Murdered ambassador sent cable warning of threats on day of Benghazi attack


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
Incompetence and hubris. The muslims were supposed to love us because Obama lived in a muslim country as a boy. Yeah right.

Murdered ambassador sent cable warning of threats on day of Benghazi attack

The State Department responded this morning by claiming that Stevens had requested a specific level of security which matched what he already had. However, Eli Lake’s report from the Daily Beast today underscores just how fragile those security arrangements were. Thanks to Obama administration efforts in Libya, Stevens sent a cable the morning of the attack warning State that their support of a Libyan candidate for Prime Minister threatened to alienate the militias that protected the Benghazi consulate:

Just two days before the 9/11 anniversary attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, two leaders of the Libyan militias responsible for keeping order in the city threatened to withdraw their men.

The brinksmanship is detailed in a cable approved by Ambassador Chris Stevens and sent on the day he died in the attack, the worst assault on a U.S. diplomatic mission since the 1979 hostage crisis in Iran. The dispatch, which was marked “sensitive” but not “classified,” contained a number of other updates on the chaotic situation on the ground in post-Gaddafi Libya.

The cable, reviewed by The Daily Beast, recounts how the two militia leaders, Wissam bin Ahmed and Muhammad al-Gharabi, accused the United States of supporting Mahmoud Jibril, the head of the Libyan transitional government, to be the country’s first elected prime minister. Jibril’s centrist National Forces Alliance won the popular vote in Libyan elections in July, but he lost the prime minister vote in the country’s Parliament on Sept. 12 by 94 to 92. Had he won, bin Ahmed and al-Gharabi warned they “would not continue to guarantee security in Benghazi, a critical function they asserted they were currently providing,” the cable reads. The man who beat Jibril, Mustafa Abushagur, lost a vote of no-confidence Sunday, throwing Libyan politics back into further uncertainty.

The threat from the militias underscores the dangers of relying on local Libyan forces for security in the run-up to the 9/11 military-style assault. The U.S. consulate in Benghazi employed a militia called the “February 17 Martyrs Brigade” for security of the four-building compound. In addition, there were five Americans serving as diplomatic security and a group of former special operations forces that acted as a quick reaction force on the day of the 9/11 attack. Members of the militias led by bin-Ahmed and al-Gharabi overlapped with the February 17 militia, the cable says.
So what's Obama going to cook up to take the focus off his incompetence this week??

Benghazi could have been prevented, Obama's cronies chose to ignore it. RIP Ambassador Stevens and your three comrades. I just cannot understand why the left isn't outraged by this.
So what's Obama going to cook up to take the focus off his incompetence this week??

Benghazi could have been prevented, Obama's cronies chose to ignore it. RIP Ambassador Stevens and your three comrades. I just cannot understand why the left isn't outraged by this.

Becaus ethey can't figure out how to blame Bush.
The cable, titled “Benghazi Weekly Report – September 11, 2012,” notes the dangerous environment in eastern Libya. It does not, however, make a specific plea to Washington for more personnel or more security upgrades, and concludes that much of the violence in the country consists of Libyans attacking other Libyans, as opposed to specific plots directed at the West. Indeed, it says that in a meeting with Stevens, members of the Benghazi Local Council said security in their city was improving.
Obama sacrificed Stevens and the Consulate to appease Islam

It might be even worse than that. The whole thing may have been created to have such massive unrest and violence that obama would release Shiek Rahman as a gesture of goodwill to Morsi. That was one of Morsi's campaign promises when he was running for president of Egypt. Except that the plan was discovered early enough to slap obama upside the head with the plan and he denied it.
The cable, titled “Benghazi Weekly Report – September 11, 2012,” notes the dangerous environment in eastern Libya. It does not, however, make a specific plea to Washington for more personnel or more security upgrades, and concludes that much of the violence in the country consists of Libyans attacking other Libyans, as opposed to specific plots directed at the West. Indeed, it says that in a meeting with Stevens, members of the Benghazi Local Council said security in their city was improving.

It's not like Ambassador Stevens said "Send a DC-3 to get us out of here" or anything like that.

ABC News has obtained an internal State Department email from May 3, 2012, indicating that the State Department denied a request from the security team at the Embassy of Libya to retain a DC-3 airplane in the country to better conduct their duties.
Email Shows State Department Rejecting Request of Security Team at US Embassy in Libya - ABC News

Wood says he met daily with Stevens and that security was a constant challenge. There were 13 threats or attacks on western diplomats and officials in Libya in the six months leading up to the September 11 attack.

A senior State Department official told CBS News that half of the 13 incidents before September 11 were fairly minor or routine in nature, and that the Benghazi attack was so lethal and overwhelming, that a diplomatic post would not be able to repel it.

Congress to probe security flaws for Libya diplomats - CBS News
Wood, whose team arrived in February, says he and fellow security officials were very worried about the chaos on the ground. He says they tried to communicate the danger to State Department officials in Washington, D.C., but that the officials denied requests to enhance security.
The cable, titled “Benghazi Weekly Report – September 11, 2012,” notes the dangerous environment in eastern Libya. It does not, however, make a specific plea to Washington for more personnel or more security upgrades, and concludes that much of the violence in the country consists of Libyans attacking other Libyans, as opposed to specific plots directed at the West. Indeed, it says that in a meeting with Stevens, members of the Benghazi Local Council said security in their city was improving.

LOL the local Al Qaeda branch said security was improving.

Obama Fluffers gotta Fluff
The cable, titled “Benghazi Weekly Report – September 11, 2012,” notes the dangerous environment in eastern Libya. It does not, however, make a specific plea to Washington for more personnel or more security upgrades, and concludes that much of the violence in the country consists of Libyans attacking other Libyans, as opposed to specific plots directed at the West. Indeed, it says that in a meeting with Stevens, members of the Benghazi Local Council said security in their city was improving.

LOL the local Al Qaeda branch said security was improving.

Obama Fluffers gotta Fluff

Really Frank? Then the OP article is 'Obama Fluffers'
This entire scandal should show all Americans just how dangerous the Amateur-N-Chief is to our country. Not only has he completely dropped the ball on the economy, but for the first time since 9-11, we've been attacked once more, all due to the NEGLIENCE and INCOMPETENCE of an Appeasement Administration.
4 people died, Obama lied!

Hey appears honesty is really important to you, so I'm sure you would like to know that the quote in your signature line was never said by Thomas Jefferson.

When governments fear the people, there is liberty...(Quotation) « Thomas Jefferson

Status: We have not found any evidence that Thomas Jefferson said or wrote, "When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny," or any of its listed variations.

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