Mueller : Trump is guilty of obstruction. Congress should handle it. Don't bother me again.

It is pathetic the way you are forced to continue to lie in order to try to defend the proven criminal Bill Clinton.

Slick Willy was not taken to court over a BJ - it was for sexual harassment.

Slick Will did not attempt to deceive and did not lie to a court / judge about a BJ.

Slick Willy was not held in Contempt and stripped of his license to practice law in his home state of Arkansas - deemed a violation of ethics - for lying about a BJ.

(Hillary did not describe the person who gave her husband a BJ as the result of 'dragging a dollar bill through a trailer park'. And it is ironic how the con artist who declared EVERY WOMAN MUST BE BELIEVED spent decades attacking, slandering, intimidation, and silencing her husband's accusers...)

And Slick Willy was NOT Impeached for either getting a BJ or lying about one.

It is pathetic how after all these years snowflakes continue to demonstrate they still deny reality / the truth why should we expect any different from them regarding the 2016 election results or the exposed failed coup attempt against President Trump?
The trial in the United States Senate began right after the seating of the 106th Congress, in which the Republican Party held 55 Senate seats. A two-thirds vote (67 senators) was required to remove Clinton from office. Fifty senators voted to remove Clinton on the obstruction of justice charge and 45 voted to remove him on the perjury charge; no member of his own Democratic Party voted guilty on either charge. Clinton, like Johnson a century earlier, was acquitted on all charges.

And note the Republicans that voted against their party. If Trump is impeached by the house, let's see how many Democrat defectors there are in the Senate.
Both parties vote to save their jobs

Look at that link I provided again. Several Republicans voted not-guilty in the Clinton case. Not one Democrat voted guilty.
I think 5 republicans out of 55?

Yes, and what do you want to bet that a Senate Democrat vote won't even be close to that?
A BJ is legal--lying under oath to a judge is not.
But trump is scared shitless of appearing before a judge

No, Trump didn't commit a crime like Clinton did.
Wait till after he leaves office in 2020 to find out you're wrong. 1000 former prosecutors can't all be wrong and can't ALL be Dems
The moron defied close advisers in deciding to threaten Mexico WTF is wrong with tha SOB ?

What's wrong? He's trying to solve a problem that the Democrats and Democrat activist judges keep stopping him from solving.
And he's not stopping people from honoring subpoenas?
And Clinton lying about a BJ a LEGAL bj lol,,is something you equate to this lying vile hurtful POS Trump?? At least Clinton put his hand on the bible This sick pervert in the WH can't

A BJ is legal--lying under oath to a judge is not.
But trump is scared shitless of appearing before a judge

No, Trump didn't commit a crime like Clinton did.
Wait till after he leaves office in 2020 to find out you're wrong. 1000 former prosecutors can't all be wrong and can't ALL be Dems

If they are not Commies, they are Trump haters which there are many on the right.
I hate trump Does that make me less of a patriot ?? I think not Our WH needs a clensing
The trial in the United States Senate began right after the seating of the 106th Congress, in which the Republican Party held 55 Senate seats. A two-thirds vote (67 senators) was required to remove Clinton from office. Fifty senators voted to remove Clinton on the obstruction of justice charge and 45 voted to remove him on the perjury charge; no member of his own Democratic Party voted guilty on either charge. Clinton, like Johnson a century earlier, was acquitted on all charges.

And note the Republicans that voted against their party. If Trump is impeached by the house, let's see how many Democrat defectors there are in the Senate.
Both parties vote to save their jobs

Look at that link I provided again. Several Republicans voted not-guilty in the Clinton case. Not one Democrat voted guilty.
I think 5 republicans out of 55?

Yes, and what do you want to bet that a Senate Democrat vote won't even be close to that?
No bet Think you have a winner Of course you have to take into consideration the vast differences in the 2 situations
And note the Republicans that voted against their party. If Trump is impeached by the house, let's see how many Democrat defectors there are in the Senate.
Both parties vote to save their jobs

Look at that link I provided again. Several Republicans voted not-guilty in the Clinton case. Not one Democrat voted guilty.
I think 5 republicans out of 55?

Yes, and what do you want to bet that a Senate Democrat vote won't even be close to that?
No bet Think you have a winner Of course you have to take into consideration the vast differences in the 2 situations

I did. In this situation, there is questionable evidence. In the Clinton situation, it was hard core indisputable evidence. And BTW, good choice on not making a bet with me. You seem to know Democrats like I do.
But trump is scared shitless of appearing before a judge

No, Trump didn't commit a crime like Clinton did.
Wait till after he leaves office in 2020 to find out you're wrong. 1000 former prosecutors can't all be wrong and can't ALL be Dems
The moron defied close advisers in deciding to threaten Mexico WTF is wrong with tha SOB ?

What's wrong? He's trying to solve a problem that the Democrats and Democrat activist judges keep stopping him from solving.
And he's not stopping people from honoring subpoenas?

Trying to change the subject?
From skews13
A group of former Republican federal prosectors has combined efforts to push for the further investigation and possible prosecution of Trump for obstruction of justice. Calling itself Republicans for the Rule of Law, the group has released a video highlighting the case against Trump as set out in the Mueller report. The former deputy attorney general under President George H.W. Bush, Donald Ayer; the former deputy assistant secretary of homeland security under President George W. Bush, Paul Rosenzweig; and the former deputy associate attorney general under President Ronald Reagan, Jeffrey Harris, are all featured in the video, explaining in the most simple of terms how insanely corrupt a picture the Mueller report paints of the current administration.
No, Trump didn't commit a crime like Clinton did.
Wait till after he leaves office in 2020 to find out you're wrong. 1000 former prosecutors can't all be wrong and can't ALL be Dems
The moron defied close advisers in deciding to threaten Mexico WTF is wrong with tha SOB ?

What's wrong? He's trying to solve a problem that the Democrats and Democrat activist judges keep stopping him from solving.
And he's not stopping people from honoring subpoenas?

Trying to change the subject?
Talking about stopping those looking for truth?
From skews13
A group of former Republican federal prosectors has combined efforts to push for the further investigation and possible prosecution of Trump for obstruction of justice. Calling itself Republicans for the Rule of Law, the group has released a video highlighting the case against Trump as set out in the Mueller report. The former deputy attorney general under President George H.W. Bush, Donald Ayer; the former deputy assistant secretary of homeland security under President George W. Bush, Paul Rosenzweig; and the former deputy associate attorney general under President Ronald Reagan, Jeffrey Harris, are all featured in the video, explaining in the most simple of terms how insanely corrupt a picture the Mueller report paints of the current administration.
A group of retired baseball player are saying they are making a comeback because these young boys today are cheaters
You offer up the most sophomoric junk imaginable
Who must demonstrate corrupt intent.
Something Mueller could not do.
Congress The House

based on what? does congress have evidence that Mueller did not have? Do Schiff and Swalwell have the "proof" they claim to have? if so, why didn't they give it to Mueller?
Why didn't Barr tell Meuller he could accuse ? Wait till those 10 charges are brought to light Then you'll find what scum you support But knowing most of the dotards here even then they'll still support trump

funny, coming from a supporter of crooked hillary, who violated national security laws regarding classified data, paid Russians for a fake dossier of lies, took 145 million in russian money into the clinton foundation (the clinton bank account), and the wife of bubba who was paid 450K by Putin for a 20 minute speech is Moscow. the criminals here are the clintons, Comey, clapper, Brennan, Strzok, Page, McCabe, Lynch, and yes Obozo the great. Fear not, the truth is coming out and the dem house of cards is about to crumble.
Your morons have been after the Clintons for 25 or more years They're clean Your idiots have shit on them although you spent many millions trying to get them Don't you AH's learn from your mistakes??

the clintons are criminals, they have escaped prosecution so far because they have been protected by their cronies in the obama admin and the corrupt high ups in the DOJ and FBI. That is coming to an end. Will they end up in jail? probably not, but thats where they belong.
Wait till after he leaves office in 2020 to find out you're wrong. 1000 former prosecutors can't all be wrong and can't ALL be Dems
The moron defied close advisers in deciding to threaten Mexico WTF is wrong with tha SOB ?

What's wrong? He's trying to solve a problem that the Democrats and Democrat activist judges keep stopping him from solving.
And he's not stopping people from honoring subpoenas?

Trying to change the subject?
Talking about stopping those looking for truth?

that certainly excludes you.
Who must demonstrate corrupt intent.
Something Mueller could not do.
Congress The House

based on what? does congress have evidence that Mueller did not have? Do Schiff and Swalwell have the "proof" they claim to have? if so, why didn't they give it to Mueller?
Why didn't Barr tell Meuller he could accuse ? Wait till those 10 charges are brought to light Then you'll find what scum you support But knowing most of the dotards here even then they'll still support trump

Barr gave Mueller complete authority to do whatever he thought he could prove, he did nothing, he could prove nothing, even after two years and 30 million dollars of our money, nothing.

his stupid speech last week was to do nothing but keep the witch hunt alive, and the idiotic dems took it hook line and sinker.

tell us, dude. if Mueller's charge was to investigate russian influence, why did he ignore the russian created dossier paid for by hillary? why did he ignore uranium one deal? why did he ignore the 145 million in russian money paid to the clinton foundation?
Because that's all Russian BS ,,,10 cases of possible obstruction is not..... let's see your scum ignore subpoenas in an impeachment trial. Oh I know because of your kiss ass traitors and hypocrites in the senate it doesn't stand a chance but much will be revealed about your republican crook in the WH

the indicted Russians paid for about 50K worth of facebook ads. Are you really trying to say that that changed the election? as to the DNC servers, we don't know who hacked them or what was hacked since the DNC refused to let the FBI look at them and hillary's team destroyed much of what was on them
A BJ is legal--lying under oath to a judge is not.
But trump is scared shitless of appearing before a judge

No, Trump didn't commit a crime like Clinton did.
Wait till after he leaves office in 2020 to find out you're wrong. 1000 former prosecutors can't all be wrong and can't ALL be Dems

If they are not Commies, they are Trump haters which there are many on the right.
I hate trump Does that make me less of a patriot ?? I think not Our WH needs a clensing

what you hate is that Trump is getting things done for the USA and its citizens, and he is doing it in spite of the lying media, the corrupt lying dems, and morons like you. His success is what you really hate, why aren't you a big enough person to admit it?
And Clinton lying about a BJ ...
It is pathetic the way you are forced to continue to lie in order to try to defend the proven criminal Bill Clinton.

Slick Willy was not taken to court over a BJ - it was for sexual harassment.

Slick Will did not attempt to deceive and did not lie to a court / judge about a BJ.

Slick Willy was not held in Contempt and stripped of his license to practice law in his home state of Arkansas - deemed a violation of ethics - for lying about a BJ.

(Hillary did not describe the person who gave her husband a BJ as the result of 'dragging a dollar bill through a trailer park'. And it is ironic how the con artist who declared EVERY WOMAN MUST BE BELIEVED spent decades attacking, slandering, intimidation, and silencing her husband's accusers...)

And Slick Willy was NOT Impeached for either getting a BJ or lying about one.

It is pathetic how after all these years snowflakes continue to demonstrate they still deny reality / the truth why should we expect any different from them regarding the 2016 election results or the exposed failed coup attempt against President Trump?
The trial in the United States Senate began right after the seating of the 106th Congress, in which the Republican Party held 55 Senate seats. A two-thirds vote (67 senators) was required to remove Clinton from office. Fifty senators voted to remove Clinton on the obstruction of justice charge and 45 voted to remove him on the perjury charge; no member of his own Democratic Party voted guilty on either charge. Clinton, like Johnson a century earlier, was acquitted on all charges.
Evidence to prove Clinton was innocent was not required in the Senate...all that was required to save Slick Willy from Impeachment for his crime - for which he was held in Contempt and stripped of his license to practice law - was ENOUGH VOTES.

Much like how Nadler and Democrats voted to hold the US AG in Contempt for NOT breaking the law, if Democrats vote to Impeach the President in the House they will once again be clearly partisanly punishing someone for NOT breaking the law: ' NO GUILT FOR COLLUSION, NO DECISION (NO GUILT FOUND/DECLARED) FOR OBSTRUCTION!

The Democrats in the Senate, however, saved Slick Willy from Impeachment for proven crimes for which he was punished (Held in Contempt / stripped of his license to practice law)!
From skews13
A group of former Republican federal prosectors has combined efforts to push for the further investigation and possible prosecution of Trump for obstruction of justice. Calling itself Republicans for the Rule of Law, the group has released a video highlighting the case against Trump as set out in the Mueller report. The former deputy attorney general under President George H.W. Bush, Donald Ayer; the former deputy assistant secretary of homeland security under President George W. Bush, Paul Rosenzweig; and the former deputy associate attorney general under President Ronald Reagan, Jeffrey Harris, are all featured in the video, explaining in the most simple of terms how insanely corrupt a picture the Mueller report paints of the current administration.
It's over, snowflake. Mueller said so after failing to find / refusing to declare Trump guilty of any crime.

Now evidence has come out exposing Mueller is back up to his old tricks of hiding evidence proving wonder Mueller doesn't want to testify under oath.
From skews13
A group of former Republican federal prosectors has combined efforts to push for the further investigation and possible prosecution of Trump for obstruction of justice. Calling itself Republicans for the Rule of Law, the group has released a video highlighting the case against Trump as set out in the Mueller report. The former deputy attorney general under President George H.W. Bush, Donald Ayer; the former deputy assistant secretary of homeland security under President George W. Bush, Paul Rosenzweig; and the former deputy associate attorney general under President Ronald Reagan, Jeffrey Harris, are all featured in the video, explaining in the most simple of terms how insanely corrupt a picture the Mueller report paints of the current administration.

And about ten people really care what they think in this country.
From skews13
A group of former Republican federal prosectors has combined efforts to push for the further investigation and possible prosecution of Trump for obstruction of justice. Calling itself Republicans for the Rule of Law, the group has released a video highlighting the case against Trump as set out in the Mueller report. The former deputy attorney general under President George H.W. Bush, Donald Ayer; the former deputy assistant secretary of homeland security under President George W. Bush, Paul Rosenzweig; and the former deputy associate attorney general under President Ronald Reagan, Jeffrey Harris, are all featured in the video, explaining in the most simple of terms how insanely corrupt a picture the Mueller report paints of the current administration.

And about ten people really care what they think in this country.
Sure you don't That's why you're a republican and no matter what anyone says against the vile bully ,they're wrong and who cares what they say,,,,
From skews13
A group of former Republican federal prosectors has combined efforts to push for the further investigation and possible prosecution of Trump for obstruction of justice. Calling itself Republicans for the Rule of Law, the group has released a video highlighting the case against Trump as set out in the Mueller report. The former deputy attorney general under President George H.W. Bush, Donald Ayer; the former deputy assistant secretary of homeland security under President George W. Bush, Paul Rosenzweig; and the former deputy associate attorney general under President Ronald Reagan, Jeffrey Harris, are all featured in the video, explaining in the most simple of terms how insanely corrupt a picture the Mueller report paints of the current administration.

And about ten people really care what they think in this country.
Sure you don't That's why you're a republican and no matter what anyone says against the vile bully ,they're wrong and who cares what they say,,,,

I don't and I'm sure most don't either. I can probably find all kinds of prosecutors that said Trump should not face any discipline actions over obstruction because he obstructed nothing.
Wait till after he leaves office in 2020 to find out you're wrong. 1000 former prosecutors can't all be wrong and can't ALL be Dems
The moron defied close advisers in deciding to threaten Mexico WTF is wrong with tha SOB ?

What's wrong? He's trying to solve a problem that the Democrats and Democrat activist judges keep stopping him from solving.
And he's not stopping people from honoring subpoenas?

Trying to change the subject?
Talking about stopping those looking for truth?

The commies in the house aren't interested in the truth, they just want to rag on the administration some more. They're more like children having a tantrum.

From skews13
A group of former Republican federal prosectors has combined efforts to push for the further investigation and possible prosecution of Trump for obstruction of justice. Calling itself Republicans for the Rule of Law, the group has released a video highlighting the case against Trump as set out in the Mueller report. The former deputy attorney general under President George H.W. Bush, Donald Ayer; the former deputy assistant secretary of homeland security under President George W. Bush, Paul Rosenzweig; and the former deputy associate attorney general under President Ronald Reagan, Jeffrey Harris, are all featured in the video, explaining in the most simple of terms how insanely corrupt a picture the Mueller report paints of the current administration.

And about ten people really care what they think in this country.
Sure you don't That's why you're a republican and no matter what anyone says against the vile bully ,they're wrong and who cares what they say,,,,

I don't and I'm sure most don't either. I can probably find all kinds of prosecutors that said Trump should not face any discipline actions over obstruction because he obstructed nothing.
You have a senate full of lying hypocrites who are afraid of trump

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