Multiple People Stabbed In NY Synagogue Saturday Night

Or maybe they will call the guy a white black man or a black white man. The last time there was violence against Jews the black was released without bail. Surely there is a sympathetic judge to do the same here.

At Least 5 People Stabbed By Machete-Wielding Suspect At Monsey Synagogue, Suspect Arrested In NYC

Black people in New York are fighting a war against Jews. A real war with real blood and real bodies. I hope Jews meant it when they said Never Again. Now is the time.

If someone was to look behind this violence they might well find the black Hebrew Israelites.
The guy who shot up the Pittsburgh synagogue looked just like you. Go sit in the corner and when we need another idiotic comment from a racist buffoon we`ll ring a bell or something.
The Jews are God’s chosen people

Even far leftwing Jews who worship Karl Marx instead of Jehovah

as such they generate a lot of jealousy that manifests itself as hate

No one is Gods chosen people.
Sez you

God says otherwise

God didn't write the bible.
Or maybe they will call the guy a white black man or a black white man. The last time there was violence against Jews the black was released without bail. Surely there is a sympathetic judge to do the same here.

At Least 5 People Stabbed By Machete-Wielding Suspect At Monsey Synagogue, Suspect Arrested In NYC

Black people in New York are fighting a war against Jews. A real war with real blood and real bodies. I hope Jews meant it when they said Never Again. Now is the time.

If someone was to look behind this violence they might well find the black Hebrew Israelites.
The guy who shot up the Pittsburgh synagogue looked just like you. Go sit in the corner and when we need another idiotic comment from a racist buffoon we`ll ring a bell or something.
The Jews are God’s chosen people

Even far leftwing Jews who worship Karl Marx instead of Jehovah

as such they generate a lot of jealousy that manifests itself as hate

No one is Gods chosen people.
Sez you

God says otherwise

God didn't write the bible.
I think He did write the Bible through inspired humans
What are white supremacist anti, everything.
Murder is inexcusable, not matter what the excuse. These people were attending Sunday services and trying to do good things with their lives. Murdering people in church is a craven thing to do. Political activism is not the same thing as worship. Those who perpetrated the murdering spree should not be let go because they're sorry their party lost (or won), or that they're full of hatred and payback against people who have been dead over a hundred years who acted unseemly toward other people who lived and died over a hundred years ago. In the meantime, there have been 40 acres and a mule programs, free housing, free food stamps, free shows, free education and freedom itself.

It's time to grow up and be part of society, not remove society because people are different from the path you freely chose.

So you chose to be a gangsta? Fine. Go to gangsta prison if you freely decided to drop out of school and commit crimes of the gangstas. If you don't like the country, fine. Leave it and go someplace else you'd like to live, and request repatriation papers there. But if you even mention organizing murder, you're going down fast there.

We do enough killings in the ME and Africa (I believe this is considered a Christian nation, so I imagine most of the military are Christian. Churches should check for weapons, that is the way it should be and also schools or anywhere people gather. Since freaks love the 2nd amendment so much, every $10 dollar that goes for guns should be made to fund metal detectors and even X-rays. A percentage of the NRA should also go for protection.

I want to be safe and I don't want a crazy 2nd amendment freak by me.
Move to S omalia!

You move.
I am not afraid of the second amendment moron.

I am afraid of gun freaks, see the difference. People like Gallagher.
The guy who shot up the Pittsburgh synagogue looked just like you. Go sit in the corner and when we need another idiotic comment from a racist buffoon we`ll ring a bell or something.
The Jews are God’s chosen people

Even far leftwing Jews who worship Karl Marx instead of Jehovah

as such they generate a lot of jealousy that manifests itself as hate

No one is Gods chosen people.
Sez you

God says otherwise

God didn't write the bible.
I think He did write the Bible through inspired humans

Well jews would write that, next time bow down to a jew and even kiss the ground they walk on.
The Jews are God’s chosen people

Even far leftwing Jews who worship Karl Marx instead of Jehovah

as such they generate a lot of jealousy that manifests itself as hate

No one is Gods chosen people.
Sez you

God says otherwise

God didn't write the bible.
I think He did write the Bible through inspired humans

Well jews would write that, next time bow down to a jew and even kiss the ground they walk on.
You sound pretty bitter toward Jews
The guy who shot up the Pittsburgh synagogue looked just like you. Go sit in the corner and when we need another idiotic comment from a racist buffoon we`ll ring a bell or something.
The Jews are God’s chosen people

Even far leftwing Jews who worship Karl Marx instead of Jehovah

as such they generate a lot of jealousy that manifests itself as hate

No one is Gods chosen people.
Sez you

God says otherwise

God didn't write the bible.
I think He did write the Bible through inspired humans
What makes you think that God, if there is one, is a "He"?
No one is Gods chosen people.
Sez you

God says otherwise

God didn't write the bible.
I think He did write the Bible through inspired humans

Well jews would write that, next time bow down to a jew and even kiss the ground they walk on.
You sound pretty bitter toward Jews

meet our dear penny, mac. ------she, like Martin Luther was
educated in the catholic church------and like Luther----one day
she realized that Jesus--of the Galilee was a jew
No one is Gods chosen people.
Sez you

God says otherwise

God didn't write the bible.
I think He did write the Bible through inspired humans

Well jews would write that, next time bow down to a jew and even kiss the ground they walk on.
You sound pretty bitter toward Jews

Not at all, but you go right ahead and bow to them, Christians and Muslims think they are chosen, except for some Christians that worship the Jews.

So who is a jew is the question. You had best read Eze. 16. Moses wasn't a jew, nor Abraham, Issac or Jacob.
Sez you

God says otherwise

God didn't write the bible.
I think He did write the Bible through inspired humans

Well jews would write that, next time bow down to a jew and even kiss the ground they walk on.
You sound pretty bitter toward Jews

meet our dear penny, mac. ------she, like Martin Luther was
educated in the catholic church------and like Luther----one day
she realized that Jesus--of the Galilee was a jew

So do you think you were one of the chosen?? Ruth is a Moab, and well Jesus(whoever he was ) spoke Aramaic, but this is not the place for a bible lesson,

its tragic whenever anyone loses their life by violence.
Sez you

God says otherwise

God didn't write the bible.
I think He did write the Bible through inspired humans

Well jews would write that, next time bow down to a jew and even kiss the ground they walk on.
You sound pretty bitter toward Jews

Not at all, but you go right ahead and bow to them, Christians and Muslims think they are chosen, except for some Christians that worship the Jews.

So who is a jew is the question. You had best read Eze. 16. Moses wasn't a jew, nor Abraham, Issac or Jacob.

wrong again------a "JEW" is a person who is of the KINGDOM OF JUDAH-----
which includes all of the people descended from the 12 sons of ISRAEL. ---
Israel is Jacob. The father of Jacob is Isaac and the grandfather is Abraham
The entire people----also called "Israelites" (being of the house of Jacob)
are included in the designation JEW------since the Babylonian captivity.
It is a matter of Semantics popularized by the ROMANS during the time
that Rome occupied what they called JUDEA

-----Moses is descended from LEVI who is the third
son of Jacob (aka Israel)-----thus he is an ISRAELITE aka ----
Jew. Tne present entrenched designation "jew" can be attributed
to the Roman catholic church
God didn't write the bible.
I think He did write the Bible through inspired humans

Well jews would write that, next time bow down to a jew and even kiss the ground they walk on.
You sound pretty bitter toward Jews

meet our dear penny, mac. ------she, like Martin Luther was
educated in the catholic church------and like Luther----one day
she realized that Jesus--of the Galilee was a jew

So do you think you were one of the chosen?? Ruth is a Moab, and well Jesus(whoever he was ) spoke Aramaic, but this is not the place for a bible lesson,

its tragic whenever anyone loses their life by violence.

Do you have any idea, penny,dear, how your catechism whore -----who could not read Hebrew---understood the translation of the bible? According to the bible of
your catechism whore----Jesus was literate in both Aramaic and Hebrew (which is
a lot more than can be said for her) There are still lots of people literate in
both Aramaic and Hebrew----the over whelming majority of them being jews.
I speak English-----but am not a subject of Queen Elizabeth (gawd save her)
The Aramaic that Jesus spoke was an HEBRAIZED form of that language----
and used at that time in the market-place. My maternal grandfather spoke
Yiddish which is an Hebraized form of German. He was a jew. Ruth was
a Moabite from birth who chose to take up the religion of her husband which
was Judaism------she was, therefore, a convert to Judaism. Martin Luther
was a German catholic by birth who hated jews so much that he invented a
new religion that redefined Jesus as--------(gawd-only knows what)
God didn't write the bible.
I think He did write the Bible through inspired humans

Well jews would write that, next time bow down to a jew and even kiss the ground they walk on.
You sound pretty bitter toward Jews

Not at all, but you go right ahead and bow to them, Christians and Muslims think they are chosen, except for some Christians that worship the Jews.

So who is a jew is the question. You had best read Eze. 16. Moses wasn't a jew, nor Abraham, Issac or Jacob.

wrong again------a "JEW" is a person who is of the KINGDOM OF JUDAH-----
which includes all of the people descended from the 12 sons of ISRAEL. ---
Israel is Jacob. The father of Jacob is Isaac and the grandfather is Abraham
The entire people----also called "Israelites" (being of the house of Jacob)
are included in the designation JEW------since the Babylonian captivity.
It is a matter of Semantics popularized by the ROMANS during the time
that Rome occupied what they called JUDEA

-----Moses is descended from LEVI who is the third
son of Jacob (aka Israel)-----thus he is an ISRAELITE aka ----
Jew. Tne present entrenched designation "jew" can be attributed
to the Roman catholic church

Yet none were consider Jews. There was not even an Israel at that time. LOL You can go back and say they were Jews but the stories of the bible do not support that.
I think He did write the Bible through inspired humans

Well jews would write that, next time bow down to a jew and even kiss the ground they walk on.
You sound pretty bitter toward Jews

Not at all, but you go right ahead and bow to them, Christians and Muslims think they are chosen, except for some Christians that worship the Jews.

So who is a jew is the question. You had best read Eze. 16. Moses wasn't a jew, nor Abraham, Issac or Jacob.

wrong again------a "JEW" is a person who is of the KINGDOM OF JUDAH-----
which includes all of the people descended from the 12 sons of ISRAEL. ---
Israel is Jacob. The father of Jacob is Isaac and the grandfather is Abraham
The entire people----also called "Israelites" (being of the house of Jacob)
are included in the designation JEW------since the Babylonian captivity.
It is a matter of Semantics popularized by the ROMANS during the time
that Rome occupied what they called JUDEA

-----Moses is descended from LEVI who is the third
son of Jacob (aka Israel)-----thus he is an ISRAELITE aka ----
Jew. Tne present entrenched designation "jew" can be attributed
to the Roman catholic church

Yet none were consider Jews. There was not even an Israel at that time. LOL You can go back and say they were Jews but the stories of the bible do not support that.

"JEWS" is an English word------there was no peanut butter and jelly back then
either------my second brother would have starved to death in childhood
The Jews are God’s chosen people

Even far leftwing Jews who worship Karl Marx instead of Jehovah

as such they generate a lot of jealousy that manifests itself as hate

No one is Gods chosen people.
Sez you

God says otherwise

God didn't write the bible.
I think He did write the Bible through inspired humans
What makes you think that God, if there is one, is a "He"?
I think God is masculine because that is strongly implied in the Bible

Does that mean He is a human form of masculine ?

Probably not.

But its very difficult for humans to imagine God and He does not tell us
Sez you

God says otherwise

God didn't write the bible.
I think He did write the Bible through inspired humans

Well jews would write that, next time bow down to a jew and even kiss the ground they walk on.
You sound pretty bitter toward Jews

meet our dear penny, mac. ------she, like Martin Luther was
educated in the catholic church------and like Luther----one day
she realized that Jesus--of the Galilee was a jew
I suspect she has no use for Jesus either

But thats just my guess
God didn't write the bible.
I think He did write the Bible through inspired humans

Well jews would write that, next time bow down to a jew and even kiss the ground they walk on.
You sound pretty bitter toward Jews

meet our dear penny, mac. ------she, like Martin Luther was
educated in the catholic church------and like Luther----one day
she realized that Jesus--of the Galilee was a jew
I suspect she has no use for Jesus either

But thats just my guess

it's left to her to say------but she has stated in the past that she opted
for the protestant version over the catholic. My sense is that the
protestant version had no problem eating raw clams on the half-shell
You can't say guns aren't the answer if you are unwilling to lock up the bad guys and put them in prison whilst pursuing bail reform. It merely demonstrates that the state is unwilling and unable to protect the citizens. People should not have to be willing victims.

How have more guns reduced deaths from gun violence?

I don't see this as a simple guns vs no guns issue. But at some point there has to be a need for reasonable gun control - which is shot down every time there a mass shooting, by pro-gun advocates. Where is the rationale middle here?

What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S.

Gun related fatalities were at their highest in the 70's.

IN 2017 - while not as high as the 70's, they've reached their highest (per capita) number in decades.

What's different?
What's different ? The do-gooder liberals, and their PC hands off bullcrap is what's different. Their jumping to protect the criminals as if they aren't criminals by their own accord, but rather that it must be everyone elses fault that they have become what they've become in their lives. Look it's time for the bullcrap to end, and not one more good citizen to lose any of their rights, wealth or 2nd amendment rights over something the left has caused over time.
People who call others "do-gooders" are the do-badders. My 66 years of experience on this planet have taught me that and I have yet to see an exception to that rule. No one is forced to be PC. If you want to teach your children to call people ni**ers , gooks, kikes, etc. no one will arrest you. Feel free to grow a pair and do it yourself instead of whining about it.
I think He did write the Bible through inspired humans

Well jews would write that, next time bow down to a jew and even kiss the ground they walk on.
You sound pretty bitter toward Jews

meet our dear penny, mac. ------she, like Martin Luther was
educated in the catholic church------and like Luther----one day
she realized that Jesus--of the Galilee was a jew
I suspect she has no use for Jesus either

But thats just my guess

it's left to her to say------but she has stated in the past that she opted
for the protestant version over the catholic. My sense is that the
protestant version had no problem eating raw clams on the half-shell

BS, I never said I'd be a protestant and I wouldn't be one, they are the Evans and fundamentalists.
Last edited:
Well jews would write that, next time bow down to a jew and even kiss the ground they walk on.
You sound pretty bitter toward Jews

meet our dear penny, mac. ------she, like Martin Luther was
educated in the catholic church------and like Luther----one day
she realized that Jesus--of the Galilee was a jew
I suspect she has no use for Jesus either

But thats just my guess

it's left to her to say------but she has stated in the past that she opted
for the protestant version over the catholic. My sense is that the
protestant version had no problem eating raw clams on the half-shell

BS, I never said I'd be a protestant and I wouldn't be one, they are the Evans and fundamentalists.

oh----my mistake-----maybe it was someone else-----a lapsed catholic like thing?
No loss to the holy mother church
You sound pretty bitter toward Jews

meet our dear penny, mac. ------she, like Martin Luther was
educated in the catholic church------and like Luther----one day
she realized that Jesus--of the Galilee was a jew
I suspect she has no use for Jesus either

But thats just my guess

it's left to her to say------but she has stated in the past that she opted
for the protestant version over the catholic. My sense is that the
protestant version had no problem eating raw clams on the half-shell

BS, I never said I'd be a protestant and I wouldn't be one, they are the Evans and fundamentalists.

oh----my mistake-----maybe it was someone else-----a lapsed catholic like thing?
No loss to the holy mother church

Once a RC always a RC, isn't that the way it is with Jews?

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