MSNBC Host Gets Racial; Says Tim Scott Is McConnell’s “Tap Dancer”


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The racism and bigotry from the left are so thick that you can cut it with a knife.


Like MSNBC’s Tiffany Cross.

She used her little-watched show on Saturday as a platform not to dispute Scott’s policy preferences but to attack him personally, as a black man who is also a conservative, and those who support him — black, white, Hispanic, Asian…whatever.

“Tim Scott does not represent any constituency other than the small number of sleepy, slow-witted sufferers of Stockholm Syndrome who get elevated to prominence for repeating a false narrative about this country that makes conservative white people feel comfortable. Because when you speak an uncomfortable truth, like Nikole Hannah-Jones, the party that Scott claims is not racist gets big mad and tries to silence you,” she said.

For the record, Nikole Hannah-Jones is the author and developer of “The 1619 Project,” which falsely argued, among other things, that the Revolutionary War was primarily fought to preserve slavery. She’s been fact-checked by real academics more times than Donald Trump, but the left, and in particular leftists of color like Cross, continue to pretend as though her work is authoritative, scholarly, and above all, the last word on the issue of how slavery began in the American colonies.

Cross wasn’t through disparaging Scott, however.

“Just this week, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell asked Education Secretary Miguel Cardona to scrap teaching the 1619 Project in schools because it would re-orient the view of American history. Lucky for McConnell, he has his own tap dancer to try and re-orient the view of America for him,” she said.


If one hurts their political ambitions for endless power and a trapped racial voting base, they become the enemy really quick.

It's disgusting. The alt-left needs to be driven out of their sphere of influence.
Lot of racists in that D party, but that's nothing new. They're bigots who can't handle differing opinions. There's absolutely no live and let live in the Democrat party today.
The racism and bigotry from the left are so thick that you can cut it with a knife.

Like MSNBC’s Tiffany Cross.
She used her little-watched show on Saturday as a platform not to dispute Scott’s policy preferences but to attack him personally, as a black man who is also a conservative, and those who support him — black, white, Hispanic, Asian…whatever.
“Tim Scott does not represent any constituency other than the small number of sleepy, slow-witted sufferers of Stockholm Syndrome who get elevated to prominence for repeating a false narrative about this country that makes conservative white people feel comfortable. Because when you speak an uncomfortable truth, like Nikole Hannah-Jones, the party that Scott claims is not racist gets big mad and tries to silence you,” she said.
For the record, Nikole Hannah-Jones is the author and developer of “The 1619 Project,” which falsely argued, among other things, that the Revolutionary War was primarily fought to preserve slavery. She’s been fact-checked by real academics more times than Donald Trump, but the left, and in particular leftists of color like Cross, continue to pretend as though her work is authoritative, scholarly, and above all, the last word on the issue of how slavery began in the American colonies.
Cross wasn’t through disparaging Scott, however.
“Just this week, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell asked Education Secretary Miguel Cardona to scrap teaching the 1619 Project in schools because it would re-orient the view of American history. Lucky for McConnell, he has his own tap dancer to try and re-orient the view of America for him,” she said.

Typical Ptogressive Marxist racism.....
The racism and bigotry from the left are so thick that you can cut it with a knife.

Like MSNBC’s Tiffany Cross.
She used her little-watched show on Saturday as a platform not to dispute Scott’s policy preferences but to attack him personally, as a black man who is also a conservative, and those who support him — black, white, Hispanic, Asian…whatever.
“Tim Scott does not represent any constituency other than the small number of sleepy, slow-witted sufferers of Stockholm Syndrome who get elevated to prominence for repeating a false narrative about this country that makes conservative white people feel comfortable. Because when you speak an uncomfortable truth, like Nikole Hannah-Jones, the party that Scott claims is not racist gets big mad and tries to silence you,” she said.
For the record, Nikole Hannah-Jones is the author and developer of “The 1619 Project,” which falsely argued, among other things, that the Revolutionary War was primarily fought to preserve slavery. She’s been fact-checked by real academics more times than Donald Trump, but the left, and in particular leftists of color like Cross, continue to pretend as though her work is authoritative, scholarly, and above all, the last word on the issue of how slavery began in the American colonies.
Cross wasn’t through disparaging Scott, however.
“Just this week, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell asked Education Secretary Miguel Cardona to scrap teaching the 1619 Project in schools because it would re-orient the view of American history. Lucky for McConnell, he has his own tap dancer to try and re-orient the view of America for him,” she said.

“he ain’t black”

the racist dems just can’t stop being racist
The racism and bigotry from the left are so thick that you can cut it with a knife.

Like MSNBC’s Tiffany Cross.
She used her little-watched show on Saturday as a platform not to dispute Scott’s policy preferences but to attack him personally, as a black man who is also a conservative, and those who support him — black, white, Hispanic, Asian…whatever.
“Tim Scott does not represent any constituency other than the small number of sleepy, slow-witted sufferers of Stockholm Syndrome who get elevated to prominence for repeating a false narrative about this country that makes conservative white people feel comfortable. Because when you speak an uncomfortable truth, like Nikole Hannah-Jones, the party that Scott claims is not racist gets big mad and tries to silence you,” she said.
For the record, Nikole Hannah-Jones is the author and developer of “The 1619 Project,” which falsely argued, among other things, that the Revolutionary War was primarily fought to preserve slavery. She’s been fact-checked by real academics more times than Donald Trump, but the left, and in particular leftists of color like Cross, continue to pretend as though her work is authoritative, scholarly, and above all, the last word on the issue of how slavery began in the American colonies.
Cross wasn’t through disparaging Scott, however.
“Just this week, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell asked Education Secretary Miguel Cardona to scrap teaching the 1619 Project in schools because it would re-orient the view of American history. Lucky for McConnell, he has his own tap dancer to try and re-orient the view of America for him,” she said.

She was able to say those words because (a) she is on that crazy channel MSNBC and (b) she is of the same ethnicity as the Senator.

I have never watched the channel that features a certain disreputable "reverend," but I did use to enjoy a few minutes of "Morning Joe" until he and his wife lost their marbles when The Donald was inaugurated as President.
The racism and bigotry from the left are so thick that you can cut it with a knife.

Like MSNBC’s Tiffany Cross.
She used her little-watched show on Saturday as a platform not to dispute Scott’s policy preferences but to attack him personally, as a black man who is also a conservative, and those who support him — black, white, Hispanic, Asian…whatever.
“Tim Scott does not represent any constituency other than the small number of sleepy, slow-witted sufferers of Stockholm Syndrome who get elevated to prominence for repeating a false narrative about this country that makes conservative white people feel comfortable. Because when you speak an uncomfortable truth, like Nikole Hannah-Jones, the party that Scott claims is not racist gets big mad and tries to silence you,” she said.
For the record, Nikole Hannah-Jones is the author and developer of “The 1619 Project,” which falsely argued, among other things, that the Revolutionary War was primarily fought to preserve slavery. She’s been fact-checked by real academics more times than Donald Trump, but the left, and in particular leftists of color like Cross, continue to pretend as though her work is authoritative, scholarly, and above all, the last word on the issue of how slavery began in the American colonies.
Cross wasn’t through disparaging Scott, however.
“Just this week, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell asked Education Secretary Miguel Cardona to scrap teaching the 1619 Project in schools because it would re-orient the view of American history. Lucky for McConnell, he has his own tap dancer to try and re-orient the view of America for him,” she said.

Thanks for the faux rage.
If I make mention this, mods?

On another board where I posted this same piece one poster, your usual leftist board troll, said in regards to the 'tap dance' remark "is far milder than what he deserves".

Far milder? Yes, I guess that leftist thinks a noose is more appropriate. The leftists always show their true colors.
The racism and bigotry from the left are so thick that you can cut it with a knife.

Like MSNBC’s Tiffany Cross.
She used her little-watched show on Saturday as a platform not to dispute Scott’s policy preferences but to attack him personally, as a black man who is also a conservative, and those who support him — black, white, Hispanic, Asian…whatever.
“Tim Scott does not represent any constituency other than the small number of sleepy, slow-witted sufferers of Stockholm Syndrome who get elevated to prominence for repeating a false narrative about this country that makes conservative white people feel comfortable. Because when you speak an uncomfortable truth, like Nikole Hannah-Jones, the party that Scott claims is not racist gets big mad and tries to silence you,” she said.
For the record, Nikole Hannah-Jones is the author and developer of “The 1619 Project,” which falsely argued, among other things, that the Revolutionary War was primarily fought to preserve slavery. She’s been fact-checked by real academics more times than Donald Trump, but the left, and in particular leftists of color like Cross, continue to pretend as though her work is authoritative, scholarly, and above all, the last word on the issue of how slavery began in the American colonies.
Cross wasn’t through disparaging Scott, however.
“Just this week, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell asked Education Secretary Miguel Cardona to scrap teaching the 1619 Project in schools because it would re-orient the view of American history. Lucky for McConnell, he has his own tap dancer to try and re-orient the view of America for him,” she said.

But is it true?

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