Mrs. Obama: Husband knows what struggle means


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Mrs. Obama: Husband knows what struggle means | General Headlines | Comcast

Barack knows what it means when a family struggles," she said. "He knows what it means to want something more for your kids and grandkids."The first lady took the stage as the most popular figure in this year's presidential campaign. Michelle Obama earns higher favorability ratings than her husband, Romney, his wife, Ann, or either candidate for the vice presidency, according to the latest Associated Press-GfK poll. And views of Mrs. Obama tilt favorably among independents and women, two focal points in her husband's campaign for re-election.

She lies as much as her husband......


She's a regular guy

Its going to take more time for them to get US unemployment where they want it to go but like the "change" mantra she never said for the better so we assume the worse
Michelle Obama's $300K "Job" at Hospital Obama Got Earmarks for Eliminated ~ J O S H U A P U N D I T

After Barack Obama became an Illinois state legislator, his wife moved up as well, scoring a job as 'vice president of community relations' at the University Of Chicago Hospital for a very generous salary of $121,910. When Obama became a senator in 2005, her 'salary' leapfrogged to $$316,962 for the same job...and one of Senator Obama's first acts in office was to see to it that the hospital received over a million dollars of your tax dollars as an earmark.

Well, Michelle has moved on,and guess what...that vital job of hers,worth a salary of over $300 K has been quietly eliminated.

It's the Chicago Way, cushy no-show jobs in exchange for political patronage...fist bump.

Of course, she had to work twice as hard to get half as far. She said so, so it must be true.

But I wonder, is this so very different that what Rod Blagojevich was popped for? Except that Blagojevich got caught and embarrassed everybody?
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She lies as much as her husband......

One thing she said is true - 'The presidency doesn't change who you are, it reveals who you are' (I think she is with the Republicans on that one). Or Pelosi might have said it this way ..."We had to elect him to see what's in him"
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I didn't listen to the speech but when did she say that Obama suffered? She on the other hand should be commended for becoming successful coming from a very modest background. But Obama? He has been given everything his entire life, I see no suffering.
I didn't listen to the speech but when did she say that Obama suffered? She on the other hand should be commended for becoming successful coming from a very modest background. But Obama? He has been given everything his entire life, I see no suffering.

I don't think she used the word suffer - she said that President Obama knows what it is to struggle, and for him the economic hardships facing the country "aren't political, they're personal."

See if you are half black and half white you struggle - you have to be authentically BLACK (descended from slaves) to suffer. Michelle suffers, Baracchio struggles.
If you look into his past you can easily see that Barack Obama hasn't struggled a day in his life.

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