't worship Olie Assburn.

BTW, did you know that all American weapons are coated in Pig Grease when they are made and shipped? Even the bullets, so when an American kills a Muslim Satan Worshiper, they automatically go to Hell.

And what do you worship?

Oh, yeah..... that criminal. You worship someone who is from one specific demographic, and everyone who observed him in real time was also from the same demographic, and that demographic insists

1. he was a total fraud, a man, a liar, a rapist, and a thief
2. he bilked "everything" from 5k idiots and spent it all at the brothel
3. obligated to care for 5k until death, the "Son of God" runs out of food (Loaves and Fishes)
4. when the authorities show up to "arrest" him, his 12 disciples, each of whom knows for 100% certain whether he is a fraud or not, BOLT on him. Now, if he was really the "Son of God," would they bolt? If he was a fraud and they didn't want to end up on a cross next to him, would they bolt??

You never observed any of this. You parrot a 2k year old book written by that demographic that rejects him and considers him a fraud. But, somehow, YOU think you know MORE about this guy than those who actually observed him, the ones that LOST EVERYTHING and CHEERED HIS CRUCIFIXION....

and as a follower of said book, you are obligated to.... LOL!!! SERVE those who did observe him and don't believe a word of that book.....

You are a SUB HUMAN

Your knowledge of "Jesus" is that you have a beak, a birdbrain, and precisely ZERO INTELLECT

^^^^ Your filthy Blasphemy is noted. I pray that you go toward the light and let Jesus Christ into your heart and that one day you Repent to save your soul from being Condemned to Hell for Eternity.
Blasphemy against God, when you are presented The Gospel is The Unforgivable Sin. But only God knows if His Blasphemy was truly Unforgivable, but let's just say he presented a fine example of what The Unforgivable Sin is.
when Anti-Christ Comes

and when will the "anti christ" come???


That was written 1800+ years ago....

So "soon" means MORE THAN 1800 years from now???


Apparently, I am no longer on the list of current suspects of "anti christ," as if I care....
when Anti-Christ Comes

and when will the "anti christ" come???


That was written 1800+ years ago....

So "soon" means MORE THAN 1800 years from now???


Apparently, I am no longer on the list of current suspects of "anti christ," as if I care....
The Anti-Christ cannot come until The Full Number of The Kingdom of God is reached and The Gospel reaches the ends of The World.

Once That Occurs, The Restrainer is Removed, and Your god, Anti-Christ can come.
Then you will be permitted to make war with The Jews, and with The Post Rapture Christians who convert post rapture on Earth.

But as I said, You will be permitted to kill 2/3rds of all Jews on Earth, but God will not let you take The Last 3rd who in their desperate hour Cry out To Christ as their Messiah, and He Comes with His Holy Wrath to Destroy Evil Forever.
Blowing up a terrorist isn't murder.
A Military General of a foreign country isn't a terrorist. Neither here nor there..the zionist clown who masterminded is DEAD! Time to celebrate!
allah is an assclown. That is why I call him Ollie Assburn. His profit Moohomo is a liar, and a homosexual, and pedophile and was a heroin dealer, rapist, murderer and thief.

Mooslims worship Satan, and well, also a dirty meteorite.

General Salami is burning in Hell with your dead daddy Al Baghdadi, and your butt buddy Osama Bin Laden. And Hitler is roasting them in a Pig Blood's Marinade to serve him to Stalin.

Friends don't let friends worship Satan.

Don't worship Olie Assburn.

BTW, did you know that all American weapons are coated in Pig Grease when they are made and shipped? Even the bullets, so when an American kills a Muslim Satan Worshiper, they automatically go to Hell.

And what do you worship?

Oh, yeah..... that criminal. You worship someone who is from one specific demographic, and everyone who observed him in real time was also from the same demographic, and that demographic insists

1. he was a total fraud, a man, a liar, a rapist, and a thief
2. he bilked "everything" from 5k idiots and spent it all at the brothel
3. obligated to care for 5k until death, the "Son of God" runs out of food (Loaves and Fishes)
4. when the authorities show up to "arrest" him, his 12 disciples, each of whom knows for 100% certain whether he is a fraud or not, BOLT on him. Now, if he was really the "Son of God," would they bolt? If he was a fraud and they didn't want to end up on a cross next to him, would they bolt??

You never observed any of this. You parrot a 2k year old book written by that demographic that rejects him and considers him a fraud. But, somehow, YOU think you know MORE about this guy than those who actually observed him, the ones that LOST EVERYTHING and CHEERED HIS CRUCIFIXION....

and as a follower of said book, you are obligated to.... LOL!!! SERVE those who did observe him and don't believe a word of that book.....

You are a SUB HUMAN

Your knowledge of "Jesus" is that you have a beak, a birdbrain, and precisely ZERO INTELLECT

^^^^ Your filthy Blasphemy is noted. I pray that you go toward the light and let Jesus Christ into your heart and that one day you Repent to save your soul from being Condemned to Hell for Eternity.
Blasphemy against God, when you are presented The Gospel is The Unforgivable Sin. But only God knows if His Blasphemy was truly Unforgivable, but let's just say he presented a fine example of what The Unforgivable Sin is.

He's a lost soul, but he doesn't have to become Eternally Lost, the choice is his, we cannot force him to go toward the light we can only hope that he does, to go the other way is to become lost forever in the Abyss. We see many of these lost souls, this is because the spirit of The Son of Perdition is operating all around us, he has not been revealed to the world yet, but his spirit is fully operational and has already claimed so many to spread his wickedness.
when Anti-Christ Comes

and when will the "anti christ" come???


That was written 1800+ years ago....

So "soon" means MORE THAN 1800 years from now???


Apparently, I am no longer on the list of current suspects of "anti christ," as if I care....
The Anti-Christ cannot come until The Full Number of The Kingdom of God is reached and The Gospel reaches the ends of The World.

Once That Occurs, The Restrainer is Removed, and Your god, Anti-Christ can come.
Then you will be permitted to make war with The Jews, and with The Post Rapture Christians who convert post rapture on Earth.

But as I said, You will be permitted to kill 2/3rds of all Jews on Earth, but God will not let you take The Last 3rd who in their desperate hour Cry out To Christ as their Messiah, and He Comes with His Holy Wrath to Destroy Evil Forever.
Take your insane voodoo chanting over to the religious hoo-ha section, shaman.
Blasphemy against God, when you are presented The Gospel is The Unforgivable Sin.

You say that, but you don't go over to Israel and say that to those who torched those Bibles....

What is it To YOU, if A Jew burns a Bible and then some day later Repents and Accepts Messiah? Are you GOD?

I am telling you of things to Come. God is my judge and yours. I sound a trumpet as a warning, and it is not up to me who hears it or who God Judges for rejecting it.
Non Jew burns Bible, SUB HUMAN pro Israel Christian spazzes out

Jew burns Bible, SUB HUMAN pro Israel Christian says OK, so what....
Your god,

I do not have a god.

I have a brain, a human brain, and I have yet to observe anything that makes me believe there is a god....

You do not have a brain. You have a BEAK and a BIRDBRAIN
No God is a god. You then have become your own god. "Thou shalt have NO OTHER GODS." You then, are condemned unless you accept Salvation from Messiah-Yashua-The Son of God.
No God is a god. You then have become your own god.


Just how fucked in the head is the "Karl Rove voter."

Thank LaDairis for exposing it here for all to see....

I have never claimed to be anything except a human being. I certainly am not my own "god" either.

Theses folks are FUCKED IN THE HEAD, and we should NEVER ALLOW THEM to in any way influence our foreign policy again....
when Anti-Christ Comes

and when will the "anti christ" come???


That was written 1800+ years ago....

So "soon" means MORE THAN 1800 years from now???


Apparently, I am no longer on the list of current suspects of "anti christ," as if I care....
The Anti-Christ cannot come until The Full Number of The Kingdom of God is reached and The Gospel reaches the ends of The World.

Once That Occurs, The Restrainer is Removed, and Your god, Anti-Christ can come.
Then you will be permitted to make war with The Jews, and with The Post Rapture Christians who convert post rapture on Earth.

But as I said, You will be permitted to kill 2/3rds of all Jews on Earth, but God will not let you take The Last 3rd who in their desperate hour Cry out To Christ as their Messiah, and He Comes with His Holy Wrath to Destroy Evil Forever.
Take your insane voodoo chanting over to the religious hoo-ha section, shaman.
Apparently this became a thread between Atheists, Christians, Jews, and Muslims.
All of that has a political contingent, as evidence by your willingness to participate in it

Thanks for your participation.
No God is a god. You then have become your own god.


Just how fucked in the head is the "Karl Rove voter."

Thank LaDairis for exposing it here for all to see....

I have never claimed to be anything except a human being. I certainly am not my own "god" either.

Theses folks are FUCKED IN THE HEAD, and we should NEVER ALLOW THEM to in any way influence our foreign policy again....
If The Blind Lead The Blind in to A Pit, how shall they escape?
You will not escape The Pit. You cannot rescue yourself, blind man.
An atheist is certain there is no god.

A scientist awaits "god" to prove he exists. I am still waiting for evidence....

You, of course, have NO EVIDENCE that "God" exists. You just have a BEAK and a BIRDBRAIN.
No God is a god. You then have become your own god.


Just how fucked in the head is the "Karl Rove voter."

Thank LaDairis for exposing it here for all to see....

I have never claimed to be anything except a human being. I certainly am not my own "god" either.

Theses folks are FUCKED IN THE HEAD, and we should NEVER ALLOW THEM to in any way influence our foreign policy again....
Question, why would LaDarius, Thank LaDarius?
Did you make a mistake and forget to switch profiles again?



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