Mueller suspected of giving Podesta brothers immunity to indict Manafort


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Update: Mueller Suspected of Giving Podesta Brothers Immunity to Indict Manafort and Is HIDING THIS FROM PUBLIC

and yet just last year he was investigating the bastards! Please do it Mueller show the WORLD you are nothing more than a liberal hack intent on bringing down President Trump and nothing more.

We’ve written extensively about the corrupt Podesta brothers. John was Hillary’s crooked Campaign Manager whose emails were released to the public before the 2016 election. These emails included numerous incidents of criminal acts, pay for play by the Clintons and other corrupt, elitist and dishonest behaviors. Apparently, Manafort used to work for the Podestas.

Yep...if this is true the Clinton's got to Mueller and threatened his life obviously. You NEVER go after a small fish when you can get the big fish. Manafort supposedly used to work for the Podesta brothers so you would use him to go after them but the criminal asshole Mueller just wants anyone associated with president Trump taken out.
He is seeking immunity for five different individuals! Why would they need immunity? Are they criminals?

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