MSNBC Calls New Lt Gov Of Virginia A White Supremacist....Even Though She Is Jamaican

1st post
No I don’t want to guilt those who had zero to do with it, I read about our history to learn from it, to understand other peoples point of view. I don’t demean and deminish it and call them a joke while making snide entitled suggestions that they should be thankful.

I’m sorry you can’t sleep, sounds like you have a restless mind. Perhaps some issues in there that you should actually face and sort out so you can gains a sense of peace. You don’t get that from deflecting and ignoring like you want to do with this subject.
We agree you are sorry. You can’t learn their POV. That’s just stupid. So before you read her idiotic project and forgot what she said you had no idea that slavery was evil? You are batshit
Right, you said you would be thankful, and we were having a conversation about your statement regarding blacks being better off here in America… in clarifying your point you said you would be thankful. Don’t dive into word games now, we both know what point you were making and we both know it’s bogus. Blacks being grateful for living in America does not take away from the legitimacy of them exploring the ugly past of America and studying how it has effected our culture and society through the years. You go ahead and plug your ears if you can’t handle the conversation though, perhaps that’s for the best
It’s not word games. I cannot speak for others. I speak for me. I said every single black person I have asked said they are glad they live here vs Africa and they would not be here if not for slavery. If not for Communism my parents would not have come here. Communism sucks but I am glad I live in America vs Russia. Some good may come from bad. You just dismiss it because you’re a whiny bitch.
This guy is an racist and a total sleezebag. This is the way that black elitists preach to the black community....and this racist ideology is how they keep blacks on the plantation:

Liberal MSNBC guest calls Winsome Sears a 'Black mouth' for 'White supremacist practices'​

Liberal commentator Michael Eric Dyson called Virginia's incoming lieutenant governor Winsome Sears a "Black mouth" of White supremacy on Thursday in what critics called a "repugnant" segment on MSNBC.
Sears, a Jamaican migrant and Marine Corps veteran, became the first Black woman elected to the position in Virginia on Tuesday. She declared herself the embodiment of the American dream and that her victory had destroyed "all of the narratives about race."
That apparently didn't sit well on MSNBC, as "The Reidout" host Joy Reid said Republicans "demand credit" for voting for Black candidates. Dyson, a frequent MSNBC guest, agreed with Reid and called Sears a "Black mouth" for "White supremacist practices."
Go to this Link to see the video:​
This guy is one of the worst, if not THE worst race peddler in America today.
His entire living is made on traveling around calling everyone racist. He is actually worse than Al Sharpton. Worse than Jesse Jackson, his rants are so over-the-top disingenuous that he has been snickered at, on stage, by other liberals.
But yet... of course... he still regularly appears on MSNBC and CNN
No it is definitely not a bad thing. . .

. . . but it is also a matter of how much do we do, and at what age.

For instance, at what age do kids need to know that Columbus would cut the ears off of natives that did not find their quota of gold dust, or produce their quota of food, for the gold mining endeavor he set up for his second Spanish exploration?

Is that not something better left for High School or college?

Heroes in the past, WERE conquerors, leaders, titans of industry, explorers and military men. We can acknowledge, that, by our standards today, Columbus would be deemed a war criminal, and still hold him in high regard, as he was a man of legend, FOR HIS DAY. But such complex ideas, are hard for adults to grasp, so, expecting children to understand them? :dunno:

Why is it so difficult to say, there were no good guys, and there were no bad guys at The Battle of the Little Bighorn. :dunno: Folks were different back then, so we judge them by the fears and the aspirations that motivated them.

. . . and context is important too. It is important to emphasize, that all cultures, and all people's, regardless of where they came from, all fought to compete with each other, and treated each other like dirt. Seeing the forest for the trees is super important.

Does anyone actually believe, if the shoe were on the other foot, that Africa would not have colonized the planet, if it had had the luck of position on the planet that Eurpeans had had? If they do, they should probably take a few more classes in Anthro. Humans are all the same.

The United States is, and was, no worse than any other nation on the planet. So being critical, and dividing the nation's youth, at a young age, might not be the best way to foster a community spirit, and promote the national motto ~

E pluribus unum

"Out of Many, One"

The alternative I see the oligarchs playing out in mass culture today? Has only led to balkanization, chaos, and revolutions before in other nations.

. . . but this is obviously what the folks in charge want. They don't want the people to be in control of their own destiny, so they purposely encourage the teaching of hate and division.

I don't agree with it.

I have learned about the Third Reich, the Bolshevik Revolution. We saw the Cultural Revolution and what happened at in Yugoslavia after the end of the cold war. Chaos brings disaster. When elements in society are purposely balkanized, and the leadership does not care about the rule of law, when chaos is encouraged and there is not unity, that is when a nation and a people are put to the sword.

The nation either dies and is divided, or it is turned into a closed society for the benefit of a tiny few.

Either way? it is a no win situation for everyone else.
I agree with everything you said. High school and college are the appropriate places for the more graphic subject matter. If parents want to teach their kids at a younger age then that is fine
5th post
We agree you are sorry. You can’t learn their POV. That’s just stupid. So before you read her idiotic project and forgot what she said you had no idea that slavery was evil? You are batshit
Haha, is this your angle now? Paint ridiculous scenarios and pretend they apply to me?! Wow, you’re way off the path dude. Follow the light and find your way back!
Haha, is this your angle now? Paint ridiculous scenarios and pretend they apply to me?! Wow, you’re way off the path dude. Follow the light and find your way back!
Nope. You don't get to run away. What did you learn from the 1619 project that you didn't already know? You admitted also that black people are best off living in the US. So while slavery was evil it did pave the way for a better life for black people now vs. the alternative of living in Africa. These are all facts that you cannot dispute. We also agree that slavery was evil. We also agree that blacks sold their own people. Like the drug market there is a buyer and a seller. In the US we only seem to want to historically punish the buyer.

So why don't you stop being a condescending prick and admit you lost this debate and lost it badly. But you're dishonest so you won't. Typical leftist.
It’s not word games. I cannot speak for others. I speak for me. I said every single black person I have asked said they are glad they live here vs Africa and they would not be here if not for slavery. If not for Communism my parents would not have come here. Communism sucks but I am glad I live in America vs Russia. Some good may come from bad. You just dismiss it because you’re a whiny bitch.
There is nothing wrong with what you just said. I’m not dismissing any of that, I’ve acknowledge that America is a more desirable place to live than Africa for most people. I’m critical of you continuously coming back to this point as an argument to try and paint people who are discussing the ugly history of our country as jokes and whiners. Just because they now get to live in America doesn’t mean they can’t be critical of how they got here or how our country treated their people. It doesn’t mean all of us can’t look at that history and learn from it…. I guess one needs a certain level of empathy and maturity to do that with this subject which you don’t seem to possess.
There is nothing wrong with what you just said. I’m not dismissing any of that, I’ve acknowledge that America is a more desirable place to live than Africa for most people. I’m critical of you continuously coming back to this point as an argument to try and paint people who are discussing the ugly history of our country as jokes and whiners. Just because they now get to live in America doesn’t mean they can’t be critical of how they got here or how our country treated their people. It doesn’t mean all of us can’t look at that history and learn from it…. I guess one needs a certain level of empathy and maturity to do that with this subject which you don’t seem to possess.
What good comes from discussing the ugly history over and over again. When I was in HS I learned about slavery, civil rights, evil of racism. I did not need CRT. It was very obvious. I learned about Jackie Robinson too. To me he is a true a hero. We agree that racism is evil. But to state the US went to war for Independence to preserve it is utter nonsense. You do realize that many white people came to the aid of Jackie Robinson like Stanky, Reese, Branca. There have always been good people but we seem to only want to talk about bad people. It is very sad. Hence to me people like NHJ are just race baiting assholes.
What good comes from discussing the ugly history over and over again. When I was in HS I learned about slavery, civil rights, evil of racism. I did not need CRT. It was very obvious. I learned about Jackie Robinson too. To me he is a true a hero. We agree that racism is evil. But to state the US went to war for Independence to preserve it is utter nonsense. You do realize that many white people came to the aid of Jackie Robinson like Stanky, Reese, Branca. There have always been good people but we seem to only want to talk about bad people. It is very sad. Hence to me people like NHJ are just race baiting assholes.
We learn about history over and over again because that’s how the world works. There are many elements of history that you did not learn in school. Much was whitewashed and people are now bringing some of that stuff to light so that a more honest account of history can be taught moving forward… nothing wrong with that. That’s how the world grows
10th post
We learn about history over and over again because that’s how the world works. There are many elements of history that you did not learn in school. Much was whitewashed and people are now bringing some of that stuff to light so that a more honest account of history can be taught moving forward… nothing wrong with that. That’s how the world grows
What specifically was whitewashed? Give me an example.

I am giving you specifics, you're providing some weird theories. Anyone who doesn't believe slavery and racism aren't evil are themselves evil. NHJ is evil too. You are just too blind to see it.
What specifically was whitewashed? Give me an example.

I am giving you specifics, you're providing some weird theories. Anyone who doesn't believe slavery and racism aren't evil are themselves evil. NHJ is evil too. You are just too blind to see it.
There were many things in the project. One thing that comes to mind was A meeting that Lincoln had with black leaders. It was the first time blacks were invited to meet in the Oval Office which was historic. The conversation between Lincoln and the black leaders was outlined from the presidential archives and you could read the notes taken from that meeting. It was interesting to hear the way that they spoke. And also to see that Lincoln‘s original idea before emancipation and the Civil War was to encourage these black leaders to rally their people to leave the United States and go to South America to resettle. This is what the meeting was about and that was Lincoln’s original plan to address the slavery and race issues in this country.
There were many things in the project. One thing that comes to mind was A meeting that Lincoln had with black leaders. It was the first time blacks were invited to meet in the Oval Office which was historic. The conversation between Lincoln and the black leaders was outlined from the presidential archives and you could read the notes taken from that meeting. It was interesting to hear the way that they spoke. And also to see that Lincoln‘s original idea before emancipation and the Civil War was to encourage these black leaders to rally their people to leave the United States and go to South America to resettle. This is what the meeting was about and that was Lincoln’s original plan to address the slavery and race issues in this country.
That is not from the 1619 project. I knew about that beforehand. He was in a tough position. Reports are conflicting but he believed that even when free blacks would not be treated well (he was correct). It also helped his strategy of colonization. Back then that was when western powers did.

So what was "whitewashed"....still asking for specifics please.
That is not from the 1619 project. I knew about that beforehand. He was in a tough position. Reports are conflicting but he believed that even when free blacks would not be treated well (he was correct). It also helped his strategy of colonization. Back then that was when western powers did.

So what was "whitewashed"....still asking for specifics please.
I just gave you a specific, yes that was in the 1619 project… not pulled from a secret vault, it’s part of history out there for anybody to find if you dig.
I just gave you a specific, yes that was in the 1619 project… not pulled from a secret vault, it’s part of history out there for anybody to find if you dig.
So the 1619 project didn't provide any new data. But what was "whitewashed"? Still waiting for that example. The fact that Lincoln wanted to colonize South America isn't "whitewashing".

You made the claim. Back it up. You're embarrassing yourself.
So the 1619 project didn't provide any new data. But what was "whitewashed"? Still waiting for that example. The fact that Lincoln wanted to colonize South America isn't "whitewashing".

You made the claim. Back it up. You're embarrassing yourself.
You’re trying too hard dude. Calm down. Of course the project didn’t unveil anything new, I never made that claim. A much rosier picture of American history and our leaders has been taught to our people for generations. Yes all info is accessible if one decided to dig in. The purpose was to bring the stuff that was swept under the rug to the surface for more to learn from and discuss. Why are you so angry?
15th post
You’re trying too hard dude. Calm down. Of course the project didn’t unveil anything new, I never made that claim. A much rosier picture of American history and our leaders has been taught to our people for generations. Yes all info is accessible if one decided to dig in. The purpose was to bring the stuff that was swept under the rug to the surface for more to learn from and discuss. Why are you so angry?
What "rosier picture"?!?!?

I learned about racism, rape, murder, slaves being treated as property, evil of racism and Jim Crow. Evil of segregation. Already gave you the Jackie Robinson example. What specifically was "whitewashed" or rosy? We learned about Selma. We learned about John Brown's Raid. I am not following your train of thought whatsoever. Who is teaching "rosy history"? Don't do that you condescending leftist. Don't run away. Give me specifics of what rosy picture I was taught and of whitewashing that you claim.

"Why are you so angry" is a psychological trick. I am smarter and more educated than you. We have discussed that at length. So don't divert and answer me, like I answered you.

GIVE ME ONE EXAMPLE OF "whitewashing" that was taught to me in school. I'll patiently wait.
What "rosier picture"?!?!?

I learned about racism, rape, murder, slaves being treated as property, evil of racism and Jim Crow. Evil of segregation. Already gave you the Jackie Robinson example. What specifically was "whitewashed" or rosy? We learned about Selma. We learned about John Brown's Raid. I am not following your train of thought whatsoever. Who is teaching "rosy history"? Don't do that you condescending leftist. Don't run away. Give me specifics of what rosy picture I was taught and of whitewashing that you claim.

"Why are you so angry" is a psychological trick. I am smarter and more educated than you. We have discussed that at length. So don't divert and answer me, like I answered you.

GIVE ME ONE EXAMPLE OF "whitewashing" that was taught to me in school. I'll patiently wait.
I got a teetime I’ll respond later

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