Most Racist President


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Who was our Most Racist President?

I gotta go with FDR here. He's got Tuskegee ad the internment of Japanese Americans to his credit. I was going to say LBJ, but FDR definitely has an edge because of his treatment of the Japanese

What say you USMB?
Obama, black unemploment is up 25% with him in office
Lincoln, by a nose over Wilson and LBJ.

I have to disagree.

None of them ever put a whole group of American citizens in internment camps based solely on the race like FDR did with the Japanese. Further, none of them would experiment on blacks the way FDR did with his Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments. It's not far fetched to see how Nazi scientists might have been influenced by FDR's pioneering Eugenics work at Tuskegee
Lyndon Johnson

Well you know my feelings on LBJ. He dropped the N word like a Sunday preacher talking about Jesus and it's probably likely that he had both Malcolm X and Martin Luther King assassinated for being so "uppity" but I have to go with FDR
With the Japanese camps, I can agree on the basis of sheer numbers

Right, that alone might have been enough, but he had been experimenting on blacks with untreated syphilis for 9 years by that point and several had already died horrible deaths.
Ya but, under Andrew Jackson blacks were 100% employed.

Slaughtered several million Vietnamese..hated Jews.

NIXON FLEW 90 MILLION in Military hardware to Israel over a 72 hour period(Against the will of
many in congress) , Saved the Tiny Jewish Statefrom sure destruction
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