Movie Artist Who Portrayed Characters Killing Cops Elected Governer

So now you're passing JUDGEMENT on what's in, no other place but, a man's HEART!?!??


What's next??!??

BTW, Ice-T now plays a COP, of all things, on da teevee.

Funny that.

And he's married to a white chick. Now THAT is some irony.

Song writers worth their salt will write what they feel, or relate what another feels. Unless you are saying Common is a phony, he meant what he wrote when he wrote it.

hell the guy that wrote Terminator was probably writting from a bad place or time in life.

We all grow up though and common hasn't put out jack in years, so I'd hazard a guess that he doesn't feel the same way any more.

So you ARE declaring that the rules are different for movies than for music? Did I say or imply that? No

So do artists who sing other's songs...what about them? Who gives a shit. They get to sing about cop killing and president killing all day...if they DIDN'T write it? How fucking young are you?

Is that how it works? In what ever la la land you want it to work in.

Where do you come up with this shit?

In case you haven't fucking noticed; I actually agree with you that getting all pissed that Common is going to the WH, is utter non-sense.

For fucks sake he didn't even actually say, or truly imply he wanted to kill cops.
Let's stick to movies vs. music.

I want these RWers to explain the rules of ART so we can know how to deal with everything going forward.

So it the PRODUCER or the WRITER of the Terminator series should get blamed and banned from the WH.

What about Horror actors/writers/producers....that genre features gratuitous gore, violence, sex, et al...are those people worthy of being invited to the WH?

Or no?

What are the rules here?

I'd like to know.

"rules of art"



Well, clearly there's rules...according to these rabid reactionary RWers.

I'm just trying to find out.

So far, it seems that movies are held to different standard of art, than music.

Something about what's in a man's heart or feelings or something.

I don't quite have my finger on it as yet, but hopefully...I'll get there.
It would seem all of the Obama's dirty chickens are coming home to roost.

Scumbag Michelle Obama invites scumbag "COMMON" (what an idiot ass name) to the Whitehouse. Scumbag Common (what an idiot ass name) grew up worshipping in the pews of Scumbag Reverend Wright's racist church. Scumbag's Barack and Michelle spent twenty years also worshipping in Scumbag Reverend Wright's racist church.....Scumbag Barack launched his political career in Scumbag William Ayers home. Scumbag Common(what an idiot ass name) sang the virtues of a **** cop killer who was aided in escaping by the Scumbag group known as the Weather Underground, of whom Scumbag Barack's good Buddy, Scumbag Willaim Ayers was a founding member and leader of.

Man, that's called a serious circle jerk of scumbag chickens coming home to roost right there.

Well if anybody was wondering why us normal folk laugh at rabid righties: Exhibit A....:eusa_whistle:
Ahhhhhhhhhh, you lefty's who would drop to their knees and deep throat lil' Barack at the drop of a hat, just can't stand when the dots are thoroughly connected.

Face facts, your boy and his nutter wife are not looking too good with this latest fiasco.
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He's an actor. Don't you think there is a difference between being an acting doing pretend rolls versus writing poetry/lyrics encouraging cop killings?

no one wants Arnold as President.

Did you know, bush 1 invited Eazi E to the white house in 91. You know, NWA. He didnt exactly write poetry.


And Bush W had Ozzy Ozbourne, the Prince of Darkness for dinner.

Ozzy, my mom likes your stuff.... George W Bush
And he's married to a white chick. Now THAT is some irony.

Song writers worth their salt will write what they feel, or relate what another feels. Unless you are saying Common is a phony, he meant what he wrote when he wrote it.

hell the guy that wrote Terminator was probably writting from a bad place or time in life.

We all grow up though and common hasn't put out jack in years, so I'd hazard a guess that he doesn't feel the same way any more.

So you ARE declaring that the rules are different for movies than for music? Did I say or imply that? No

So do artists who sing other's songs...what about them? Who gives a shit. They get to sing about cop killing and president killing all day...if they DIDN'T write it? How fucking young are you?

Is that how it works? In what ever la la land you want it to work in.

Where do you come up with this shit?

In case you haven't fucking noticed; I actually agree with you that getting all pissed that Common is going to the WH, is utter non-sense.

For fucks sake he didn't even actually say, or truly imply he wanted to kill cops.

Well I'll HONEST RWer.


Let's stick to movies vs. music.

I want these RWers to explain the rules of ART so we can know how to deal with everything going forward.

So it the PRODUCER or the WRITER of the Terminator series should get blamed and banned from the WH.

What about Horror actors/writers/producers....that genre features gratuitous gore, violence, sex, et al...are those people worthy of being invited to the WH?

Or no?

What are the rules here?

I'd like to know.

the rules are as follows....

writers,producers,directors,Actors,of any genre allowed to the WH.....

Any black rappers especially Will Smith banned....

Ok this is what you wanted someone to say to prove all white people are racists....
Does this make you happy?
you are the smartest person on the board...

It would seem all of the Obama's dirty chickens are coming home to roost.

Scumbag Michelle Obama invites scumbag "COMMON" (what an idiot ass name) to the Whitehouse. Scumbag Common (what an idiot ass name) grew up worshipping in the pews of Scumbag Reverend Wright's racist church. Scumbag's Barack and Michelle spent twenty years also worshipping in Scumbag Reverend Wright's racist church.....Scumbag Barack launched his political career in Scumbag William Ayers home. Scumbag Common(what an idiot ass name) sang the virtues of a **** cop killer who was aided in escaping by the Scumbag group known as the Weather Underground, of whom Scumbag Barack's good Buddy, Scumbag Willaim Ayers was a founding member and leader of.

Man, that's called a serious circle jerk of scumbag chickens coming home to roost right there.

Well if anybody was wondering why us normal folk laugh at rabid righties: Exhibit A....:eusa_whistle:
Ahhhhhhhhhh, you lefty's who would drop to their knees and deep throat lil' Barack at the drop of a hat, just can't stand when the dots are thoroughly connected.

Face facts, your boy and his nutter wife aren't looking too good with this latest fiasco.

He's an actor. Don't you think there is a difference between being an acting doing pretend rolls versus writing poetry/lyrics encouraging cop killings?

no one wants Arnold as President.

Are you saying that there's a difference in an artist on wax (audio) and an artist on film (video)?

If so...why?

Do you think that movies are more influential or music?

Yes there is. The "artist" on film is portraying a role that was written for him. He can as easily be a cop killer as a undercover cop tearing down the mob (Raw Deal 1986) or a robot from the future (Terminator) or as Mariskas dad Mickey in the Jane Mansfield Story (1980).

A poet on the other hand writes what they feel and believe, that's what makes poetry so powerful in the hands of a master.
I think this thread is dumb (just like the "outrage" thread it's attempting to lampoon).

But I always love the fact that 2 of the stars of Predator went on to become Governors.
Let's stick to movies vs. music.

I want these RWers to explain the rules of ART so we can know how to deal with everything going forward.

So it the PRODUCER or the WRITER of the Terminator series should get blamed and banned from the WH.

What about Horror actors/writers/producers....that genre features gratuitous gore, violence, sex, et al...are those people worthy of being invited to the WH?

Or no?

What are the rules here?

I'd like to know.

the rules are as follows....

writers,producers,directors,Actors,of any genre allowed to the WH.....

Any black rappers especially Will Smith banned....

Ok this is what you wanted someone to say to prove all white people are racists....
Does this make you happy?
you are the smartest person on the board...


Oh I get it!!...the old feigned irony.

Let's stick to movies vs. music.

I want these RWers to explain the rules of ART so we can know how to deal with everything going forward.

So it the PRODUCER or the WRITER of the Terminator series should get blamed and banned from the WH.

What about Horror actors/writers/producers....that genre features gratuitous gore, violence, sex, et al...are those people worthy of being invited to the WH?

Or no?

What are the rules here?

I'd like to know.

"rules of art"



Well, clearly there's rules...according to these rabid reactionary RWers.

I'm just trying to find out.

So far, it seems that movies are held to different standard of art, than music.

Something about what's in a man's heart or feelings or something.

I don't quite have my finger on it as yet, but hopefully...I'll get there.

You gotta be acting....
He's an actor. Don't you think there is a difference between being an acting doing pretend rolls versus writing poetry/lyrics encouraging cop killings?

no one wants Arnold as President.

Are you saying that there's a difference in an artist on wax (audio) and an artist on film (video)?

If so...why?

Do you think that movies are more influential or music?

Yes there is. The "artist" on film is portraying a role that was written for him. He can as easily be a cop killer as a undercover cop tearing down the mob (Raw Deal 1986) or a robot from the future (Terminator) or as Mariskas dad Mickey in the Jane Mansfield Story (1980).

A poet on the other hand writes what they feel and believe, that's what makes poetry so powerful in the hands of a master.

OK, so then it stands to reason that its the WRITER or PRODUCER of the movie that's despicable for creating such evil as gratuitous sex, violence, killing of cops, prime ministers, firemen...etc.

Is that about right?
He's an actor. Don't you think there is a difference between being an acting doing pretend rolls versus writing poetry/lyrics encouraging cop killings?

no one wants Arnold as President.

Are you saying that there's a difference in an artist on wax (audio) and an artist on film (video)?

If so...why?

Do you think that movies are more influential or music?

Yes there is. The "artist" on film is portraying a role that was written for him. He can as easily be a cop killer as a undercover cop tearing down the mob (Raw Deal 1986) or a robot from the future (Terminator) or as Mariskas dad Mickey in the Jane Mansfield Story (1980).

A poet on the other hand writes what they feel and believe, that's what makes poetry so powerful in the hands of a master.

Really? So that means that Shel Silverstein felt and believed that he's never seen a purple cow, and never hopes to see one?

Does Bill O'Reilly "feel and believe" in under-age crack whores giving their pimps blow jobs?
It would seem all of the Obama's dirty chickens are coming home to roost.

Scumbag Michelle Obama invites scumbag "COMMON" (what an idiot ass name) to the Whitehouse. Scumbag Common (what an idiot ass name) grew up worshipping in the pews of Scumbag Reverend Wright's racist church. Scumbag's Barack and Michelle spent twenty years also worshipping in Scumbag Reverend Wright's racist church.....Scumbag Barack launched his political career in Scumbag William Ayers home. Scumbag Common(what an idiot ass name) sang the virtues of a **** cop killer who was aided in escaping by the Scumbag group known as the Weather Underground, of whom Scumbag Barack's good Buddy, Scumbag Willaim Ayers was a founding member and leader of.

Man, that's called a serious circle jerk of scumbag chickens coming home to roost right there.

Well if anybody was wondering why us normal folk laugh at rabid righties: Exhibit A....:eusa_whistle:
Ahhhhhhhhhh, you lefty's who would drop to their knees and deep throat lil' Barack at the drop of a hat, just can't stand when the dots are thoroughly connected.

Face facts, your boy and his nutter wife are not looking too good with this latest fiasco.

Not looking good to who? Right-wing neocon whackjobs? They never have..same ole, same ole. However, his numbers are up....
Who is forcing anyone to watch a movie???

Those with less sense than others work their remedial jobs and buy movie tickets ...

This is a free country and I don't condone impeding people from going to movies...

This shits just too fucking stupid for me to even relate to...
Look if this is the only way to get this President to visit the WH instead of out on the road in campaign mode 24/7 I say thanks...If it takes Def comedy,or Def poetry or a night with Snoop doggie dog or live from the Apollo theater I'm all for it.Maybe someone can show him that he has an office there as well.
It's fucking Hollywood.

It almost means as much as Marcs posts.

And music is just fucking mean Billy Joe MacAllister jumping off the Tallahatchie Bridge really happened? :cuckoo:

Did I say anything about music?

It's entertainment. Some of it I like some I don't. Are you different?

Some of it probably has a real meaning to it, most of it probably doesn't.

I believe that "Puff the magic Dragon" was about weed. And I'm sure that Peter, Paul, and Mary smoked it.

Doesn't mean a damned thing though does it?
Look if this is the only way to get this President to visit the WH instead of out on the road in campaign mode 24/7 I say thanks...If it takes Def comedy,or Def poetry or a night with Snoop doggie dog or live from the Apollo theater I'm all for it.Maybe someone can show him that he has an office there as well.

I'm a dawg, I'm a workin' dawg, I'm a hard workin' dawwg!!! :eusa_whistle:

*banjo panging*

Are you saying that there's a difference in an artist on wax (audio) and an artist on film (video)?

If so...why?

Do you think that movies are more influential or music?

Yes there is. The "artist" on film is portraying a role that was written for him. He can as easily be a cop killer as a undercover cop tearing down the mob (Raw Deal 1986) or a robot from the future (Terminator) or as Mariskas dad Mickey in the Jane Mansfield Story (1980).

A poet on the other hand writes what they feel and believe, that's what makes poetry so powerful in the hands of a master.

OK, so then it stands to reason that its the WRITER or PRODUCER of the movie that's despicable for creating such evil as gratuitous sex, violence, killing of cops, prime ministers, firemen...etc.

Is that about right?

:lol::lol::lol: you're funny. They are trying to MAKE MONEY! They produce what they think will get them the MOST MONEY! The poet you are trying so desperately and inefectually to defend wishes President Bush were murdered....HE WISHES IT WERE SO.

You are such a failure on this, truly, just give it a rest.

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