Motion to dismiss proud boys trial

McConnell Slams Fox and Tucker Carlson For Jan. 6. Portrayal.

Lawmakers, Chief of Capitol Hill Police Blast Tucker Carlson Over Jan. 6 Footage.

Tucker Carlson Jan. 6 Footage Sparkes Bipartisan Outrage.

Capitol Hill Police Chief Thomas Manger Blasts Fox News' Tucker Carlson Over Jan. 6 Tape.

The OP failed in her duty to properly research what she thought was a big story. Fucker Carlson used heavily edited video tape to distort the events of 01-06, Her post does the same.


Tucker must be doing something right.
The allegations are just that, allegations.

If they turn out to be true I hope the people that did it get put in the jail cells of those they cheated out of justice.
No, you don't. You are perfectly fine with show trials against people you disagree with.
Well. The FBI agent lied under oath. Admitted to doctoring/ falsifying and destroying evidence ( at the request of another FBI agent) and intercepted information between the defendant and his lawyer discussing their trial strategy.

no rights violations?
Just another day for the FBI.
If any of them had petitioned the court for a speedy trial, one would've been granted.

There isn't a defense lawyer worth his salt, that would ever suggest to a client that they do that. In fact, they very highly suggest that you do not do that, because they've seen what happens in court to the defendants that do.
Yes, actually claiming your rights must be PUNISHED.
And what we saw was a man entrapped by police in the Senate chambers that was coerced into a confession and is spending four years in jail. The prosecutors should be disbarred and the judges impeached.

The prosecutors should be shot for treason.
He asked for information that was included in the beginning of the video…which was of Tim Pool reading the court documents.

He didn’t look at it.

Obviously he didn’t really want the information…huh?

So why do you idiots ask for it?
They are filibustering. Just deflect and move goal posts until you get tired of dealing with their crap, then proclaim victory.
The video tape is heavily edited for content. I read the court documents, I also watched 01-06 on the day it happened, it was a violent Insurrection. The tape shown by Fucker proves nothing.
Every word of that is a lie.

Judge rejects alleged Proud Boys leaders’ request to dismiss Jan. 6 charges​

A December 2021 article. You aren't aware it is now March 2023?

So apparently we are going to start seeing these now. Based on prosecutors,FBI etc hiding evidence.

I can easily learn to like most anyone named Dominic.
My First Siberian Husky I named Dominic.I went to a
Catholic Parochial school in the great suburb of Shaker Heights
{ where Paul Newman was born } at St.Dominic Church.
St. Dominic { Dominic de Guzman,as a young Spanish Priest}
known for his converting of heretics back to the faith and inspired
boldness of theological character and great ideal of leading souls
to the freedom of God by instructiing them in truth.
Having been taught by the Dominican Nuns in that Parochial
, school,I can testify to a strong yet disciplinary education as a

" The mouth of the just man utters wisdom, and
his tongue speaks justly. "
So , no comment on the actual allegations?

Mr faux Libertarian?
The sad part usually goes untold.More and more each month
we are peppered with example after example of how this
Obama crafted Deep State really operates.Hardly ever for the
betterment of what our founders intended.
Politicians are Paid.By We the People.Taxpayers.
It's about time that ordinary citizens stop playing
into the hands of those who are corrupted and corrupting.
" Discipline must come through liberty.
The first idea that a child must acquire,in order
to be actively disciplned,is that of the difference
between good and evil,and the task of the educator
lies in seeing that the child does not confound good
with immobility,and evil with activity. "
-- Maria Montessori { Italian educator } 1870-1952

So apparently we are going to start seeing these now. Based on prosecutors,FBI etc hiding evidence.

Breaking: the first verdict on a motion to delay based on Tucker Carlson's footage is in, and it was....DENIED!
good luck, insurrectionists.
From your OP....

View attachment 763988

Now, go back to having someone tell you what to think, since clearly you cannot think for yourself
Not even remotely amusing.Biden and his Democrats { even Press Secretary }
are incapable of being honest.It has far and away no longer mere speculation
that Biden and his adjunct { MSM } virtually Live to Lie and do the
opposite of " thinking ". It takes little in the way of being book educated
and rational to rely so heavy-handed on Lies.
Lying and thinking go together like Mao and Stalin.
Like Castro and Trudeau.
That's cute. What is a "hardcore" MAGA? Someone that really, really, REALLY wants to see America made great again?
If that thought scares or petrifies you then you have really serious
problems.You have been " Transformed ". It may be too late to
revert back to simply being an honest,ordinary American.
Being a leftist is not hard.No more than it was for Hannibal
Lector to act so gracious and gentlemanly after he captured
FBI Agent { Ray Liotta } and then wined and dined him while
surgically slicing off the top of his head.Exposing his brain and
explaining what different regions of the brain are used for.
While rebuking dinner attendee Clarice Starling for being
a bit overbearing.Reminding her of how St. Paul was no fan of the
Female persuation.
Leftists' are fans of little more than their ability to be
brats,tattletales and seemingly incontrovertible. In their
Minds eye,of course.Where else.
From your OP....

View attachment 763988

Now, go back to having someone tell you what to think, since clearly you cannot think for yourself
The FBI was caught deleting internal messages.

"In a court document filed Wednesday night, Nordean's attorney, Nicholas Smith, said that following a cross examination of government witness Special Agent Nicole Miller, she was required to turn over any written statements related to her testimony under the Jencks Act. Miller produced her digital messages she had in an Excel worksheet, but "a close examination of the agent's sheet revealed over one thousand hidden Excel rows of messages," the court document said.


"From the hidden rows in Miller's Lync spreadsheet it is apparent that the defense has not received all of her Jencks statements in these relevant communications," the document said. "That is because the individuals with whom Miller exchanges messages can be seen responding to the agent—but her own statements are missing."

There is more.

The FBI was caught spying on privileged attorney client conversations AND tampering with evidence by removing a person's attendance from an official report.

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