MTG rebuked for more nazi references

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

It came after Ms Greene compared vaccine workers to “medical brown shirts” who were “showing up” at people’s doors. She also wrongly accused President Joe Biden of using Covid as a “political tool to control people”.

Tweeting on Tuesday afternoon, Ms Green alleged that Mr Biden was “pushing a vaccine that is NOT FDA approved” and that it “shows Covid is a political tool used to control people”, and referenced the Nazi’s paramilitary wing, the “brownshirts”.

This level of lunacy almost fails to register these days. America is in a bad way when somebody this crazy can get elected.

It came after Ms Greene compared vaccine workers to “medical brown shirts” who were “showing up” at people’s doors. She also wrongly accused President Joe Biden of using Covid as a “political tool to control people”.

Tweeting on Tuesday afternoon, Ms Green alleged that Mr Biden was “pushing a vaccine that is NOT FDA approved” and that it “shows Covid is a political tool used to control people”, and referenced the Nazi’s paramilitary wing, the “brownshirts”.

This level of lunacy almost fails to register these days. America is in a bad way when somebody this crazy can get elected.
Standard simplistic, hyperbolic thought processes of Trump and his Trumpsters.

One of the traditional behaviors of ideologues.

It came after Ms Greene compared vaccine workers to “medical brown shirts” who were “showing up” at people’s doors. She also wrongly accused President Joe Biden of using Covid as a “political tool to control people”.

Tweeting on Tuesday afternoon, Ms Green alleged that Mr Biden was “pushing a vaccine that is NOT FDA approved” and that it “shows Covid is a political tool used to control people”, and referenced the Nazi’s paramilitary wing, the “brownshirts”.

This level of lunacy almost fails to register these days. America is in a bad way when somebody this crazy can get elected.
Tommy finally found some hyperbole he didnt like. Good job :happy-1:

It came after Ms Greene compared vaccine workers to “medical brown shirts” who were “showing up” at people’s doors. She also wrongly accused President Joe Biden of using Covid as a “political tool to control people”.

Tweeting on Tuesday afternoon, Ms Green alleged that Mr Biden was “pushing a vaccine that is NOT FDA approved” and that it “shows Covid is a political tool used to control people”, and referenced the Nazi’s paramilitary wing, the “brownshirts”.

"It came after Ms Greene compared vaccine workers to “medical brown shirts” who were “showing up” at people’s doors. She also wrongly accused President Joe Biden of using Covid as a “political tool to control people”.

Tweeting on Tuesday afternoon, Ms Green alleged that Mr Biden was “pushing a vaccine that is NOT FDA approved” and that it “shows Covid is a political tool used to control people”, and referenced the Nazi’s paramilitary wing, the “brownshirts”."

Sure are a lot of people that like to pitch that "Nazi" label around, over bullsh#t. There really are some people that think and act like the Nazi master race, top down, control by fascist armed member enforcement against everybody that thinks, looks or talks different from party dictum, but this Covid-19 vaccine thing sure isn't it. Just loose talk from morons, to banter that Nazi crap around until it is totally meaningless. Still, real Nazi idealist are out there, and what are you going to call them, after subverting the term "Nazi"?

It came after Ms Greene compared vaccine workers to “medical brown shirts” who were “showing up” at people’s doors. She also wrongly accused President Joe Biden of using Covid as a “political tool to control people”.

Tweeting on Tuesday afternoon, Ms Green alleged that Mr Biden was “pushing a vaccine that is NOT FDA approved” and that it “shows Covid is a political tool used to control people”, and referenced the Nazi’s paramilitary wing, the “brownshirts”.

This level of lunacy almost fails to register these days. America is in a bad way when somebody this crazy can get elected.
Whoa! Someone used the term "brown shirts"? My god, what is this world coming to? Oh wait, thats a term that has been frequently used by all kinds of people for decades. Nevermind, this thread is fucking dumb.
Sure are a lot of people that like to pitch that "Nazi" label around, over bullsh#t. There really are some people that think and act like the Nazi master race, top down, control by fascist armed member enforcement against everybody that thinks, looks or talks different from party dictum, but this Covid-19 vaccine thing sure isn't it. Just loose talk from morons, to banter that Nazi crap around until it is totally meaningless. Still, real Nazi idealist are out there, and what are you going to call them, after subverting the term "Nazi"?
I suppose it depends on your level of education and your terms of reference.

It came after Ms Greene compared vaccine workers to “medical brown shirts” who were “showing up” at people’s doors. She also wrongly accused President Joe Biden of using Covid as a “political tool to control people”.

Tweeting on Tuesday afternoon, Ms Green alleged that Mr Biden was “pushing a vaccine that is NOT FDA approved” and that it “shows Covid is a political tool used to control people”, and referenced the Nazi’s paramilitary wing, the “brownshirts”.

This level of lunacy almost fails to register these days. America is in a bad way when somebody this crazy can get elected.
This is who conservatives are, demagogues and liars.
I suppose it depends on your level of education and your terms of reference.


I guess.

I dunno.


Where to begin...

America’s impressive history of bioweapons attacks against its own people

"...According to Rebecca Kreston at Discover Magazine, this event ranked as one of the largest offenses against the Nuremberg Code since its inception because the code requires voluntary, informed consent to, you know, hit people with bioweapons. (Unless you’re trying to kill them, in which case I think the informed consent is off the table.)

But that experiment did not mark the end of such things, just the beginning.
“Over the next 20 years, the military would conduct 239 'germ warfare' tests over populated areas, according to news reports from the 1970s – after the secret tests had been revealed – in the New York Times, the Washington Post, Associated Press, and other publications, and also detailed in congressional testimony from the 1970s.”..."
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let's all keep in mind that hitler, the nazis, and the brownshirts did a lot of good things. i learned this from trumptards. yeah. i can learn so much here.
Your guys' board sucks now, btw.

It's annoyingly dysfunctional trying to post.

Trying to achieve something as rudimentary as italicizing that one snippet was monumentally irritating.

Do you know what you need? I'll tell you...

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It came after Ms Greene compared vaccine workers to “medical brown shirts” who were “showing up” at people’s doors. She also wrongly accused President Joe Biden of using Covid as a “political tool to control people”.

Tweeting on Tuesday afternoon, Ms Green alleged that Mr Biden was “pushing a vaccine that is NOT FDA approved” and that it “shows Covid is a political tool used to control people”, and referenced the Nazi’s paramilitary wing, the “brownshirts”.

This level of lunacy almost fails to register these days. America is in a bad way when somebody this crazy can get elected.
NAZI references are cool for trump fluffers now.

It came after Ms Greene compared vaccine workers to “medical brown shirts” who were “showing up” at people’s doors. She also wrongly accused President Joe Biden of using Covid as a “political tool to control people”.

Tweeting on Tuesday afternoon, Ms Green alleged that Mr Biden was “pushing a vaccine that is NOT FDA approved” and that it “shows Covid is a political tool used to control people”, and referenced the Nazi’s paramilitary wing, the “brownshirts”.

This level of lunacy almost fails to register these days. America is in a bad way when somebody this crazy can get elected.
but the magahats praised Trump for operation warp speed

but now they dont want their cherished Trump vaccine?
Tommy Tainant don't really think anyone is buying the shit that you are selling do you.

Covid is a political tool that our corrupt pols are using to control people and steal trillions from taxpayers. Everyone has realized this.

Pretty sure that the "information takers" or whatever they are called are likely at the least being used to funnel money to acorn types to get out the dem vote and collect information that can be stolen and used by the dems to hide some of their election frauds.

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