Mueller : Trump is guilty of obstruction. Congress should handle it. Don't bother me again.

Yeah fn it up not giving a chance for companies to plan ahead the ah doesn't know what he's doing tomorrow Business in case you didn't know can't run that way Now this mexican tariff if it goes thru will screw millions in the states It's like I've said ,the moron will fight to the last drop of YOUR blood

Right, because Hussein always gave companies chances to plan ahead.

Trump has been talking about the possibilities of tariffs for well over a year now. What company missed out on that news?
Nobody could believe he could f up everything so badly Talk to farmers See how they're doing home builders ,the auto business ,replacement parts vegtables

As a leftist, I guess you believe that when additional costs strike the manufacturer, they just dig deeper in their pockets.

It doesn't work that way and never has. When your auto mechanic, farmer, or remodeler are hit with higher costs to do the job, they pass those costs onto their customers. It's the same kind of crap we are putting up with in the transportation industry. We are shackled with all these environmental costs now. Sure, we pay them up front, but we have to increase our delivery rates. In turn, our customers manufacture goods you and I buy in the store every single time we shop. We consumers pay for those costs.

Just ask your dentist or veterinarian about what Commie Care did to their businesses. The tax on every medical item was levied, and they had to increase their prices for your filling or to get your dog better to recoup those losses.
I'm glad to hear that you understand that the cost of the Trump tariffs will not be borne by the Chinese or the Mexicans but American business and their customers. Businesses will pass along the costs to customers if the market will bear it. Sometimes it will and sometimes it won't.

I have a friend who works in an electronic assembly plant. Practically all the company's parts and assemblies come from China. Two weeks ago their import representative in China contacted all their suppliers. Not one was willing to adjust their price to cover any portion of the tariffs the company has to pay it. The result is the company is going to eat almost 90% of the cost, over a million dollar of Trump tariffs over the next 3 months with prices increase picking up the remainder. The assembly plant will be closed as of the 1st of the year with assembly being transferred to Indonesia. Care to explain how this helps America?

I think you need more honest friends.

The plant will simply pass those costs to their consumers. If not, (and hopefully) they will consider buying their parts from a US company that would help America.

However if that did happen, then other companies would be doing the same. But as a businessman, I think Trump is well aware of that possibility. In which case, it's likely Trump would increase tariffs on those imported goods from Indonesia as well.
Ray, let me set you straight on a few issues you have brought up.

A company will only pass added costs on to consumers if the market will allow it. For example, if am selling wigits and the parts are manufactured in China and I have to pay an addition 25% in tariffs on the parts, I will attempt to pass those cost on to to my customers provided they will pay it. If the competition is manufacturing in say Indonesia or a number of other countries and they are paying little or nothing in tariffs, I can't expect my customers to pay the 25% so I have to settle for little or nothing in price increases and have to eat all or a part of the tariffs. This is exactly what American businesses are doing.

For most manufactures and most retailers switching to US manufactured goods is not an option. How many computer memory manufactures are there in the US? Exactly one, and that company makes only one of the 5 major types of memory. There are no computer monitors made in the US, and no TV sets. All computer processors are made abroad. There is not a single lcd flat panel screen manufactured in the US. This situation exist in most industries. For retailers and manufactures, Trump's tariffs are not bringing manufacturing back to the US. It is just forcing US companies and consumers to pay more for the same goods.

If US companies knew that tariffs were permanent, then there would be some investment in building US factories to meet demand. However, the nature of tariffs is that they are always subject to change. So who would be foolish enough to build manufacturing plants in the US to profit from import tariffs when those tariffs might be removed at anytime.

The bottom line is that over the long term tariffs benefit no one except the governments that collect them.
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Building factories to meet demand in US isn't going to take months ,,,maybe years after scump is gone Why move now ?
Ray, let me set you straight on a few issues you have brought up.

A company will only pass added costs on to consumers if the market will allow it. For example, if am selling wigits and the parts are manufactured in China and I have to pay an addition 25% in tariffs on the parts, I will attempt to pass those cost on to to my customers provided they will pay it. If the competition is manufacturing in say Indonesia or a number of other countries and they are paying little or nothing in tariffs, I can't expect my customers to pay the 25% so I have to settle for little or nothing in price increases and have to eat all or a part of the tariffs. This is exactly what American businesses are doing.

Okay, so you have this company that's getting nailed by tariffs. So instead of buying your parts from Indonesia, or a host of other cheap production places, you're going to move your entire company???

If that's the solution, why didn't you move your company to China in the first place? It was not that long ago where China's economy was booming, and it was costing more money for labor, so companies started moving out of China for Vietnam.

What this is really about is your anti-Trump stance. You had no problem with forcing companies to pay outrageous fuel bills to save the planet, you had no problem with doubling the national minimum wage, you had no problem inflicting businesses with forced Commie Care, but tariffs increasing costs for businesses? Now you're concerned about what's going to happen to them.
From skews13
A group of former Republican federal prosectors has combined efforts to push for the further investigation and possible prosecution of Trump for obstruction of justice. Calling itself Republicans for the Rule of Law, the group has released a video highlighting the case against Trump as set out in the Mueller report. The former deputy attorney general under President George H.W. Bush, Donald Ayer; the former deputy assistant secretary of homeland security under President George W. Bush, Paul Rosenzweig; and the former deputy associate attorney general under President Ronald Reagan, Jeffrey Harris, are all featured in the video, explaining in the most simple of terms how insanely corrupt a picture the Mueller report paints of the current administration.

And about ten people really care what they think in this country.
Sure you don't That's why you're a republican and no matter what anyone says against the vile bully ,they're wrong and who cares what they say,,,,

I don't and I'm sure most don't either. I can probably find all kinds of prosecutors that said Trump should not face any discipline actions over obstruction because he obstructed nothing.
You have a senate full of lying hypocrites who are afraid of trump

WTF would any Senator be afraid of Trump? They weren't before. It's one of the reasons we still have Commie Care in this country.
Ray, let me set you straight on a few issues you have brought up.

A company will only pass added costs on to consumers if the market will allow it. For example, if am selling wigits and the parts are manufactured in China and I have to pay an addition 25% in tariffs on the parts, I will attempt to pass those cost on to to my customers provided they will pay it. If the competition is manufacturing in say Indonesia or a number of other countries and they are paying little or nothing in tariffs, I can't expect my customers to pay the 25% so I have to settle for little or nothing in price increases and have to eat all or a part of the tariffs. This is exactly what American businesses are doing.

Okay, so you have this company that's getting nailed by tariffs. So instead of buying your parts from Indonesia, or a host of other cheap production places, you're going to move your entire company???

If that's the solution, why didn't you move your company to China in the first place? It was not that long ago where China's economy was booming, and it was costing more money for labor, so companies started moving out of China for Vietnam.

What this is really about is your anti-Trump stance. You had no problem with forcing companies to pay outrageous fuel bills to save the planet, you had no problem with doubling the national minimum wage, you had no problem inflicting businesses with forced Commie Care, but tariffs increasing costs for businesses? Now you're concerned about what's going to happen to them.
No, chances are that the company will not move. What the company will do is survive on lower profits, cut cost by laying off employees, while they look for low cost providers which are most likely going to be overseas.

What you don't seem to understand is that we no longer have plants that can produce what china is supplying at competitive prices so buying American in most cases is not an option for most consumers or manufactures.

You're right, I'm anti-Trump but the reason I oppose these tariffs is I believe tariffs are not in the best interest of this country. I believe every nation should be able to produce what it produces best with a minimum of government interference in the market. Putting tax on American companies to punish China is not going to work.

Here is a pretty good example of the problems caused by tariffs. Suppose America produces the best grapefruits in the world but not very good tomatoes and Mexico produces the greatest tomatoes but rather poor grapefruits. The US decides to put a high tax on imported Mexican tomatoes to protect American tomato growers. Mexico responds by taxing American grapefruits. The end result is the high cost of Mexican tomatoes forces Americans to eat the crappy US tomatoes and the high cost of American grapefruits forces Mexicans to eat crappy Mexican grapefruits. American tomato growers grow wealthy selling their poor quality tomatoes and American grapefruit growers who grow fine grapefruits suffer.

What tariffs do is reward inefficient producers and penalize efficient producers.
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Ray, let me set you straight on a few issues you have brought up.

A company will only pass added costs on to consumers if the market will allow it. For example, if am selling wigits and the parts are manufactured in China and I have to pay an addition 25% in tariffs on the parts, I will attempt to pass those cost on to to my customers provided they will pay it. If the competition is manufacturing in say Indonesia or a number of other countries and they are paying little or nothing in tariffs, I can't expect my customers to pay the 25% so I have to settle for little or nothing in price increases and have to eat all or a part of the tariffs. This is exactly what American businesses are doing.

Okay, so you have this company that's getting nailed by tariffs. So instead of buying your parts from Indonesia, or a host of other cheap production places, you're going to move your entire company???

If that's the solution, why didn't you move your company to China in the first place? It was not that long ago where China's economy was booming, and it was costing more money for labor, so companies started moving out of China for Vietnam.

What this is really about is your anti-Trump stance. You had no problem with forcing companies to pay outrageous fuel bills to save the planet, you had no problem with doubling the national minimum wage, you had no problem inflicting businesses with forced Commie Care, but tariffs increasing costs for businesses? Now you're concerned about what's going to happen to them.
No, chances are that the company will not move. What the company will do is survive on lower profits, cut cost by layoff employees, while they look for low cost providers which are most likely going to be overseas.

What you don't seem to understand is that we no longer have plants to produce what china is supplying so buying American in most cases is not an option for most consumers or manufactures.

You're right, I'm anti-Trump but the reason I oppose these tariffs is I believe tariffs are not in the best interest of this country. I believe every nation should be able to produce what it produces best with a minimum of government interference in the market. Putting tax on American companies to punish China is not going to work.

Here is pretty good example of the problems caused by tariffs. Suppose America produces the best grapefruits in the world but not very good tomatoes and Mexico produces the greatest tomatoes but rather poor grapefruits. The US decides to put a high tax on imported Mexican tomatoes to protect American tomato growers. Mexico responds by taxing American grapefruits. The end result is the high cost of Mexican tomatoes forces Americans to eat the crappy US tomatoes and the high cost of American grapefruits forces Mexicans to eat crappy Mexican grapefruits.

What tariffs do is reward inefficient producers and penalize efficient producers.

Trump is addressing our trade deficit. Other countries are (and have always) been tariffing our exports. Trump is only asking to make it more even.

In other words lets say you and I were alive many years ago, and we were both farmers. I would trade you a bushel of tomatoes for your bushel of grapefruits. As time went on, you kept getting away with me providing two bushels of tomatoes for your bushel of grapefruits, then three, then four.

China has been the worst offender in all this. They owe their economy to the American consumer, yet they've been screwing us all these years.

I don't like tariffs either, but what other option do we have to straighten this problem out but tariffs? After all, all our trading partners knew America was scared to death to address this problem. It won't be solved overnight either.

So let it play out for a year or two after the dust settles. If it doesn't work, then future leaders will have something to study so we don't do it again, or perhaps find a better way of doing it.
Ray, let me set you straight on a few issues you have brought up.

A company will only pass added costs on to consumers if the market will allow it. For example, if am selling wigits and the parts are manufactured in China and I have to pay an addition 25% in tariffs on the parts, I will attempt to pass those cost on to to my customers provided they will pay it. If the competition is manufacturing in say Indonesia or a number of other countries and they are paying little or nothing in tariffs, I can't expect my customers to pay the 25% so I have to settle for little or nothing in price increases and have to eat all or a part of the tariffs. This is exactly what American businesses are doing.

Okay, so you have this company that's getting nailed by tariffs. So instead of buying your parts from Indonesia, or a host of other cheap production places, you're going to move your entire company???

If that's the solution, why didn't you move your company to China in the first place? It was not that long ago where China's economy was booming, and it was costing more money for labor, so companies started moving out of China for Vietnam.

What this is really about is your anti-Trump stance. You had no problem with forcing companies to pay outrageous fuel bills to save the planet, you had no problem with doubling the national minimum wage, you had no problem inflicting businesses with forced Commie Care, but tariffs increasing costs for businesses? Now you're concerned about what's going to happen to them.
No, chances are that the company will not move. What the company will do is survive on lower profits, cut cost by layoff employees, while they look for low cost providers which are most likely going to be overseas.

What you don't seem to understand is that we no longer have plants to produce what china is supplying so buying American in most cases is not an option for most consumers or manufactures.

You're right, I'm anti-Trump but the reason I oppose these tariffs is I believe tariffs are not in the best interest of this country. I believe every nation should be able to produce what it produces best with a minimum of government interference in the market. Putting tax on American companies to punish China is not going to work.

Here is pretty good example of the problems caused by tariffs. Suppose America produces the best grapefruits in the world but not very good tomatoes and Mexico produces the greatest tomatoes but rather poor grapefruits. The US decides to put a high tax on imported Mexican tomatoes to protect American tomato growers. Mexico responds by taxing American grapefruits. The end result is the high cost of Mexican tomatoes forces Americans to eat the crappy US tomatoes and the high cost of American grapefruits forces Mexicans to eat crappy Mexican grapefruits.

What tariffs do is reward inefficient producers and penalize efficient producers.

Trump is addressing our trade deficit. Other countries are (and have always) been tariffing our exports. Trump is only asking to make it more even.

In other words lets say you and I were alive many years ago, and we were both farmers. I would trade you a bushel of tomatoes for your bushel of grapefruits. As time went on, you kept getting away with me providing two bushels of tomatoes for your bushel of grapefruits, then three, then four.

China has been the worst offender in all this. They owe their economy to the American consumer, yet they've been screwing us all these years.

I don't like tariffs either, but what other option do we have to straighten this problem out but tariffs? After all, all our trading partners knew America was scared to death to address this problem. It won't be solved overnight either.

So let it play out for a year or two after the dust settles. If it doesn't work, then future leaders will have something to study so we don't do it again, or perhaps find a better way of doing it.
I don't understand what you expect China to do. China hasn’t been pushing down its currency to benefit Chinese exporters in years. Chinese companies do steal intellectual properties, however China has announced stringent regulations and laws to deal with IP theft. Of the 50 nations with most trade with the US, China ranks better than most these countries in protecting IP.

I suggest that the real problem behind the trade imbalance is not the lack of IP protection nor currency manipulation. These are scapegoats. The fact that Chinese companies are producing higher quality goods at lower prices is why the US is such a good customer of China.

Increasing tariffs don't always have the results you expect. When you add tariffs to imports you increase their price but you also increase their value. Consumers then value the products highly because of the cost. In most cases, consumers will opt for the lower priced American goods, but not always.

Years ago, pressure from companies like Kodak and Bulova caused the goverment to put large tariffs on German optics and Swiss watches. So you would expect their sales to fall and the American product sales to increase but that's not what happened. The German and Swiss manufactures, began advertising their products in the US as best in world with a price that confirmed it. They began selecting high end retailers. Within the a year their products were out selling their American competition despite their high price which was due in large part to the US tariffs. Within a few years the tariffs dropped but Americans opinion of the products did not. Even today, German optics and Swiss watches are still regarded the best in the world.
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Ray, let me set you straight on a few issues you have brought up.

A company will only pass added costs on to consumers if the market will allow it. For example, if am selling wigits and the parts are manufactured in China and I have to pay an addition 25% in tariffs on the parts, I will attempt to pass those cost on to to my customers provided they will pay it. If the competition is manufacturing in say Indonesia or a number of other countries and they are paying little or nothing in tariffs, I can't expect my customers to pay the 25% so I have to settle for little or nothing in price increases and have to eat all or a part of the tariffs. This is exactly what American businesses are doing.

Okay, so you have this company that's getting nailed by tariffs. So instead of buying your parts from Indonesia, or a host of other cheap production places, you're going to move your entire company???

If that's the solution, why didn't you move your company to China in the first place? It was not that long ago where China's economy was booming, and it was costing more money for labor, so companies started moving out of China for Vietnam.

What this is really about is your anti-Trump stance. You had no problem with forcing companies to pay outrageous fuel bills to save the planet, you had no problem with doubling the national minimum wage, you had no problem inflicting businesses with forced Commie Care, but tariffs increasing costs for businesses? Now you're concerned about what's going to happen to them.
No, chances are that the company will not move. What the company will do is survive on lower profits, cut cost by layoff employees, while they look for low cost providers which are most likely going to be overseas.

What you don't seem to understand is that we no longer have plants to produce what china is supplying so buying American in most cases is not an option for most consumers or manufactures.

You're right, I'm anti-Trump but the reason I oppose these tariffs is I believe tariffs are not in the best interest of this country. I believe every nation should be able to produce what it produces best with a minimum of government interference in the market. Putting tax on American companies to punish China is not going to work.

Here is pretty good example of the problems caused by tariffs. Suppose America produces the best grapefruits in the world but not very good tomatoes and Mexico produces the greatest tomatoes but rather poor grapefruits. The US decides to put a high tax on imported Mexican tomatoes to protect American tomato growers. Mexico responds by taxing American grapefruits. The end result is the high cost of Mexican tomatoes forces Americans to eat the crappy US tomatoes and the high cost of American grapefruits forces Mexicans to eat crappy Mexican grapefruits.

What tariffs do is reward inefficient producers and penalize efficient producers.

Trump is addressing our trade deficit. Other countries are (and have always) been tariffing our exports. Trump is only asking to make it more even.

In other words lets say you and I were alive many years ago, and we were both farmers. I would trade you a bushel of tomatoes for your bushel of grapefruits. As time went on, you kept getting away with me providing two bushels of tomatoes for your bushel of grapefruits, then three, then four.

China has been the worst offender in all this. They owe their economy to the American consumer, yet they've been screwing us all these years.

I don't like tariffs either, but what other option do we have to straighten this problem out but tariffs? After all, all our trading partners knew America was scared to death to address this problem. It won't be solved overnight either.

So let it play out for a year or two after the dust settles. If it doesn't work, then future leaders will have something to study so we don't do it again, or perhaps find a better way of doing it.
I don't understand what you expect China to do. China hasn’t been pushing down its currency to benefit Chinese exporters in years. Chinese companies do steal intellectual properties, however China has announced stringent regulations and laws to deal with IP theft. Of the 50 nations with most trade with the US, China ranks better than most these countries in protecting IP.

I suggest that the real problem behind the trade imbalance is not the lack of IP protection nor currency manipulation but the fact that Chinese companies are producing higher quality goods at lower prices.

Well then I don't know what kind of Chinese shit you are buying. China makes cheap crap. The reason it sells in America is because in most cases, we no longer care about quality, we care about prices.

A few of our customers went to China to buy their products or have their products shipped there for processing. Many quit using China because the workmanship was substandard. They kept having to ship all the rejects back, and have it shipped back to them after re-processing. It got quite cumbersome.

In the end, their customers became angry or they lost the customer altogether because of the waiting time. Even though a few bucks more, they actually did better dealing with American companies.

From personal experience, I would say China has gotten better. I used to hate picking up overseas freight because it was damaged most of the time. They would stack small crates on top of each other in a container. These crates weighed about 1,500 each. So the bottom crate always had 7,000 lbs on top of it, and it would crush on the way here. They simply didn't care.

Now when I pickup overseas freight, it's usually in good condition.
Ray, let me set you straight on a few issues you have brought up.

A company will only pass added costs on to consumers if the market will allow it. For example, if am selling wigits and the parts are manufactured in China and I have to pay an addition 25% in tariffs on the parts, I will attempt to pass those cost on to to my customers provided they will pay it. If the competition is manufacturing in say Indonesia or a number of other countries and they are paying little or nothing in tariffs, I can't expect my customers to pay the 25% so I have to settle for little or nothing in price increases and have to eat all or a part of the tariffs. This is exactly what American businesses are doing.

Okay, so you have this company that's getting nailed by tariffs. So instead of buying your parts from Indonesia, or a host of other cheap production places, you're going to move your entire company???

If that's the solution, why didn't you move your company to China in the first place? It was not that long ago where China's economy was booming, and it was costing more money for labor, so companies started moving out of China for Vietnam.

What this is really about is your anti-Trump stance. You had no problem with forcing companies to pay outrageous fuel bills to save the planet, you had no problem with doubling the national minimum wage, you had no problem inflicting businesses with forced Commie Care, but tariffs increasing costs for businesses? Now you're concerned about what's going to happen to them.
No, chances are that the company will not move. What the company will do is survive on lower profits, cut cost by laying off employees, while they look for low cost providers which are most likely going to be overseas.

What you don't seem to understand is that we no longer have plants that can produce what china is supplying at competitive prices so buying American in most cases is not an option for most consumers or manufactures.

You're right, I'm anti-Trump but the reason I oppose these tariffs is I believe tariffs are not in the best interest of this country. I believe every nation should be able to produce what it produces best with a minimum of government interference in the market. Putting tax on American companies to punish China is not going to work.

Here is a pretty good example of the problems caused by tariffs. Suppose America produces the best grapefruits in the world but not very good tomatoes and Mexico produces the greatest tomatoes but rather poor grapefruits. The US decides to put a high tax on imported Mexican tomatoes to protect American tomato growers. Mexico responds by taxing American grapefruits. The end result is the high cost of Mexican tomatoes forces Americans to eat the crappy US tomatoes and the high cost of American grapefruits forces Mexicans to eat crappy Mexican grapefruits. American tomato growers grow wealthy selling their poor quality tomatoes and American grapefruit growers who grow fine grapefruits suffer.

What tariffs do is reward inefficient producers and penalize efficient producers.

And that works only as long as there is parity between the nations. If, in your scenario, Mexico placed a tariff on American grapefruit but America placed no tariff on Mexican tomatoes, what would happen? American grapefruit growers would go out of business. Now, carry that one step further and have Mexico place a tariff on American tomatoes as well, while America still had no tariffs. What would happen? Now, American tomato growers can't sell their goods in Mexico either.

Now what happens to the money? American money flows into Mexico and doesn't come back. That's a trade deficit.
Ray, let me set you straight on a few issues you have brought up.

A company will only pass added costs on to consumers if the market will allow it. For example, if am selling wigits and the parts are manufactured in China and I have to pay an addition 25% in tariffs on the parts, I will attempt to pass those cost on to to my customers provided they will pay it. If the competition is manufacturing in say Indonesia or a number of other countries and they are paying little or nothing in tariffs, I can't expect my customers to pay the 25% so I have to settle for little or nothing in price increases and have to eat all or a part of the tariffs. This is exactly what American businesses are doing.

Okay, so you have this company that's getting nailed by tariffs. So instead of buying your parts from Indonesia, or a host of other cheap production places, you're going to move your entire company???

If that's the solution, why didn't you move your company to China in the first place? It was not that long ago where China's economy was booming, and it was costing more money for labor, so companies started moving out of China for Vietnam.

What this is really about is your anti-Trump stance. You had no problem with forcing companies to pay outrageous fuel bills to save the planet, you had no problem with doubling the national minimum wage, you had no problem inflicting businesses with forced Commie Care, but tariffs increasing costs for businesses? Now you're concerned about what's going to happen to them.
No, chances are that the company will not move. What the company will do is survive on lower profits, cut cost by laying off employees, while they look for low cost providers which are most likely going to be overseas.

What you don't seem to understand is that we no longer have plants that can produce what china is supplying at competitive prices so buying American in most cases is not an option for most consumers or manufactures.

You're right, I'm anti-Trump but the reason I oppose these tariffs is I believe tariffs are not in the best interest of this country. I believe every nation should be able to produce what it produces best with a minimum of government interference in the market. Putting tax on American companies to punish China is not going to work.

Here is a pretty good example of the problems caused by tariffs. Suppose America produces the best grapefruits in the world but not very good tomatoes and Mexico produces the greatest tomatoes but rather poor grapefruits. The US decides to put a high tax on imported Mexican tomatoes to protect American tomato growers. Mexico responds by taxing American grapefruits. The end result is the high cost of Mexican tomatoes forces Americans to eat the crappy US tomatoes and the high cost of American grapefruits forces Mexicans to eat crappy Mexican grapefruits. American tomato growers grow wealthy selling their poor quality tomatoes and American grapefruit growers who grow fine grapefruits suffer.

What tariffs do is reward inefficient producers and penalize efficient producers.

And that works only as long as there is parity between the nations. If, in your scenario, Mexico placed a tariff on American grapefruit but America placed no tariff on Mexican tomatoes, what would happen? American grapefruit growers would go out of business. Now, carry that one step further and have Mexico place a tariff on American tomatoes as well, while America still had no tariffs. What would happen? Now, American tomato growers can't sell their goods in Mexico either.

Now what happens to the money? American money flows into Mexico and doesn't come back. That's a trade deficit.

I don't think it's anything to worry about. Mexico wants to talk turkey, so we should sit back and watch.

Mexican president expecting ‘good results’ on immigration from US-Mexico talks

Not only are Democrats refusing to work with Trump on the immigration issue, they are fighting him as well. Now Trump is using anything he can to try and control that border. That's why he's placing pressure on Mexico. But of course Democrats will never blame themselves.
Most important thing said: MUELLER: 'If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so'

MUELLER: 'If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so.'

I know you guys aren't big on logic and reason, but the logical conclusion from Mueller's statement is that if Mueller had had confidence that Trump clearly *did* commit a crime, he would have said so. But he did not. He did not say so. In fact, he specifically said he could find no evidence that Trump or any of his senior people colluded with Russians to affect the election.

You can't make the one statement without clearly requiring the other statement. The logical corollary to Mueller's statement is that if he had found clear evidence of collusion, he would have said so.

I know you guys aren't big on logic and reason, but the logical conclusion from Mueller's statement is that if Mueller had had confidence that Trump clearly *did* commit a crime, he would have said so.

Not at all, cap'n logic.

Mueller said very clearly why he would not, dope. If you couldn't lie, you would have nothing to say.

Hear Robert Mueller's full statement - CNN Video
He didn't need to, dope. Congress doesn't need to either.
Yep....impeachment used to be a legal Democrats are using it to overturn elections

But what do you expect from a bunch of anti-Americans.

It was never a legal matter.
If it was you know you'd get laughed out of court.

But it used to be you needed crimes to start impeachment. Since they don't have a crime and have been talking about impeachment since the day he won the election, more than half of America knows impeachment is purely political and illegitimate. The public may be moved to act. Democrats/Communists need a disarmed electorate in order to function.
Impeachment never required crimes. Only misconduct.

While being stupid only requires wilful ignorance.
Perhaps you should try giving the constitution a read sometime, you nitwit. Who knows you might even learn something so you won't look so dumb the next time you decide to share your ignorance.

Or maybe just tell us all what about my statement you have a problem with.
Congress The House

based on what? does congress have evidence that Mueller did not have? Do Schiff and Swalwell have the "proof" they claim to have? if so, why didn't they give it to Mueller?
Why didn't Barr tell Meuller he could accuse ? Wait till those 10 charges are brought to light Then you'll find what scum you support But knowing most of the dotards here even then they'll still support trump

funny, coming from a supporter of crooked hillary, who violated national security laws regarding classified data, paid Russians for a fake dossier of lies, took 145 million in russian money into the clinton foundation (the clinton bank account), and the wife of bubba who was paid 450K by Putin for a 20 minute speech is Moscow. the criminals here are the clintons, Comey, clapper, Brennan, Strzok, Page, McCabe, Lynch, and yes Obozo the great. Fear not, the truth is coming out and the dem house of cards is about to crumble.
Your morons have been after the Clintons for 25 or more years They're clean Your idiots have shit on them although you spent many millions trying to get them Don't you AH's learn from your mistakes??

the clintons are criminals, they have escaped prosecution so far because they have been protected by their cronies in the obama admin and the corrupt high ups in the DOJ and FBI. That is coming to an end. Will they end up in jail? probably not, but thats where they belong.
And who is protecting Trump?? Emolument clause?? while he's making millions from foreign governments? Refusing to honor subpoenas ? and all the while the cowardly republican senate bows down and says ""give me another""
Ray, let me set you straight on a few issues you have brought up.

A company will only pass added costs on to consumers if the market will allow it. For example, if am selling wigits and the parts are manufactured in China and I have to pay an addition 25% in tariffs on the parts, I will attempt to pass those cost on to to my customers provided they will pay it. If the competition is manufacturing in say Indonesia or a number of other countries and they are paying little or nothing in tariffs, I can't expect my customers to pay the 25% so I have to settle for little or nothing in price increases and have to eat all or a part of the tariffs. This is exactly what American businesses are doing.

Okay, so you have this company that's getting nailed by tariffs. So instead of buying your parts from Indonesia, or a host of other cheap production places, you're going to move your entire company???

If that's the solution, why didn't you move your company to China in the first place? It was not that long ago where China's economy was booming, and it was costing more money for labor, so companies started moving out of China for Vietnam.

What this is really about is your anti-Trump stance. You had no problem with forcing companies to pay outrageous fuel bills to save the planet, you had no problem with doubling the national minimum wage, you had no problem inflicting businesses with forced Commie Care, but tariffs increasing costs for businesses? Now you're concerned about what's going to happen to them.
No, chances are that the company will not move. What the company will do is survive on lower profits, cut cost by layoff employees, while they look for low cost providers which are most likely going to be overseas.

What you don't seem to understand is that we no longer have plants to produce what china is supplying so buying American in most cases is not an option for most consumers or manufactures.

You're right, I'm anti-Trump but the reason I oppose these tariffs is I believe tariffs are not in the best interest of this country. I believe every nation should be able to produce what it produces best with a minimum of government interference in the market. Putting tax on American companies to punish China is not going to work.

Here is pretty good example of the problems caused by tariffs. Suppose America produces the best grapefruits in the world but not very good tomatoes and Mexico produces the greatest tomatoes but rather poor grapefruits. The US decides to put a high tax on imported Mexican tomatoes to protect American tomato growers. Mexico responds by taxing American grapefruits. The end result is the high cost of Mexican tomatoes forces Americans to eat the crappy US tomatoes and the high cost of American grapefruits forces Mexicans to eat crappy Mexican grapefruits.

What tariffs do is reward inefficient producers and penalize efficient producers.

Trump is addressing our trade deficit. Other countries are (and have always) been tariffing our exports. Trump is only asking to make it more even.

In other words lets say you and I were alive many years ago, and we were both farmers. I would trade you a bushel of tomatoes for your bushel of grapefruits. As time went on, you kept getting away with me providing two bushels of tomatoes for your bushel of grapefruits, then three, then four.

China has been the worst offender in all this. They owe their economy to the American consumer, yet they've been screwing us all these years.

I don't like tariffs either, but what other option do we have to straighten this problem out but tariffs? After all, all our trading partners knew America was scared to death to address this problem. It won't be solved overnight either.

So let it play out for a year or two after the dust settles. If it doesn't work, then future leaders will have something to study so we don't do it again, or perhaps find a better way of doing it.
I don't understand what you expect China to do. China hasn’t been pushing down its currency to benefit Chinese exporters in years. Chinese companies do steal intellectual properties, however China has announced stringent regulations and laws to deal with IP theft. Of the 50 nations with most trade with the US, China ranks better than most these countries in protecting IP.

I suggest that the real problem behind the trade imbalance is not the lack of IP protection nor currency manipulation but the fact that Chinese companies are producing higher quality goods at lower prices.

Well then I don't know what kind of Chinese shit you are buying. China makes cheap crap. The reason it sells in America is because in most cases, we no longer care about quality, we care about prices.

A few of our customers went to China to buy their products or have their products shipped there for processing. Many quit using China because the workmanship was substandard. They kept having to ship all the rejects back, and have it shipped back to them after re-processing. It got quite cumbersome.

In the end, their customers became angry or they lost the customer altogether because of the waiting time. Even though a few bucks more, they actually did better dealing with American companies.

From personal experience, I would say China has gotten better. I used to hate picking up overseas freight because it was damaged most of the time. They would stack small crates on top of each other in a container. These crates weighed about 1,500 each. So the bottom crate always had 7,000 lbs on top of it, and it would crush on the way here. They simply didn't care.

Now when I pickup overseas freight, it's usually in good condition.
The Chinese make cheap crap but they also make some of the highest quality products in the world. Your beliefs reflects a long-standing view that products made in China are junk. This goes back to the time when China produces only the cheapest low end products. That is certainly not the case today. You can buy high quality Chinese products but you pay far more than the cheapest versions of the product. Last year I bought 4 braided 6 foot USB cables manufactured in China from Amazon and I paid $4.65. A year later one has failed. I could have bought quality cables made in China but I would have paid almost $4 each.

Today, the most reliable cell phones on the market according to consumer reports is the Apple iPhone and Samsung Galaxy. The Iphone is manufactured in China and over 75% of parts of the Samsung Galaxy is manufactured in China. If you have an operation today, you will likely find that much of surgical equipment is made in china. Where 30 years ago Chinese optics meant dime store binoculars and prizes in cereal boxes, today the Chinese are producing optics that come very close to best in world at a far lower price.

The chances are the most critical components in your computer, the CPU, Memory, or motherboard is manufactured in China. Today 90% of the motherboards in computers sold in the US are manufactured in China.

When you buy Chinese products you can buy cheap junk or more expensive quality products. It's the customers choice.
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Okay, so you have this company that's getting nailed by tariffs. So instead of buying your parts from Indonesia, or a host of other cheap production places, you're going to move your entire company???

If that's the solution, why didn't you move your company to China in the first place? It was not that long ago where China's economy was booming, and it was costing more money for labor, so companies started moving out of China for Vietnam.

What this is really about is your anti-Trump stance. You had no problem with forcing companies to pay outrageous fuel bills to save the planet, you had no problem with doubling the national minimum wage, you had no problem inflicting businesses with forced Commie Care, but tariffs increasing costs for businesses? Now you're concerned about what's going to happen to them.
No, chances are that the company will not move. What the company will do is survive on lower profits, cut cost by layoff employees, while they look for low cost providers which are most likely going to be overseas.

What you don't seem to understand is that we no longer have plants to produce what china is supplying so buying American in most cases is not an option for most consumers or manufactures.

You're right, I'm anti-Trump but the reason I oppose these tariffs is I believe tariffs are not in the best interest of this country. I believe every nation should be able to produce what it produces best with a minimum of government interference in the market. Putting tax on American companies to punish China is not going to work.

Here is pretty good example of the problems caused by tariffs. Suppose America produces the best grapefruits in the world but not very good tomatoes and Mexico produces the greatest tomatoes but rather poor grapefruits. The US decides to put a high tax on imported Mexican tomatoes to protect American tomato growers. Mexico responds by taxing American grapefruits. The end result is the high cost of Mexican tomatoes forces Americans to eat the crappy US tomatoes and the high cost of American grapefruits forces Mexicans to eat crappy Mexican grapefruits.

What tariffs do is reward inefficient producers and penalize efficient producers.

Trump is addressing our trade deficit. Other countries are (and have always) been tariffing our exports. Trump is only asking to make it more even.

In other words lets say you and I were alive many years ago, and we were both farmers. I would trade you a bushel of tomatoes for your bushel of grapefruits. As time went on, you kept getting away with me providing two bushels of tomatoes for your bushel of grapefruits, then three, then four.

China has been the worst offender in all this. They owe their economy to the American consumer, yet they've been screwing us all these years.

I don't like tariffs either, but what other option do we have to straighten this problem out but tariffs? After all, all our trading partners knew America was scared to death to address this problem. It won't be solved overnight either.

So let it play out for a year or two after the dust settles. If it doesn't work, then future leaders will have something to study so we don't do it again, or perhaps find a better way of doing it.
I don't understand what you expect China to do. China hasn’t been pushing down its currency to benefit Chinese exporters in years. Chinese companies do steal intellectual properties, however China has announced stringent regulations and laws to deal with IP theft. Of the 50 nations with most trade with the US, China ranks better than most these countries in protecting IP.

I suggest that the real problem behind the trade imbalance is not the lack of IP protection nor currency manipulation but the fact that Chinese companies are producing higher quality goods at lower prices.

Well then I don't know what kind of Chinese shit you are buying. China makes cheap crap. The reason it sells in America is because in most cases, we no longer care about quality, we care about prices.

A few of our customers went to China to buy their products or have their products shipped there for processing. Many quit using China because the workmanship was substandard. They kept having to ship all the rejects back, and have it shipped back to them after re-processing. It got quite cumbersome.

In the end, their customers became angry or they lost the customer altogether because of the waiting time. Even though a few bucks more, they actually did better dealing with American companies.

From personal experience, I would say China has gotten better. I used to hate picking up overseas freight because it was damaged most of the time. They would stack small crates on top of each other in a container. These crates weighed about 1,500 each. So the bottom crate always had 7,000 lbs on top of it, and it would crush on the way here. They simply didn't care.

Now when I pickup overseas freight, it's usually in good condition.
The Chinese make cheap crap but they also make some of the highest quality products in the world. Your beliefs reflects a long-standing view that products made in China are junk. This goes back to the time when China produces only the cheapest low end products. That is certainly not the case today. You can buy high quality Chinese products but you pay far more than the cheapest versions of the product. Last year I bought 4 braided 6 foot USB cables manufactured in China from Amazon and I paid $4.65. A year later one has failed. I could have bought quality cables made in China but I would have paid almost $4 each.

Today, the most reliable cell phones on the market according to consumer reports is the Apple iPhone and Samsung Galaxy. The Iphone is manufactured in China and over 75% of parts of the Samsung Galaxy is manufactured in China. If you have an operation today, you will likely find that much of surgical equipment is made in china. Where 30 years ago Chinese optics meant dime store binoculars and prizes in cereal boxes, today the Chinese are producing optics that come very close to best in world at a far lower price.

The chances are the most critical components in your computer, the CPU, Memory, or motherboard is manufactured in China. Today 90% of the motherboards in computers sold in the US are manufactured in China.

When you buy Chinese products you can buy cheap junk or more expensive quality products. It's the customers choice.

Believe it or not, the Chinese buy a lot of iPhones. But not all the parts are made in China. Most of their work is assembly. The design and technology comes out of California, and the actual parts of the phone come from all over the world.

Manufacturers like to produce close to their customers to minimize transportation costs. So it makes sense to have those phones assembled there. I've been an iPhone user for about four years now, and I never had a major problem with the phones. I have an iPhone X now.

Designed in California, made in China: how the iPhone skews U.S. trade deficit - Reuters

While technology may be on a different level, China still produces the cheapest crap when it comes to household goods which is probably the heart of the deficit. We used to deliver to a company that made cat scan kinds of machines. They sold all over the world. We delivered wood there because our customer was one of the only places that had bark-free wood. The crates for the machines had to be bark-free to pass customs overseas. Bark is where insects can hide. Eventually, China found out how to produce bark-free wood, and our customer lost that account.
Most important thing said: MUELLER: 'If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so'

MUELLER: 'If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so'

But, the GOP are going to continue to spin, spin, spin!

Yeah, he didn't say that.

But good luck with that impeachment thingy.
No, chances are that the company will not move. What the company will do is survive on lower profits, cut cost by layoff employees, while they look for low cost providers which are most likely going to be overseas.

What you don't seem to understand is that we no longer have plants to produce what china is supplying so buying American in most cases is not an option for most consumers or manufactures.

You're right, I'm anti-Trump but the reason I oppose these tariffs is I believe tariffs are not in the best interest of this country. I believe every nation should be able to produce what it produces best with a minimum of government interference in the market. Putting tax on American companies to punish China is not going to work.

Here is pretty good example of the problems caused by tariffs. Suppose America produces the best grapefruits in the world but not very good tomatoes and Mexico produces the greatest tomatoes but rather poor grapefruits. The US decides to put a high tax on imported Mexican tomatoes to protect American tomato growers. Mexico responds by taxing American grapefruits. The end result is the high cost of Mexican tomatoes forces Americans to eat the crappy US tomatoes and the high cost of American grapefruits forces Mexicans to eat crappy Mexican grapefruits.

What tariffs do is reward inefficient producers and penalize efficient producers.

Trump is addressing our trade deficit. Other countries are (and have always) been tariffing our exports. Trump is only asking to make it more even.

In other words lets say you and I were alive many years ago, and we were both farmers. I would trade you a bushel of tomatoes for your bushel of grapefruits. As time went on, you kept getting away with me providing two bushels of tomatoes for your bushel of grapefruits, then three, then four.

China has been the worst offender in all this. They owe their economy to the American consumer, yet they've been screwing us all these years.

I don't like tariffs either, but what other option do we have to straighten this problem out but tariffs? After all, all our trading partners knew America was scared to death to address this problem. It won't be solved overnight either.

So let it play out for a year or two after the dust settles. If it doesn't work, then future leaders will have something to study so we don't do it again, or perhaps find a better way of doing it.
I don't understand what you expect China to do. China hasn’t been pushing down its currency to benefit Chinese exporters in years. Chinese companies do steal intellectual properties, however China has announced stringent regulations and laws to deal with IP theft. Of the 50 nations with most trade with the US, China ranks better than most these countries in protecting IP.

I suggest that the real problem behind the trade imbalance is not the lack of IP protection nor currency manipulation but the fact that Chinese companies are producing higher quality goods at lower prices.

Well then I don't know what kind of Chinese shit you are buying. China makes cheap crap. The reason it sells in America is because in most cases, we no longer care about quality, we care about prices.

A few of our customers went to China to buy their products or have their products shipped there for processing. Many quit using China because the workmanship was substandard. They kept having to ship all the rejects back, and have it shipped back to them after re-processing. It got quite cumbersome.

In the end, their customers became angry or they lost the customer altogether because of the waiting time. Even though a few bucks more, they actually did better dealing with American companies.

From personal experience, I would say China has gotten better. I used to hate picking up overseas freight because it was damaged most of the time. They would stack small crates on top of each other in a container. These crates weighed about 1,500 each. So the bottom crate always had 7,000 lbs on top of it, and it would crush on the way here. They simply didn't care.

Now when I pickup overseas freight, it's usually in good condition.
The Chinese make cheap crap but they also make some of the highest quality products in the world. Your beliefs reflects a long-standing view that products made in China are junk. This goes back to the time when China produces only the cheapest low end products. That is certainly not the case today. You can buy high quality Chinese products but you pay far more than the cheapest versions of the product. Last year I bought 4 braided 6 foot USB cables manufactured in China from Amazon and I paid $4.65. A year later one has failed. I could have bought quality cables made in China but I would have paid almost $4 each.

Today, the most reliable cell phones on the market according to consumer reports is the Apple iPhone and Samsung Galaxy. The Iphone is manufactured in China and over 75% of parts of the Samsung Galaxy is manufactured in China. If you have an operation today, you will likely find that much of surgical equipment is made in china. Where 30 years ago Chinese optics meant dime store binoculars and prizes in cereal boxes, today the Chinese are producing optics that come very close to best in world at a far lower price.

The chances are the most critical components in your computer, the CPU, Memory, or motherboard is manufactured in China. Today 90% of the motherboards in computers sold in the US are manufactured in China.

When you buy Chinese products you can buy cheap junk or more expensive quality products. It's the customers choice.

Believe it or not, the Chinese buy a lot of iPhones. But not all the parts are made in China. Most of their work is assembly. The design and technology comes out of California, and the actual parts of the phone come from all over the world.

Manufacturers like to produce close to their customers to minimize transportation costs. So it makes sense to have those phones assembled there. I've been an iPhone user for about four years now, and I never had a major problem with the phones. I have an iPhone X now.

Designed in California, made in China: how the iPhone skews U.S. trade deficit - Reuters

While technology may be on a different level, China still produces the cheapest crap when it comes to household goods which is probably the heart of the deficit. We used to deliver to a company that made cat scan kinds of machines. They sold all over the world. We delivered wood there because our customer was one of the only places that had bark-free wood. The crates for the machines had to be bark-free to pass customs overseas. Bark is where insects can hide. Eventually, China found out how to produce bark-free wood, and our customer lost that account.
China produces what importers want. If importers want cheap junk, China will produce. If they want quality, China will produce. The problem is not China it is American consumers who will buy the cheapest crap on Amazon or other retailers hoping they get quality merchandise.
Most important thing said: MUELLER: 'If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so'

MUELLER: 'If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so.'

I know you guys aren't big on logic and reason, but the logical conclusion from Mueller's statement is that if Mueller had had confidence that Trump clearly *did* commit a crime, he would have said so. But he did not. He did not say so. In fact, he specifically said he could find no evidence that Trump or any of his senior people colluded with Russians to affect the election.

You can't make the one statement without clearly requiring the other statement. The logical corollary to Mueller's statement is that if he had found clear evidence of collusion, he would have said so.

I know you guys aren't big on logic and reason, but the logical conclusion from Mueller's statement is that if Mueller had had confidence that Trump clearly *did* commit a crime, he would have said so.

Not at all, cap'n logic.

Mueller said very clearly why he would not, dope. If you couldn't lie, you would have nothing to say.

Hear Robert Mueller's full statement - CNN Video
Mueller said congress should handle it.

Where the hell is congress?

Congress need to shit or get off the pot.

Most important thing said: MUELLER: 'If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so'

MUELLER: 'If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so.'

I know you guys aren't big on logic and reason, but the logical conclusion from Mueller's statement is that if Mueller had had confidence that Trump clearly *did* commit a crime, he would have said so. But he did not. He did not say so. In fact, he specifically said he could find no evidence that Trump or any of his senior people colluded with Russians to affect the election.

You can't make the one statement without clearly requiring the other statement. The logical corollary to Mueller's statement is that if he had found clear evidence of collusion, he would have said so.

I know you guys aren't big on logic and reason, but the logical conclusion from Mueller's statement is that if Mueller had had confidence that Trump clearly *did* commit a crime, he would have said so.

Not at all, cap'n logic.

Mueller said very clearly why he would not, dope. If you couldn't lie, you would have nothing to say.

Hear Robert Mueller's full statement - CNN Video
Mueller said congress should handle it.

Where the hell is congress?

Congress need to shit or get off the pot.

You scared?

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