MSNBC claims Their whole staff have Iranian Connections


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
According to fake news MSNBC
Rachel Maddow is trying to claim if you have a business deal with someone from another country or know someone from another country and have association with another person 2-3-4 degrees seperation then you and all those people are somehow in cahoots with the Gov't of that country just because someone came from that country.
Hence MSNBC has contact with Iranians by that standard of logic, so according to Maddows reasoning and propaganda that means Maddow and everyone else in MSNBC is in contact are working with Iran to cause the destruction of Israel and society as a whole. According to Maddow everyone is in denial of the MSNBC connection with Iran and in being outraged by this story means they are admitting guilt, per Maddows reasoning.

Now worse is the fact according to an
NSA gov't employee who posts here, Maddow was a prostitute by way of working for her present girl friends lawn care= she got paid to sleep with her employee, who picked her for that position it was her employee who picked her and paid her then slept with her=prostitution. Therefore according to Maddow that makes everyone ever paid to work for and with Maddow is a prostitute or pimp by way of association. This is the kind of logic the propagandist MSNBC uses with it's fake news.

But worse is association by country is racist, they are the racists accusing anytime you associate with foreigners that somehow you are guilty of that country's politics and that includes MSNBC being racist and uninclusive of specific countries like they accuse the immigration ban=hypocracy.
Getting involved in sabotaging foreign relations is meddling and in many cases are destabilizing and sabotaging your own gov't for sake of ratings or attacking ypur opposition. RIGHT THIS MINUTE Maddow is speaking about Russia's missinformation while spewing her missinformation=Hypocracy.

According to Maddow if you know a guy who knows a guy then you are tied to association and somehow they tie to their countries elect?? Obviously Maddow has never played six degrees of association, and worse is their playing association by country which is utterly rediculous, as we all fit that association yo many countries including her to Iran-DUH!
Hey Maddow, don't quit your lawn care
biz -"wink wink".

So busy talking about a non story yet totally ignore the Clinton associations and not once questioning how Bill took Saudis money, let Bin Laden walk when he had a chance to strike, then 911- Afghanistan-Iraq-Isis was a result of his failurexwhich Might have had ties to his pay to play dealings with those Saudis. Talk about "By Association"
WOW how can you miss the story of the century if not all time??
Epic MSNBC failure to deliver
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except thats not wha racheal maddow said, or anyone on the left has ever said, except republicans who made that exact same bullshit suadi arabia argument during the campaign (and of course Trump has millions dollars invested in saudi arabia and recently gave the prince a fucking medal) or insisted obama was a muslim terrorist simply for living in indonesia as a child and being black
That crowd on MSNBC are the biggest idiot losers that one has ever seen in modern day history. In fact none of them after all they have bent over backwards for in the past, have any room to judge anyone else in the current because they are still ignorant sheeple that haven't learned the correct lessons in life to this very day. They just keep on making fools of themselves, so how is anyone with half a brain supposed to take them seriously ?
except thats not wha racheal maddow said, or anyone on the left has ever said, except republicans who made that exact same bullshit suadi arabia argument during the campaign (and of course Trump has millions dollars invested in saudi arabia and recently gave the prince a fucking medal) or insisted obama was a muslim terrorist simply for living in indonesia as a child and being black
. No, not for simply living as a child in Indonesia or because he is black that makes anyone think Obama is a Muslim want to be, but instead it was because of his actions and speak that brought about the label.
According to fake news MSNBC
Rachel Maddow is trying to claim if you have a business deal with someone from another country or know someone from another country and have association with another person 2-3-4 degrees seperation then you and all those people are somehow in cahoots with the Gov't of that country just because someone came from that country.
Hence MSNBC has contact with Iranians by that standard of logic, so according to Maddows reasoning and propaganda that means Maddow and everyone else in MSNBC is in contact are working with Iran to cause the destruction of Israel and society as a whole. According to Maddow everyone is in denial of the MSNBC connection with Iran and in being outraged by this story means they are admitting guilt, per Maddows reasoning.

Now worse is the fact according to an
NSA gov't employee who posts here, Maddow was a prostitute by way of working for her present girl friends lawn care= she got paid to sleep with her employee, who picked her for that position it was her employee who picked her and paid her then slept with her=prostitution. Therefore according to Maddow that makes everyone ever paid to work for and with Maddow is a prostitute or pimp by way of association. This is the kind of logic the propagandist MSNBC uses with it's fake news.

But worse is association by country is racist, they are the racists accusing anytime you associate with foreigners that somehow you are guilty of that country's politics and that includes MSNBC being racist and uninclusive of specific countries like they accuse the immigration ban=hypocracy.
Getting involved in sabotaging foreign relations is meddling and in many cases are destabilizing and sabotaging your own gov't for sake of ratings or attacking ypur opposition. RIGHT THIS MINUTE Maddow is speaking about Russia's missinformation while spewing her missinformation=Hypocracy.

According to Maddow if you know a guy who knows a guy then you are tied to association and somehow they tie to their countries elect?? Obviously Maddow has never played six degrees of association, and worse is their playing association by country which is utterly rediculous, as we all fit that association yo many countries including her to Iran-DUH!
Hey Maddow, don't quit your lawn care
biz -"wink wink".

So busy talking about a non story yet totally ignore the Clinton associations and not once questioning how Bill took Saudis money, let Bin Laden walk when he had a chance to strike, then 911- Afghanistan-Iraq-Isis was a result of his failurexwhich Might have had ties to his pay to play dealings with those Saudis. Talk about "By Association"
WOW how can you miss the story of the century if not all time??
Epic MSNBC failure to deliver


Maddow is simply connecting the dots that need to be connected and she's doing a pretty darn good job so far....
DID the same news media make a big stink of Trump using
Association of Obama and his father?
So they are doing what they claim was wrong.
The difference was the association game started by Hillary's camp.
ONCE AGAIN: they are interested in a non story that the Feds said was a non issue, yet totally hide thex1998 Bill Clinton failed to kill Bin Laden probably because he *was in the pockets of the Saudis (*as per proven by her emails and pics of the money exchanges)
tmp_6074-bil sheikh mo payoff1830257860.jpg
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According to fake news MSNBC
Rachel Maddow is trying to claim if you have a business deal with someone from another country or know someone from another country and have association with another person 2-3-4 degrees seperation then you and all those people are somehow in cahoots with the Gov't of that country just because someone came from that country.
Hence MSNBC has contact with Iranians by that standard of logic, so according to Maddows reasoning and propaganda that means Maddow and everyone else in MSNBC is in contact are working with Iran to cause the destruction of Israel and society as a whole. According to Maddow everyone is in denial of the MSNBC connection with Iran and in being outraged by this story means they are admitting guilt, per Maddows reasoning.

Now worse is the fact according to an
NSA gov't employee who posts here, Maddow was a prostitute by way of working for her present girl friends lawn care= she got paid to sleep with her employee, who picked her for that position it was her employee who picked her and paid her then slept with her=prostitution. Therefore according to Maddow that makes everyone ever paid to work for and with Maddow is a prostitute or pimp by way of association. This is the kind of logic the propagandist MSNBC uses with it's fake news.

But worse is association by country is racist, they are the racists accusing anytime you associate with foreigners that somehow you are guilty of that country's politics and that includes MSNBC being racist and uninclusive of specific countries like they accuse the immigration ban=hypocracy.
Getting involved in sabotaging foreign relations is meddling and in many cases are destabilizing and sabotaging your own gov't for sake of ratings or attacking ypur opposition. RIGHT THIS MINUTE Maddow is speaking about Russia's missinformation while spewing her missinformation=Hypocracy.

According to Maddow if you know a guy who knows a guy then you are tied to association and somehow they tie to their countries elect?? Obviously Maddow has never played six degrees of association, and worse is their playing association by country which is utterly rediculous, as we all fit that association yo many countries including her to Iran-DUH!
Hey Maddow, don't quit your lawn care
biz -"wink wink".

So busy talking about a non story yet totally ignore the Clinton associations and not once questioning how Bill took Saudis money, let Bin Laden walk when he had a chance to strike, then 911- Afghanistan-Iraq-Isis was a result of his failurexwhich Might have had ties to his pay to play dealings with those Saudis. Talk about "By Association"
WOW how can you miss the story of the century if not all time??
Epic MSNBC failure to deliver


Maddow is simply connecting the dots that need to be connected and she's doing a pretty darn good job so far....

And I used her method which you called cuckoo, which means you are calling her & her logic cuckoo and your reply as such.
Brilliant! You proved hack journalism &
fake news brainwashes & indocranates you.
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According to fake news MSNBC
Rachel Maddow is trying to claim if you have a business deal with someone from another country or know someone from another country and have association with another person 2-3-4 degrees seperation then you and all those people are somehow in cahoots with the Gov't of that country just because someone came from that country.
Hence MSNBC has contact with Iranians by that standard of logic, so according to Maddows reasoning and propaganda that means Maddow and everyone else in MSNBC is in contact are working with Iran to cause the destruction of Israel and society as a whole. According to Maddow everyone is in denial of the MSNBC connection with Iran and in being outraged by this story means they are admitting guilt, per Maddows reasoning.

Now worse is the fact according to an
NSA gov't employee who posts here, Maddow was a prostitute by way of working for her present girl friends lawn care= she got paid to sleep with her employee, who picked her for that position it was her employee who picked her and paid her then slept with her=prostitution. Therefore according to Maddow that makes everyone ever paid to work for and with Maddow is a prostitute or pimp by way of association. This is the kind of logic the propagandist MSNBC uses with it's fake news.

But worse is association by country is racist, they are the racists accusing anytime you associate with foreigners that somehow you are guilty of that country's politics and that includes MSNBC being racist and uninclusive of specific countries like they accuse the immigration ban=hypocracy.
Getting involved in sabotaging foreign relations is meddling and in many cases are destabilizing and sabotaging your own gov't for sake of ratings or attacking ypur opposition. RIGHT THIS MINUTE Maddow is speaking about Russia's missinformation while spewing her missinformation=Hypocracy.

According to Maddow if you know a guy who knows a guy then you are tied to association and somehow they tie to their countries elect?? Obviously Maddow has never played six degrees of association, and worse is their playing association by country which is utterly rediculous, as we all fit that association yo many countries including her to Iran-DUH!
Hey Maddow, don't quit your lawn care
biz -"wink wink".

So busy talking about a non story yet totally ignore the Clinton associations and not once questioning how Bill took Saudis money, let Bin Laden walk when he had a chance to strike, then 911- Afghanistan-Iraq-Isis was a result of his failurexwhich Might have had ties to his pay to play dealings with those Saudis. Talk about "By Association"
WOW how can you miss the story of the century if not all time??
Epic MSNBC failure to deliver


Maddow is simply connecting the dots that need to be connected and she's doing a pretty darn good job so far....

What are the odds that she'd connect the dots on this or any other Clinton Foundation .. existing scandal with actual evidence?

Yes, Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid U.S. Russian Uranium Deal | The Huffington Post
The scarey thing is thinking about how much news we were kept from, how many times we were played and manipulated and
"controlled what to think"
for years and years. "YIKES!"

The Saudis have a saying on one of their crest,
"In the Land of the Blind, the one eyed man is King."
I guess Bill just thought he'd show everyone his one good eye, thinking we were too blind to notice. In the case of the Blind eye news, they didn't even care about the woman victims, just the protection of their own affiliation.
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