Mother tells of pool rape by migrant 'desperate for sex' migrant said it was an emergency


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Well this mother was desperate to get the truth out there.

The authorities are hiding the extent of the criminal activity by migrants by claiming they are trying to protect "the victims".

Bullshit. Unadulterated bullshit.

Now catch this. I want to bazooka barf. The asshole who raped the boy didn't give a shit. He thought it his right to take the boy and rape him. AND then he kept swimming and diving.

'A lifeguard immediately called an ambulance after the boy named Goran went to him in floods of tears, while the Iraqi was so unconcerned by what he had done that he had not even left the swimming pool.

He was jumping off the three-metre diving board when police arrived and arrested him in Vienna

Police arrested him on the spot at the pool in Vienna, and during an interrogation, he told them that it was a “sexual emergency” as he had not had sex in four months.

The migrant had entered the country through the Balkans on September 5, official records show, and said he could not help himself as he had an “excess of sexual energy”. His own wife and children, he said, were back in Iraq.'

The rest of the unreal story is at the link.

'My son cries himself to sleep' Mother tells of pool rape by migrant 'desperate for sex'

'My son cries himself to sleep' Mother tells of pool rape by migrant 'desperate for sex'
THE mother of a 10-year-old boy brutally raped by an Iraqi migrant in a swimming pool cubicle says her son cries himself to sleep every night.
Those people seeking asylum belong in a cave. And shame on heads of states that let them in.
And...if I were that mother...I would be waiting patiently for the scum to be let out of jail, then kill him.
The information that is squeaking out is appalling. Grab this one. At one migrant center a man raped a three year old girl. Now here's the part that just sent me up the wall and the other side down again and had me spitting bullets.

The authorities took the little girl to be examined and yes she had been raped.

But what they did was instead of arresting her rapist they moved the son of a bitch to another migrant center "pending investigation".

Really evil people that don't respect the nations that take them in. Makes me sick.

We don't always agree on everything Matthew but you nailed this one. It's unreal what Merkel and the EU have allowed to happen. Just unreal.
First off, i live in America so things like this won't be taken to kindly by the citizens of the state or the police because we know damn well the police don't even like some of the people they 'serve'. But with all that aside, I am usually the one to say 'thats just bad people ruining it for the rest', when in reality, holding migrants in your country should of been a bad idea from the start:
- Too much money to handle so many people from another country and to sustain the country born citizen
- Bad blood from both sides, ( migrants hating citizens, citizens hating migrants )
- Possible criminals ( murderers, rapists, thieves, including terrorists ) mixing in with the rest
- No promised protection for the citizens living near the migrant centers.

Bad decision for the leaders that accepted so many in hopes of helping. Im not saying don't help them at all and let them die in their home countries, but accepting so many people to come into your country like that is such a drastic decision considering all the possibilites of crimes and terror attacks.

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Well to be honest usually the victim gets whacked for disgracing the family in the ME by being raped but this is a Serbian mother hell bent for justice in Austria. I applaud her.
Really evil people that don't respect the nations that take them in. Makes me sick.

Really evil people are predators. It's what they do.

Don't forget that until modern policing and data bases existed, sociopathology and psychopathology were traits that were favored by evolution.
Unfortunately, when you take the majority of Arabs (or Muslims in general) out of the oppressive controlled family, social, political environment they are accustomed to, many go berserk. Combine that with the sexual frustration of the Muslim males that get excited if the see a female's hair or ankle and you get this sort of thing. In Saudi Arabia he would have his head chopped off under Sharia Law, in Austria he'll probably go to jail for a few years and he'll be happy given the opportunities he'll have there.
Unfortunately, when you take the majority of Arabs (or Muslims in general) out of the oppressive controlled family, social, political environment they are accustomed to, many go berserk. Combine that with the sexual frustration of the Muslim males that get excited if the see a female's hair or ankle and you get this sort of thing. In Saudi Arabia he would have his head chopped off under Sharia Law, in Austria he'll probably go to jail for a few years and he'll be happy given the opportunities he'll have there.

What flipped me out was the casualness is that a word? of the rapist. To take the boy in the cubicle as if it was his right to do so and then go back swimming and diving.

It must have been a surreal moment for the lifeguards and the police who witnessed him diving off the 3 meter.
The information that is squeaking out is appalling. Grab this one. At one migrant center a man raped a three year old girl. Now here's the part that just sent me up the wall and the other side down again and had me spitting bullets.

The authorities took the little girl to be examined and yes she had been raped.

But what they did was instead of arresting her rapist they moved the son of a bitch to another migrant center "pending investigation".


Only one punishment for these psychopathic filth of the world. strip them naked and fasten them by their appendage into a vice with no handle, then place a knife within reach, just, and then surround them with fire wood. Set fir to the wood and leave their fate in the hands of allah They can either bleed to death or burn to death, the solution is in their hands.
Would see the rate of rape by immigrants/refugees/asylum seekers drop within a very short period of time.
Unfortunately, when you take the majority of Arabs (or Muslims in general) out of the oppressive controlled family, social, political environment they are accustomed to, many go berserk. Combine that with the sexual frustration of the Muslim males that get excited if the see a female's hair or ankle and you get this sort of thing. In Saudi Arabia he would have his head chopped off under Sharia Law, in Austria he'll probably go to jail for a few years and he'll be happy given the opportunities he'll have there.

What flipped me out was the casualness is that a word? of the rapist. To take the boy in the cubicle as if it was his right to do so and then go back swimming and diving.

It must have been a surreal moment for the lifeguards and the police who witnessed him diving off the 3 meter.

Under Islamic law it is his right, I would recommend reading the book by Khomeini that deals with sex in islam. It is an eye opener as to what muslims believe is their right and what is disallowed under Islamic holy law
Unfortunately, when you take the majority of Arabs (or Muslims in general) out of the oppressive controlled family, social, political environment they are accustomed to, many go berserk. Combine that with the sexual frustration of the Muslim males that get excited if the see a female's hair or ankle and you get this sort of thing. In Saudi Arabia he would have his head chopped off under Sharia Law, in Austria he'll probably go to jail for a few years and he'll be happy given the opportunities he'll have there.

What flipped me out was the casualness is that a word? of the rapist. To take the boy in the cubicle as if it was his right to do so and then go back swimming and diving.

It must have been a surreal moment for the lifeguards and the police who witnessed him diving off the 3 meter.

Under Islamic law it is his right, I would recommend reading the book by Khomeini that deals with sex in islam. It is an eye opener as to what muslims believe is their right and what is disallowed under Islamic holy law
"Under Islamic law it is his right" to rape boys or girls?
I'm not into any religion, esp Islam, but that's hard to believe.
Could you provide a link that would substantiate your claim?
So does the boy or the poofta muzzy get thrown off the building?

The boy as he is not a muslim, and was enticing the muslim with his doe eyes and provocative manner
Well that sounds reasonable enough. This fine man just needs to be introduced to a coltish 16 year old blonde german lass, to keep him out of trouble. Doubtless a flat chested one can be found with considerable trouble, to suit his particularities.
Really evil people that don't respect the nations that take them in. Makes me sick.

We don't always agree on everything Matthew but you nailed this one. It's unreal what Merkel and the EU have allowed to happen. Just unreal.
There are bad boys in every culture, but it does look especially bad for Islamic cultures that are very SEXIST in their lifestyles.
Those boys are more likely to grow up with sexist attitudes AND be sexually repressed ... until they see Western "promiscuity" and misinterpret cultural freedoms.
I'm sure Merkel & other EU leaders are adapting to the refugee challenge ... without blaming the innocent migrants.

Here's another sad Iraqi migrant story:
"A 14 year-old Muslim boy recorded himself and 6 other “Migrants” gang raping a passed out girl in Belgium.
Five of the six suspects are Iraqi migrants."

14 Year-Old Belgian Muslim Videotapes Migrants Gang Raping Drunk Girl - The Gateway Pundit
It is the culture, society and religion. As long as they insist on keeping their culture, religion and a micro-culture within a larger culture, there will be problems with Muslim migrants to Europe.

Unless Europe embarks on policies that discourage adherence to Islam and the oppressive sexist Muslim culture and incentivize conversion to Christianity (or just atheism) it will end badly.

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