Mother Goose in the Classroom: Trump's Druids?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The new world is marked by economics-based networking (e.g., European Union, NATO, etc.).

It is more important now than ever to consider the social value of values-gauged politics in this age of profiteerism.

The election of the finance-minded Donald Trump as U.S. president reveals politics prioritization intrigue.

Civics is on everyone's mind, and film-makers have been busy making 'customs-consciousness' movies such as The Terrorist, The Wolf of Wall Street, and Syriana.

How will this new psychology impact the classroom? How will teachers coordinate new world politics thermometers (e.g., ISIS, multi-culturalism based capitalism, etc.) with values-based education?

If there are turbulence-managerialism films out there such as The Terrorist and The Wolf of Wall Street, will teachers beckon old world values-sanity lesson 'folk fineries' such as Mother Goose for the classroom?


TRUMP: Values-based education is the best way to go!
DEVOS: The new world is profit-obsessed.
TRUMP: Capitalism has made everyone ultra-conscious about economic shrewdness.
DEVOS: Hopefully, your administration will focus on the financing of education!
TRUMP: That's one of my notes, and Americans need confidence in capitalism.
DEVOS: The classroom must reflect the culture of the people.
TRUMP: People care about money.
DEVOS: We want students to care about money management!
TRUMP: We could consider district initiatives.
DEVOS: Perhaps a 'populism lemonade stand'!


Trump's Choice for Education Secretary Raises Questions (CNN)

The Terrorist (Film)


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